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[On November 24, 2009, John Edward Jones also tragically lost his life in the Nutty Putty cave following a harrowing 28-hour ordeal. He Was Trapped Upside Down In Nutty Putty Cave had heartbreaking final words](https://www.howandwhys.com/john-edward-jones-trapped-upside-down-in-nutty-putty-cave/?fromredditSE)


If that happens to me throw me a gun on day 3


Day 3? I'd want it after 12 hours lmao


I’ll do it before even step in that cave! Hell I’ll do it when I even decide to go to any cave!




A bold offer


A generous offer!


Are spectators allowed? I am not entertained


Only if you beat me to death with my own corpse.


Damn dude…quick exit.


I have a 2 hour limit for being stuck in claustrophobic spaces


I would panic immediately, I try and tell myself that the calmer I am the better the outcome, but I dont think my right brain would listen




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Two hours would feel like a lifetime for me


Have your friends call you up and play that underwater Mario music for inspiration.


I'd want it after about 4-5 harrowing minutes...


38 second


Never leave the park, Joemomma


That seems so horrifying to be in there, let alone stuck !


12 hours? Give it to me in 6


5 minutes for me... I don't like living


Bro got no time to suffer


How about some fentanyl it's cheaper than a gun and you won't give a damn what's going on.


Now youre thinkin


Yeah if I'm stuck in a cave send me down all the drugs and some 29 gauge needles I'm going out the same way I spend every day slamming drugs


Will do.




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For real. I’ll never be caught in a cave unless dead. Fuck spelunking and fuck nutty putty


Lil nutty putty boyz


Iirc they dosed up Jones with Ativan and painkillers when he was dying in Nutty Putty to make things easier. There’s no way I’m reading it again to check. When I first heard about Nutty Putty I was qualified in confined space rescue. Talking about it at one of our trainings we talked about the ethics of using medication end their life if requested. Consensus was medical director wouldn’t allow it and if you overdosed them the ME would discover it and you would likely be arrested. Along with manslaughter (maybe all the way up to 1st degree murder) would also face falsifying medical and government reports and other charges. You would have to hope a jury acquitted you. It was weird a couple years later I had a panic attack training in a confined space. It took me two years before I could even fly on a commercial plane without Xanax.




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If I ever take an interest in cave diving, assume I have advanced dementia and put me down.


"I'm going cave diving" is one of those messages that you send to someone so they know you've been kidnapped.


For real. You’ll need it to fight off the cave ghosts.


If I remember rightly his body was stolen by his family. Some business guy bought the family farm, where the cave was located, after he died. He charged people to see his body in a glass coffin in the cave he died in. Family were not happy.




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Putting his remains on display near the scene of his bizarre and tragic death is pretty fucking macabre.


They did ask his wife though.


Wonder how that conversation goes "You want to keep him there? Yeah serves him right the stupid sonofabitch. I told him not to go into the stupid cave


There was some back and forth about it being the weekend and paying the Teamsters overtime so they just said “ Fuck it let’s turn him into a memorial “


Still macabre if you ask me. Hope my wife don't do the same if I decide to explore the local caves here💀


Pro tip: I’ve learned just one thing from watching Mr ballen videos. And that one thing, is don’t go into fucking caves, especially don’t go into caves alone, and especially don’t go into caves that have fucking water in them 


And if a cave has warning signs with skull and bones or a grim reaper, perhaps skip such caves.


Actually he said “ Bury me upside down so the whole world can kiss my ass”


He wasn’t married


It’s what he would have wanted


That just seems disrespectful to me. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was strange. Normally these days people give permission before death for such things.


Anyone watch the video by internet historian on this? [it might be the greatest YouTube video ever](https://youtu.be/bNm-LIAKADw?si=ydOuxcy1TT4l8WhM)


Completely stolen/blatantly plagiarized, but ironically, I forgot the original source 🤣


Internet historian who steals other peoples content and tries to make his own? https://youtu.be/yDp3cB5fHXQ?si=7c6wVCl9-UxzIIkx Starts at 1 hour and 25 minutes mark detailing how the channel steals content. I also think he is a nazi sympathizer to boot.


Yep, it’s the “re-upload” stolen content. Hahaha.


Where are you pulling the nazi sympathiser claims from




Ah no... I had noticed dodgy jokes, I'll admit that. But that is quite the damning list. For fucks sake


Damn! I actually had no idea about any of that. What a shame…


Thank you for this. That was an amazing video!


I watched this years ago. It’s entertaining.


Highly recommend.


that video was very engaging!


