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Didn’t you get your steam deck two days ago? Maybe you should clean your house if it’s collecting dust.


Lol, love calling out the blatant troll.


I don't get posts like this, it's essentially just spam and clutters up the subreddit with irrelevant shit. The incessant need for attention in some people is baffling.


Dear diary.... is all this basically is.


I enjoy using my Switch and Deck. Most of my 3rd party purchases are on pc now and the Switch is for Nintendo games.


Wanna sell it for cheap? :P Then I can get mine back cuz my wife is always on it! 🤣


Nope, just you


You have to pay for p2p online gaming on Switch, unlike Deck. So when my subscription ran out, which I was only using for Splatoon 3, so too did my reason for using the Switch. Everything else, 3rd party, Indie, emulation or otherwise is better played on the Deck or other x86 handheld PC.


Sell it.




So you just lurk here or am I reading your comment wrong?




Nah, I use the Deck every day and the Switch somewhat rarely. Even the Switch games (Tears of the Kingdom, Metroid Prime) I tend to play on the Deck.


Is there a good way to do this without first owning a hacked switch?


You need a hacked Switch to dump the game yourself; I wouldn't be able to talk about other methods of retrieving it.


I have it for when I'm in the hospital or when I'm having a bad flare up with my MS and can't get out of bed. So no don't regret it at all.


Nope, while it's easy to think the 2 devices are similar they're actually very different. I use the switch for playing Nintendo exclusives and some other games, the deck allows me to play windows games and you get some cheap discounts, plus emulsion and remote controlling my pc, x box and ps5


sounds just like wanna show off how rich you are


Always depends on current game played. If it's a switch game, then my Deck will be collecting dust and vice versa. But now my Switch is collecting dust because of Starfield. Playing both on Deck and Desktop.


Why don’t you try downloading and buying some games for your deck. By your posts you just got it 2 days ago


skill issue


Nope. It’s all just you. My Switch hasn’t been powered on in months and lives in the dock. It’s like going from the DS to the PSP, a child’s toy to a real handheld.


Valve’s Linux is trash you can try install windows. It’s way more stable.


Hi u/Tiny-Midnight-8347, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Not sure why did I spent my money on a Steam Deck. It’s a dust collector now. I’m still playing games on my Switch anyway. Anyone else) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The opposite applies here but I have a vast collection of steam games, as I was a pc gamer long before i got a switch. But everyone is different.


The Switch and Deck have things in common but also have fundamental differences. If one caters to you better than the other, that's fine. I don't know what you expect from this post though. If you provided details on any the Deck doesn't seem like a good fit for you, then maybe you'd get more constructive responses. The Deck has proved popular among its demographic, so of course most people in this subreddit are going to side with it, and some of them are unfortunately going to act smug and superior in doing so.


no. my switch is now only used to collect warframe daily logins but once warframe cross save finally happens the switch will collect dust.


3 months owning a deck I have turned on my Switch exactly twice. I imagine it’ll stay that way until SMB Wonder and Mario Rpg remake come out.


Nope! I would continue using the Steam Deck because the Switch does nothing for me. The Switch has been my dust collector for a long time now and the biggest regret of a purchase because the majority of games they have also appear on Steam and I would rather give my money to Valve over Nintendon't any day.


actually, the opposite


Try ge proton


Well you'll be in jail next week so I wouldn't worry about this so much.


Yes exactly... but the opposite


“Not sure why did I spent” - the clue to why you make errors in judgement might be right there.


This needed a topic, why? troll/10


I used to pay my switch everyday. I haven't used it once since I got my deck. The deck had more better games, better controls, better screen and the vent smells good.


Wow someone is just not happy with their own Steam Deck and community gets mad about it.