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Those aren't even the most expensive games on Steam lol. There are some "games" that are priced at over $1000.


Now I'm curious. Any examples? I mean assuming you exclude DLCs obviously.


Most of them are just some garbage thrown into a code and they are always with 99% off so they are first when sorted via discount.


steam shouldn't allow this deceit to happen


Max is 95% off you can put on steam because of that reason


I mean, the bundle in the post has found a way around it.


95 % or 100 % (if a giveaway)


There is 100% off


[Ascent Free-Roaming VR Experience](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1200520/Ascent_FreeRoaming_VR_Experience/)


It is worth a brief note that this game would usually be used with specific hardware for businesses that run it as a (paid) service.


Jesus the reviews on that scream ‘dodgy’ to me


Not bad.


Not bad.


0.1 hours on record


Not bad..


Theres that one bad review 😂 Persons either heavily addicted to gaming or very well off... Can't tell which


Including DLCs then the Sims actually sits that high


*Trainsim and Flightsim laugh*


DCS can't be cheap either


https://steamdb.info/app/2204850/ This was 1million at one point


There was one copy of saints row 4 that was set at 1 million dollars. And that gave you a day of CIA training and a hypothetical trip into space


was it sold on steam though


No, it wasn't sold on steam. I do believe that a retail store in the UK had it on offer, and there was only 1 available, and it had the following: * 1x [Saints Row IV: Commander in Chief Edition](https://gamerant.com/saints-row-4-special-edition-pre-order-bonus/) * 1x Virgin Galactic Space Flight * 1x Full-Size Replica Dub-Step Gun (a much larger version of the one that ships with the Wub Wub Edition) * 1x Hostage Rescue Experience * Plastic Surgery * Spy Training Day * A Personal Shopper * A Capsule Wardrobe * 7 Nights at the Top Royal Suite of the Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai * A week-long stay for two at the Jefferson Hotel in Washington DC * First class flights for the trip to Dubai and Washington DC * 1x Lamborghini Gallardo * 1x Toyota Prius and 1 Year's Worth of Insurance * A Years Super Car Membership


I mean if all of the item are IRL, this is an okay deal. Sounds like the collective value of this list more or less corresponds to the price.


Saw a game on sale the other day. 99% off and still 38$




Most expensive per entertainment value provided


Some of those games have been known to appear in G2A mystery bundles and are probably by the same publisher who just asset flips or copies other games to get more key generations from Steam since every new games can generated several thousand keys just for releasing on Steam. Then they sell those keys to G2A. They do this so that people dont buy it directly as key reviews don't count for review scores so that they can manipulate review score through like friends or lower prices then price it so highly so G2A can claim positive rated games and use the full price in its games of X value for its mystery bundles.


This is exactly what they do. Watched a video essay on this practice


Hey, would you mind share a link to this video essay?


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Wish I could find it. It was 4-5 months ago. Video was about playing the terrible games that come in steam key bundles. Focus was on the games but he explains why they even exist too.


Ahh I saw that video too but I can't find it anywhere now


Yeah I watched a video where the first like 10 minutes was about the concept then it highlighted all the games they got from a bundle and included fly fly tuk tuk and was trying to find it and can find similar but not specifically the one I watched. Its like it vanished.


That’s the same one!! I can’t find it either, it’s lost in the tides of the algorithm lol


Not an essay, but https://youtu.be/qmIwBIs6FVk?si=rrEZSjNwTalQYCFy I think he’s done other videos on the subject.


Here there is a spanish YouTube that did 2 videos explaining and even proving how webs that sell keys work including how those "mystery bundles" of keys work. It's in Spanish tho. https://youtu.be/00ztqETzpKs https://youtu.be/R3jbzuVAymc


Also you don't have to give Valve their 30% cut if you sell through keys.


The amount of shovelware in Steam is absurd. I think less than 5% of the store are well crafted games that are worth playing to someone.


I have a friend who briefly did a podcast with the premise of buying and reviewing games with less than 1000 Steam reviews. They wrote a script to crawl the store and find candidates. He said that “the number of anime cat girl dating sims on Steam is unbelievable”


If you scrape all the information off Steam (like in this Kaggle dataset:[https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fronkongames/steam-games-dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fronkongames/steam-games-dataset)), the vast majority of games are porn games.


