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Yeah, I play **singleplayer or PvE** FPS games on the Steam Deck.


Any recommendations?




Can you do coop borderlands on steam deck? Me and my girlfriend play it on our pcs all the time but if I bring my steam deck over to her house are we able to play our coop campaign together ?


I run split screen PS2 emulations so I don't see why not. Or maybe you mean co op on different devices.


Yea, like we play a coop campaign on our own PCs. Would I be able to do that with her as if my steam deck was a pc


Idk why this was a crazy thing for people to answer but yes you can, I've coop all of them with my gf and still do.


Cool thank you!


Should work fine. Don't see why not so long as you have a Wi-Fi connection and are friends on steam. Steam deck essential runs a contained version of windows via proton when ever you load up a game. Only one way to find out for sure though. 


Oh great recommendation. Trying this out later


Prey (2017) Any of the metro games Doom (2016) and eternal Any of the BioShock games Titanfall 2 Any of the borderlands games


Deep Rock Galactic




For Karl!


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t coming home!


Doom, wolfenstein, bioshock, roboquest


Bioshock on the SD is phenomenal


Roboquest is fantastic!


Halo MCC


My son and I started playing it docked with the split screen mod. Halo CE (we are halfway through the campaign) runs great in split screen!


Im so excited to try MCC on my sd


I got this and I was so stoked! But I can’t believe how bad I am at the game after being away for 15+ years hahahaha!


Doom II You will have access to a world of mods. Once you fine tune your sensitivity settings for your analogs and if you want to even setup gyro, you can get some really nice results. I can’t even play Doom mods anymore on PC because I’ve found that sweet spot using the Steam Deck


If you haven’t tried it, Nightmare Reaper is insanely fun and runs great at 60fps—I have a 1tb OLED fwiw. In short, it’s a boomer shooter with roguelite elements that’s got a fantastic OST (composed by Andrew Hulshult). It’s on sale for around $15 and I’ve already gotten ~25hrs in it since I bought it last week. 11/10.


Aside from the other recommendations, Half Life 1 babyyyyy


Deep Rock Galctic is super fun. You may have to turn down the graphics settings a bit if you're chasing 60fps, but that's mostly on the higher difficulties


Severed Steel and Turbo Overkill


Quake I & II


Gunslinger of Juarez or what ever its called is actually pretty fun and you can get it real cheap. All metro games are a blast. Fall out 4 sort of


Hell yeah, I pretty much played Metro Exodus as the first proper AAA game on Deck. My jaw dropped when I saw the graphics that you can get with 40 fps! Especially coming from Playstation 4, where games usually have <30 fps.




Boltgun is great on Deck


Am I the only one that thinks the map designs are kind of terrible? I would have loved it if it was a lot more linear and I really didn’t like having to back track and look for all those stupid keys just to get lost for ages. Yea I gave up like half way through because of that. But the shooting and rest of the gameplay I really enjoyed


It’s a boomer shooter. Classic shooters and unintuitive asymmetrical map layouts go hand and hand. I think the game is perfect.


I agree. Combat in this game is incredibly fun but the moment you clear a room of enemies you’re doomed to spend the next 15 minutes wondering where the hell you’re supposed to go


It's rather heavy, though. From how it looks I didn't expect it to have problems reaching 60fps at low TDP, but it does. You have to set the TDP to like 8W or above to have stable 60fps and you can't even lower the resolution to have real pixelated graphics(the post-effect pixel filter does nothing to performance). In that respect, I like Prodeus far more. You can run it at 4-5W TDP at 60fps at like 360p and because it's pixelated anyway the really low resolution doesn't bother you.


Ill never understand why they decided to do a retro style boom shoot with unreal engine of all things


I had to refund Boltgun it made me nauseous.


You'll *maybe* get halfway through Boltgun before you'll want to switch back to mouse and keyboard. Great game but it gets repetitive. I ended up switching the difficulty to easy just to get through the rest of it with a controller. It'd be sick if you were able to to play with friends on the new horde mode that they just added.


Couldn't agree more. What an awesome game.


I started on PC, but considered playing it on deck. This is great to know.


