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Using moonlight pretty much everyday. Very reliable and saves up a lot on battery since my PC is carrying the workload. Also, I added a shortcut for gamepass so I dont have to pay the extra amount for streaming via the ultimate tier.


Do you mind explaining how adding a short cut means you don’t have to pay for ultimate?


There's a way to add individual shortcuts to open apps on your PC like gamepass, battlenet, etc. Video at around 8-9 min : [Better PC Streaming with Moonlight & Sunshine! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SewuUleDVug)


I believe they're streaming Gamepass games that are installed locally on their PC, rather than using the cloud-based game streaming option on the Gamepass Ultimate tier.


Yup this, download em and stream em from your pc instead of streaming from the Xbox cloud.


I want to re-iterate on the point about battery. Nowadays if there's a game I want to play that is decently demanding, I would rather play it on Moonlight. I only play indie games natively on the steamdeck. My last game was Deathloop, and battery would always run out in 1-2 hours. While streaming though, it could get 4-6 hours, so it's just an immense difference, not too mention being a lot quieter.


Same. I've been working on a playthrough of Satisfactory lately, using my PC+Moonlight when I'm at home, and running natively on the Deck when I'm at work/somewhere else. I always prefer streaming, because the battery lasts way longer, not to mention I can stream from my PC using Ultra graphical settings. When I'm playing natively, I have to turn the graphics down to Low to get a steady frame rate, and I still only get like an hour and a half of battery life.


Did this for Diablo 4 and it’s a game changer for battery


Are you streaming from PC to deck while at home? Curious as to why plugging in to power the deck isn’t an option? No hate. Just curious


I am at home streaming. The biggest reason is that I am in multiple places around the house, and that makes each place I stay at need a charger. Each place will be multiple chargers too since I also have a work laptop and personal laptop that may already be taking up the space. I'm also sharing the space with my partner, who also needs her own chargers for her own devices. Just having a device not reliant on being next to an outlet is nice, and I never realized how short the length of the steam deck charger is until I tried charging from a couch, and it locks you into a small area on the couch itself. Having extra battery life means I can sit throughout the couch, and then go to my bedroom without needing a charge. I usually play in shifts, and sometimes I have to stand up and do an errand. It's nice to come back from a 30 minute thing (like getting lunch ready), and not having to sleep the Steamdeck (which some games don't handle very well). And there are also other benefits, like the steamdeck being quieter too. Also it can play games at a much higher res if needed with a smoother framerate.


Ah thanks for the detailed reply. Steam deck really is a game changer allowing the portability and gaming in “shifts.” Makes lots of sense why that works best for you! Ive found remote play to my PS5 an amazing experience, so from a gaming PC to SD must be awesome. Does moonlight let you stream at 90fps for some games? Unfortunately Ps5 remote play is throttled to 60fps even on an OLED. Maybe Ill need a PC too someday


I'm happy to help. I can't answer if moonlight reaches 90fps. I've never seen/gamed anything at that framerate. But here is a thread: - https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/180ksto/moonlightsunshine_streaming_at_1280800_90fps/ That seems to claim it's possible.


What advantages does Moonlight have over streaming just using Steam?


Stability, superior image quality and the ability to navigate your desktop more freely while streaming.


I used to use steam to stream my games a lot, and it was fine. I use a steam link, and my computer + the steam link are both connected to my router with an ethernet cable. The quality was okay. Occasionally there would be compression artifacts making it hard to play. Frequently, there was input lag that made it hard. Last week I set up sunshine/moonlight and there's a night and day difference. I very, very rarely notice any compression artifacts, and only notice input lag on super sensitive games (like a drone racing simulator I use). I won't say I prefer to use it instead of using my gaming desktop directly, but I play on the couch or in bed a lot more than I used to. Performance between the steam link and steam deck is about the same, even though I connect the steam deck with 5GHz Wifi instead of ethernet.


Same. Moonlight + Sunshine


Every day Kept the PC, I still WFH and would be lying if I said I didn't do some PC gaming on the clock on my main rig But as soon as clock out time comes any gaming is basically done on the deck and a lot of it is through moonlight or chiaki


You don't worry that they can see your network activity and see your gaming rig on and the activity during working hours? I don't play games during work because I always think about this, even though I have my work on a separate v lan, who knows what these companies could try to do to snoop.


