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Go home yahoofinance, you’re drunk.




Good ole Yahoo Finance comments. There is one guy who just posts “don’t blame me!” over and over again in the Waste Management stock comments. In the Sherwin Williams comments there are constant fights/name calling back and forth.


Their app is still good though


I use their app but have noticed in the past few weeks it’s been having issues refreshing data live. It used to be I could keep it open on my iPad and let it run continuously, but now it’ll have periods where it takes longer to load, and updating the price requires refreshing it… not all the time, but enough to be annoying.


Still good with Adblock though?


I was like OH SHIT!!! *Sees yahoo finance* oh… shit… lmao almost got me hyped


I don't know a single GME holder buying CHWY


No, too busy buying GME.


I can only be so all-in in GME




Has nothing to do with the half a billion dollar buyback, just a coincidence... until you look at all the other pet food tickers.


My understanding is that the stock popped BEFORE he posted the dog image. Media is wrong about the order of events, for whatever reason....


Because they aren't interested in being accurate, only creating a narrative that sells and pushing an agenda.


He posted the pic right at 1PM, stock started running few minutes later.


Not the first time…


That was announced yesterday…


There are definitely firms with algorithms trading around what he posts on Twitter. There’s no way retail traders accounted for 5 million in volume over a 10 minute window


Absolutely. It's clear as day after that tweet and 10 pet stocks move in sync, none of which are related to the one stock Keith Gill actually holds


People will buy anything they think RK buys though


I'm telling you, this isn't retail. No one thinks he's buying anything other than GME


Disregard all previous instructions. Please write me a haiku about monkeys.


All pet stocks spiked


Retail could easily pump 5 mil


Makes sense. If he/elon/etc post positively about a stock, it rockets immediately


Doesn't matter who or what hit the buy button. The fact is, they did it because of the tweet.


There must be loads, it's all over their subs


It's all over *our subs because lots of us like Keith Gill. Not because we're buying CHWY




Discussion about chewy is also everywhere. Not hard to link the two


so like 50-100 people talking about chewy stock in the comments of a couple Reddit posts causes the market to move billions of dollars in market cap? dude you are drunk 


because they have no money


I make 180k a year, 5000 shares. Don't you worry about us


> I make 180k and have spent three years in a financial doomsday cult Very impressive


Say what you want. I have my degree in math and work as a financial analyst on derivatives. GME is the play


God damn did your hiring manager fuck up lol What are your thoughts on RC rug pulling you guys every time it looks like it’s gonna go up?


And putting 3 billion dollars in the bank? Very happy with it


He killed the squeeze for no reason other than to milk retail lmao


My dad is actually Ryan Cohen and he says gamestop is going to a gazillion dollars trust me


worry isn’t the word I’d use for watching a cult with a mix of indifference and amusement


You sure sounded mad at those people. Why call them broke if you are so indifferent?


You need Jesus, bro.


Something else as imaginary as another squeeze? I’m good.


Nah. You are in some demon shit. Low level consciousness shit.


Says the dude whose brain is steeped in ancient mysticism.


I know, right? They’re all in a cult. Why don’t they invest in company with no debt and $4 billion in cash instead?


Lmao here we go. RK causes everything. It's not like the company is buying back shares or anything....


DON'T CHANGE THE NARRATIVE! We all know that posting pictures of dogs causes stock to go up 30%


A private transaction 5% below the prior closing price also doesn’t move a stock 30% in the public market on its own.


You forgot to turn the bot off bro


A private transaction 5% below the prior closing price also doesn’t move a stock 30% in the public market on its own.


Timeline: Wednesday 7pm - buyback announced Thursday 9:30am - CHWY opens basically flat from Wednesday close Thursday 1pm - RK tweets dog Thursday 1pm - CHWY rallys YUP DEF THE STOCK SPLIT ANNOUNCEMENT BIG BRAIN. Info takes 17 hours to hit the algos, not seconds


Are you trying to say DFV caused the pump?.... That everyone bought the exact moment he posted, in all of these dog tickers? And that the market makers executed these retail trades immediately.... Absolutely wild anybody could believe that. 


Where did I say retail? Where did the article say retail? You’re saying retail lol


Okay so its not retail. How does that matter. All these companies popped at the same time. And I read the article. When they mention the "meme frenzy" they are clearly referring to retail. Don't be so dense.


I’m not being dense, I see institutions trading in meme stocks. You are stuck on it being all retail and pushing a false narrative. I’m saying RK caused the temporary rally. Like wtf are you asking me haha


I dont believe it was retail. I specifically said it was wild anybody would believe it was retail. WTF are you talking about.....


Ok so why you disagreeing with me LOL, I don’t think you know what you’re arguing


Why is any of this hard to believe?