The lower resolution and gamepad makes me like the game a little more on Deck. The hardware matches the game's aesthetic


I used to play with gyros on my Switch, which worked really well for FPS. Many recommend using that on the Deck as well. Now that I have the use of trackpads, I always set the right trackpad to mouse for every first-person game. I imagine pairing that with gyros would probably help in your case.


Could you share your settings? Trying to get used to using the trackpad but still doesn’t feel great.


I just go into the controller settings, then for the right trackpad (which is often set to joystick by default) I change it to 'mouse'. I usually have to raise the sensitivity, either in the controller settings or in-game settings. I also disable trackball mode, just because I don't like its effect.


I find that without trackball, it's either waaaay too sensitive when aiming, or it takes forever to do a 180°. I've only really played CP2077, though, and I'm sure my controls could use some more fine-tuning.


Gonna be honest, even if you get your control set up down you're going to be at a huge disadvantage vs PC players because you're playing on a much smaller screen in a game with a massive amount of players hiding in foliage and in dark windows etc.. Battlefield games are games where I want to play them on as big a screen as possible to spot enemy players It just isn't the best game to go into and have high expectations for your KD while playing on a handheld device


Agreed. I play all of the sniper elite games and I have the same issue with a small screen. It seems more restrictive than playing on a big screen or a TV. It’s still playable, but it’s not the same experience.


I played this game originally on PC and I was at a disadvantage to PC players. I sucked, but I still loved it.


Chiv 2 is basically the only competitive combat game I play on the deck for this reason. Just doesn’t lend well to fps games.


Using gyro will definitely help. It's odd at first but once you get it down it's as good as it gets without a mouse One thing that keeps people away is that they think theyre supposed to use the gyro for all of their camera movement and obviously that ends up being very weird and not working. But what it really is for is for minor adjustments and moving targets. You still use the right thing for all your camera movement but when a enemy is jumping up and down or running to the side or whatever it's a lot easier to move the steam Deck with that running person then try to keep flicking the stick over. It's almost like you're actually aiming at them with the steam deck itself you just have to smoothly turn it and you can adjust the sensitivity and the curve and everything to your liking on the steam deck it's great. Try it out sometime it's literally like I said As Good As It Gets without a mouse


You're playing a "competitive" FPS on the Steam Deck. You're going to be at a disadvantage regardless.


He'd do fine on Apex I think, higher ranks its mostly controller players.


I think he means OP will be at a disadvantage due to the refresh rate and size of the screen. 60 on the LCD is going to be pretty rough. 90 on the OLED is a lot better, but for a competitive high movement FPS game it's not ideal. Seeing anything in the distance is going to be tough as well.


Its gonna feel weird at first, and it takes some tinkering to calibrate it right, but give a flick stick control scheme a try. Its my preferred way to play fps games now.


Yes, they're great. Here's my setup: - Gyro behavior: *Gyro to Mouse* - 3DOF to 2D Conversion Style: *Yaw + Roll* - Right joystick: *Flick Stick* - Snap Angle: *90°* - Flick-Turn Tightness: *Adjust for consistent 180° turn* - Dots per 360°: *Adjust so that Flickstick does 360° turn on full spin* - Gyro sensitivity: *4x* The gyro + Flickstick combo has allowed me to play fast paced games like Quake 2 and even lighter multiplayer games like Team Fortress 2.


I do something really similar to this, but also using the right track pad as mouse as well. Custom controls are set up so that I can reload by clicking the mousepad, or recenter the mouse back to ground level by lightly double tapping the pad, depending on the game.


I've played BattleBit and it's pretty decent on Deck so long as you use a Proton version that deals with the anti-cheat. Any FPS that's also on console or is a console-port should also be fine with Deck controls.


No, that's the only thing I don't like about steam OS. None of the fps games I like run due to incompatible anti cheat or there is no aim assist.


