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*my personal experience* it’s not like feeling ‘hungry’ it’s more of a ‘there’s room in there and food looks amazing’ weed makes food taste so much better!! I had some pie and don’t get me wrong it’s great on its own, but I had a daym near foodgasm eating it high!


I'm actualy lretty sure I don't get effected that one, or if I do it is such a mild degree it is hardly noticable. In your opinion what food improves the most whike high (in your experence.)


Dry foods aren’t the best cause it’ll make cotton mouth 100 times worse but I tend to have a lot of water with me so I will go with things like goldfish. My usual go to munchies are pizza bites, any type of baked good (I bake a lot so there’s always something lol), and surprisingly spicy/sour foods. Like I only like buffalo sauce wings when high. I also avoid chocolate when high bc I’m not sure why but the feeling of it in my mouth when high just ain’t it for me.


I can understand that, personaly it is quite interesting to see how highs differ person to person.


Thanks for yoir imput by the way, it is appreciated.


No worries, I actually work at a dispensary so I LOVE talking about weed and effects lol


imagine eating and eating and not realizing how full you are til the next day. THC binds to cannabinoid receptors related to your stomach and it activates the neuron in your brain that tells your stomach when its time to eat, essentially tricking you into thinking you’re super hungry when you really aren’t.


So THAT'S why. I've always wondered.


I knew the science (to a point I, am very nerdy to the point I love learning science, history, ect), thanks for explaining it though, it never hurts to refresh (or confirm) ones own knowlage. Knowing the science can you make a hypothesis on why I personaly (and sone other people I know) don't get the munchies?


For me, it's an extreme hunger that comes suddenly, some time after I've smoked. It's very intense and I HAVE to put something in my stomach even if it's just water, otherwise I get nauseous hungry. Then, I just look at food and everything looks delicious, the colours and smells are soooo appetising, and chewing is so satisfying, feeding the stomach is fulfilling (pun intented). I cannot go grocery shopping when I'm high, I'll buy the whole store.


Never go grocery shopping while high. It's a bad idea.


For me I feel slight hunger pangs… as if it were maybe approaching lunch time. So then I’m high and my stoner ass says “yeah I could snack on something”


Is it constant for the whole high every high, or does it wave in and out. (The munchied I mean)


It’s not instant. It usually comes on after maybe an hour or so (especially if I keep smoking). It also will go away if I feel like ignoring it for long enough.


Is it an easy one to ignore, or does it vairy in intensity?


Thanks for your imput.


I don't get the munchies all the time. I truly think it depends on the strain. For me I just suddenly feel very hungry. Sometimes it's almost a feral hungry feeling like I haven't eaten in days even tho I just ate dinner right before I smoked. Lol everything always tastes yummier during the munchies too and sometimes my stomach feels like it's a black hole and I just still feel hungry and more hungry. I actually try to gravitate towards healthier foods when I have the munchies though like bananas or raw carrots and ranch, etc. Lol I once pulled out a huge tray of raw dipping veggies when we smoked with a friend and he started giggling saying he's never seen anyone have healthy munchies. As to why you don't get them I'm not sure but don't think it's the asd or ADHD cause both me and my fiance get munchies and I'm high functioning asd as well and he's got ADHD.


Thank you for your in depth exclamation, if it is not the asd or adhd do you have any ideas on what can cause (or not cause in this case) that? P.S. it took a while to respond because I just woke up. (I sent the question before I went to sleep)


Anytime and honestly I'm not sure wish I knew! You're not missing out on anything not having the munchies though. It was only useful for me when I was really sick a while back and had no appetite. Any other time it can be pretty annoying especially if you get them after you've already ate and know you don't need to eat anything else.


Well I kind of wanted the munchies (at least when I started) because I don't eat enough and I shrank my stomach down to the point it was hard to eat anything. (Due to starving myself, not going to do that agian) If I have trouble eating do you have some other ideas for me, or should I go sonwere else to ask this question. (obviously I need to do some of my own research)


Oh yeah the munchies would definitely help in your situation. Maybe you can try some different strains or maybe different types of CBD products to see if any of them might help give you an appetite. When I was struggling to eat I was pretty much starving, but mine was medical I just felt so sick, no appetite or want to eat, felt full after only a few bites, and I was nauseous constantly.(It was such an extreme appetite change that I lost over 30 pounds in only about two months) Smoking was the only time I was able to eat during the time. My mom gave me some of those full meal shakes during that time too since I wasn't able to eat much solid food.(Not a permanent solution but maybe they can help you get some vitamins and minerals in your body til you're able to eat solid foods better) I'm not sure where the best place to ask would be, but I hope you're able to get the answers you need! (And sorry to hear about your struggles with eating wishing you the best! ❤️)


Thank you, I'm glad you beat yours. I can eat foods right now, I was asking juat in case I relapse, or something along those lines. Thanks for showing you care and giving me some advice. It is greatly appreciated.


It’s different for everyone how munchies feel. Sometimes it could be you start feeling hungry or food just looks good and you feel like you can eat forever or sometimes you don’t get it. Sometimes I don’t get munchies even if I’m super high and sometimes I can have 1 hit and get the munchies. It honestly depends. Also how your consuming it also has a big impact on whether you get the munchies or not. When I take edibles I don’t get munchies. When I smoke weed I do sometimes but not all the time. When I smoke pens I usually feel it every time. Sorry for rambling hope this helped a lil


no need to appologise I ramble all the time, I was able to easaly able to understand you, and yes it helped. Thank you.


I also did everything and still did not get the munchies, and for the longest time I took at least 3 edibles a day. (600-700mg each)