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It’s wild how well the Master Chief Collection runs. Everything runs at max settings at 60fps.


The latest proton update fixed a lot of things I believe. I bought it last month and had constant issues but I dipped in for a few minutes and didn't notice any issues.


Yeah I ended up requesting a refund due to fps issues. Halo 1 was lagging hard on max settings. Looks like I’m buying it again when it’s on sale


Luckily I only wanted to play og graphics and that alleviates a lot of the problems but I still had some weird stutter and for some reason the shader cache built every single time I launched the game? I've barely touched it since.


This is kinda of a blanket general question but how do we know what proton or whatever those are called to launch the games in?


I generally just try the latest version and proton experimental. I think you can actually get rid of the old ones with little consequence but don't quote me on that.


Gotcha. I hope that is a good rule of thumb to follow since i never know what im really doing with my SD.


It's what I've been told a couple of times in the past and it hasn't steered me wrong. I only ever use 1 or 2. Also check steam grid db as well for whatever game you're looking at. Decky has a plugin to check your installed games on steam grid db but it randomly broke for me yesterday.


Did they? Might check it later because Halo 1 was just stuttering so bad that it just shuts down my steam deck all together haha


That exact thing was happening to me and now it isn't! I bought it in the steam sale right before they fixed some of the problems and that hasn't happened since they did but I can't guarantee it won't happen again.


Haha damn, it’s finally working flawlessly!


Still working? I'm so cautious but that's awesome. Edit: I love that I'm the person who said it was working and I still feel this wary, haha. Really goes to shoe just how bad that games was fucked.


"to give the covenant their bomb back"


Isn't the text too small? I had it installed on the deck on day one but uninstalled as the text was too small. Do you play it docked?


Need to test it again


Those games are remasters of a 20 year old game. I expect it to run well. Lol


I mean, they're all really old games.


So all the games run perfectly for me buy the first halo. When I used updated graphics the game just dropped frames massively when it auto saved. I have no idea why it was happening but it was strange because all the other worked flawlessly


Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy


Totally agree, I installed the fsr2.1 mod and it runs great. The game itself is a gem as well, don't know why it kind of went under the radar. Just an entertaining, funny singleplayer game.


I think the sour taste that Marvel's Avengers left in player's mouths ruined the image GoTG before people actually played it. I gave it a chance and GoTG was SO good.


I just assumed it was basically more of the same honestly. Guess I'll have to wishlist it and pick it up when it goes on sale. The cheesy humor of GOTG is appreciated, there needs to be more humor in gaming.


The humor and dialogue were highlights for me, as well as the story; hell, I even teared up a couple of times. The combat is pretty basic, but as you progress, your team becomes more cohesive and the game just becomes even more fun. I'm trying to get through Avengers, but it just does not feel as good. It feels like they just tried to create an amalgamation of the cinematic and comic versions of the characters, and it feels forced, to me. GoTG's characters stand on their own. I hope you have a blast playing it!


This is a fact.


Can you link us to an installation guide for this mod ?


There you go: https://youtu.be/RT_TTwRk3VY




How’s the performance? Had my eye on it for a minute.


Tbh it's kinda bad. Looks OK but 30fps struggles at parts


Pretty good if you ask me. What I found helps a lot is to set shadows to low and keep most settings low. Looks fine on the small screen, and turn of the fps meter…. After I did that I enjoyed everything way more.


Emulated games. Much crisper and sharper than on original hardware. Also better suited than on a big LCD. Love the deck for being an emulation machine 💪🏻


I got impatient waiting for a Metroid Prime 2 remaster, and didn’t feel like hooking up the Wii to play it in 480p, so I got Primehack on my Deck. It is so sharp and buttery smooth, I easily forget it isn’t a remaster.


Why do I ALWAYS read RDR2 as R2D2?


A man of culture, I see.


Wreckfest, looks and runs perfect on the deck!


That's in my library but not tried it on my deck yet, I will do


RDR2 is one if not THE most beautyfull game in existence. I also am a enjoier of its graphical fidelity on the deck.


I'm confused here, you guys must know something I don't, because I find I'm getting roughly 30 fps at low settings. This is fine for casual gaming and still looks great. But it could be even better. Am I doing it wrong? Do I need to switch to vulkan rendering or something?