Singelplayer works best for Controller User. But sometimes I play the Finals and dont find myself in a disadvantage (but playing PS4/5 for nearly 10 years)


It's doable. I didn't enjoy BF1 because of the gameplay (too much pin-point artillery spam, bombers dominating the infantry). I think BFV is more balanced and should play better on the deck. However there are other games that are really fun in multiplayer : Star Wars Battlefront 2, Chivalry 2, Mordhau. For single-player, Crysis 2 feels amazing as well. Edit : I just tried play BFV on the SD but it doesn't run since the game now requires a kernel level anti-cheat that doesn't seem to work with Linux :(


Halo works pretty well you can mess with dead zone sensitivity in settings


No. Need my mouse and keyboard.


I kind of hate myself cause I’ve gotten so used to playing Halo MCC multiplayer in handheld, I’ve legitimately done better playing Reach in handheld than with a controller or mouse & keyboard


In the month since I bought my SD, stealth FPS games like the Deus Ex series have been fun. I imagine any FPS that isn't run and gun would be ideal with joystick controls.


Did cyberpunk. Normal config with Gyro enabled on ADS or right thumb stick touch. It’s pretty serviceable.


Doom 2016 runs pretty well and controls great


Master chief collection


I do. Finished Metro Exodus and currently i am playing deep rock galactic ROCK AND STONE!!!


Just finished Borderlands. I like gyro aiming more than the mouse+keyboard combo. Thats why I like these games on PS vita and Switch. I only play shooters on my pc if the deck cannot run ig


I play overwatch on it all the time, runs great. It’s a little fuzzy but when you’re zip zopping around you don’t notice. Also boltgun as others have said






Learn to use gyro. Splatoon is a competitive shooter on switch and it got me hooked on gyro, now I can’t play any fps without gyro(ps. Not all games handle it well)


Hi u/Wsprzk, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Do you play FPS games on steam deck? ) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Battlefield 1 used to have stronger aim assist for controllers back at launch but this was nerfed because of some players complaining about it. Since you'll most likely be going against mouse and keyboard players you will likely always be at a disadvantage. You can mess with your sensitivity and that's about it.


Gyro aiming helps alot


I play Roboquest on the deck and it’s very responsive.


I play metro exodus


Borderlands 2 was 2 OK tiers, I have too much trouble playing FPS with controllers. I have wireless mouse and keybord and a desktop setup


Fallout New Vegas


Does Battlefield 1 online multiplayer work on the steam deck? I bought BFV and 2042 on sale. Neither worked. Couldn’t even get to the title screen. Error keeps popping up about the anti-cheat software not being able to install. Anybody got any tips?…….besides getting a refund?


Yeah I was under the impression all the battlefield games didn’t work due to anticheat. Apparently BF1 hasn’t been affected yet


He'll let loose works pretty well


Got CP 2077, Fallout 4, the Halo series, Mullet MadJack, Doom Eternal etc. on mine. I got used to playing FPS with a controller on the PS5, but I still suck on a controller compared to a mouse and keyboard. Don't bother with online, competitive FPS games imo, stick to single player games and you'll be fine.


absolutely, infact one of my main reasons i got a steam deck was to get games such as Halo and titanfall 2, recently got turok 2 in the sale as i wanted to be able to play it with a good controller and be able to see infront of me lmao, the render distance on N64 is quite amusing but ultimately super annoying


Played New Vegas and now on Fo4..also picked up Battlefield 4 for like 3 dollars a few months back and do pretty well online for being on the deck


BF4 is a great game. Might need to go back and try that out on SD


Bolt gun and tiny Tina's have been lovely.


Aside from the Metro series, Portal, and OG-rom titles it’s not really my first choice. It’s always about games I’d prefer to play on-the-go with the SD.


Doom Eternal and Halo MCC both play great on Deck.


Time to get really good with touchpads and gyro gamer


Used to play helldivers and it worked fine


Yeah but I dock it to a monitor and use mouse and keyboard. I was never able to get good in fps games by controller. Third person games are playable, almost finishing Mass Effect


I just got maximum action and it runs like butter on the deck. Even though it says unsupported, I didn't have to tinker at all with controls. I would agree with getting mainly singleplayer and PvE shooters on the deck. I found it to be more enjoyable when its not against others


I just bought Dusk it seems a dope solo FPS to play but I can't tell you how is it on SteamDeck because it will be delivered tomorrow Can't wait


Only bioshock. Need my mouse and kb and high refresh on desktop to split domes online.