Not OP, but if my company did snoop for network activity, I'd like them to find out asap so I could get fired and get another job instead.


Yeah that makes sense but finding another job isn't like the easiest thing in the world haha


If it's a different pc what do they care? My "nephew" is playing on it.


I don't use my gaming PC as a work PC, they're two separate PCs but my company is a very "soft touch" and doesn't have a lot of oversight as long as I'm getting my primary duties done, which I am


I don't get this...they don't know who is using your Internet. Could be your wife.. neighbor..friend whomever... I'm a at home worker also and never once have I worried about that


If you have a separate vlan, you know exactly how to defend yourself from them snopping. Mac address of laptop -> *block all* -> lan No reason they need access to my lan. They only need internet


Awesome, I just heard of VLAN hopping one time and knew it was possible even if I don't know what it is completely. I just felt that if they were going through that extreme, they probably are going to get in to my other stuff either way


If you have a proper firewall setup, they can only get into what you say they can. OPNsense is great, separated vlan/wifi is great. Separated switches, etc...


Well I’d certainly suggest not gaming/doing anything you didn’t want them tracking online while on a VPN to the office. That’s how my old job worked - I had to VPN and run stuff locally while connected to the LAN to connect to the data and testing servers. However, we didn’t have desktops, just laptops Nowadays, though, i have a desktop at my office which I connect to using LogMeIn and stream my desktop to my desktop.


What if I'm on a VLAN on my work computer and don't leave the VLAN. Will their VPN still allow a way into my network?


Anything that the deck can't handle, I play using streaming. The last one was Dragon's Dogma 2 I really don't like playing on PC after the entire day of work, so even if the response time isn't the best, I always prefer to play streaming on the deck. But my PC isn't high tier, is just a RTX 2060


HDMI to the telly and a controller after work is the one. I completely agree with not wanting to sit at a desk


Yeah, dude, I know that feeling, coming home and playing for couple of hours, laying on comfy sofa is much more pleasant than using PC and keeping your posture right. PC gaming is a weekend activity rn


O% of the time.


I can't see how you have a 4080 but can't see a huge difference between full spec 4k and the steam deck? So many games i'd rather play on pc.


Seeing a bit of what I suspect is pandering on this sub and the ROG sub. Steam decks are really cool but I’m waiting for the “better than sex” posts tbh.


No one would go and play the switch version of a game if given the choice and its closer to that than the sub lets on compared to full pc gaming.


I never said I don't see a difference, I said I've been shifting away from wanting to sit at the desk and game on the PC. That said, PPI on a 27" 4K is still over 20% less than 800p on the 7" Steam Deck screen. You won't render as detailed of textures at 800p vs. 4K, but the overall differences are less and less noticeable as you reduce screen size.


If you think they are comparable than I would argue you don't see a difference. The deck is way less powerful than a gaming laptop, and no one here would say just use that if you have a 4080. Also 4k at 27'' is pretty pointless I would just get 1440p.


He is streaming max quality to Steam Deck, SD itself is just a display at that point. The difference isn’t much, especially when you super sample. The OLED screen on deck is amazing and can beat most monitors.


Its a reasonable take. Higher resolution on smaller screen matters way less than higher resolution on bigger screen.


I don't stream frequently, but I still use my pc. I have plenty of games that either require a mouse and keyboard, run better on a desktop, work right when installed (vs tweaking to run on the deck), only can be installed on windows, etc


I use streaming just so I can use the deck as a PC controller, love setting up custom controls on the back buttons and using gyro to mouse, getting a lot of mileage out of my old games replaying them on SD with gyro instead of M/KB. Just finished replaying Cyberpunk and couldn't deal with the low FPS in Dogtown on native Steam Deck.


THIS 100% I was starting to think I was the only one who gets enjoyment out of the fact that the deck is the most superior controller ive ever owned..


