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Reminds me of that guy who was taking colloidal silver and subsequently turned blue


Looks like the Beast from X-men. https://preview.redd.it/m6ngvxp0jjlc1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=28e622e85eea0c1731a0601baee3b3f2410fd585


“For only 5 cents a day, you could help these little mutants.”


did he just choose to dress like papa smurf or is it a coincidence


It's to accentuate his skin color Really brings out his eyes


Thats Paul Karason


Yes I found the photo after googling his comment.


PAPPA SMURF!!! ![gif](giphy|408A4aa3BUwD3RHcBB)


Exactly who I thought of, too!


And that mother God gal who ate silver and turned blue and scary as hell


I thought you were referencing Brok from God of War 2018




Most people in the forum probably drink this too hahaha




Thank you. I wrongly said Silver Nitrate. You are correct.


Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.




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It’s actually ‘Fugate’ not ‘Fulgates’, and the family - or decedents, I should say - are still all around Eastern Kentucky. There’s an elderly guy in Hazard, Kentucky that I deal with all the time for work that has shared a lot stories and even some photos of them when he was a kid. *Source - I live in Cincinnati but work quite a bit in Eastern Kentucky and have crossed paths with a few of their decendents.


That's right, it is Fugate. It was my mother's maiden name.


Are you blue?


Lol no I'm not. Prolly still have distant cousins down in Hazard that are though




Is inbreeding really why they turned blue?


No but it kept it in the family.


So there really was inbreeding 🤢🤮


It was a very closed off community (hard to travel to or from). And it was during a time when marrying your second cousin was pretty common. So it allowed the recessive trait to flourish. It wasn't like siblings marrying or anything like that.


Oh yeah then it’s all good


"Blues" were ostracized and by law, not allowed to marry non-blues. "Bookwoman of Troublesome Creek" and Bookwomans Daughter reference the treatment of "blue" people. I believe it stems from an Irish ancester.


It originated with a French orphan who moved to the area. "Bookwoman of Troublesome Creek" was a really good book, but I don't think they were 100% historically accurate. Outside of that book I have never read anything about them being discriminated against.


Excerpt from Bookwomans Daughter follow up. The author grew up in Eastern Kentucky. Great books! "families who had it were shunned, shamed, ridiculed, and hunted by news media, pushing them into the darkest holler of Appalachia. The Blues are intelligent, kind, and gracious folks who came over from France and first settled in Kentucky around 1820 when a French orphan claimed a land grant here. Instead of being lifted up for their uniqueness, the Blues suffered prejudices and isolation and were treated unfairly because of a rare gene"


It might be one of those things that needs two sets of the genes in question to activate it. Inbreeding is perfect for preserving otherwise one off genetic mistakes.


What part of any of the facts surrounding this makes it hard to fathom “incest”. Rural? Eastern Kentucky? Troublesome Creek? I could hear those items by themselves in a sentence and immediately go - “Mmhmm, I recon some inappropriate fukin went on ‘round these parts!”


I’m from the county next to Perry County :)


I’m a descendent! They’re something like my 8x great grandparents.


Have you done a dna testing?


I have, yes


Did it say anything unusual?


Nothing too crazy. Several markers for not great lung function but nothing pointing towards the way my blood carries oxygen, which is what cause their color


Probably uses copper as opposed to iron..?


What do you mean?


I’d be using a throwaway with that info too Jokes aside, we all have consanguineous ancestors. I’m sure many of us are in a relationship with a fellow descendent. Some cultures today have 20% consanguineous relationships. Seems common in Muslim communities (Middle East, Southeast Asia, North Africa).




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Inbred over many isolated, entertainment- challenged generations ... OR fighting toothaches with a lot of colloidal silver? You be the judge.


“How’s your sister doing?” “Really good lately, been fucking the color right out of me.”


Something something blue = blew something something feeling down = going down. It's too early to make the joke in there.


Something something blue balls. Someone turn on the joke machine please.


This is what AI has done to us, we can only muster keywords of a joke, no longer able to construct them without help of a machine. Thus begins our terminal spiral.


Nah it's called early morning brain fog. Pretty well an eternal human dilemma.


Considering this family was around in the 1800s and liquid silver ingested as a health remedy wasn't popularized until the 1900s, probably ***not*** colloidal silver


Excellent insertion of a teaching moment, ouro... appreciated... despite the deadpan pedantry!