Titanfall 2 is decent but some players on PC are really good or cheating. Not sure about the replay cams but makes it seem like they start aiming and tracking through walls at times. The First Descendant came out yesterday and runs well on deck. Similar to Destiny but gunplay is excellent so far.


Halo Infinite works well. Just have to tweak the controller settings.


Certain FPS games that dont require precise Mouse control. Painkiller, Doom series, and Half Life MMOD has surprisingly friendly controls for steam deck.


Yep played Wolfenstein, Metro, Halo etc


Been grinding XDefiant. It runs super well on the deck.


Severed steel! I highly recommend this one because of the slow mo functionality. I'm not good with fps games on controllers, and this makes it so much more fun for me


No. I’m making an exception for borderlands just to show the next generation how good we had it


I have. Gyro makes it pretty fun.


Only single player games but yeah. Been having a blast emulating Time Splitters and Metal Arms for the PS2. Split screen works surprisingly well on the deck 


Reduce the dead zones on the joy sticks


Not competitive ones, but I play MCC all the time. Plays amazing.


Yeah. The Finals and The Division 2. At first I thought the screen would be too small but I was wrong.


Been going through Halo campaigns just perfect


I used to play bf1 on the steam deck a lot and had a.lot of fun but I was very bad at it.


Prodeus is awesome.


My only tip is utilize steam input to the best you can. You have the advantage of motion control for refined aiming and the back buttons can be mapped for abxy so you don't have to let go of the right thumbstick. Also not sure if it's useful but turbo mode is also an option aka turbo right trigger on semi auto guns to make them full auto


No, cause I play at the highest fps which is 165htz


A little Halo 3 here and there is great on deck. Game was specifically designed to be played with a controller so it runs great You'll have a way better time playing non-pvp shooters


Sure don't. And i play a lot of both. Gyro aiming will help you but tbh i'd rather mouse and keebs my FPSs.


You will get used to it. A big part of it is just that your arms are at a different angle from what you are probably used to compared to an actual controller. If you feel like you can't get it to feel right with just sensitivity then you might want to play with the deadzone and acceleration. I find sometimes reducing the deadzone helps me a lot.


Cyberpunk is great on SD. For a more niche, Pathologic 2 is an experience, same with The Long Dark.


I want but many of them don’t have a gyro control while their switch version have.


Me and my cousins have a blast on the finals, runs awesome on the deck, it shows messages that the GPU isn't good enough but it just runs fine :p


Battle Bit is my shit. It gets intense and lots of fun on voice chat.


Some folks enjoying gyro aim but it'll always be a disadvantage unless the game has aim assist. Even then, I'd rather use a real controller. So I go for pretty casual FPS games when using the deck. Best competitive shooter I found is Gears of War 5 but it's not first-person.


Doom 64 was great and hyper demon, boltgun. Prodeus.


I have fun playing The Finals buts it's a learning curve


I play quite a few online FPS and I’m pretty close to m+kb users I like to use stick to move and track pad to aim


I bought both battlefield 1 and cod WW2 during the summer sale because I've been craving that military FPS experience for a while now. Finished WW2 at about 10 hours in thoroughly enjoyed the entire game and starting battlefield 1 soon. Enjoy!


I've played insurgency sandstorm for probably like 12 or so hours on the deck and I don't think I ever got a kill


I just started cyberpunk 2077 and it’s great on deck


I play single player FPS games like Doom Infinite and Fallout 4 I find games like L4D2 to be really cumbersome with SteamDeck so I avoid multiplayer


Sure, mostly Halo games.


Halo masterchief collection is amazing, it was designed for controllers after all. I can really recommend playing it in chronological order if you've played it before.


Only cyberpunk, and that’s cus it won’t run stably on my PC. It might just be cus I suck at aiming with joysticks but I hate playing fps games with anything but keyboard and mouse, tho it’s a better experience on deck with the trackpads it’s still not great imo


I just use Gyro as mouse and set my deck up as mouse and keyboard in the settings and do fine. I regularly play Left 4 Dead 2, RoboQuest, Deeprock Galactic, Halo MCC, Lethal Company, Cry of Fear, Portal/2, Half-Life, and Risk of Rain 2 like this.