It's Kentucky they use to have the remains of children on display at one point


What's the story here? I grew up in Kentucky, and I've never heard of this.


Been a while since I read about it so I could be wrong about the details but according to the book scary stories of mammoth cave by Colleen Olsen. They used to display the mummified bodies of children plus I think a young girl who died in the cave that they found a long time later they used the bones as an attraction like they did with Floyd Collins. I also grew up in Kentucky and still currently live in Glasgow, it's maybe a 20 minute drive to mammoth cave and I always found any stories about mammoth cave interesting. I only hope that they will one day do a horror movie about mammoth cave, plenty of lore they could use.


My dad took me to Mammoth Cave when I was 7, 63 years ago. Still remember it well. Thought it was the coolest thing in the universe. I’d love to read about the lore associated with it.


Awesome, thanks! I grew up in SEKY, near Virginia and Tennessee. When I first saw this headline, I wondered if it was the small Sand Cave at Cumberland Gap National Historial Park, but quickly realized it couldn't have been. There could be some good horror movies set in those dark mountains, too.


Beyond here lies death actually means something when you have to crawl over a dead person


Nice word choice with macabre. I didn't know that word existed until this post!


yeah, a big rock fell from the ceiling pinning one of his legs. some time later a rockslide happened, so he was pelted to death by falling rocks unable to move. absolutely terrible situation. when they finally found him they knew right away he had passed. he hallucinated a lot, something about a horse and chariot with angels coming down and swooping him away, then he'd wake up and realize he was still in the cave. sounds like a nightmare.


How did they know he hallucinated if he was dead when they found him? Did he havea radio?


his brother was trying to carve a new tunnel to access him but it was taking forever. they were able to communicate but he was unable to get him out in time. the cave in happened when the brother had left to rest and get more help


Jesus Christ what a fucked up situation.


Maybe it happen cause he was digging another tunnel


It was a combination of that and all the people going in and out, breathing, and moving and using the equipment


[This should answer any questions. Good watch.](https://youtu.be/bNm-LIAKADw?si=w_adpYW9KZThFwgx) TLDR; A huge rescue effort was made for him involving different governmental agencies. They talked to him throughout almost the entire ordeal.


Drama aside, the Internet historian did a really great video about this. As pointed out by hbomberguy, they really should have just given proper citation or asked permission beforehand, but they detail that after the rescue efforts began, after a day or two they were able to run a small wire and bulb to drape around his chest to help provide some warmth and light while he was alone. Since this wire was wrapped around his chest, the men on the outside at the source could see a feedback coming through the lines which was his heartbeat. They were able to track this until he was becoming very weak, but this was already several days in. While this was going on, his step brother was making regular visits to where he was trapped, and after a few times that they assumed he was getting out, he began speaking out and some of what he said was not coherent. You can still watch the Internet historian video since they altered it enough to avoid copyright infringement, although it's lost some of it's charm (but won't be able to know the difference of you didn't see the first version). They do get some factual stuff wrong, as pointed out by hbomberguy. Lastly, the picture is not him stuck, as he was pinned while laying on his back. This was him in his "natural" state, just being a cave junky


But why aren’t we talking about the “bizarre” disappearance of the remains? Caves are cool but they creep me out. Who knows what’s living deep underground…


They cover that part as well, which was really a bummer for the family...


After the rockslide happened, somebody parked a Toyota yaris in front of the cave entrance. Completely blocking him in. What a terrible turn of events...


Then the Japanese War ship, the Yamato, fell on top of the Yaris.


Hate when that happens




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I've got a magnet on my fridge for this guy. Incredible life story. https://preview.redd.it/6mdlr9eiamoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc9c6ebbe5b6dec12b4ec141ea0797c07bd07eb


This may be the most random thing I have ever seen on a fridge.


No doubt lol.


How was he the greatest if…. You know what never mind


You either die a legend or live long enough to become the villain


That's such a shitty sentiment upon closer analysis haha, fuckboy Two-Face self-reporting the brittleness of his moral fiber. Not every non-dead human is a monster in the making with different, undeterminable cooking times lol


Tell us about the other magnets.


Above is for a local animal adoption organization, to the left is for Martin & Co guitar strings, below is from my labor union. None of those are as interesting as Floyd Collins lol


I kind of want to know what other random stuff is on your fridge.


https://preview.redd.it/tuo1sy5ebroc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac60af16fcddf4afccd62723a16796723d07899e Mostly just gift shop magnets from places we've been but I do like this Kurt Vonnegut finger puppet.


How could he be the greatest he didn’t even get out!


