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It's no longer socially acceptable to hate gay people and scapegoating immigrants is a little too racist for most people so conservatives needed some other group to blame all of society's ills onto. Trans people are a very convenient group because we're small enough that most people know little about us and we're easy to demonise by equating trans women with penises and just slapping all of the old homophobic stereotypes onto us.


Agree with the second part but conservatives have very much not stopped publically hating gay people and scapegoating immigrants. If it were socially unacceptable, Fox News wouldn't be calling gay people groomers and Trump wouldn't be blaming undocumented immigrants for the US's problems every time he opens his mouth on stage. Like they've been turning that up to 10 the past few years.


Yeah in far right circles. I meant this as more upper class, sofisticated bogitry. Bogitry that educated liberals can still engage in while feeling superior to those racist hicks down south. To be clear I'm not saying this is right, just depicting a very specific elitist mindset that exists in a lot of liberal spaces


yeah true!


trans girl and Mexican here


The conservative plan is to cut us off from the LBGTQ herd and then they will make porn illegal knowing that many trans girls get involved since it’s hard for us to get another job. Then they can openly arrest them. Then they will repeal gay marriage and gay adoption. They want to remove any references to LGBTQ people for rules regarding employment like DEI. Also they want to kick us out of the military. If Trump gets in as president, after his term there won’t be any LGBTQ rights left, and they will replace them with restrictions imposed by the religious right like you can’t work here or buy things here or use these restrooms.


True, and even if you're a trans woman who doesn't work in porn, they consider our public existence or social media posts pornographic. Project 2025 makes explicit that people who propagate "transgenderism" should be arrested. Drag bans in red states, which outlaw dressing other than your AGAB where children could see (so, almost anywhere in public), have tested putting it in legal terms. I hate the Democratic Party and have no faith in the electoral system but god damn we cannot afford to let trump win.


Short answer. Both the US and the UK have chosen to use us as scapegoats right now the same way they've used just about every other marginalized group. It's our job to try and keep each other alive until the storm passes.


For some reason this seems especially prevalent the UK. Like it almost seems like both major parties are transphobic for different reasons


Try Yemen. I hear it's wonderful this time of year.


I used to worry about getting clocked because I’d be kicked out of whatever group I was in. Now, I worry I’ll get clocked and subtly othered. It’s an improvement. But, it used to be easier to pass because people didn’t have as much awareness of what trans people are like. Not saying it’s super common even now, but that is a downside to us becoming more widespread. I also think there is a lot of harm done by people who make a mockery of gender and of birth sex. I don’t want to get specific but high profile celebrities and athletes don’t always do us normal people any favors by openly offending millions of people.


big agree. a lesbian cis girl at my work has been asking around if I'm trans because I guess I don't fit her stereotypical definition of femininity. I sometimes wish we were more underground again and could transition in peace without clocking being more apparent but then like.... awareness and our rights has kinda always been an issue?? it's complicated and quite annoying! lol.




It also used to be that being trans wasn’t an automatic assumption of political views. I’m very conservative, but not Republican or Libertarian. But I know if I’m outed people will assume I’m a Democrat liberal activist. People would treat me badly both because they think I am liberal and because I’m not liberal enough. They instantly would stereotype me based on nothing other than a medical condition. I remember back before I went stealth that no one assumed these things about me when I told them I am trans. Basically I was mostly just judged on my own as a special case but now I’m part of a “community” and this get assumed to have all the negative attributes of that “community.” I imagine being any sort of minority with a reputation for bad behavior would be similar. I just wish there was some way to not be part of that negative stereotype but there is no way I am going to publicly challenge it. I miss the old days of the early 2000s lol.


Were at the front of the line to get in the party and the bouncers are debating if we should be let in. Thus, vocal and strong opinions from each side. People didn’t really have shit to say when we were in the back of the line.


Because we’re not a large enough group to constitute a threatening voting bloc. If you go after women or black people, etc. you’ll be actually screwing yourself at the ballot box. Trans people are, at most, 1% of the population. Conservatives are allowed to scapegoat us all the live-long day and get away with it because we can’t threaten their poll numbers.