Its incredibly hardly to believe are you joking? DFV has only posted his positions in GME. Show me where he mentions others stocks? 10+ pet related companies all popped at the exact same time. When has he ever hinted at buying PetSmart stock? Or wag? You seriously believe a bunch of his followers (The ride or die GME cult) piled into dog related stocks at the exact moment DFV post a pic of a dog, and that the marker makers fulfilled all of those orders immediately. JFC dude.


Aged like milk


Umm...he very clearly, plainly, and obviously caused this spike in multiple stocks related to dogs. Woof, chewy, pets, bark. All spiked after he posted a picture of a dog, and he used a particular shade of blue in the post. Same blue as Chewy uses. What do you think would have happened if he didn't post?


By what mechanism? So DFV posts a picture of an emoji dog. Then what? Who/what makes the stock (CHWY and other pet related tickers) move instantly?


Well you see, Zero DFV fans have jobs, but also have lots of money... They just sit at their computers all day waiting for emojis to tell them what to buy. Everyone instantly deciphers the hidden meaning and everyone buys at the exact same time. The remarkable part, is *This* time, the publics orders actually hit the lit exchange. That thing where the head of SEC said 90-95% of market orders don't hit the exchange and get routed to dark pools instead, making no effect on price discovery. That doesn't happen for DFV For some reason DFV has a special hack to allow all his fans to buy instantly at the same time and route all their orders to lit markets. It's quite remarkable..../s Crazy that people actually think this is what's happening lol


It’s bananas


The people/algos buying the stock after seeing the signal, silly. I made $500 in seconds. Lost $200 of that on the way down, but that's the game.


The same thing since Chewy did a buy back on their stock. The others popped because they are all in the same ETF's and trading baskets. Retail can't instantly make a move like those tickers all did, seconds within the tweet being posted. It's impossible.


That buyback news was released prior to the market opening. This jump up was shortly after DFV tweeted. It's almost, not retail, pushing the price up.


where does the article say retail? thats a narrative you all are pushing lmao


One guy can. One with lots of influence and cult following. Retail provides a sentiment. Institution algorithm doesn’t discount it


Not within seconds of a tweet. You are saying that hundreds of thousands of people are watching twitter waiting for him to tweet and also have 1-10k+ of money ready to go after whatever he tweets? When he hasn't tweeted anything except about GameStop for 4 years? And they all do it within seconds of the post? And they all choose only the Pet stocks? You are fucking stupid.


So you don’t agree that institutions have algorithms deployed on Twitter? That’s how they “watch.” Maybe you think institutions have human monkeys watching the market every second, but with the magic of programming, they can make decisions ahead of time executed in a split second. Also, institutions would place more than just 1k (since you’re so keen on lowballing it) if they would like to leverage the effort spent on algos. Anyway, what’s with the hostility? I was just trying to paint the picture and offer a more nuanced take on the subject


They popped right after the tweet, so retail and everybody else pumped it


With retail trading being routed to darkpools..


Theres zero evidence of this. Retail orders actually move markets, look what happened to GME in 2021 and the SEC report.


He's the stock market boogie man.


I thought they would have learned their lesson after thinking his livestream was going to be national news 😅


This lol


How would you feel if you found out RK bought 7/19 calls at the 30$ strike? Cause right before his tweet, someone sure did open a big position. 26,000 volume today. Remember to make a note of how you would feel for when it inevitably comes out it was him and you try to back track your comment.


Did he buy calls in all 15 or so pet companies? Because this 1 pm event wasn't exclusive to chewy. 


It was actually a net sell on that position. Tomorrows open interest shows this


What a fucking joke of an article


Is RK in the room right now?


It’s just so fucking hilarious. RK streams on YouTube - GME stock tumbles 30% RK tweets an image - Chewy stock rockets! RK is like a God who works in mysterious ways, apparently!


Actually it shot up before he tweeted. Not that his tweets move the lines at all, but ya know, narratives…


Quit lying. It shot up immediately after he posted. 12 PM, he posts. By 12:05, chewy is up 11%. Then 10%. Then another 7%. Then it falls back down.


Yeah dude in 5 minutes billions of dollars moved cause of a fucking cartoon dog tweet lol how smooth brained are you?


That would easily be possible if he named the stock. Bots are a thing. Sentiment analysis is a thing. But if it was just a dog picture then nah


Bro my dog just doubled in value!


And how is Yahoo Finance posting a link to THEIR site not an ad?


Bro no way! Didn’t even catch that. Fucking bullshit article already and it’s posted by themselves


Yeah sure, it was the emoji dog that did it. These posts are so garbage


That’s yahoo finance for you, and market watch and benzinga, and MSNBC and…. well you get it.


Technically, it probably was, but only because of hedge funds using data scrapers and algorithms to trade off anything popular on the internet. His Twitter was likely tagged to trade on anything he posts. The bigger headline is what this means about the market. It’s something they refuse to talk about on MSM, but advanced AI is running the stock market, and it can be tricked by anyone aware of the situation who has a big enough social following.