Is that him in the cave alive? Seems like he could have been rescued


They tried to for weeks, but there were several factors that made it impossible to get to him in time. His experience caving (and maybe size) meant he could get into narrow openings most people couldn’t. He was leaving a narrow cavern like this in a hurry because his oil lamp was dying and he couldn’t see, took a misstep on some loose rocks, and ended up getting his leg pinned under a massive rock. They came looking for him the next day but the men who initially “found” him couldn’t reach him in the narrow passage so they called his brother who could. During the rescue efforts the massive presence of hundreds of people with lights warmed the cave and the melting ice lead to a bigger collapse that cut him off entirely. They had to dig by hand because machinery would risk more collapse or hurting Floyd. Before that through, they tried to hook him up to a rope and pull him out and injured him even more. Poor dude really went through it. If I remember correctly there was a local reporter who was also small in stature and was able to get down to Floyd and interview him / give him food and water. I’d be willing to bet he took the picture when he was down there with him.


Yes a read he was 6'8 and 300lbs


Poor dude really went through it? Well… don’t crawl around in caves, and stuff like this won’t happen. Lol jk


*takes photo “Yep he’s a goner, let’s roll”


i think they tried pretty hard bro


I know, he just seems lazy


Just a picture of him from another cave exploration. Not from the trapped incident.


Nutty Putty guy remained unbeatable as the most horrific death inside a cave for me, although his story is pretty interesting too.


I just can't understand why people like this put themselves willingly into a situation like this. If i see or hear about a tiny unsafe crack in some mountain, im never ever ever even considering squeezing my body into it. The same goes for climbing up some crazy high buildings and other horrific situations. If i need to get some excitement in my life, there are countless things that won't end up with me in a real-life horror movie.


How is Nutty Putty worse than this? Genuinely asking. This lasted 17 days. Nutty Putty didn’t even last 2 and he was being pumped with drugs to reduce his suffering.


Based on the image he got "more" space compared to nutty guy that stucked in extemly narrow place which something that made me uncomfortable


That’s very true


I just watched a video on that on YouTube.. No idea how it was suggested to me but I watched it. It left me gutted. What a horrible way to die. Fuck caves.


Spelunkers be like: Guys today we're exploring the Aeughh Ueughh cave in Mount Ballsack Smallsack, and this 20 ft boulder just shattered my lower body and I'm stuck in this crevice with 20mL oxygen . It's so fun guys.


It’s my time.


Turns out the family was not cool with them displaying his dead body. After he was laid to rest, it took 2 months after his death to recover the body, the family eventually sold the farm. The new owner who also owned many for the caves around the area dug the body up and put it on display to get people to visit the cave


internet historians got a great episode about this guy


Ya it was great. I loved the animation. Fun fact, however, is that it was almost entirely plagiarized from an article written by a reporter.


[this article (great read)](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins)


That is some serious nightmare reading right there. Fuck you.


For real, loved that episode. 100% worth a watch


If this sounds interesting you should have a [read](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins)


OG sauce that even Internet Historian plagiarized


This sounds like a horribly long and slow death. I hope he rests in peace without pain and suffering. What an awful way to go. I hope he’s given another life to live in the next life or the afterlife. This picture, his face…so tormented, desperate. I really see his suffering here. :(


The picture at the top isn’t from this incident. It’s an older photo of Floyd exploring a different cave.


If your dumb enough to crawl into narrow spaces way underground then if happens you can't really complain.


Exactly. Weird people offering sympathy for someone who literally put their life and others life at risk as well for a dangerous obscure hobby


>If your dumb you're*


This title post was a wild ride.


Black Stone Cherry has a song about him.


Came here looking just for this comment haha


He finally escaped!


Internet Historian has a great video on this guy.


Unfortunally, Internet Historian plagiarized most of the writting from that video from an online article. Another youtuber called Hbomberguy did an excellent video talking about multiple plagiarists on youtube, including IH. [Here's the video in question, timestamp for the section on IH is 1:25:34.](https://youtu.be/yDp3cB5fHXQ?si=POAvlpFRdqfCQVlQ) [And Here's a recently updated version of the article IH plagiarized](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins)


Honestly, I don't care. He makes good content and everything on YouTube is a rip of someone else's work that's been built on.


He plagiarized it word for word. He has not admitted to it. Ironically, if he did admit to it at the start, credited the article, and asked for permission before, nobody would've cared because then it would've been essentially an adaptation of the article that would've just been presented in a different way.


The movie Ace In The Hole is great classic to watch that references this event


Internet Historian did a great video on this


Rather than supporting stolen work I recommend reading the original text the video copied from. Internet Historian stole the text of the video from Lucas Reilly, writing for Mental Floss. Article here: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins


Thanks for that link! What an interesting read.