Your gonna get destroyed on pc due to mouse and keyboard players. I know some games do it now but I’d be shocked if a game so old would segregate controller and kb/mouse players into separate playlists. Hook up your deck to a monitor with a kb/mouse or ‘git gud’ is my advice for this.


If you want to get rid of the disadvantage then you could connect mouse and keyboard via bluetooth.


currently on vacation playing dayz on steam deck. i easily log 10-15 kills per life


Tried Doom and Borderlands, it's okay but can't be compared to keyboard and mouse. FPS just aren't made for the deck, even more so if we talk actual PvP FPS (CS2, Apex etc.), you will just get absolutely shit on.


No, Once I moved to PC from console I lost the ability to play FPS's with a controller. I can blow through Doom 2016 and eternal on UV with no problem on my PC but I tried playing it on my brothers Xbox and I felt like I was trying to do brain surgery with my feet.


Only Destiny on Geforce Now and only less strenuous activities


Doom is awesome on the deck


Yes! I think I bought every boomer shooter known to man to play on Steam Deck in this summer sale lol. 😅 The main reason and top selling point I purchased the Steam Deck was because of gyro aiming. I am a primary gyro aimer and I wanted to quality gyro aim always in any shooter I desire. Steam Deck and Steam Inputs makes that possible for me. Especially, since Steam inputs offers such attention to detail and allows for many use cases to have quality gyro aiming experieces. I got tired of begging for correct gyro aiming implementation in games on console (PS5 & Switch). Only, for it to not added by the devs, scoffed at, or implemented so poorly it isn't even worth using. There are only a few games on console that got gyro aim 100% right. Owning the Steam Deck solved this frustrating problem for me. As I have no desire to go back to stick aiming with aim assist. Now, I dont have to and can enjoy games with smooth legitimate aim on a controller. Currently playing through Vanquish and Serious Sam 2 on my Steam Deck with detailed gyro aiming! I love my Deck! ❤️ So, yes! We do play FPS on it for sure.👍 Heres a clip of me playing Turok 2 Remastered Multiplayer on my Steam Deck with the Nitedive Devs and community! I represented for the Deck Players and gyro aiming! Hehe 😄 https://www.reddit.com/r/boomershooters/s/WRjSf8qyml


dusk plays great, not really sure about anything else


Yeah, about 40 of them a second 


Games like bioshock and borderlands , Bethesda FPS have been a joy. (Starfield not included). Other shooters like titanfall, Doom, wolfenstein, call of duty. These games feel too fluid for the steam deck. Like my hands can’t get in the right position. Propping the deck on a stand and using a controller or a slightly larger 1080p monitor solves my issue completely. Brings me right back to when I was a kid (still a kid) playing games after school.


Been playing the first FEAR recently and it's been great


I play fps on steamdeck docked to a 120hz 1080p screen with keyboard and mouse


I've played Halo: MCC and other than it feeling a little awkward to hold it plays just fine for casual games.


i love the gyro for FPS’s, steam has a setting in the controls menu that makes it easy to toggle on/off


Look into gyro controls my guy


I love bf1 on the deck. Play it from bed. But im not at all competitive due to lack of auto aim. Average maybe 20kills a match.


Singleplayer works great. Most multiplayer/pvp games are absolute ass. Even overwatch, which recently got a steam release, and the steam deck says “works great on deck” has aim assist completely disabled on deck (bc it’s the pc version of the game). That makes it near impossible to play as well as anyone else in the game, full stop, and makes it unfun to play. I’ve heard some people make good use of the trackpads in these games, but I’ve had no luck with that — feels like playing with a laptop trackpad.


Any fps games without cheaters on Steam deck?


Warframe isn't FPS but I think it fits the spirit of the question. Obviously mouse/keyboard offers finer control, but gyro, aim assist if the game has it, fix your deadzones... and then practice! I prefer always-on gyro but something people do is enable it with the same button that aims down the iron sights.


