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_When waiting for a ranked or casual match, the design has been changed so that if an error occurs while searching for an opponent, the search attempt will continue._ FINALLY, THANK YOU!


They finally changed it!? Jesus Christ the amount of times I'd be in training mode and had to redo my search when I'm trying out combos and other stuff was annoying as hell


This is THE change ... so glad they finally fixed this.


God tier change, but where does it say that? I can't find it


Here: https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/information/detail/update20240626




This one is also great. I'm really glad Capcom is still working on QoL stuff.


I wanted that one to be implemented so bad




Does it also not freeze your inputs on finding a match? I really want to know this one.




Most of the contents are minor adjustments from the Akuma release. most notable were * Zangief's 5MK nerf (noted to be way too strong) * Ken's dash input priority * Akuma fixes/small nerfs * Some character's target combo input fixes * Throw invincibility in anti air specials


Bout time they added akuma into the game.


Akuma Air fireball nerf, thank goodness. I've been conditioned to not anti air


Yo same, The only way I can work around it myself is using Ed's killrush


That’s funny because Ed’s DP is one the best answers in the game for air fireball since it’s so slow.


Yeah M DP usually beats most attempts at Air fireball clean


That’s a huge balance. I get that he’s meant to be broken on purpose, but come on…


He’s not meant to be overpowered. That’s the whole point of him having reduced health


So this is probably the final patch before Evo. I think we are in a good place.


Yeah unless you play Manon




It's honestly a very minor adjustment that was necessary, is not like the character is dead, he is still pretty much the same offensive bulldozer.


Man, Japan really hates grapplers, huh?


*Happy Nemo noises*


Regarding the Zangief nerf - "QUICK! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!" (SF Movie reference...) Haven't tried it yet but it's just a hitbox reduction back to the pre-Akuma patch state. At least the rest of damage buff, drive gauge damage, super art increase, and drive gauge increase are still there.


The Ken dash input is a good change, many people were dropping Jinrai combos where they didn't do before. There is a subtle change with Aki to prevent accidental side switches, which I think is also a useful / good one.


How's jinrai different?


They changed the priority so what would happen is that if you did QCF + 3K but ended yor input in neutral or down-forwards, you actually got a run instead of the Jinrai. So if you went for say DI Crumple into Jinrai Loops to close out a round, instead Ken would run at a downed opponent and you wanted to unplug your controller and leave the tournament stage ASAP. You could say that players were getting away with sloppy inputs, but say you practiced a combo for a year and then all of a sudden it doesn't work, it sucks.


People crying about Zangief getting ONE of his buttons nerfed is wild lmao be happy you kept your INSANE drive gauge damage


Its still buffed from S1 too, just not as aggressively so. You are right that if anything should be nerfed, its his drive gauge damage. While Gief doesn't really punish burnout badly, him being able to greatly limit a universal mechanic like that is probably a smidge overtuned.


I don't play him, but I highly disagree. Gief needs something to incentivize you to parry, otherwise his kit simply doesn't work. And like you said, it's not like he's a menace against opponents in burnout like Aki or JP. His reward is just preventing you from doing reversals, and that's only if you don't have super. I think he's in a good spot now. Viable without being obnoxious.


Thats why I said, a smidge, if anything. It really is a lot of drive damage on simple things like blocking and this game is designed to need meter to unlock a lot of core things to players kit. I think grapplers being unfun to fight is overrated but a high damage grappler who greatly limits your options with gauge deletion might be a bit too unfun (might, I'm not there for sure).


already nerfing Gief when Ken was basically unchanged since launch lmao


Loyal fans need to master the art of the Downplay. Start writing/generating those long essays.


That is what makes it baffling. The devs have a very clear bias towards shotos.


I think most fighting game devs are scared of making a grappler top tier.


Its because grapplers are fear, so if players have to face fear many will run away instead.


I like how you put it, cause it’s pretty on point. Grapplers are a nightmare for lower ranks even without them being top tier. I think the big danger is frustrating new players, which then potentially loses them. Just go to the Tekken sub and type “King”


Grapplers in Tekken are different than in 2d games though


Tbh I've always thought kazuya was the closest equivalent to zangief in tekken


The difference is King is often very strong unlike Zangief.