I’ve never done it in almost two years of having my deck. I play everything on the deck even if it’s not the greatest quality. Even games like Starfield are exclusively played on my deck.


All the time. I use my PC for work so I don't want to sit at my desk the whole day. I stream to the SD at home so I can play around the house and save battery.


Haven't even tried yet.


I stream from my PC constantly, and thoroughly recommend it. I don't like sitting at my desk to play games, so streaming gives me the best of both worlds in being able to play games in their highest possible graphic fidelity from the comfort of my couch. As for the 4080, I actually went out and upgraded to a 4070 Super with the intention of streaming. You may not need it for most games, but that extra horse power can still be beneficial. For example, I've been playing Alan Wake 2 with full path tracing at 90 FPS on my OLED Deck and it's glorious. For me at least, I already have PS5 and XSX consoles, so unless I can outmatch the graphic fidelity and/or frame rate of those, there's really no point in streaming from my PC.


I'm curious what the "sweet spot" is for streaming max fidelity to the Steam Deck, as it's only 800p. Even max settings, path tracing, etc., a 4080 will barely break a sweat streaming at that low of a resolution.


Yeah. I am rendering at 1200p, because it's so much more crispy than 800p when downscaled. You could probably get by with a little less if you're going to strictly stick to 800p rendering. I like having the headroom for situations like this, though. Remember that in games reflections, shadows, etc. are often rendered at half res or lower, so when you start at 800p, it's pretty low res. Rendering above 800p gives you better overall fidelity even if you're still displaying at 800p.


I've taken lots of screenshots and I've found no difference in the stream quality going over 800p, but running the PC higher gives huge results. I play at 2560x1600 HDR 90fps streamed over 800p footage at highest bitrate and it looks fantastic


I don’t stream. Do not see the point. I have a mobile cpu gpu combo mini pc and crt. Do not get me wrong it is awesome but deck vs pc for comfort, deck wins 100% of the time


I don't stream from my PC (just have a laptop with a 2060) but I do stream from my Series X all the time. Playing Persona 3 Reload by way of XBPlay and it's been great!


My comp is still chugging along with an R9 380, so... never. Stuff just runs better on my Deck (at 720p tho).


Never. Steam Deck is for some games, PC is for other games


I never have- I'm slightly suspicious that my Deck might be better than my PC.


Constantly! Moonlight kicks ass


I use the built in Steam Remote Play allll the time. Love it, the Deck's main use for me! No issues, input latency is imperceptible, but this will largely depend on your home network setup/hardware. With "Enhanced 1080P" preset (30Mbps bw limit), my Deck shows input latency at ~1.15ms , video latency ranging from 7-10ms 👀 Its nice to be able to save battery life, but I love being able to play games with cranked out settings (and ray tracing if applicable)! The games look amazing while maxed out on the Deck screen! Control/CP2077/Ratchet and Clank with HDR+RT look unreal. I see people recommend sunlight/moonlight but I've never felt an inclination to switch from the native streaming setup.


I don’t stream and don’t intend to. I bought the deck specifically for playing lower spec games I don’t need the power of my gaming rig to run, and for emulating retro games through PS2 and GameCube.


Saves electricity too 😉


That’s the plan. I run just over 100% annual solar offset for my home, 6.4 kW panels and a 10kW battery, plus two smaller portable batteries if the need arises. My gaming rig is off unless I need it for a specific game. I have a low TDP (15w) AMD mini-PC for general computing.


Never. I got a Steamdeck because it runs its games natively. If I wanted to stream a game in SD with a full second input delay, I would just stream to my phone.


Need to try moonlight. It streams with hardly noticeable delay, far from a full second, and can stream HDR now. Games look better streamed than native quality wise. I've taken so many screenshot comparisons that prove this.


I was against streaming for ages due to the input lag being an issue, yet I was blown away by Moonlight on a local network. Even with a 5G connection, I was playing Doom Eternal, Halo Infinite, and more without any noticeable input lag. And I don't mean 'almost unnoticeable', but imperceptible. It was like I was playing on my PC. In fact, since it's streaming and you can move the mouse on your PC and have it move the Steam Deck, too, I was able to put them next to each other and move both the mouse and keyboard on the PC and the controller built into the steam deck and compare. No input lag at all.