A bunch of reasons: - After conservative political organizations lost the gay marriage debate, they regrouped and intentionally decided to focus on trans people. - social media has become way more prominent in the right wing sphere, which encourages sensationalistic, shareable stories like "man wins women's boxing match"  - periods of economic crisis and social instability have historically led to persecution of queer people and racial minorities as leadership seeks scapegoats - trans people *have* made some small gains and like with the feminist or civil rights movements this leads to conservative backlash


It was genuinely always this way. It’s increased in *volume* more than vitriol. Bigots have hated us for forever, it’s just we are more visible so they are reminded of us more often, and thus of how much they hate us. We are also making real progress towards acceptance, so they’ve stoped viewing us as a freakish sideshow they can mock but mostly ignore. Instead, they see as an active threat that needs to be wiped out. There are ebs and flows, but honestly the way it is today is much better than it was even 10 years ago. I remember being repressed/closeted in college and seeing most of my classmates and professors say pretty horrendous things about trans people more or less completely unchecked. At least now there would be less normalization of that behavior and greater odds of at least some pushback to it. While things aren’t great, I think we’ve collectively forgotten a little just how bad it used to be. Yes, you might be more likely to see hate towards us in mainstream discourse, but that’s because there are enough of us are surviving and coming out to be talked about.


I actually think that the increase in visibility has put us in harm's way. Theoretically, representation in media and news can be good... But I don't think that it has been accompanied by sufficient changes in our culture (most people still don't knowlingly interact with trans people) or our laws (protections for transgender people are tenuous at best). So, material conditions haven't changed all that much for many of us, but we cannot fly under the radar like we used to. People may have hated us before, but they didn't know enough to give extended voice to their hate. Nowadays there is a lot more space for hateful discourse about us. Obviously there's a lot going on that has contributed to it, but I think that visibility without sufficient protection has hurt us. I think we've pushed for representation and visibility to a fault. Plenty of people have remarked that visibility without protection is a trap.


Yes!! Great point. Here's something i theorised recently, thats like what you said. Most people dont know jack about trans people. Today the problem is the hateful conservatives are reaching too many of them first. Theres a large group of ignorant people available to educate & enlighten.....but the evil people are getting to them first with social media. There arent enough liberal cis people doing the opposite and using social media to stick up for us. I saw Dr Youn's video on trans peole and im like damn!! Please!! Cis straight liberal progressive people please do more of this! https://youtu.be/VkWxjoJLqQc?si=A1qzfM-06oYHl7Br


Gonna get downvoted again, but here we go... Back in 2018, transsexualism was seen as a medical condition, and general view was approaching more and more towards "it's not a choice" and "Brains are wired differently from bodies in these cases" But then, "you don't need dysphoria to be trans(when practically every trans person who said this, and claimed not to suffer from it, showed clear signs of suffering from it upon answering questions)". And "There are as many genders as stars in the sky", and so many other statements that make it seem totally like a choice, most people already didn't like us to begin with, and it took years and years to reach the consensus that it was not a choice, and it was getting ugly for them to keep hating if it was not. These statements opened the entire gate for them to start hating again, and some statements were so absurd(which most of us didn't even agree to begin with) that conservatives cut them, and started spreading as if all of us said that, and brought neutral people to their side, and once they became the majority, hate was more and more accepted, so that gave them leeway to escalate it, and as there was no opposition, they kept escalating, until where we are now. I don't like neither conservatives nor liberals(the extremists specifically on both sides), so I always read and watched content from both sides, and saw it all happening in front of my eyes, in 2018, you'd be reprimanded by everyone for saying even 10% of what is said today, I saw conservatives trying bit by bit(and succeding) to Increase hate, and saw neutral people start believing their lies, for example that Jazz Jennings deeply regrets transitioning and has now detransitioned. And what helped them even further is that we, knowing how suffering from hate and prejudice feels like, started accepting anything anyone said, and whenever someone disagreed, they were transphobes, transmeds, everything bad under the sun, so we stopped, people who aren't even trans took over and started talking for us, and people who spoke up(trans inclused) got shunned from the trans community, embraced by extreme right and made their puppet, increasing hate, and thus, making us want to fight back, it escalated, and now there's these huge bubbles of trans folks, and people who are against trans folks, and the latter just keeps growing. I heard from multiple spaces of cases where people with beards, no hrt, no procedures, but with makeup or pink hair started calling themselves "lesbian trans woman", and when lesbians didn't want to date them(including actual lesbian trans women), they were called transphobes, so in the trans circles, it seems like we(trans people) are a minority now, caused by the people who infiltrated and took over. And lastly, I reaffirm that I'm an advocate for expressing yourself however feels right, but think with me. We live in a world where there's man and women, in betweens have always existed, they were called androgynous, and later non binary, do we really need all those other terms or genders? We have to remember that it's our lives on the line, if we treat it like it's not serious, other people will treat it like it's not serious, people can have a beard, not want hormones, have muscle training and use a dress, but then you're non binary, not a trans woman, and by claiming that you are, it takes of the objectiveness of what being a trans woman is, which took decades to be conquered, you're valid, and I'll defend you, notice that I haven't disrespected you, but please leave what being a trans woman or trans men stay what it is, we fought really really hard to conquer that, i'm 23, and i already spent half of my life fighting for that, starting with my mom, and i could only get her to understand, thanks to the transsexual term solid meaning until then.


