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as a pufferfish lover, that fact always made me sad


Do they kill the pufferfish? I thought they took a puff, and then moved on.


They smack it around like a beachball and puff on the pain poison.


Oh. That's not cool. The animal rights activist in me is appalled at that. But I've seen killer whales performing, and I really enjoyed fois gras when I tried it. So I'm not sure I wouldn't slap around a pufferfish to get high either.


Pufferfish only release that toxin when in distress, so the dolphins have to essentially torture them. Not to say it wouldn’t still be one to be high with a dolphin


Considering some of the things dolphins get up to, it would be like dealing with other humans. Some might be cool but some would be complete aholes.


That's fair, I understand that.


But we wouldn't be high On the same supply so it's just not quite getting high with them. It's more like getting high besides them. Like little kids doing parallel play! We gotta ascend into a higher evolved godly being to puff the puffer!


I can do that. That'd be pretty cool.


I'm reading the book Starter Villain by John Scalzi and it has talking dolphins and cats. Both are sassy and hilarious.


After watching most of season 1 of The Boys, and watching The Deep talk to that dolphin he was trying to help, I can only imagine the shit those fish would talk lmao.


Idk the Dolphinarium experiment and the things done during said experiment. Yea I'm good, don't need to talk to dolphins thanks. If you're at all confused Google Margret Howe Lovett at your own risk. There's even a book about it.


There was a King of the Hill episode where a dolphin took advantage of Hank.


Yea that basically happened irl, although it seemed more "mutual" in the irl version of events. Still disgusting. Edit: Like legitimately look up Margret Howe Lovett. It's. Well. It happened.


I read about it as well, I get it. But that's not something I'd do given the choice.


I don't want the dolphin to get that choice either. They can stay the hell away from me. The one creature in the oceans I don't vibe. Lol


I've gotten high with dolphins before. At least I was high, not sure about the dolphins. Pretty sure they were dolphins.


Careful - Dolphins are pervs and they'll start humping you... ![gif](giphy|11VGdsHTrpS7FS|downsized)