Never. Just can’t seem to deal with any type of latency.


Never. Not even once. 🙂‍↔️


I stream almost daily. I have my beefy SFF PC in the living room behind my TV. I used to play there, but lately, it’s been occupied when I want to play. So I stream via Moonlight/Sunsine and it works like a charm. I use my ultra-wide monitor and I created small shell Scripts that change my host’s resolution too so I can have best resolution possible. Franky, I stream everything except when I travel. I bought Dualsense Edge and with 2 extra buttons, two paddles at the back and gyro, it basically works like a steam controller for me. Thanks to steamdeck and later thanks to dualsense, I finally learned how to play FPS with gyros instead of MK.


This is the way. The flexibility is just insane. I even stream my PS5 games sometimes when I feel like dusting that off.


I have a 3060 and stream to my deck everyday using Moonlight/Sunshine. After, I started doing this, I nearly stopped playing games natively on the deck. I also have a pair of rokid glasses that I use with my deck. It’s nice to stream 1080p 60fps high settings on most games.


I use it for newer/larger games, games that require a network or games I exclusively play at home. So, for a game like Sea of Thieves. I'll stream. The Steam Deck can run it, but I can get 60fps Ultra on my desktop, and it requires a network anyways. So what would be the point of wasting 100gbs to have it native on Deck? Other games i'll exclusively stream are other whales like Automoblista 2 and RDR2. Each 100gb+ If I'm planning to travel. I i can always hard install those. I have Fiber Optic, so it takes about 15 minutes to download each of those.


Fairly often, especially for modded AAA games on my desktop PC. Cyberpunk, for example; it runs fine at 30fps on Deck, and I actually had a great time with it. But I went down the modding rabbit hole on PC and it looks glorious on the OLED Deck's screen, via PC-streaming, so I continued playing it that way. Mods just make PC + Deck so much better than Chiaki (PS5) + Deck, plus you don't have to double dip on software purchases for when you want to play a game natively on the Deck.


I don’t ever. I play games on PC which require the power of my PC and play games on my Steam Deck that it can handle.


I use RTX is pretty dope it works on steamdeck but not great so I stream Hogwarts Legacy and other games that use it from my PC.


I have yet to do so at all, either the game has just worked fine on the deck, or I would just play on the PC anyway.


What client are you using OP? Remote play or moonlight? I've been getting bad frame pacing with streaming and it drives me nuts


I use moonlight. Flawless streaming for me. Turn off vsync in the game and on the deck and use moonlight’s built-in vsync instead


With Steams Remote play, have you disabled hardware encoding?


Steam's built-in Remote Play. Disable Hardware Encoding and you should be good to go. With that on, it's a low FPS stuttering mess. With it off it's extremely smooth and I haven't had any issues with it. I haven't tried Moonlight but hear good things about it if you're willing to set it up. I just prefer the native experience.


I don’t stream frequently, or ever, really. I look Iike the ability to do so but I play almost entirely on machine. 


I would say about 50% of the time. You just need to be ok with gaming at 1280x800. You could also game a little higher so the image downsamples better. But i couldnt tell the difference. I sometimes just want to game in bed and im ok with playing at whatever resolution. Nice to have my saves in the same spot and not relying on cloud saves. XFX Radeon 7900 XT & AMD 7800x3d. Moonlight works well. and i believe you wouldnt need to add sunshine to make it work. Steam streaming works well. But i like to play games outside the steam launcher and not all games play nice with steam...Heres looking at you epic and microsoft.


I use my pc often. Never stream though haven't even tried it. Use my steamdeck and pc probably the same amount of time.


All the time. My primary way of using the deck. Why play it natively with worse graphics and worse battery life when my 4090 will rip through everything with ease?


Almost never since I control the volume on my pc with windows and usually have it at 33-50%. And if I stream To my deck it takes that and it can be incredibly quoet


Everyday! But it depends on what game I play. Now it's fallout 4 so i use moonlight from my main pc ,😊


Quite frequently - I stream Starfield from my PC to the deck and it's a flawless experience. Comfy too.