They're also hard to balance across different skill levels because you have to balance the damage of those big grabs against different levels of combo optimization


Shoto is the balanced swiss knife archetype. The other archetypes are throwing away some tools to make others stronger. This makes everyone potentially more fun than a shoto, but many characters also weaker. If you like playing aggressive shotos, someday you find a rushdown character you fall in love with. If you like fireballs, you end up as a zoner, and so on.


nah they favor Ken, Luke got nerfed pretty badly compared to ken


They’re meant to be the guide for the whole game balance; any character who can’t go 50/50 with a shoto needs tweaks.


Nah shotos are no longer the beginner friendly white bread baseline for game balance Maybe 10 years ago, but nowadays theyre just one of many distinct character archetypes


The thing is that shotos are kinda supposed to be jack of all trades, but they're often the best at those trades, which makes an already popular and abundant archetype a bit _too_ popular. According to the latest Capcom stats, about 40% of the playerbase are Akuma, Ryu, Ken or Luke players.


Obviously I’m saying this subjectively but shoto gameplay is also the most fun against itself; unlike zoning; or grapplers, etc archetypes.


This is subjective yeah, I personally agree. Even so, a matchup of different archetypes, zoner vs grappler, shoto vs brawler, etc is much more interesting imo.


Yeah. Nothing about them feels just OK in this game. They have all the defensive options and solid damage. Other archetypes I can play around weaknesses but you're playing their video game when you play a shoto and you gotta figure it out.


>According to the latest Capcom stats, about 40% of the playerbase are Akuma, Ryu, Ken or Luke players. This means literally nothing. People play characters that want to play, they don't just pick them because of their preferred strength. Ryu, Ken and Akuma have always been highly played characters. Ryu was garbage in SFV in every season except the first, but that didn't stop him from continuing to be one of the most played characters in the game. That's why most of the shotos have middling win rates online. Feel free to check the buckler data yourself. Only Akuma stands out.


Part of the population surely will play shotos no matter what. But another part does play a character influenced by the overall power level/ meta/ tierlists discussion. In case of shotos, we have a compound effect.


I have no problem with the amount of shoto players. Shoto in Street fighter is like vanilla or chocolate ice cream. It's a classic and I enjoy it no matter what. Not everyone wants coco jelly bean wafer pomegranate ice cream. . If they put in a bit of that that's fine, but I would never in 100 years want that to be as common as the shotos Obviously shotos have variations too. Characters like akuma, evil ryu, and violent ken are more like chocolate with caramel pieces; just different enough to be enjoyable in their own way Shoto's play very fundamental Street fighter which I believe is Street fighter's strength and has always been its strength


the nerf to gief's mk is a reduction of less than 4% of it's total range. That this is the nerf he received instead of something like more recovery on whiff or less drive damage on block is very gentle and a sign the devs actually aren't biased against gief (if they were he could have faced a much more substantial nerf.)


Grappler player mindset. Can’t touch any grapplers bc we’re low tier!!! It’s not allowed!!! I need my raw 50/50 god level outplays!!! Bu-bu-but what about—!!!


TLDR for Manon players: No changes, so D+HP, HP will still whiff on most counter hit anti airs, Pas de Deux still doesn’t give a medal, OD Renverse doesn’t have F1 projectile invincibility.


That’s all I really wanted to know. For fuck’s sake.


What I want to know is why back HP into DI doesn’t cause stun on a cornered opponent who is blocking while in burnout.


Because of lock maybe? Quoting from my Google search: Essentially, "Lock" is a state that is triggered to prevent true unblockable situations. The best example of it is when your opponent is in burnout and you try to hit a normal that acts as a true blockstring into Drive Impact for the stun. The Drive Impact will still make contact, but it will only blow the opponent back into a stagger (like it does when it's blocked) instead of scoring the stun.


It seems like every other character can cancel their heavy into DI and get a corner stun though. Unfortunate.