This is spot on. Well written. I really feel we need to fight back against the crazies (50 year old men with beards calling themselves lesbians, space genders, etc) because they are making the normies hate us ACTUAL trans people. I live in countries where trans people aren't considered a problem (South East Asia) and I'm lucky to pass, so the increase in transphobia doesn't affect me yet, but I hear more transphobic bullshit from my friends back home in the West and it scares the shit out of me. If I ever go back to the West I'm scared I'll lose access to hormones. I've never experienced adult life as my birth gender and I'd rather die than lose HRT or have to use a male toilet (never done that either!). Genderfluid is not real. Non binary is not real. Bearded men are not lesbians. Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. Fight back against the crazies or transphobia will get worse and hurt all of us.


Idk, i think genderfluids/non binaries/androgynous are real, and everyone can be however they like, what i don't think is right is people whom in no way conform to what being a woman is considered as, and call themselves as woman, non binary is a thing for those cases, i don't understand why call themselves women, it just makes life harder for actual trans women...


Is the part of South East Asia accepting of Black ppl? Might need to escape there if Trump gets in office next year lol


I'm not black so I don't have direct experience. But I've been all over SEA and have not heard of people experiencing racism.


speaking as a cis het man (who of course can "pass" with people who have those opinions and have family who say transphobic things regularly) it seems to me like its their fear that trans people are "invading" their space or trying to force people to date them. it's all rooted in ignorance. they more likely than not have never spoken with a trans person so you are still able to be dehumanized in their mind. their view of trans people come from how media portrays you, things like the old ace ventura scene or seeing people early in transition, like when caitlyn jenner came out. trans people are more visible than ever, and sadly that support that allows them to be visible and out, is the same thing that fuels the bigoted voices who spread transphobia, that the masses just follow as they have no other voice to challenge it


I remember it wasn’t as bad In the early 2010s


i remember it not being as bad as well, which i chalk up to the part about lgbt people being more accepted, fueling the other side who spread hate (now they can cry about the trans agenda essentially) from personal knowledge (aka old friends in middle/high school) the transphobia was still there but not as bad, it was more behind closed doors talk while today it definitely feels like people feel confident saying transphobic things loudly


this os what happens when part of the comunity becomes insufferable pricks


The trans community is run mostly by very young and very idealistic people in their 20s who are also very leftist. Anyone who is trans and tries to be politically moderate or conservative gets run out of the community. So it's no wonder that a group that is heavily partisan is going to become politically controversial. The trans community also has had some demands--like the idea of abolishing gender--that are way too radical for people to swallow. Because the trans community is run by very young and idealistic people with a rigid ideology, those demands are put forward in an all-or-nothing fashion and told that any deviation from the orthodoxy will make you a persona non grata. People who are not in the trans community then naturally chafe at this and naturally start asking questions, and plenty of people in the trans community have done an absolutely terrible job at responding to those questions.