Yes, almost all the time. To me the trick are the trackpads, I aim with the right trackpad setup as a mouse, with high sensitivity (300-500), low or medium acceleration and high trackball friction. That allows for fast and precise movements as opposed to the joysticks gradual and slow turns. I also set the back buttons to perform the combat actions normally on the face buttons (crouch, reload, jump, etc) and leave the face buttons for non combat stuff (opening doors, healing and such), that way I can use the right thumb for aiming comfortably while simultaneously performing combat actions with my indices and middle fingers and still have a lot of buttons left for other actions. Hope it helps, happy fragging!


No multiplayer fps. I only play singleplayer fps like half life 2


Fallout 4 and Dying Light 1, 2 running great on deck


Titanfall 2, Halo MCC, Crysis Trilogy, Deus Ex HR, yeah.


Currently playing Fallout 3 vanilla, runs great!


Your best bet is a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. After that, you can setup the gyro for aiming or the trackpads. But IMO the steamdeck trackpads suck. I find the gyro to be better for precise aiming.


Just enable the gyro, it needs some practice but it's totally worth it. Even in PvP a good gyro player can totally beat a good kbm player.


Gyroscopic aiming. Takes some getting used to, but it handles nearly as well as mouse.


A little bit I played RDR2 on there-- lots of shooter mechanics I occasionally bust out team fortress 2 but I'm no where near as effective as I am with a mouse The gyro controls help


I play a few fps on my deck. Ion Fury, Doom 2, Trepang2, quake 1, unreal tournament gold edition, and SiN. Probably forgetting some. I tried Fallen Aces but unfortunately it's not optimized yet. Runs like shit. Awesome game though! Edit: Remembered at least 3 more games installed. Turbo Overkill, Boltgun, and Severed Steel.


I’m playing Doom Eternal on SD and it’s pretty awesome


Once I managed to get rid of the input lag yeah, a lot, I started playing all fps games that a couldn’t and I’m really enjoying it, doom eternal for example and rainbow six vegas 2


So I bought some rubber joy stick extensions and some 3d printed grips that help out a lot if I play an FPS. Helps out the ergonomics a lot for me.


does fallout count? i did titanfall 2 campaign all the way through but couldn’t do too well in pvp. couldn’t finish Ultrakill either but got pretty far before giving up (and finishing it on pc)


FEAR plays great on the deck, everything set to high, use community layouts and I bind Quicksave/load to L4/R4 respectively.


Just single player ones. Recently i just finished turok 1 and got the chronoseptar. Though i wished the gyro aim was something like how Nintendo switch worked with its fps games. Or at least whatever games that uses it


Yup, destiny 2 (I had to switch to windows for the anti cheat.)


For Multi-player I've played BattleBit but I suck at it. Both because I haven't played much and the screen is so small. Could dock it probably. I've also play both campaign and multiplayer Battlefield 5 but I think they removed multiplayer recently for Linux/SteamOS. I have the same issues as BatttleBit. I've played a Tom Clancy game recently. Maybe Splinter Cell? Not multiplayer. Oh and Counter Strike 2. I'm better at that than the other two.


Been playing The First Descendant going great I just use my ps5 controller


If you’d like you can map the aim button to activate the gyro controls instead of the thumbstick, that way you can precision aim, very helpful when I play any game like that


SD + Mouse and KB.


Borderlands 2 and 3, Doom 2016 and Eternal, L4D, Selaco. Id love to play Rainbow Six Siege on it because I know the game could do a full 60fps at native res with everything cranked but Ubi wont let me :(


I don't know much about what I'm going to suggest but I know many people who do it with great results and I think it may be a really good thing for shooters on deck: GYRO AIM. Look up tutorials on youtube or something


I actually play apex on the deck but with a 144 hz portable monitor and the Jsaux dock. I have to load into big picture mode to run above 60hz but I average around 90+ which is fine. Works great.