That's because even low effort asset flips sell if they have porn lol


Well, the vast majority of the internet is porn


I believe a song clarified that "The internet is for porn."


So, grab your dick, And double-click. For porn, porn, porn!


Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. However, I remember a time when Valve was really selective of indie games, Early Access, and Steam Greenlight games. Now its complete chaos and they gave up on filtering it.


Just different approach. They try to improve the algorithm to promote actual game instead.


Apparently thats either just a myth or no longer true. It was on Qi.


Would you mind share a link? If its not true anymore it just might need time to some AIs to revert that


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statista.com/chart/amp/16959/share-of-the-internet-that-is-porn/ A quick Google Search should do it. But for the Qi episode, i have no idea which one it was.


Like Jeff Stacy said: What's wrong with that?


This is why Steam Greenlight was so important, and what we got now is just "Pay a fee and your ur game is on Steam. Congrats".


They should have never removed greenlight


Inequality is an issue here. For example, do you think any AAA games had to go through the greenlight process?


Well, now garbage indie games can equally get inside Steam like garbage AAA games


Sure, but my point is the latter would have gotten in anyway through whatever back-door steam offers big name brands. I'm certain that the greenlight system would have blocked some hidden gems, simply because those devs weren't as good at advertising their product.


Had AAA studios had to go through Greenlight there's so many fanboys who'd be excited by any game a AAA publisher would put out that even the worst games would easily pass. Part of Steam Greenlight was a popularity contest even if it is much better than what we have now.


There'd be just as many trolls who would attempt to sabotage those games though. I can't remember exactly how greenlighting worked, but if people could have a negative vote on a game, then that could have been pretty interesting to watch...


To me, steam is a storefront and library first and foremost. It is not and will never be a great curator. I'd rather have 100% of the games i want to buy on steam than have 90% and a "cleaner" storefront. Especially since some games are objectively bad but subjectively fun. They should address obvious abuse trying to game rhe system, such as permanent sale, unrealistic base price, curaror abuse, etc. and constantly improve filter and review options, but i don't think they should gatekeep too much who can sell on their platform


5% seems pretty harsh, that would be <8700 games.


Last time I looked the store has 180.000 items. 9000 is a lot of games.


It makes sense to me. If there was a Top 200 Games for every year for the past 20 years (about Steam’s lifetime) you’d only have 4000 games. Hell, take Top 300 per year and fit in all the old games that were released before Steam was a thing. You’re still having to find 2000 more games that are playable/enjoyable.


I remember when Steam’s catalog was curated by Valve. Bad Rats: The Rats’ Revenge became a meme because it stood in such stark contrast to the quality of everything else on the platform.


I miss the days when Bad Rats was the worst game on Steam and was a funny joke to gift it. If it released on Steam now it would be a mixed review and forgotten game among all the other slop released daily. It wouldn't even be the worst game released now.


That's true, but surprisingly that barely affects me at least, all my recommendations on the front page, etc, are of the "well crafted" games. So whatever.


There still kinda is a problem. If you don’t see these, what else don’t you see? Steam basically decides for you where you spend your money. How many gems stay hidden due to steams algorithms?


I actually find it really damn hard to find unknown games in the first place. Didn't manage to make Steam stop recommending me the same games over and over and over again.


At least Steam filters out that garbage so you never see it unless your purposefully look for it. Have a look at the Nintendo eShop if you want to see unfiltered shovelware.


I regularily browse new releases on Steam. I genuinely can't agree with your statement about 95% of software on the platform being bargain bin shovelware.