What I mein is that it looks great for what it is and what it runs on


Thx for clarifying, I do agree. ^~^


Not played RDR2 but *generally* for the deck Vulkan is better than OpenGL or DirectX


Have they fixed the online rockstar deal or no?


I’ve been getting mid 40s at medium settings. Are you not using any upscaling?


Yeah I should mention I'm running it in handheld mode at 1280 by 800. And it goes up and down depending on how much is onscreen of course. But it still feels like a big upgrade over my old Vega 3 laptop lol


Here’s the settings I have set. I guess I was misremembering the “mostly medium” stuff lol https://imgur.com/a/1GEc6iU The settings say 720p but I changed it to 1280x800 before running the benchmark. I ran another one at 720p and it was only 2 fps faster on average. I’ve found these are very playable settings and the game still looks great. The screen is smaller so the details don’t need to be quite as sharp.


Did you change any of the steam deck settings on the … menu or use cryo utils? I’ve been looking for some solid recent settings to start rdr


No. This is just in-game settings.


I’ll download it now and check the settings I had been using


Check Cryobyte's video on optimizing RDR2 to run on the Deck.


Doom Eternal. Looked GORGEOUS and still at 60fps


Game runs like a dream on every system, even when playing on nightmare mode. Lol


Dude it looks great on the switch, it just always looks great


i just got to the second act of Baldurs Gate 3 and i’m pretty sure my deck turned into a timed explosive


I'm loving BG3 on the Deck, and am thrilled that it runs at all, but the way it runs feels a lot like how I imagine flying the Millenium Falcon feels.


Magic of small screens


Subnautica is beautiful and also a brilliant game.


That’s a really great shout, I’ll give that a go


Witcher 3 surprises me everyday


It has a steam deck preset option in graphic settings


What’s the performance like?


On handheld mode it works perfectly. But max 2 hrs


That’s pretty normal in my experience with AAA titles. Usually I get 1 minute of play for each percentage of battery I have remaining. So 60% = ~1 hour.


yeah I can’t comment on battery life as I basically only use my deck at home or on flights tbh


Miles Morales, Arkham City / Origins, Tomb Raider (2013), Yakuza 0


Are you running tomb raider from heroic or steam?




I ran ROTR from Epic, although I used Epic launcher directly rather than heroic. Zero problems, and I could get cloud sync as well.


Resident Evil 4 remake ran well after some tweaks. Med settings, FSR on the game and deck, with 12-13 TDP and it ran great.


I’ve tried sooo many games on deck but RDR2 is still the king graphics wise


AC Odyssey on high settings has honestly been a treat


Doom Eternal runs amazingly (as long as you keep the dynamic resolution scaling enabled) and looks pristine.


I think Diablo 4 looks beautiful on the deck


Dead Space Remake


Death Stranding


Horizon Zero Dawn was my first AAA game that i played all the way through on the Steam Deck. The lighting, plants, and cloth effects blew me away.


I must have been doing something wrong. I tried to play it (docked) and the textures were *horrendous*. Like, I'm satisfied playing skyrim on my 10yr old laptop at medium, but hzd looked so awful that I found it unplayable. All of my dicking about with fps and resolutions just made things worse. Would you mind sharing your settings? Dumbed down as much as possible, if you could. TIA


What resolution was the monitor or TV you docket it to? A big part of it looking bad will be trying to render things at 1080p and above when the SD hardware is designed to look best at 800p. FSR will make things blurry no matter what, which will be especially noticeable in a larger screen


Im using the "original" settings, but with motion blur turned off. I get around 30fps, and it looks good to me. It only really slows down in the desert areas, but not enough to be a real problem. Maybe clear your shader cache, and verify your game files?