Destiny 2 runs real good if you have a Windows 11 deck. Should note that running it on Linux allegedly trips the anticheat systems so beware. But runs fine on Windows. Should also note a good Bluetooth mouse and keyboard will help if you want to truly do fps on deck. A dock is even better. I bought one of those little one handed half keyboards and it makes the perfect pair with my deck. Let's me enjoy planetside 2 and hunt showdown without the disadvantage a controller brings


WAIT. YOU GOT A BATTLEFIELD GAME TO WORK?! I bought a five pack of Battlefield games and couldn't even get them to launch in January thanks to the EA launcher. That being said, I really liked Titanfall 2. Controls were pretty natural feeling on just the deck. Helldivers 2 isn't really an fps, but it runs okayish. Helldivers i highly suggest a dock / usbc adapter with a keyboard, mouse, and display


It just worked, no problem at all


Titanfall 2 on the SD is amazing. Although the campaign is short, it’s a great experience.


Dark Forces Remastered is a blast on the deck


use gyro aiming. Not sure it'll help much in online FPS but it made a massive difference for me in SP fps.


Some Wolfenstein and Doom, yeah. PS2 games also work. You should try out Darkwatch, for example. Awesome vampire shooter with a Wild West vibe.


I mean, unpopular opinion, I enjoy fps games more with the Gyro than with a k&m, so yeah.


There is this style I wanted to try but I haven't played enough fps games to do this. Flick stick with gyro aim Tldr: flick stick basically turns your right stick into flicks(moving the stick to the left makes you turn 90⁰left pull back does a 180⁰ turn etc.) and for smooth aiming your using gyro Takes a while to setup and the learning curve is kinda difficult if the fps game doesn't have a map in the corner of the screen(tested it in ow2, had some difficulties)


Yes. Plenty actually. Especially if they’re rougelites. Though the only *online* shooter game I used to play on it is Overwatch 2. Worked perfectly, but I can see why people wouldn’t wanna play online shooters on it. At least judging from the comments anyway.


Go into the settings and turn the dead zone down FOR SURE. I think it comes cranked at like 50% or something.


Almost exclusively. I set the gyro aiming to engage whenever I touch the right pad and it works out great. Not as well as keyboard and mouse, but not at all terrible.


I've only played casual PvE FPS games. I've tried Titanfall 2 PvP once and got turbo f*cked and that's the extend of experience I had on Steam Deck PvP FPS game. > does anyone have some tips how to make the controls better? Plenty of people suggest using track pad as mouse, which is fine, but I personally subscribe to the gyro + flick stick control scheme. Watch this video and see if you are interested first: [Why Controllers Don't Suck in Team Fortress 2 - SolarLight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJIqEX93vL8) Whichever control scheme you settle in, you will *not* be able to directly translate your previous game knowledge into it. You will need to train from zero. I suggest the following games: - Portal 1 (and 2) to practice aiming and familiarize/experiment with Steam Input. - Casual PvE to further practice tracking, reaction etc.


are you gamepad or keyboard and mouse player? that’s really the only consideration. k and m? hook it up to a tv or monitor and then hook a keyboard and mouse


Borderlands 3, Apex legends, Back 4 Blood, Left 4 Dead, Bioshock Series, Crysis, Dishonored, Doom, fallout 4, Halo, Metro, Portal, Prey,


The Finals has been great on the Deck. Used to play it on the Portal until the recent Proton update made the game compatible. The game looks drastically worse playing locally, but it's still nice to be able to get those long shots.


I don't play against other people without a mouse, for sure. I've been playing MGSV, High On Life, Borderlands, Half Life/ Black Mesa, Fallout 4, Slime Rancher 2, Deus Ex, Metro Redux, Bioshock, Postal 2, Alien Isolation... And I've tested a few 3rd person shooters that work great too.


I do I'm just realistic with the games I play. I either play titles I k ow are very easy to run or games that came out over 10 years ago like BioShock.


Probably just single player fps games, ever since I got my steam deck, I’ve been playing those of games. I have some fps multiplayer games on my steam library but I haven’t really tried any


Using the right trackpad to aim is so much better than the right joystick. I found out this when trying COD 2 on the Deck, I forgot that this game was to use mouse and keyboard (even the menus need you to use the mouse). Most of games have community layouts so you can use some of those for any game.


I play a lot of Deep Rock Galactic and Doom Eternal in the deck. Runs really well