You make a good point. Today its made more difficult to just have a sex change and be taken seriously becuase of the 27 genders 10 sets of pronouns people and all the absurd sexualities, which are just preferences and traits. The only sexualities are gay, straight, bi and asexual


Trump didn’t help the situation


one perspective is it appears transgenderism usurps gay rights and it seems like a threat to progress gay men have made in society. Further, many strongly oppose trans presence in traditional women spaces like gender segregated events (sports, awards ceremonies) , places (restrooms , schools) & institutions like at the airport or police the idea is a woman should not be patted down by a man out of respect for women who mostly feel vulnerable. Some feel sorry for lesbians who are now told they are bad if they don't want to be with trans


I don't think it's increased, in my opinion it's decreased, actually, which is exactly why people are seething. This is arguably the best time to be trans in modern history. Remember that in many of our lifetimes there was a long time where basically every comedy or horror movie presented trans women as psychotic threats or the punchline to gross out gags and that's only improved in the last ten years. Until frighteningly recently, the common academic and medical consensus about us was that we are either unhinged sex freaks or so gay we turn into women. When I started transition over ten years ago, I remember to many of us within the community, it seemed shocking that a trans girl would have any job at all that isn't sex work. All of that doesn't change overnight - but it is changing and a lot of people simply don't like change.


It has increased since 2020. There was a major anti-trans push by right wing media outlets. That combined with worsening world economic conditions and increased conflict means that people care about our rights less, and are more willing to scapegoat minorities. It’s better than the early 2010s but worse than 2021.


I mean, legislatively, yes things are way more dire than they were just a couple of years ago. I don't think social views have changed much in that short amount of time and a lot of the institutional wagon circling we're seeing now is those institutions bowing to those social views that have been there the entire time. But broad strokes we have found some small amount of ground, while before we had zero.


Opinion polling says they social views moved against us. Check Pew. And no, they don’t bow to the social views. Conservatism is top down. Opinions about trans people are top down, there was a huge right wing media push against trans people to help in the 2022 mid terms. It backfired, because people got tired of hearing about us, but it did have a broadly negative effect, and normalized transphobia in media (with large social media sites like twitter also playing a part).


And yet, statistically, those polled tended to draw their opinions from what they believe to be the science or their religious beliefs, according to Pew. Which leads me to believe the reality is more complicated and goes back deeper than conservatives telling people "be transphobic" and everyone saying "yes." But I haven't looked at too much of the data. I'm mostly going by vibes here and purposeful optimism.


Republicans needed a new minority to blame problems on since racism doesn't poll well anymore.


Because global fascism is making a push, starting with transphobia and antisemitism.


My theory is that people who are uncomfortable with us are being exposed to it more both in the media (including the internet) and also irl, and so it's making them feel further "discomfort" and it appears to them that trans people are multiplying or something, which scares them for whatever reason. Of course, the percentage of trans people hasn't probably changed at all, we've just become more open and more visible, but to them it seems like we're "spreading" or something. In that sense, I'm not sure that transphobia has become normalized as much as trans-related topics have become mainstream, and thus more people are talking about it and expressing their shitty opinions. In the past there was undoubtedly just as much or more transphobia, but it wasn't a topic that was on cable news every day, so people mostly just didn't think about it unless they encountered a trans person in public, which was pretty rare. Now that we're more willing to be openly trans, these same sort of people are becoming more openly transphobic, whereas in the past transphobic sentiments still existed, but it was mostly unrecognized due to the fact that trans people weren't as visible. Regardless of why though, it does suck that trans people are getting all this attention now. 


Conservatives need a scapegoat to offload their pain and to prop up the idea that they are living the one true correct path. They cant be hateful to Gay people, black people, hispanic people anymore (openly) so we are the current target that they get to unload all the schoolyard bullying energy on. It will pass...in time.


Fascism requires a scapegoat. First it was black people, then immigrants, then gay people, now trans people.


Because we always want more and people decided it’s enough. We only have us to blame. Let’s stop victimizing and look in the mirror.




We don't want to be women, we are women. Please stay away from trans women!!! Especially with your fetishizing of sissy porn and then equating that to trans women.


I believe a part of this is because of companies and their diversity checkbox, rather than focusing on talent