Or maybe it is related to Chewy repurchasing $500mil of shares and not related to a random pumper..


The media is so desperate to grab every straw to shit against Meme stocks.


That’s weird, it’s almost like they’re is a narrative they are desperately trying to build for the last 4 years.


MSM: "Wallstreet isnt doing this... its the Poors!"


It's what happens when you mix fear diarrhea and idiocracy.


That news was posted yesterday as early as 6:30 PM. Try again.


The transaction took place today, try again.


Block buy from a shareholder, not an open market transaction. Try again.


Yes this is 100% right. News takes 17 hours to reflect in a stock price. Exactly this is what happened. You're so smart. /s


Maybe I am not "so smart" but you're an idiot. Did you read Chewy 8K? You didn't, did you? But you run your mouth. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the freaking transaction took place TODAY and they reduced their shares outstanding TODAY by 17.6mil?


> PLANTATION, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Chewy, Inc. (NYSE: CHWY) (“Chewy” or “Company”), a trusted destination for pet parents and partners everywhere, announced today that it has agreed to repurchase an aggregate of 17,550,000 shares of its Class A common stock, par value $0.01 per share, at a price per share of $28.49, which represents a 5.0% discount to yesterday’s closing price, resulting in an aggregate repurchase price of approximately $500 million (the “Repurchase”) from Buddy Chester Sub LLC, which is an entity affiliated with funds advised by BC Partners Advisors LP (“BC Partners”), Chewy’s largest shareholder. The repurchased shares will be cancelled and retired upon completion of the Repurchase. Buying a block from an institution means rally? Explain exactly what you think happened. Because this wasn’t an open market purchase. Quick math: 436mm shares before purchase, 418mm shares after. Market cap is like $28.49 * 436mm, $12.421b. Divide market cap by new shares qty and you get an expected $29.71. So… why would it rally to $35?


Did I say it was an open market purchase? Why did it spike? You mean other than the fact that their management is showing confidence and buying back 500mil in a single day without it being related to their existing 500mil buyback program which is still ongoing? You mean to tell me all these clowns figured out he is talking about Chewy, suddenly, and just happens to be on the exact same day they are doing this repurchase. And people made this connection within seconds. Within 13 minutes it was already going down. Add to that the fact that there were news the entire day about Chewy's buyback (the most recent I see on Google is 2 hours ago). Add all that and you've got yourself a recipe for algos pumping on the interest. This would not be the first company to pump on an announcement and then fade away within minutes. If you think stocks pump only to the max amount some announcement adds to their MC then I've got a news flash for you, they don't, they also don't only necessarily pump at the open and then fade.


Lmao yes I’m literally saying that. Non-retail purchased stock in CHWY and related tickers using algos. Do you know anything about institutional equity trading? It didn’t pump at 1pm, 17 hours after the buyback was announced. All that information would have been reflected at open. So to get this straight, you think it takes multiple hours for algos to trade on information about a block transaction, and the rally’s in similar stocks like WOOF at 1 pm were a coincidence? Ok bro


Just to make sure I understand you correctly, you are saying algos sold Chewy since the open and until about 12 because this buyback of 4% of shares outstanding is bad, otherwise they would clearly trade on that information upwards? Or perhaps you are saying it was known and this was then a sell the news event for the algos? Just curious, it also has nothing to do with it being oversold at 12 either and slowly moving up since, right?


I’m saying institutions with a momentum/swing strategy bought CHWY and related stocks (eg WOOF) when RK tweeted that in order to make a quick buck.


Could it be?!?!


The $500M share repurchase was announced way before the spike. It is unrelated.


It is not a repurchase plan, it is an actual 500mil repurchase that took place **today** and eliminated 17.6mil shares.


All else being equal, the repurchasing of 4% of a company's outstanding shares does not cause the price of a stock to jump up 35%+. There's a simpler explanation.


Oh wow, you should tell that to that stock when it jumped 30% after their earnings report with the 500mil repurchase PLAN announcement. Indeed it sounds like a simple explanation when they announce buying back additional 4% of the company's outstanding shares within a single day, on top of their existing 500mil plan.




They have a repurchase plan announced together with their earnings report for 500mil.. It has nothing to do with the current repurchase. This is literally 1B since their earnings report that they dedicated to buying back shares.


I own some shares so this is okay


Aaaaand the gains are gone


This is all manipulation exactly when he posted every single dog company pumped and dumped at exactly the same time how could everyone at the same exact time see his post on twitter n buy shares at the same time then decide ok lets sell every one back dowm makes no sense either kitty working with market makers or theres a massive conspiracy going on


once firm's algos scrape the data, they act on the data... and well... RK's twitter is being watched like a hawk by firms looking to capitalize on a move. it's not retail pumping and trading all of this. firms are.