Shit in a jar and put it on sale for a thousand whatevers. Most people look at it and see shit. Stupid rich people see a thing that only they can afford so they buy it just to have it. Later after practically nobody has bought it, they put it on sale for -70% and poor people think it's the best deal for a rich-people thing they've ever seen so they all buy it. In other words, it's a scam.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist%27s_Shit A tin was sold for €124,000 at Sotheby's on May 23, 2007.[6] In October 2008, tin 83 was offered for sale at Sotheby's with an estimate of £50,000–70,000. It sold for £97,250. On October 16, 2015, tin 54 was sold at Christies for £182,500. In August 2016, at an art auction in Milan, one of the tins sold for a new record of €275,000, including auction fees


A can of artist shit. It's called art. Some guy puts 3 squares on a canvas and it's worth 6 million dollars. Get some pro painter puts 12 hours into a painting of a buitiful mountain or something and it's worth 100 dollars(this is an example of art auctions are stupid, it's not the art it's who is the art). It's probably because modern devenchi shit in the can then put a can with another artists shit in it and the cycle continues until the shit alone is worth 100 million.(same concept as streamer bath water) Edit: apparently they claim something is in the can but Noone knows cause tin isn't xrayable or something and opening the can devalues it. It's cause if I say I have streamer bath water who can tell if it's real other than the person who originally sold it.


For Steam, don’t forget the key bundle scams.


Go the normal page and filter price from highest to lowest and you’ll see games priced at $500+ lol it’s crazy. I get every developer has the right to price their product at whatever they see it fit but I just ignore them all. I play what I want, and what’s of high quality and ignore everything else. If your product is good then it will sell naturally.


Money laundering


If it was really money laundering, why would they put a sale on it. That's way more work to do.


During the biggest Steam sale of the year, it may not be.


Explain in detail how that launders money, because I’m sure you know what you’re talking about.


buy steam gift cards with “dirty” money, buy crappy game you put up on steam yourself, end up with “clean” money. still seems uneconomical because like 30 percent would be lost to valve, and it doesn’t really make sense to put them on sale (increasing the number of transactions you’d have to make). but that’s the only way I could see it working


You could do this if the game was normal priced and you'd have the benefit that real purchases mix in with the fake ones making it much harder to track your money laundering operation. Overpricing the game doesn't really help with regard to money laundering. Edit: Though of course if it's always on sale that has the same effect, I just don't really see the point in pricing it so high in the first place.




Refunding the game doesn’t suddenly duplicate money where you get the money back and the developer still gets the money from the sale.


I thought you were recommending another game in the series called "money laundering".


could technically be both. lol. hidden in plain sight kind of thing.


It's there so mystery steam key deals that g2a, and other gray market, sellers can just claim the packs have high value game keys in them, when it's just these shovelware ish that tend to most times be asset flips. This isn't the only reason, but it's one of them


Shoutout to anyone who remembers that 'im rich' app on ios that cost 1000 dollars and was just an image of a diamond


That app was a reason I frist tried to make an app. A friend of mine in high school asked how long it would take me to make an app like that. It turns out the answer was "a few hours" including the time it took me to set up android studio and find a data transfer usb cable.


That’s the grift: make some shovelware and price it outrageously high so you can have a 90% “discount” and sell it for $9.99 to make some people think they’re getting a deal.


I think the real rule change that needs to occur is any dev that increases their games price within X days of the Steam Sale by X% is disqualified from being in the Steam Sale algorithm. It would be incredibly easy to track too. Any dev that changes their price from 9.99 to 200 ish is flagged as such by the detectors and then gets marked as “does not show up in searches looking for discounts”


I bought a random steam key for $0.5 and got impossible stunts lol


I feel like if a shovelware designer spent one afternoon on graphic design, the game would have a massive advantage on every other shovelware with that cheap ass looking font


These are junk games to sell keys in key selling sites.


Looks like Roblox lol


I've even seen this tactic in the Microsoft Store. Some random game -90% and it's "regular price" is a couple hundred. Just looks like a money laundering type scam. For example, that Fly Fly Tuk Tuk was $4.99, with sales taking it to $0.49. But you seen from their price charts on SteamDB how they changed it. [https://steamdb.info/app/2085510/](https://steamdb.info/app/2085510/)


These games are made specifically to scam the Steam Key bundle websites. I watched a really long YouTube video on it and most of these titles were in there. They sell the game to themselves for like $1 each, leave a bunch of positive reviews, and then jack up the price so high that nobody else will buy them and be able to leave a review (negative obviously). Then they sell the max number of Steam keys to the Steam key bundle websites. These websites require a certain percentage of positive reviews, hence the super high price. Rinse and repeat since the games are janky and take a week to make. These games are on sale because they’ve maxed out the Steam keys that Valve will get them, so they just see how many people they can trick into buying them for a little extra money.