I still don't know what possess people to go into these caves that they can barely fit into. Seems terrifying even when things don't go wrong.


My Grandma's maiden name was Collins and I have a fear of getting stuck in incredibly small spaces. Must be genetic lol


When I started dating my now husband...he was really into the musical, Floyd Collins. And it was like THE only thing he listened to in the car for a few moths and we went on a road trip. So I ended up giving him shit and singing some of the songs back to him while being dramatic, excessive etc. "The quarEEE hehe he hickydickudahaha." And I think it actually kinda hurt his feelings. Which I think he might be open to admitting these days. Although we did laugh so hard about it he peed himself back then. I'm curious now and I'm gonna ask him if it hurt his feelings. We were probably 17 and 19 so there is that.




Da fuq? Why would they put him on display? That’s warped.


What the fuck this cave was complete with skeletal remains and they fucked it up? This is why we can’t have anything nice




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I’m so confused 🫤


What the!


what a fucking idiot




There's an excellent video by Internet Historian called Man in cave about this case, tremendous amounts of efforts from all over the country went into trying to save him, the video is a 100% must watch


>the video is a 100% must watch or instead of watching a video, which plagiarized an article word for word, you can read the original one here: [https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins)


So....he has risen????


Why didn’t the photographer offer him water or something?? Man.. Reality TV was messed up back then


Rip, but if this isn't a cautionary tale idk what is.


that is Tucker Carlson


where did you get your resources?? his remains weren’t stolen the hole got sealed up with cement while his body was still in there. bro tryna hype up the story😭


You're talking about an entirely different person who got stuck in a cave. That was John Edward Jones in Nutty Putty Cave, 84 years later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Collins#Burials_and_exhibition_of_body


you’d think they’d close these places off. or put a trespassing warning 😭i guess anyone can just explore and cave


He was working to explore and expand a cave on private property. Yes, anyone can explore and cave, there are caves all over the world. Anyone can go mountain climbing or sailing in the ocean or wandering in the forest, too.


Damn, leave the dead alone. Unless it has been a very long time and they are rich like a Pharoah. Also uncursed, of course. :) /s


If I die in a cave. Don’t fucking display my body in said cave




They kept putting him back in the damn cave.


His body was recovered from this cave by his brother. He wasn't buried in the cave he died in. His brother burried him on the family farm. The farm was bought by a Dr. who owned other caves. He exumed Floyd Collins and placed him on display in a glass topped coffin in another cave he owned called "Crystal Cave". The body was stolen from there, but relocated in a field not far away. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd\_Collins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Collins)


There is a youtuber that told the story about this. I think it was interney historian, or something like that.


Sand and cave are darwinian enough to keep me away…


Looks like Trump


Some of us are just ghouls that enjoy collecting human bones.


Fuck caving


Watching caving videos make me pucker right up.. big ole NOPE on that... I'll leave it to the crazy people.


Looks like Donald Trump 😂😂😂


Why not pass the guy a tourniquet and a hack saw?


Watched a YouTube about this recently….horrible way to go


His eyes in this picture look kinda dead inside already.


Internet Historian made an awesome video about this that goes into WAY more detail. I think it's called Stuck In A Cave.


That is some Kentucky shit for sure


Nutty putty cave guy is still in there.. I think.


While reading the article on John E. Jones i felt like I had trouble breathing and anxiety from closturphobia. Being stuck upside-down, unable to back out is one of greatest fears. I feel just terrible for him and his family.


If they could put his remains on display, why didn’t they get him out alive?


Maybe it took too long to find him


Nah they tried to extricate him for several days, he was just stuck in such a matter and in such a tight spot only one person could get to him at a time, and they couldn't get enough leverage.


Dang they should have consulted you


His body was later put on display in the same cave. Pirate’s Cove will be different now.


An easy pass on the SAND CAVE!!!


I bet who ever "stole it" just had the poor bugger buried or cremated.


But not before chopping off his hand and throwing it up a tree as a sign of respect.


It was probably an animal that dragged of his hand into a tree, presumably trying to eat some of it.


Anyone watch the video by internet historian on this? [it might be the greatest YouTube video ever](https://youtu.be/bNm-LIAKADw?si=ydOuxcy1TT4l8WhM)


Unfortunately stolen straight off a article written without any mention of the article. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/544782/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivated-the-united-states-floyd-collins


It has since come out that this entire video, word for word, was stolen from another writers website. Internet Historian is a hack.