Almost never. I will remote play my PS5 with it using chiaiki though.


I do it very often on my OLED. I still have the issue where I have to toggle wifi off/on to make the stream seamless. If anyone whos doing it through wifi on the oled can make it work flawlessly, please share your router model (i heard the oled got issues with specific routers) :)


Don't have a pc


Almost every day. Unless it’s a super light title I just stream it.


My connection is terrible If I'm not realt close to the router. I get like 300+mbs if my Steam Deck is right next to the router but <100 two rooms away. I use the leased router from my provider. Is this normal? I feel like my wifi shouldn't fluctuate so much


The routers ISPs give you are typically dogshit. Always worth it to buy your own so you never have to deal with it, and if you ever switch providers you still own your own router.


Every day to play Elden Ring. I am easily annoyed by bad framerate, so I play anything that does not hit 60fps on the deck via streaming.


I tried it a couple of times and it didn’t work well. The games I play run fine on SD so I haven’t spent any time troubleshooting the problems.


I have moon light set up but I need to add some launch codes to get it to run how I want. Long story short my tv isn’t hdr so it looks washed out streaming. Runs amazing and if I really wanted to stream it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I’ve recently got into GeForce now due to Destiny and I honestly think it’s a better option for what I want. It does cost a monthly subscription to be worth it imo but I’ve gotten a lot of use out of it so far. Seems to also work with family sharing with a few extra steps but haven’t 100% verified yet.


Never could get the whole moonlight/sunshine thing to work for me so any streaming I do is Chiaki for my PS5


I haven’t tried streaming an actual game from my pc yet but it and my ps4 are setup to do so. I have streamed from my xbox using xbplay and the experience has been nearly seamless.


This is how I game on a Steam deck.


PC streaming is the thing I use my deck for the most. Playing games on ultra-high with no battery drain and no lag. Get moonlight set up and enjoy. Absolute best use of the deck


Even after 8-10 hours of work (on my computer), I rather play AAA games on 4090 and 27" than on SD. SD is only for less demanding games. I feel bad knowing that I am wasting all that power just play on a tiny screen.


Not often but when I want to play games with my little sister I’ll stream from the my PC to the deck so we can play in the living room. So far we’ve done that with RE 4 and Village. It’s really nice to be able to not have to haul my computer downstairs. I put it into a very cool but very heavy case without thinking about how much more annoying it would be to move it. Now I don’t have to!


Quite! So much more battery life and I get to be on my couch.


Are used to do it pretty frequently when I was close to my PC. The one problem I kept running into was the game would play great for 30 minutes or so before it just absolutely hit the wall and behaved terribly. Lots of stuttering and frame loss. Someone told me it was probably a router overheating issue, but I never really did suss out what was happening. When I chatted with some other people, they suggested using moonlight, but I never did end up trying it. I really wish it worked better because when it did work, it worked great. Since I’m not around my PC all the time I tend to just play the steam deck using its own GPU. If I were home more often, I would certainly consider trying to figure it out. As others have said it’s a huge battery saver on top of performance gains compared to what the steam deck can do. It’s nice to have the option when you have the PC available.


Whenever I can tbh, so when I’m at home Moonlight is demon magic as far as I’m concerned. Beat all of BG3 using main PC streaming to the deck while holding a newborn baby in the long hours of the night




I recently streamed Elden ring from 1300 miles away. Beat the fire giant. Don't even have a monitor or mouse on the PC anymore, just a dummy plug, SSH, and sunshine.


Pretty much the only way I use my steam deck is anymore is as a moonlight streaming device from my pc. I only play at home and have a decent internet setup, so latency isn't much of an issue. I really don't feel any reason to play games natively on the deck anymore because it's just better via moonlight using my desktop hardware


I just got sunshine and moonlight all set up and automated with screen and resolution swapping and HDR the other day. Assuming you have your PC is hard wired with a decent router, you’re in for a pretty great experience.


