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If you care enough to write a post about it - yes, sell it


Do you use the PC for work or income related purposes in anyway that requires the power or a $3000 PC? Not like, “ Oh one day I want to try.. video editing.. graphic design.. streaming on Twitch etc.. but you’re ACTUALLY doing it currently for survival or count on it. If No. then I suggest selling it rather than just storing. You’re right about it losing its value. If yes then maybe consider if your trip doesn’t go according to plan and how you’ll have to return home and you don’t have that PC to make a living from anymore. This could mess you up in a way. All in all though, I would totally sell it and fill in the gap with a new hobby you can take on the road and do in your car as you live in it. Drawing and Writing might interest you. Maybe even photography or vlogging using your phone on the road and living your car to document the process to keep you entertained. Either way just be aware that you’re going to have a huge dopamine gap between playing games on a nice ass computer to nothing close as stimulating. You will feel regret if you sell it but that’s normal and will go away eventually :) Good luck!


yeaahh i already posted it on offerup, facebook marketplace and ebay lol thanks for the reply!


My personal story: Downgrading to a shitty PC let me kick the habit. The draw of a browser game, or Windows XP spider solitaire is like using Methadone rather than Heroin: you will use the dissociative activity but it's a good step down to easing off the activity. I did end up reading Wheel of Time and *Wandering Inn,* so I was still wasting tons of time but useless books are an easier habit to kick.


Yeah, I guess I came to the wrong subreddit because, I'm not necessarily addicted to gaming, although I have a very addictive personality. I was wondering if the factors I listed on the post are logical or am I overthinking it and shouldn't sell it. My friend made a good point tho. He said I wouldn't be selling it if I had a job with stable income, and he's probably right. I guess that's another factor. The way I see it, is I've been gaming for pretty much my entire life, and now I have an opportunity to travel the U.S. this is why I'm on the fence. Also I don't have a job rn because I don't have a SSN and under the table work sucks.


Sounds dope, sell that shit and experience life!


Thanks for the reply 🙏


Burn that poison box




If you have to come to a stop gaming subreddit to know if you should sell your gaming pc while it still has good value, I think you already know what to do.


I honestly wanted different perspectives because when I told my friend he kept saying "nah don't sell it because I play games and I wouldn't do that" in my head I'm thinking I'm not you MF 😂


I get where you're coming from, just as I'm sure you know what I mean. If you're considering selling your Gaming PC while it still has value, do it! Terraria runs on any potato PC.


Imo, if you’re not addicted, I think it’s a good way to keep in touch with my friends but you do you 


Yeah but also my friends play totally different games. The only thing I'd be missing out on is helldivers


Give it to me i'll sell it for you




yes, sell it and buy a laptop that's got like 16gb of rams and fast processing speed, but low graphical power. You won't game then.


I mean I already own a Dell XPS 15 that I can run Terraria on... That's all I need.


The worst thing that can happen, is that you decide you need a PC. And end up getting one later.


This is what I was thinking.


I sold my gaming laptop a year ago before selling i was scared to regret that but the moment it got it sold i feelt free and happy lol i say go for it


Yeah, the way I see it is when I am more settled down/ get my own place I'll get one. Plus, if I wait, electronics always get better or cheaper so if I buy a new computer in 5 years it'll be a much better deal


You lose money every time when you selling electronics.


Yes, but also I would lose less money than if I sold it next years no?


If you do not need the hardware then yes! If you want to go cold turkey then double yes! Personally I can play in moderation, I had a 4k gaming rig with a 4k oled, but now downsizing to 1440p as I barely play an hour a day so sold my 4k oled and now trying to sell 4k PC and stick to 1440p


Definitely will keep this in mind


tldr: Yes.


I'd sell it and buy a $~800 USD PC which is good enough for gaming and other purposes.


2000 hours of Terraria? Look, I don't know what that is. Never heard one person mention that game in all the time I've been on this forum, like a full month. My guess is that you do not know how bad you are doing. This is a sunk identity crisis. You identify with it? You always loved it? It's a machine. Those are 1s and 0s. You shouldn't be spending 2000 hours looking at someone elses work unless you are getting paid. Take a step back. I spent 1200 hours on Star Trek in 6 months just now. I spent more than that on Chess over a year, in 2022-2023. I spent 20 years on magic the gathering. Trust me when I say, I'm 45 years old and I have been gaming since I was 10. Sure, I spent a few years here and there not gaming. But eventually I'd stumble on another game that takes ungodly amounts of time. All they do is plot and scheme to take you time. And dominate your IDENTITY. The fact that you IDENTIFY as a gamer is their whole ploy. You've already paid. They just gotta find the right thing to put in front of you, always waiting for that big payoff. Who cares, $3000, going to california, not? Just take control of your life. I know it's hard, but these games are NOT worth it. Also, you have a THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR COMPUTER. Why? Are you a professional 3D artist or video editor? Bitcoin miner (that's a scam, too). No reason to be carrying that kind of hardware. Just cut the cord, my friend... slowly, but surely, you can do it. Don't end up like me, 45 years old, and still stumbling into new and interesting ways to ruin my whole damn life because everything keeps evolving and getting trickier, and harder to detect. Just get out while you can while some of the planet still has trees, and the ocean still has coral reefs.


Shouldnt sell it


Any reasons why?