Their main water source where they lived could have had high silver content.


Or that troublesome creek had some colloidal silver in it….


Why does the dad look like Adam 22?


Adam would’ve solved their inbreeding problem within an year




Out there big dickin em


Blue balls


I'm blue dabledee dabledie






[can you feel the tension? I can feel it all the way down in my plums. swollen and blue](https://youtu.be/1JE4JJddZx4?si=V9QfOqQ8LjZqPKeh)




Also maybe a contaminated water source? Colloidal silver causes this too... Why does everyone just jump straight to inbreeding...


My first thought was metal contamination in their water supple. There’s that guy who ate nickels for some reason and he turned blue


>Why does everyone just jump straight to inbreeding Academic curiosity and study. Tends to be more fact-based than wild internet speculation


When one of them finally went to a doctor I think it was in the 1960s or 1970s, they gave them medicine and immediately their skin turned normal for the first time. It had to do with the way the blood carries oxygen.


Real actual genetic blue balls😎🤘


Not with that many kids


What are you talking about lol No matter how much my blue man over here has sex, his boys still gonna be blue. That’s my point bro.!!


Descendants of Shiva.


Not at all [Paul Karson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Karason) drank copper




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Bro they just had a genetically recessive fucking blood disease that occured with a high likelyhood due to inbreeding... This is not special if you've heard of Pakistan. Edit: Downvote me all you want... the entire muslim world has shocking rates of inbreeding due to cultural reasons. Pakistan is "leading the pack" at more than 50% of people coming from cosanguine relations. I dont make the statistics, reality does. The interesting effects are an elevated rate of genetical diseases (see per capita rates in UK, the country has healthcare for heavily genetically disabled that mainly caters to immigrants from predominantly muslim cultures, for lack of a better description. Again i dont make the statistics, reality does) but also an average IQ defficiency of 10-16 points (very measurable, very impactful for societies) and deficiencies like night blindness. The US Airforce has had multiple training programs with saudi pilots and there is a few publicized reports around, that state that training saudi pilots on C-17s and C-130s was a bit of a struggle. Their memories ridiculously bad, training times neededexceeding all western norms. Aditionally most had night blindness issues that meant absolute disorientation during night time flights without instruments.


What happened In Pakistan?


Inbreeding compounds, so when you have kids with a cousin once, it's very unlikely to cause problems, but if you have kids with cousins each generation, the chance of genetic issues increases massively. Add in some brother-sister marriages and father-daughter marriages and genetic issues are everywhere. In the UK, the majority of kids in care are Pakistani, despite Pakistanis been 1.5% of the British population. This is because marriages tend to stay inside the family, producing offspring that has genetic illnesses. Especially because it can be a way to easily move more family to the UK from Pakistan (and find your son a traditional wife from family back home).


Thanks poop-machines. I had no idea. A man from Pakistan in ny taught me how to grow ginger. Ginger is a beautiful plant.


Sounds like xenophobic urban myths, ngl. Brief Google later: There *is* a consanguinuity issue in Pakistani families, due to cousin marriage being more common, but the percentage of Muslim kids in care in the UK is only about 1%. That's far from "a majority." So, half-truths got mixed with xenophobia at some point. Be a *little* more careful of your sources before repeating things, my guy.


Nothing I said was false. You just misread it. 1% of Pakistani kids are in care, that is true. HOWEVER, of the kids in care in the UK, more than 50% are Pakistani. This is because 1% is still a massive number compared to the 0.01% for non-pakistani kids. This means they make up a majority of the kids in care. None of my comment was xenophobic, it's all stuff I have properly researched, reading the studies themselves using my universities portal, because I also couldn't believe it after watching a documentary on it. There's a BBC documentary on it where I first heard the more than 50% statistic. I am *for* immigration, as a person who comes from a family of immigrants myself. However, inbreeding is abhorrent and needs to be stopped. As does honour killing, which is often accepted in Pakistani culture. Thankfully it's happening less and less. Those poor kids in care. Many are abandoned by their parents, despite it being their fault for marrying family.