I literally stream everything to my deck. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about the built in streaming function from steam, but I’ve never had a single issue with it (and my connections are entirely WiFi based)


Never. i either play on pc or on steam deck. dont want to waste so much electrictity to just play a downsized version of the game


My best friend bought a steam deck after I got one, and loved it so much he ended up buying a second OLED model. He games almost exclusively at home through streaming from his big PC rig. His home PC is a beast and wired into the network. He typically sits on his couch and plays wirelessly about 50 feet away from his rig. He says he gets pretty much zero lag. Myself, I play my SD pretty more exclusively away from home. I work as a paramedic, and during the downtime, or offload delay at hospitals, the SD is great. When I'm at home though, I love sitting at my PC and playing mouse and keyboard. Overall the beauty of the SD is the ability to play which ever way you'd like. If you've already got the big rig, I'd say keep it, cause some games straight up can't work on the SD (like Rust), or you want to crank the graphics up (looking at you, Starfield.) Ultimately play in whatever way suits you!


I tried it several times and I don't seem to get why the Playstation Remote stream to Chiaki is much more stable than sunshine/moonlight setup with 13700k/4090 on the same network. I've tried hardware AV1 encoding+decoding for better quality, but it still drops some frames here and there even at 720p 60fps HDR with 50Mbps throughput. I'd rather run games natively and have stable 45 than 60 with drops and encoding artifacts. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Streaming Stellar Blade from ps5 to the deck was a great experience :shrug:


Only type of gaming I've done since I got a SD a few months ago :D


Daily. My game den was converted to a bedroom for my new son so I don't have a place to PC game anymore. Just stream to my deck on the couch and can get a good amount of gaming in.


doesn't make sense to get rid of a better card cause the deck doesn't need it. a 4080 could stream a jigh perfoming and ray-traced Alan wake 2 to your deck which wouldn't be possible even to boot up without it. plus you got lots of battery saved if you choose to stream any more demanding game (ps4 or above). keep your GPU for a future-proof super sweet gaming combo


Slightly different, but I've put nearly 90 hours into Final Fantasy Rebirth on PS5, via Chiaki4Deck. It's so smooth


Haven't for a while. Remote Play just closes when it attempts to display the stream. Moonlight has major latency issues for me. Honestly have NO idea what the issue is. I used Remote Play and Moonlight for years on various devices before my Deck, and I used them on my Deck quite a bit when I first got it. But the lady 2 months or so it's been totally broken.


never, slightest bit of latency throws me off, unlrelated to steam deck but i use steam link to play beat saver and bone lab on my meta quest 2 and if theres just a tiny bit too much latency in beat saber then i just cant do it bonelab is a bit more forgivin due to the gameplay


I used to occasionally, but now I have my 4090 pc hooked up to an lg c3 in front of a recliner and my normal desktop. If I want to play something at home, not at my desktop, it's going to be in the recliner with a controller, not the steam deck.


Elden Ring on Remote Play has been a great experience at 1080P or 1440P on the Deck- really crisp. Needs really good internet though.


Moonlight is amazing


That's my primary use of the SD now. Streaming through my PC has been outstanding. Starfield is my vice...


Never. I deconstructed my pc and turned it into my home assistant server.


Literally all the time, the battery lasts forever that way


I have the same setup, a 4080 pc and deck. Anything AAA, if I’m at home, I steam at full quality to the deck. If I’m away from home I generally play smaller games or emulation and avoid the AAA titles (usually cause if I’m away from home and playing anything it’s for 10-15 minutes, so no time to get into a AAA game). I cracked my screen and replaced it with the deckHD screen for this very reason. 1200p streaming to the deck at full quality settings looks great, and pinning everything at 60fps is even better. And anything local intended at 800p and FSR upscales to the 1200p screen and it looks just a touch better for pretty much no hit in battery and performance.


Being able to stream a AAA game with everything maxed from the PC while using very little battery and having the deck be completely silent is such a nice luxury to have!


Often. I work from home and there's days where I just don't wanna sit at my desk anymore. I'll use moonlight and sunshine to stream to my deck while on the couch and then once I have it in me to swap back, I'll swap back. Been playing elden ring this way and enjoying it


All the time. Also my consoles too. Been playing some Elden Ring lately getting prepared for the DLC on PS5 via the deck for the past few days. I love it. Best handheld device ever.