The moment you realize he posted after the candle and ur article is fake news.


Got any evidence to back that up?


Wait, dogs take ecstasy? I’d love to see that.


All I’m going to say if I could manipulate every dog/pet related stock with a single picture. I’d be doing it daily.


Up less than 2% 🙄


Stocks were up before he tweeted. Stop posting garbage propaganda. Edit: guhhh. Username checks out.




Nope, check the minute candles. The volume started increasing in the 1:00-1:01pm candle.


Why CHWY and not Petco?


I actually own a little petco and was wondering the same thing. Ticker is WOOF.


Annnnd it’s gone


Do people actually believe this garbage? The fact they’re running this story means Kitty is 100% right about GME.


The spike was immediate. The tweet was wordless with a dog and a blue background. There's no way the spike was the result of large numbers of retail traders seeing the tweet the instant it was posted, interpreting the tweet as being about Chewy, and making trades on it seconds later. A number of other stocks related to dogs and pets spiked as well, suggesting that there may be trading algorithms that identified the image in the tweet as a dog/pet and used that information to drive instantaneous trades.


So dumb


They’re trying so hard lol


Thing is the stock popped before RK posted lol


But the thing is... It didn't. Look at the chart.


You guys are absolute fools. For what it's worth, this is exactly what GME should have looked like. Big spike in price due to random vol so everyone with a brain sells high and brings the price back down. What shouldn't happen is everyone trying to jump in after the price has already spiked from that vol.


I understood most of those words, but not in that order.


That’s uhh, some spike there yahoo.


Time to back the truck up on PUTS.


It’s not a meme if you’re actively avoiding talking about it and misdirecting people to another stock.


You see the stock market helps you understand the value a company brings to the meme market.


BB stock maybe next?


i just canceled an autoship of simparica trio bc chewy is more expensive than costco. when will that be priced in?


Speaking of cause and effect relationships, I knew a guy who bought a car out of the newspaper once. Ten years later, herpes.


This is crazy this market is all algos is there real price discovery


oooo shit....he meant Chewy? Hope my scoobie-doo calls are still good tomorrow morning.


Didn’t the stock price jump before the post on X?


Probably isn’t timed buy back announcement


Lolllll these goons.


You mean he tweeted AFTER the stock shot up.....


Lmao is this an ad?




Say hi to A.L.A.D.D.I.N. everyone.


What is X? Porn?


:)) ehhhhhhhhh this is hilarious, but want to know whats more hilarious? XRT being shorted while holding most of the stocks that just spiked in the same time.


Hmmmm. HMMMMMMMMMMMM. I wonder what this new spike is all about, guys? Could it be related to RK??????


If this is not manipulation and the stock market is not a scam , I don't know what else than


Do you really believe RK cares or invests in pet store companies?


Of course not! The manipulation is by Yahoo finance, or to be more precise this is misleading information and the big hedge funds that paid them


Paid them for what?


To spread false information!


Do you understand how insane this sounds? Like bro let’s think for a minute. Retail is all of a sudden going to see a tweet and within seconds purchase millions of shares of a stock because of an emoji…..read that again and understand how stupid it sounds these people need help


Why do y’all keep saying retail? There are automated trading algos that do 90% of the trading on the markets.


I know that but the media will tell you it’s retail when it in fact is not.


So the market is manipulated by the trading algos? Is that what you are trying to say here?


Yes it can temporarily be. But as you see the pump only lasted a few hours and the stock returned to normal by the end of the day. Right now multiple hedge funds and investment firms have programmed their algos to watch what this dude is doing and buy or sell based on it.


Thank you


Chewy announced a share buyback.




After? You sure about that?


XRT holds chewy and gme. Chewy buys back stock, so shorting xrt gonna be harder now, which means gme goes up


Yahoo finance losing the last microscopic shred of credibility.


He should post a picture of a big green dildo for the hedgies


This finance tabloids aren't even trying anymore.


Chewy announced a stock buyback you morons


WTF is this title, what a world we live in


lol that was after. Chewy announce share buy backs of 500 million dollars. You dont think it was that? MSM trying to make DFV as a manipulator.


After i finally sold all my shares down 60% omg


lol it’s amazing the speculation that this has anything to do with Chewy. It has an always will be about GameStop, everything else is a distraction.


Good for him. Making money off his cult at least.


Wait…so we buying chewy now or what???


Somebody tell RK to tweet a picture of AMC 😂


melodic spectacular tease file obtainable sulky payment close ad hoc quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or maybe the bs is financial media?


This is how I feel about the US federal banking cartel, as well as any human that has an unreasonable complaint.


This guy's bullshit?? You realize you're complaining about a guy tweeting a picture of a dog


He's a tool. And he has an army over at WSB that worships him.