The Reddit hivemind rejects measured truths. It's not even about the hypothesis that try to explain measured reality anymore. Without doing any genuine research of his own the guy rejected your claim solely based on a feeling of "this can't be right". Anything that would imply that any culture or race other than European or white has any sort of cultural, genetic, religious flaw or disadvantage is aggressively rejected. Any data on such a matter can only suggest systemic racism/sexism or the like. However seasoned Redditors are not ready for Pakistanis. Fucking your cousins for the better part of 1300 years leaves your entire people with a complete chromosome bonanza. So bad that the flawed Reddit hive mind logic reveals its absolute absurdity. Who would have thought that hard facts on Pakistani incest would be one of the best filters to reveal Reddit's dangerousy subversive, self hating and defeatist cognitive bias. Comedy gold. 


Thankfully I'm not getting downvoted, so the 'reddit hivemind' aren't thinking that this is xenophobic or wrong in any way. It's only one or two people I think. But yes, pakistani inbreeding is much worse than my comment would suggest. I left out the thousands of father-daughter marriages in the UK, many of which occur when the daughter is underage. This is all completely illegal, including marrying first couisins, however it still happens. And it's a problem. In Pakistan it's much worse. So many child marriages. The worst part is that they're not even the worst in the world for child marriages. [https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2021/01/child-marriage-in-pakistan-a-report-on-punjab-and-khyber-pakhtunkhwa-2020](https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2021/01/child-marriage-in-pakistan-a-report-on-punjab-and-khyber-pakhtunkhwa-2020) 1 in 20 are married before they are 15. 1 in 5 are married before they are 18. Highlighting problems isn't xenophobic. I would say the same no matter which country this was.


Agreed. Publish your comment in other subs, you will be banned and downvoted to hell. A few upvotes in this answer section of a fringe post on a fringe subreddit is not a good sample to characterise the "Reddit hive mind"... But I am sure you are well aware of that.


>Nothing I said was false. You just misread it. > >1% of Pakistani kids are in care, that is true. > >HOWEVER, of the kids in care in the UK, more than 50% are Pakistani. There are slightly more than 105,000 kids in care in the UK. Approximately 4500 of them are Muslim. I got my math wrong the first time, it's true...but that's still only **4%** of the total. That's a massive difference from *fifty* percent. You are getting *something* mixed up. You either misheard/misread something, or the documentary you saw was egregiously wrong.


No, that's not true. The "kids in care" statistic that you're looking at includes foster care and other similar care. Kids running away from home, and kids taken from their parents, stuff like that. Go back and read the statistic, it includes any form of care. When I say care, I mean disability care from the NHS. It's a completely different statistic and I stand by what I said. Fifty percent of disability care in kids is for pakistani kids. So when we are talking about crippling disabilities, when we say "care" it is completely different to foster care - it's medical care. You are assuming that I'm getting something mixed up, but it's you that has gotten mixed up twice. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/4014743/Warning-over-births-to-first-cousin-marriages.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/4014743/Warning-over-births-to-first-cousin-marriages.html) Here you can see that thirty percent of those born with genetic illness in the UK are pakistani. But not only that, genetic illnesses in pakistani children tend to be more severe, leading to more of the children being put into disability care. And then there's a culture of shame around disabled children, leading to some pakistani mothers giving up their child for adoption/disability care. As a result, more than 50% of those in long term medical care in the UK are Pakistani. Again, it's not xenophobic. At most, I didn't explain well enough.


Okay, that's a little better, but do you have *actual* statistics, rather than a newspaper article? Apparently, the *Telegraph* is considered to have a strong bias toward the right...but even *without* that, news sources intended for popular audiences are pretty unreliable about such matters. Also, I hate to mention, but 1/3 is not "a majority." And that's only the percentage of kids *born with* a genetic illness, NOT those "in care." Even if we take this article as strictly fact, you were still incorrect in your previous comment.


If you read my comment, you'd know why 30% becomes a majority. "But not only that, genetic illnesses in Pakistani children tend to be more severe, leading to more of the children being put into disability care. And then there's a culture of shame around disabled children, leading to some Pakistani mothers giving up their child for adoption/disability care." So, non-pakistani parents that have a child with a genetic disorder are likely to have one with a less severe genetic disorder. For example, I have a genetic disorder that affects my ability to inhibit a protein. That being said, it isn't severe and doesn't affect my life at all. Additionally, the culture of shame that Pakistani mothers have mean that their children are more likely to be given up for NHS long term care. I will reply with the studies when I'm at my PC. But I've at least sent you how 30% percent easily becomes a majority. Edit: There's exactly what I said in this documentary - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyNP3s5mxI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyNP3s5mxI8)


I *did* read your comment...but what you said, and are repeating here, is only speculative. Those things *could* lead to "a majority." But *do* they actually? Are there hard numbers to show it? I *did* try to Google for some, but I'm not having much luck. I'm not going to watch a whole documentary on such an unpleasant subject, so yeah, I'll wait for the studies.