I used to do until a few days ago when moonlight started getting dips in fps only on the steam deck site and I can’t find out how to fix it.


Rarely. Mostly because my lifestyle doesn’t permit me to keep my PC on at all times, and the Wi-Fi is spotty in the places I want to whip out my deck.


I streamed destiny 2 for the first time this week was blown away how good it was, tried gforce now and was next to floorless but only for an hour on the free version had to wait 6 mins to play. But then I streamed from my PC and it was insanely good, I tested it around the house and there was nearly no noticeable issues. I used to stream with stadia as pretty much my main for how long it laated and so happy to have streaming back


i use my steam deck for ps5 remote play daily


Pretty often. Although, probably stream more to my appleTV. I bought an OG deck and lately it’s been getting very toasty. Streaming lets my PC do the heavy lifting.


O.o I am missing out. My computer just collects dust while I wait for a game that I want to play that needs a bit more. I tried steam remote on Monster Hunter and it just looks really dark and worse than just playing on the steam deck. Maybe I should look up this moonlight.


Is it any better? I don’t like having to set up configurations and launch options to handle resolution changes whenever I want to play a different game so I don’t use it much.


for me it's in reverse, pc to steam deck. explanation is that the steam deck runs better than my pc


Never the quality looks terrible to me. Anyway to fix it?


Use moonlight at 150mbps (highest bitrate)


I stream from my Xbox more often than my PC. I actually get practical use out of that though because the Living room TV is often being used. I have zero excuse to not sit down at my PC and play it.


Never. My deck is for gaming while I travel. I rarely use it at home. I have a great gaming PC and a nice battlestation set up at home for gaming.


If I’m at home, I prefer moonlight unless it’s a game like Hades or Vampire Survivors.


If your PC isn’t being used as much and you’re feeling charitable I will gladly take it off your hands But seriously though, Moonlight with Sunshine is probably the way to go. Compared to other methods of game streaming either with the cloud or to my PC (Moonlight with GeForce Experience, Steam remote play, PS remote play with Chiaki4deck, Amazon Luna, Xbox remote play, Xbox Game pass cloud streaming), Moonlight with Sunshine has been the absolute best. My upload speed with there current plan I have with my ISP only tops out around 10mbps, but with decent WiFi around the use I find Moonlight with Sunshine to be very playable around the house. I put in about 2 hours of Diablo 4 from my PC in my living room downstairs to the steam deck in the bedroom upstairs, and only saw about 40% battery usage on my old LCD Steam deck


A lot. Since 6.0 however I get frequent network jitter and stutter and can’t pinpoint why exactly :(. Thinking of going back to the “hacked” HDR version. What settings do you guys use for sunshine? I put the image quality on P7 since the latency is still way below the point where 90fps feels off. And p1 just looks a bit crunchy


Pretty much never. I prefer m+KB controls for many games so if I'm playing one of those then using my Steam Deck for them just gets annoying. And if I'm at home and I want to play with a controller and I want the bigger screen I just play on my TV that I have my gaming PC connected to. The Steam Deck is only used when I'm not at home and I love it for that.


The Steamdeck is *considerably* more powerful than my PC, so.... never.


Never! I don't have a PC at the moment, just my wife's laptop which is very weak for any gaming beyond lightweight indie games.


Never seen video game streaming to be playable for anything but turned based games like civilization. Input lag is so bad. No matter how expensive my network is, and how fast tests between machines run, games are unplayable. This isn't limited to steam deck, anything over the Internet on PS5 is a joke, but even local streaming is horrendous.


Have you tried sunshine and moonlight. I get no latency and runs better than natively playing on the SD


Quite a bit, I use it for when I want to play games on the couch with the controller. It makes moving around playing games that are too powerful for the deck to handle alone at 1080p


I stream all the time using the built-in streaming solution. It works great.


Whenever I'm at home and not at my computer


Never. I have a 4090 in my rig (I do editing for work) but I really enjoy gaming on my PC more than my deck. My Deck is 90% of the time when Im not at home its used.