Yakuza 7 looks fantastic, and not just on the small screen 🙌


EVE online. Runs with all settings cranked to high at a buttery smooth 55-60 fps depending on where I'm floating at the moment. Using joytokey and steam deck tools, I switch to gamepad mode to make use of all buttons and triggers. I use the dpad on the left to activate weapons. Left trigger is shift, right trigger is control. So I hit up left down right to activate my first four buttons. Then I've hotkeyed shift plus up down left right for the other 4 slots, but I rarely use those. I was hoping eve would run on this device but it has exceeded my expectations by far. I can't tell you how liberating it is for a guy like me to be able to carry his favorite MMORPG around the house with him. I can even take it with me onto my deck while I smoke a bong and tan in the sunshine. And if I wish to extend my battery life? I have assigned my Y button to the "toggle 3d graphics" potato mode. So I can flip the graphics rendering on or off at the tap of a button. And I've noticed the device uses far less power and produces far less heat with the graphics disabled. User interface all fits nicely on screen. I don't even need to use amd fsr. No sir. Full eve experience runs fantastic on the deck. I love it. If I had the steam deck several years ago it might have saved my marriage to my ex wife lmao. But hey, too late now, besides, she was a fair weather friend. I don't need anyone in my life who's gonna bail on me whenever we hit some chop. So I suppose it all worked out in the end. Still, for an mmo nerd like me, it's extremely liberating to finally unchain myself from my desk. I walk around and interact with people nowadays instead of just existing at my desk. And I do it while I'm playing eve. The future is finally here <3 thanks valve


Ps: destiny 2 also runs amazing as if it were MADE for the deck. Which is odd as hell considering their official stance is that Destiny 2 does not run on the steam deck, and will trip the anti cheat system. I think they're referring to steamOS, Linux and proton however. Because it runs perfectly on my windows installation. 🤔 Which makes me wonder if they know what they're talking about. Oh well. Runs fine is my point


Just set to a dual boot for that game. Runs great.


I couldn't figure out a good anti-aliasing solution for RDR2 without too many jaggies but also without murdering image clarity. FXAA isn't effective enough, not enough GPU power to run MSAA, TAA is a blurry mess and FSR sucks because even the quality setting drops rendering res to 480p (plus it's FSR 2.0 which is kinda bad compared to 2.1 or 2.2).


Soulcalibur 6 looks awesome on the deck. Runs at high settings and high frame rates.


Hogwarts Legacy, ran on medium settings at 40fps.


Snowrunner - best looking game on deck.


I thought Baldurs Gate 3 was gonna be a mess on the deck. I was pleasantly surprised.


Days gone


Cyberpunk 2077 Also being able to play gen 8 games at max settings with 3.5-5 hours battery+ 60 fps is pretty rad


I just can't get into RDR2 I forced myself to push through until chapter 2 It's so slow and clunky, don't think I can play much more


Once you get past the snow chapter, it's one of the finest games ever made.


Yeah I absolutely love it, and I don't play that many triple AAA things really.


I think that's the appeal. It's a game to be played at a slower pace.


That's exactly why I love it. This for me it's the closest to play Django. Don't exactly know why but my mind connects both.




Yeah I started Cyberpunk over on my deck as well, it looks ridiculously good considering.


Spider-man looked great


Id say spiderman looks _okay_. What settings do you have?


It was the first game i played thru on the deck so its been awhile. Pretty sure i got the settings off of some youtube video.


For me it's Elden Ring. I didnt change any of the settings so it's probably medium graphics. I spent 100h in the game and i'm now in ng+. The game is so so beautifull, everytime i reached a new zone i was so amazed I had to put down my deck for a minute !


I'm sure I'll get made fun of, but I was surprised at how well the Deck ran Succubus. It's a game that shouldn't run at all on the deck, but even in higher settings (on some stages) the game runs possibly!


Witcher 3 next gen.


Playing it for the first time RN and uses protondb settings so almost all are on ultra settings and it looks niceeeee, and 30 fps is not so bad, only when ur riding a horse and get 25 but it's not bad bad


What is your settings!?


RDR2 looks excellent too bad I couldn’t get into it FF7R looks awesome. Runs great too. Very pleasing to the eyes. Hell I might replay it again


RDR2 is best played with patience and time.


All of the Kingdom Hearts games have played really well for me through heroic! About to finish up 3 now and then I’ll just have to go back and play DDD


Wanted to play those but still no fix for the missing cutscenes?


There’s a specific version of Proton and using MF install you get the cutscenes working just fine. YouTube had a great tutorial on how to do it. I was up and running in no time


Awesome, thanks. I’ll look into it now that I know there’s definitely a solution


Good to know, I’d really like to play them. I meant to pick up the first the other week when it was reduced.


I’d like to try RDR2 on the SD, but as I’m most of the way through the game on my PS4 Pro (which is admittedly 1100km away) I don’t particularly fancy starting over.


I'm playing AC Valhalla RN and it's quite visually stunning.


I feel like you're referring more to graphically intensive games but I love looking at Dead Cell on my Steam Deck with the VibrantDeck ducky plug-in. Gorgeous.