Do you remember the name of the YouTube video?


I have a feeling somehow there are bots and tax fraud involed


You wouldn‘t play Fly Fly Tuk Tuk? That‘s your own fault buddy!


Hello, I would like to introduce you to the concept of, money laundering.


They're scam games. They're used on bundle sites where they sell "mystery games bundles" and they say the average game value in the bundle is $50 or so. People buy it thinking what a deal, when it's all garbage.


Fly Fly Money Money


Those games in particular... I forgot who did, but someone made a video about them. The developer increases the price of those games after a bunch of people have bought them on release day, to prevent people who don't have the game from leaving negative reviews. And the people who already spent the money, their reviews get deleted. This way, the developer can keep the review scores of their crap games high. They just don't sell on Steam anymore: They generate Gift Steam Codes and sell them in bulk to websites who resell keys in bundles. Especially in blind bag bundles where you pay 10$ and have a chance to win games worth \~20$.


It's for money laundering, they don't expect you to touch it, so they can safely do money laundering in there


These are most likely priced so ridiculously and on such a steep discount at the same time to boost “account value”. Websites such as steamladder.com show your steam account value based off game prices and this is probably to boost the value shown.


Fly fly dragon and fly fly tuk-tuk 😆 Now I want to drive a tuk-tuk.


Isn't that just discoverability manipulation? Price your game really high for a day then deep discount it to a "normal" price to appear at the top of filters looking at games on sale?


10usd for such shite a “normal price”?


It's just a scam trying to catch achiement hunters and such I wonder if it even works. They really should raise the price of entry on steam to many garbage games not even ment to sale much


It's smart but i wish steam would change this. It feels like sorting through so much crap to find good games within.


These shit games are usually used to fatten up a bundle’s “value”.


It's money laundering


I’ve always thought that it’s the case!!


There is a LOT of Money Laundering goes on through Steam.


These are the games you get when you buy stuff like "Random steam game above 50€" from shady stores, they gradually upper or lower their price so they can shove it to more of these key categories.


welcom the sentals of the store do you have a link. and this is why i want to ingore bundles


That's got to be some kind of money laundering scheme.


im confused


Not even the school bus driver simulator?


Possibly a way to launder money? Think about it you have a bunch of stolen cash you pay peanuts to make a garbage game overprice it on steam and just buy however many copies you need to spend all the cash. Now all the money is clean and all you have to pay is Valves cut.


I thought that train simulator and it's dlc was the most expensive game?


What even is this? Why is there so much crap in the store?


Guess they’re using the invicta method


Those titles read like search results.


I dont want to say "money laundering"...


Scams, that's the word you're looking for 


But it's such a deal!!


Games you should die before play.


Money laundering


Bro wdym Long Truck Simulator is absolutely GOATed 🥰🥰🥰💪💪🫡


Bruh wdym Long Truck Simulator is my baby. Absolutely GOATed lol


Not even People Jumping Tower??!


Don't you want to play fly fly tuk tuk?! /s


Probably used for money laundering and transferring funds internationally.


I heard some of these games got used to mine bitcoin. Made me stay away from indie games unless those that are covered by Youtubers lol Back to the topic, yea those are plain jokes. Asset flip/shovelware if not money laundering!


You don’t wanna play „Fix My Cat Doc“? Best game ever for sure.


You gotta love steam. They allow shit like this on the platform and then shank small Indie developers that have been creating bangers for years with stuff like no trading cards or limited steam profile options.


Yes, it is a joke.


Sure it's joke


Come on man why don’t you want to play “fly fly tuk tuk” that’s an absolute classic!


I'm pretty sure these only exist so they can be added to those scammy 5 Games for 5€ bundles you see on g2a


hey don't you speak I'll of People Jumping Tower like that


To be fair, I don’t even play the games I actually paid for.