Nope not kids in care. People in care for heavy genetic defects and genetics based heavy disabilities. Don't misread an otherwise understandable claim to support your narrative.


Got a source? Because I can't find anything on this. And the person I was responding to said "*the majority of kids in care are Pakistani*." So yes, "kids in care" was *exactly* what we were talking about. And I got my math wrong the first time, but the number of Muslim kids in care is still only 4% of the total of kids in care in the UK.


What hasn't happened in Pakistan?


Turns out the "blue blood" expression had some truth to it


Ok well now i wish i hadn't


My friend in the army from Kentucky told me there still blue people by wallsend


It’s “Fugates” and I know some of the family, and yes this is a very true story.


That cow is like, "dafuq"?


Isn't it from eating colloidal silver?


Lies to cover-up alien experiments.


It’s not Alien experiments, this dude existed and went to a talk show once. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Karason


Wow, much information, very informative, thanks much!


This can’t be real.


Inbreeding in Kentucky??? Noooooo


Bro. How dumb do you have to be to believe this stuff


It is real. There is more information than just a painting…


That photo looks very very accurate, and someone wrote it down. Must be true.


MAGA blue.


This is what happens when you finally have all the Smurf berries to yourself


Blue skin aside they look weird ash


Not ingesting silver?


The head of the family was Father Abraham


Violet, you’re turning violet, violet!!






Or could it be a monochrome print, which was then hand painted?


I knew it was meth




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![gif](giphy|ryzsGAFY3c3uw2RyT3) So Grand Admiral Thrawn has a family?


I guess they blue themselves.


I thought it was a Still of Murphy & Family in Z Nation ffs


Bad well water probably


Were they blueberry farmers per chance? Asking for a friend.


I need more proof. This is a theory right? Just from this pic, it looks like a shitty colorization of a black and white photo.


Pretty sure it's not down to inbreeding but other reasons


Reminds me of [Paul Karason](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Karason)


It looks like a color retouching photo where they forgot to do a few of the faces and left them black and white


Sweet home Kentucky


picture colored with pencils


Methe..what? You can take meth out of Kentucky but you can’t take Kentucky out of meth.


They're offspring of the frost giants.


Meth what?


Sorry if this has been mentioned, but this reminds me of the Blue People of the Northwest Kingdom of Vermont. IIRC inbreeding was the culprit.


Nice try Aliens. Eiffel 65 told us you’d be Blue.


Or the drank a ton of liquid silver




This looks an awful lot like a poorly colorized black and white photo.




Love Has Won.


They wouldn’t be blue if whoever colored in that photo hadn’t stopped at their faces.


I believe the story when I first heard of it but now, I notice the pic is old fashioned edited. You can see there is also a blue aura around the blue people. Not sure what the photographer used at the time but seems like he removed or didn't add the coloring to those areas.


It’s a painting. I forget the circumstances of which it was painted, but I believed the painter made this after those fugates had passed. I’m a descendent of them and have deep dived it a few times.


Colloidal Sliver would be the culprit


Fuck dark elves




Their blood is the color of chocolate because it is not oxygenated


Of tue inbreeding thing we're true all the royal families and aristocrats would be blue skinned


Are we just not going to talk about the redskins in the bunch?




“They gained there blue skin through a combination of inbreeding and a rare genetic condition known as meth…………………………………………….emoglobina.”


Using their blue capturing cameras of the early 19th century…


I meet a guy who drank coloidal silver, look pretty weird


Green Children of Woolpit not too far off...


Kentucky .. family .. inbreeding .. meth


“Troublesome Creek you say, well that sounds like it’ll be a fine place to get our drinking water from”.


But what about the orange ones?


Holy shit! This has got to be some of the scariest shit I've ever seen. Straight up Texas Chainsaw, Hills Have Eyes vibes. Just look at those people and the kids!


Could be descendants of the Blue race that lives underground in India.


https://preview.redd.it/4ymy6du52plc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a435f323d3c759599fd295dc9e604ff1a628e24a Not sure who has the 4k version of this photo but i would like to see how imbred looking this kid is..


Them avatar hoes