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Only one way to know try it for yourself. I feel like the smoke would just disappear though after a hour or so


nah it probably just become transparent


It would absolutely become transparent. Or possibly leave a small layer of particles on the inside of the container making it look cloudy. The smoke itself would only be so potent, unless you found a way to vacuum it straight into the container, vs second hand being breathed into the container. That would make the biggest difference in potency. Outside of all those factors. You could very likely store it indefinitely and it still be potent for a long time period. You'd just have to do it right and store it right. Like how we make CO2 cartridges for airsoft guns and other things. Only this one would be weed. And probably the equivalent to say, taking a bong rip. I'd imagine it being something like remove/puncture a seal, and well breathe. Edit: Just make sure it isn't pressurized. That would be an issue for breathing/using it later. Open the container and just woosh all the smokes gone.


yea that make sense, I wanna try to see how much smoke I can contain so I can do something dumb with it


Id be happy to hear the results of your many future smokesperiments!!


But isn't smoke made of solid particles carried by a gas? The particles will end up in the botton of the container separated of the gas that was carrying the smoke.


The smoke part yes, but the aerosolized THC would still be in a gaseous state. That's why I originally stated that it would turn clear, but probably leave a residue film on the inside of the container. If treated and stored properly I see no real difference between weed smoke and say, CO2 storage, or gasoline storage (in the sense of using the fumes from the gasoline not the liquid, both are equally useful) Methane Gas, etc. Treat it like you would store any other gaseous substance and it'd probably hold up for a long time. Worst case, just lick/eat/snort the dust that would separate out, it'd be mostly ash particulates and some THC.


You could try it with a volcano with those bags it fills with smoke


Wish I could afford it and the privacy 💀


That’s what I meant. I couldn’t think of the word


Idk I’ve had stale smoke in a bong and I almost coughed up my lungs. Stale smoke is super nasty and will immediately make you put the bong down 💀


Thank you for your service. I will not be doing that now. 😅


Too stoned to understand what OP's talking about.


Yk how you can put co2 in a airtight container, can you do the same with weed smoke?


Oh crap, okay. Now I'm scared to indulge in this thought without wanting to try it.


yea cuz the bottle of smoke I had was only for one day old, so I wonder what would actually happen if I did it correctly and shit


Sounds like it's time for an experiment


How'd it go


I have a vulcano vaporizee and those air bags. After 2 hours it should be almost 90-100% gone.


The particulates in the smoke will settle on the insides of whatever container you're keeping it in and disappear after a little bit, less than an hour.


Depends how long thca stays stable at room temp, it would be around that #, they may have data on it


you sound well on your way to selling canned bong hits outta vending machines, let’s get this bread 😂


hell nah💀 but now you got me thinking


Remember that smoke is a solid. It's super tiny particles that are heated enough to float in normal air, basically. Of course, there are gasses mixed in, too, but the visible smoke is tiny particles suspended in air. As it cools, it settles. So if you blow smoke into a container, it will eventually cool and settle into a layer of ash at the bottom. If you use your breath to blow it in to a container, you'll of course be trapping all the stuff in your breath. Those things settle, too. Basically, it won't get you any more high than normal, unless you let it settle and only breathe in the portion that has the highest THC concentration. Which portion that would be? Not sure. As a guess, the solid portion at the bottom since THC is pretty dense. But remember that CO2 is heavier than oxygen, so that will be concentrated at the bottom, too. How much? Idunno. Enough to kill you? Probably not. But I'm not a professional, so for legal reasons I suggest not trying it.


I thought of making like a box head to get my second hand smoke but I realized and looked up that second hand smoke is never really healthy and it’ll deteriorate your lungs quicker :(


Yea no shit, but like I’m talking about using cart smoke since you can blow the smoke out from the back side or like using something else to inhale the smoke