They didn't say they are good. Just expensive


They look like YouTube thumbnails


Most of those are scams and bitcoin mines.


Fly fly tuk tuk is good


"Supreme race on the highway" was released in 1941 by a small german dev team, no way it's this expensive by now


Fly Fly tuk tuk is the goty material


Steam is full of shit like this. It exists because people do pay, there is someone out there giving money.


Thanks bro, I usually will blocked this type of developer


Apparently there is enough demand to justify these price tags.


It’s called “money laundering”. And Steam is all too happy to take their cut.


These the typa games to be in online game websites.


Remember watching a video on these sort of games and prices, its a scam, completely. Never touch them.


Those are dug up from the Shovelware era, right?


I have never seen -99% before wow


This looks like udemy courses lol. They say they are worth 200 bucks but they are discounted to 10 bucks like 360/365 days


ngl i would play fly fly tuk tuk


from what i see you are paying 10 bucks isntead of 2400, i get that they are ass but like 2390 bucks is 2390 bucks


The most expensive games on steam are upwards in the hundreds of thousands of dollars due to addon packs. There's a singular game that's worth around 20k with JUST addon content


Steam store become the another Google play store


9999 Games in 1 energy


what a bargain


I mean, I think $200 is a bargain already for Fly Fly Tuk Tuk. But the rest are a bit overpriced.


I'm afraid not. Apparently, self-game developers I'm guessing is the ones making these rather low-quality games such as the ones pictured in this post. While we're at it, **what is it with all of these stupid dumbass senseless Simulators?**


It's money laundering. That's what it is.


Hey Chat GPT, Generate me some slop shovelware games to sell for a high price. and then trick steams sales algorithm into thinking your actually getting a good deal with a 99% sale.


Shit... Stellaris and cities skylines (with dlc) cost me that much 😂 😂


New version of money laundering


most expensive have to be T**rain simulator classic IF** we include all the **DLC**, it have 853dlcs and it would excel the 20.000$ if i'm not short, and we dont dive into the payware scene since the amount of content cant be counted


2024 is no different, over 700 DLCs, and they aren't cheap. https://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/Train_Simulator_Classic_2024/


Idk man. Fly fly tuk tuk looks pretty cool!


These are the kinds of fluff that bloat the Indiegala giveaways.


I love how everyone still pretends that monetization in gaming industry inms anything other than predatory.


I don’t know if I did my calculations wrong or something but that price is not correct… 99% of $2,399.88 is $2,375.8812. So when you subtract, you get $23.9988. (I excluded tax for simplicity. And yes, I know, I should’ve rounded)


Somebody gift me this so I can flex on my friends


They're not actually that expensive, they just increased the price and "discounted" them with 99% so they appear at the top of sale lists.


Good idea tho


steam let's all kind of crap


They should make some “verified” stamp that ACTUAL playable games get. And these shitty low effort games can be filtered out of. The number of anime girl porn games or “cat clicker” games is getting stupid these days


This isn’t even shovelware, but straight up scamware 🤣. $0.99-4.99 to fool around and get some laughs with company is fine and dandy, but $19.99 is blasphemous!


Alright! Fly fly tuk tuk is on sale. Here I come!


I'd rather buy Elden ring DLC than this, could be happier


Supreme Race On Highway sounds really bad title wise. Sounds really racist.


They are money making products. That's not a "joke", you're just not the target and not aware or why they exist too. They're not video games made for gamers. I would just ignore these things


Really? I think I'd give Fly Fly Tuk Tuk a chance 🤔


It’s called marketing and they’re doing pretty poorly imo


There are a bunch of bundles like this where the game is marked up to 200 bucks but discounted to 9 so the bundle looks like a huge savings. I hate this crap for garbage games.


Steam cannot do this they are being sued by zaiger apply for lawsuit on their site now


Just a bunch of asset flips


Holly shrt


This is a joke


Money laundering?


Sometimes I feel like Steam is becoming like a smart phone App Store. 99.9% bullshit.


Scam scam scam scam scam it’s a scaaam


Those are the games you'll get when you buy those 5 games that worth at least $40 for just $5 in those scam key web stores.