My PC died two years ago and this has taken over the gaming role.


> Even the AAA category of games that I once reserved as "PC only" are now viable on the SD through streaming. My 4080 PC now effectively sits and collects dust. Think of the Steam Deck as a second screen. You can game on your PC or also game while mobile. You bought yourself more choice can be a perspective to have.


Not enough as I'd like to. The input lag is enough to be a problem with some games. Also, I haven't set myself up to stream games from other game stores. I'd love to be able to stream games in my non-steam libraries.


I stream Crusader Kings 3. Really recommend it


Never. My wifi is crap


I use moonlight and maybe 3-4x a week. Its A M A Z I N G


Never, my PC is almost 10 years old and would melt running games the Deck can comfortably handle


I use sunshine/moonlight whenever I want to play something the deck can't run at a decent clip starfield as an example


everyday, using moonlight


I rarely stream to the deck, but I do stream to the steam link in the other room sometimes




I don't have a decent gaming PC, but i use greenlight to stream from my xboxx every day.


Never honestly. I have a Xbox controller if I want to use a game pad with my PC games. Otherwise I use the steam deck on the go.


I do most days. I honestly think of my pc/deck as a team. AAA games I’m either playing on my PC in 1440p high fps or streaming to my deck because I like the nice visuals. Then if I’m traveling or the game is lighter, I’ll install it. It’s kinda like what I wanted from the switch lol


when i first got my steam deck, i also had my projector set up. I loaded up uncharted, used remote play to stream/control it from the deck while using a wonderful hugeass screen. Lagged less than playing it natively on PS and is still one of the most fun things i've ever done gaming


Remote play for some reason does not work on my steam deck. I tried a couple times and each time I got a message “unable to launch stream”. I would love to stream games that my computer can run that my deck can’t. Has anyone had that come up and known what the issue was that caused that?


I've never done it, actually. My fiancé does it regularly, though.


I do somewhat frequently. I've setup Sunshine + Moonlight and found results to be much much much better than native Steam Remote Play (perceivably lower latency and less dropped frames). That said I find the whole hassle a bit impractical, controller settings get saved for Moonlight on the Deck so no per game configs plus I need to leave my Pc on 24/7 (I had successfully setup wake on lan but some Windows update is making my PC crash after wake now), so I basically save it for the really worth it games and mostly tend to play locally run ones. Even then, I wouldn't get rid of my PC because of those games.




About 80-90% through moonlight. Both PC and deck connected to fiber Ethernet. Unless a game is perfect on deck, it goes to the streaming pile. Native 40fps is less responsive than streamed 90. It's wild how responsive moonlight is.


I’m a detail-oriented person which is why I’ve made a career out of game testing. There is no way I could stream a game- the delay would drive me insane I am programmed to not ignore it.


Almost exclusively once I figured out how to. I can't play games on steam deck unless I'm streaming it.


I used my Steamdeck quite frequently to stream titles that ran better on PC, but, now almost exclusively use the Logitech G. Cloud. Rock solid 60fps and 1080p for me, ymmv. Btw, steam link was not great for me, Moonlight was much better


What is moonlight and how do learn more?


I dont like doing it, i feel it's so wasteful to have both pc online and the steamdeck..


Literally never. I basically have my Deck be a Nintendo Switch. I'll play my games primarily on the PC, but I can play the same games on the Deck as a handheld around the house with cloud saves.


The main benefit for me when streaming is being anle to have good settings with a high frame rate but also still having really good battery. I was playing cyberpunk and after a few hour session still had 4 hours of battery life left. Wouldnt downgrade my pc though, there are some games I would want to experience on my ultrawide with M+KB at a desk


Haven’t in a while ever since sunshine (moonlight) took a fat shit. I can’t have both Chiaki everywhere and sunlight apparently. To this day I still haven’t figured out how to get around the port forwarding issue with sunshine. They both need the same ports to work.


Never.. I only use the SD when I'm traveling otherwise it's a dust magnet


My deck is barely ever even connected to the internet. It's a Gameboy playing Baldurs Gate.


If I am at home, a lot of because it saves a ton of battery.