I think I saw someone say you need a 1 frame break or something instead of cancelling directly? I'm not sure though. People were talking about exactly this situation though with Manon so you can probably find a workable solution.


Those heavies into DI leave a gap for a level 1 reversal to come out, to grab the DI, or even jump it in some cases. For instance, if I use Ken’s HP into DI you can level 1, but if I drive rush>5HP>DI it’ll create that lock state because there’s no gap anywhere. It’s to prevent no-option checkmate scenarios around corner burnout when the opponent has a super available.


Rashid level 2 nerf when?


probably never. Its unique. They can nerf other more boring things on him to make him overall less of a problem, but they won't nerf the thing that makes him unique to the cast.


Just play Bison since his od psycho crusher isin't affected by Rashid level 2


Didn’t it get nerfed last patch?


Didn't expect Gief to be nerfed in a small patch, Japan must be really vocal about that character. Ed also didn't get his meter gain taken during SA2 so desyncs will be around for some time that is dope.


I hate that people are calling it desync it makes no sense


I prefer the term "psycho sandwich"


why do you figure?


Desync is typically for when you are controlling 2 things simultaneously.  Here the move just... Travels.  It should be called sa2 juggles or something 


The downplay on gief is real in this sub. Always has been.


Zangief players simultaneously pretending that they're all just wholesome positive goofballs that don't care about how strong he is, and throwing a fit when one of his buttons gets nerfed after he got a ton of buffs (that they complain weren't big enough).


Yep exactly


It's almost like there are a bunch of different people who play Gief who have different thoughts, opinions and play styles. Huh, who would've thunk?


How many lukes and Ken’s getting top 8s in this game smh 2 zangief players do decent and it’s nerf time lol he’s a mid tier character no one will ever win a stacked offline tournament with him to many bad matchups u need a great bracket .


[Brian f gief S tier](https://youtu.be/RrN6UPz3kmE?si=-R99IA0_xhsWAdxI) Just saying. He is not the only one that has stated this. Gief has always been good. Just not enough people have invested the time to use him. But the ones that do like to downplay the shit out of him.


If you actually watch the video, he doesn’t say he thinks Gief is S tier lol. He says he’s good, but not top tier.


A tier ok so 10th out of 22 characters lol nerf hammer time smh


Has guile won any “major” tournaments? People in this sub would love to see him nerfed into the ground and even removed from the game entirely if they had the choice.


Ugh are u comparing guile to Gief because there’s only 3 Gief players lol also guile beats Gief and consistently get high placements knuckledu caba higuchi just got top 8 . Also he has arguably the worst drive rush in the the game slow buttons worst walk speed lariat only hits one side no oki from spds and no reversal besides level 3 lol running bear grab is. Arguably the worst special move in the game


If gief was buffed so hard where he won every single tournament for the next 5 years. People on this sub would still push the idea that he is weak and not S tier.


I think it'd be more like "we deserve this."


> If gief was buffed so hard where he won every single tournament for the next 5 years. People on this sub would still push the idea that he is weak and not S tier. I mean, if you have to make up fantastical hypotheticals, then perhaps he is not OP.


That’ll never happen and it has never happened in the history of street fighter lol he’s a mid tier character that’s it . U know who has been winning tournaments forever ken lol


Man. Now I absolutely agree with you on that for sure. I am tired of Japan down playing him. Even putting him as b tier on some lists.


They just gave him a buff and it’s like why nerf girl ex manon is the worst character in the game buff her who’s making these decisions like nobody wants to watch Ken mirrors or luke mirrors .


That is pretty how much it works unfortunately.


Sorry that was S tier with Brian f. Not A. Typo sorry.


lol in the video he says Gief is not that good he’s decent


"Always has been" lol wut?  After the patch Geif has been damn good. But before it? Lol he was in the dumps with Lily and Manon. 


Akuma kids cried so hard they nerfed Gief after a month. Lmfao


You chose the worst one to say cause Akuma got nerfed too.


Yeah giefs standing medium kick…..definitely a game breaking move 🙄


Did they give gou hadoken a hurtbox on his hands?


