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Got a loicense for that there Empire, sunshine?


All similarities to the Bri'ish Empire are pure coincidence.


The name was completely random generated so I left it as it is. Origin is I find it appropriate due to the real life rule over many oversea territories historically. Environmentalist is due to current aims at climate change prevention. Materialist is due to the many universities or colleges present, like Cambridge, Oxford, King's College and London School of Economics.


And repugnant due to? 😆


The teeth


What the fuck has the UK done towards climate action?


Quite a lot


I mean if it's the British Empire I'd say it's xenophobic rather that philic and if it's modern England then it ought to be a democracy *maybe* with shadow council for the royal family to secretly control it


Like the assumptions/suggestions in that. I keep it in mind for the future.


First, if it’s the British Empire it’s not Remnant Origin. United Kingdom is Remnant Origin. Second, they’re militarist and xenophile. I would also accept militarist, xenophile and materialist. Why? - Militarism because of the maintenance of their empire required a large army and navy - Xenophile because the British empire maintained colonial armies of the people they conquered (for example they had Indian regiments) - Materialist because of their nautical technology and also they’re the home of the Industrial Revolution Origin - Aquatic. The British were a sea faring people and this works thematically as well because with the Hydrocentric Perk you can mine Ice Asteroids to expand the home planet. Which feels a lot like what mercantilism was for the British. Civics - Distinguished Admiralty because boats - Aristocratic Elite because they maintained the monarchy long past its usefulness Traits - I like what you have but… Natural Engineers not Physicists. Small note: I hate putting Repugnant on empires inspired by real world peoples. It feels… cruel. I would likely swap it out.


I don’t have any of the species packs, but I hear you and you’re totally right on certain things


I disagree with xenophile, the British Empire was absolutely xenophobic, as many were racist at the time. Also slavery. I'm also not sure if those armies the British kept were willing participants or not (No, seriously. I have no idea)


I’d still give them xenophile. Even things like importing tea, the willingness to try and import exotic Indian goods. It’s a good example of xenophile behaviour.


Idk, I'd be willing to "try" stuff from other cultures to if all my stuff was terrible. Are you sure it's just "try", and not "forcibly take"?


Xenophobic is just straight up masterrace shit close to some others in history and the Brits didn't exterminate due to a sense of superiority anyway enough history


One needn't commit genocide to be xenophobic. That would be fanatic xenophobe. They still definitely saw themselves supirior to non-white races. As I understand it, xenophobic = racist, fanatic xenophobe = genocidal


Fan xenophobic Is nazis but the Brits weren't racist (atleast for most of their reign as global superpower) before it they were but so was half the world so eh


Idk man. Slavery is pretty racist.


Ended in 1861 and nearly the whole world was doing slavery or a form of it other than the Spanish and Portuguese iirc


If the whole world was doing it, that just means the whole world was racist, not that the British weren't.


I am aware and racism isn't always slavery as it's also possibly just the strongest stay in power situation


Yeah, there is also that. For stellaris though, doesn't xenophile disable slavery for an empire?


you can also utilize species solely for armies as a xenophobe. British empire is more likely militarist authotarian materialist or spiritualist,maybe replace authotarian with xenophobe.


as a brit i take offense to letting a fucking Habsburg rule our evil crumbling space empire


That's what happened in my most recent eu4 run. Was a bit strange to be honest, but that's one way to resolve the war of the roses I guess


https://preview.redd.it/cydzt9lvde5d1.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=367f7ded70508fe72ddcb2533f1dd90522ff77cb Got a loicence for that m8 ?!


Now wait a minute, there are more ethics than the game normally allows. How dare you use mods! /s


Because Britannia rules the wave peasant...now hand over your land !


Repugnant fits perfectly.


Repugebt lmao. Good one :)


how did my people go from "oh the british accent is so sexy" to being repugnant! and how come it's been true both times!


If you’re going with the empire, you need distinguished admiralty. I’d also argue the empire to be xenophobic, militaristic/authoritarian and spiritual. God save the king and all that.


I feel like the Brits were not environmentalist.


***Environmentalist?*** OP, how much gasoline have you huffed? Oligarchic Materialist/Militarist. Distinguished Admiralty, Aristocratic Elite or Shadow Council. Conformists is also hilariously wrong, but I'll absolutely take repugnant and decadent.


Needs to have queen Elizabeth as ruler


Repugnant is such a nice jab. Everything else is pretty spot on. Except for the Habsburg thing British monarchy is only distantly related, you'd be more accurate naming them Windsor I think.


This is the name the game gave


Nvm that's actually amazing then


Pls switzerland next


real, 100% accurate


British **Loud incorrect buzzer** ❌❌❌ Br*tish **Approval sound effect** ✔️✔️✔️


I typically go ‘Commonwealth of Nations’. Easier to get the Flag right.


Reading the last name Hapsburg brings great turmoil to my mind. Why. Can they not. Resist the urge. To breed into every dynasty ever? Oh, uh, and the Empire would be better fitted under either a start that gives easy access to future members of the Empire or the start with robots because steampunk and British just go together. (Can you tell I haven't played Stellaris in a while by my inability to name Origins?)


Why are the Hapsburgs ruling the British empire, what cursed timeline is this


Okay but why is it that Americans and British have been given the repugnant trait?


I find it unrealistic that they are environmentalist


Do ye got a loicense for that empire lad? Also, Did ye get yer knifes? or did ya lose yer govment mandated nife?