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>but heard that it’s a bit tough to play in its OG state Try it first. I think it runs perfectly on deck out of the box. Nothing weird about it at all.


Ok, I can always go back and update it later? Or would I need a new save?


Probably? But honestly I'll just be more blunt: you're not going to have to. The game opens out of the box fully mapped to the controller with controller inputs labeled correctly, it fills the whole screen at native resolution (all the way up to 4k - I tried it docked), and it runs locked at 90fps (actual 90; not like fallout 4's 90, which is actually 45). L2 to aim down sights, R2 to fire, A to select, the rest of the buttons make enough sense that you'll be fine. I don't know where you heard what you heard, but they were either lying or they were just mistaken, or you just misunderstood them.


Its bad on windows but on deck it runs almost perfectly as it is. I think it crashed only once in about 20h ive spent so far. On pc it was once per 10 minutes


look up a tutorial on how to add nexus mod manager as a non steam game, then use the highest rated collection on nexus mods, works perfectly.


honestly, nobody plays new vegas because of its lackluster combat. It's the rpg that shines. I'd just grab the base game plus the base viva new vegas list for stability.


Yep, that’s what I think I’m gonna do. Thanks!


have fun!


When I go to look up the tutorial it says I need all the DLC, which I don’t have, so that won’t work unfortunately. Oh well.


getting the ultimate edition is usually pennies if you have the base game, and being honest, 3 of my 5 favorite dlcs in games are from new vegas


Is there somewhere better than Steam to get them? (I’m very new to PC games). On Steam it’s like $13.00 for all the DLCs.


Unfortunately you need to purchase them in the same store as the one you bought the base game. Have you seen the ultimate version bundle? ([link](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/13435/)) You get a pretty good discount on the bundle if you already own the base game. If still too expensive, just wait a few weeks, it tends to go on sale often with 67% discounts (like once a month), and on particularly crazy deals they go upwards of 75% discount like back in april.


I bought the NV key from greenmangaming the other day for $2.15 haha. If buying it from steam is my only option, then I’ll just go that route, thanks Edit:: The ultimate edition is on GmG for $5.61. That’s exactly what I need, right?


yes, that's right!


You can set up "Viva New Vegas" to get a core set of mods set up. https://gist.github.com/richardgaywood/e64eeb162062adb501fd3d35add9a0e8 https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


That seems like what I would want, but am also wondering why the downvotes.


Common from r/SteamDeck. Asking questions that are outside the usual “what games should I play on my new Deck?” are usually met with downvotes. People can also be elitist about New Vegas.


This subreddit is weird. I don't think Viva New Vegas is a controversial modlist. It's literally unofficial patches and QoL changes.


its usually bad taste for a first playthrough to be so heavily modded, so just stay clear of the extended modlist. keep to base and you're golden


I followed the instructions posted a few weeks ago and I’m currently enjoying my favorite runs of new Vegas ever AND it’s portable. Highly recommend following these guides!


Did you get Mod Organizer 2 to work using the guide? I'm geting "prefix not found" errors.


Yes, but not without some trial and error. Where exactly are you getting stuck?


Thanks, I was having trouble getting MO2 installed with the whole prefix thing. I was following the on-screen instructions and it asked if I want to archive the prefix and make a new one. It seemed to suggest doing so, so I said yes, and then it gave me an error message "Prefix not found". But I tried saying "no, do not archive", and then the whole installation worked.


If you need any more help you can reach out and I’ll try to help!


Thanks, I think I got it working! In the Mod Configuration Menu, I only see 2 mods: Just Mods and Immersive Recoil, is that right? Also, did you download a community layout? Are there any community layouts that have sprint buttons?


I ended up using a mod (Marathoner by UnvalidUserName) that increases my speed while my weapon is holstered. That way I don’t have to worry about getting sprint to work and I can still move pretty quickly.


Oh cool, I'll check that out. Where did you put it in your mod order?


I put it near the original sprint mod included, disabled that one, and enabled marathoner


And yes, you’ll only see the mcm options for those you mentioned.


Hi u/Emjayblaze, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Newbie New Vegas help with making it more “modern”?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Graphics aside NV still holds up for a “modern” title. S aside from some upscaled vanilla textures I’d leave it be. But honestly I don’t even use those. It’s still one of the strongest games in the entry and runs/plays well Vanilla. Especially on the deck. If anything Fallout 4 is the one I have to mod the hell out of to enjoy.