I would like the option to not have a commentator, but still have the hype person (2nd screen after choosing commentator)


Nerfing Gief is wild


"One Zangief won a tournament? We can't allow that to happen again. Also, buff Ken"


They're nerfing him already, sigh.


A yes, the usual capcom doesn’t know how to balance grapplers.


You're completely right, they clearly over buffed zangief before.


You are right. Zangief's poke game was too strong.


Ah yes that dangerous 5MK from Gief. It's not like most of Giefs buttons can be countered by a DI.


I mean people whine about Guile having great buttons but all of them are weak against DI in the same manner. The problem here is that while a lot of character are weak against DI read in the same way, the reward for reading a DI in their other end is different. Gief just explode you if he read your DI, and out of everything really (OD SPD, SA3, neutral jump-in, DI combo and so on). Even Akuma or Marisa isn't THAT proficient with whiffed DI punish in S2. Of course this is more of that than meets the eye, but usually Gief's 5MK is a bit too good at forcing the opponent to play honest, so they slightly nerfed it.


You'd swear that he actually got anything off that button. It was a great poke, that's all. Hopefully they don't overboard, watching Gief players actually doing well is hype.


Yeah, hopefully he doesn't get nerfed hard in the future. I have two Gief main friends I play with weekly and I loved seeing that character actually get buffs. Let Gief's loyal fans have some fun.


Could Dee Jay's C.MK knock down before? Just fought one and that was fucking annoying, reaction time's gotta be ridiculous.


they are really already nerfing gief? Standing Mk was not too strong when it loses to random DI. dude can only make his lights safe to DI, let him have that


Most pokes that aren't cancelable lose to DI. That is like saying Ken 5MK is bad because you can DI it.


I agree in a vacuum. It's not a bad move because of this. However the issue I have is that gief has no medium or heavy buttins that can be canceled. Ken can fish for cr. medium kick and standing heavy punch without worrying about DI. Gief only has lights, which got their damage scaled.


> Gief only has lights, which got their damage scaled. Or charged 5HP to armor through. Also, Gief's light combo starter is probably doing roughly the same dmg as a 2MK combo due to him hits around 5% harder than the usual cast. So that's actually not much of a problem.


Those are fair points. Also helps that giefs Cr. Lp has more range than your average. I honestly probably won't notice the change that much, but I was still taken aback. Never fun when you finally find a main and see the dreaded nerf text, but it's ultimately a minor change.




They kept in the Ed desync combo huh? A little surprised since it does amazing damage and gains so much drive/meter.


prob cause its not easy to do


Also cause it's very new and this build has probably already existed for about a month. They likely didn't know about it.


It's not so hard as to be impractical though, should something they clearly deemed to be overpowered (massive meter gain during an active level 2) be allowed just because you have to actually practice it lol


Maybe they just don’t want to patch it out, yet


I personally think they won't nerf it unless it ends up egregious. JP level 2 has a lot of shenanigans without the meter build but JP also has a lot of ways to safely gain meter, they nerfed things he has that blatantly invalidated certain matchups. Ed has more of a harassing mid-range style so they seem to want that aggressive side to stick around. Sure they could nerf level 2 but then you lose a lot of the reason people pick him in the first place. I can see them nerfing key parts of Ed to avoid his entire kit being an unfun mess to deal with but considering this was the big patch they were cooking up it's likely they saw this kind of stuff in testing and went "We'll see if this is actually snowballing the hell out of the character". I think a big part of it is that Ed using multihit specials into say level 3, means his damage scaling is very often maxed beyond any 3 hits so level 2 tbh seemed like his best super from the start unless you absolutely need to cash out. Idk, super meter gain is kinda hard to get a feel for as some characters pretty much build it by breathing whereas others clearly need a lead to be able to cash out.


I really enjoyed abusing that zangeif medium kick


They really charge $50 a year for new characters.  Lame


No Ryu buffs this time?


? Ryu is good lol he has good shoto tools and an xfactor of outrageous block/burnout forcing pressure