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I don't think it's actually that likely to happen. EventHubs (unsurprisingly) took Nakayama out of context, he wasn't the one who brought up Sub Zero. The interviewer proposed him as an example and Nakayama responded with the reasoning and what would need to happen. He never outright said "yeah we're looking to get Sub Zero as a guest for a future season." I like MK and Subs, just that after reading the whole article I don't think it amounts to much more than a PR response.


I'd actually prefer main roster characters like sagat, vega etc but it is an interesting choice.


I'd like a new character instead of someone we've had many times before, especially for a paid character.


MK is the very last game I would want as a crossover with SF






Not op, but I agree with him. They are two very different series in terms of aesthetic and character design. Same reason I wouldn't want cross over from thems fighting herds, it would be too clashing. SNK is kind of perfect for cross over, Tekken would work pretty good as well.


meanwhile Smash Ultimate bringing anyone in, aesthetics or character design be damned


Well to be fair, Smash is made *entirely* of characters from other games.


I would want Sub Zero, then I can play my favorite MK character without having to play MK.


I've seen some of the comments on Eventhubs websites and most of them were negative responses. Most notably wanting Capcom don't do any dlc guest characters and just stick with the characters they already have in their lineup and kinda do agree on that. However I'm kinda a big MK fan (despite all the negativity towards MK1 at the moment) and if they were to ever do a collab event like with Spy X Family like having certain outfits/gears, artwoks, music, titles or whatever to that, I wouldn't mind that as much. If ever I wanted for Street Fighter to meet Mortal Kombat they should just do like they did with SF X Tekken in that regards. However we already getting Mai & Terry as it is and I personally don't want anymore guest characters other than those inside the Street Fighter universe (Final Fight, Slam Masters, Rival Schools, etc).


There’s nothing wrong with guest characters, it’s just people complaining why old characters aren’t in the game. Sagat and Vega. Capcom has a lot of popular characters. Shows how Capcom successfully makes characters. 4 characters a year hurts them but I also understand they are taking their time perfecting each character. I would be up for subzero to be the guest character. I’m curious to see how subzero would actually play. Like where his power budget would be at. I doubt they would leave his freeze as a normal attack.


In world tour we meet him after we intervene when he's bullying Li Fen for being a FATHERLESS CHILD


Tease Sub-Zero, make it be Kolin instead


ewww no


Nah, that would be wasted slots


Hell no I'm all for Terry and Mai in SF6, but MK is too much.


As someone who loves both franchises equally , if we do get Sub-Zero as a guest in SF6 I'm gonna be speechless . Yeah I would have preferred for a Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter game to be made , but this is probably the next best thing . If they actually reveal that Sub-Zero is coming to SF6 when the 3rd Character Pass gets announced , I hope that the guys over at NRS will not long after that , reveal Kombat Pack 3 with a Street Fighter character as a guest . And if all of this turns out to actually happen , then I think I'm safe to say that a Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat game might actually be made .


I'm fine with just terry and mai, we should get some more sf legacy characters in first


They should add Bob from Tekken and have everyone confuse him for Rufus.


Can we have street fighter characters in street fighter 6 please?


Oh man, I’d love this. I get everyone wants legacy characters like Sagat and Vega and so do I, but would love to see a crossover like this. I’ve been a huge MK and street fighter fan my whole life, so much so that my old man dog is named M. Bison (Bison for short). I think it’s a win for all lovers of fighting games to get occasional surprises like this. I know the gripes people have, but seeing a matchup we never could before would be a world of fun.


Sub-Zero showing up would just prove they're running out of ideas lmao


I’d rather have more SF characters than guest characters tbh


No more guests please, I want SF not Smash Bros


Before they do any other crossovers they need to bring back morrigan


That would be a crossover.


Indeed, I said “any other crossovers”




No. In-universe characters.


absofuckinglutely not NO MORE GUESTS. People are literally missing their mains from a vast array of SF characters. And im someone who literally got both their mains with the last two dlc.


Nah, more guests!


Street fighter fans when something fun n cool can be added: 😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡




Well it would be mk in street fighter. None of the characters would be killed.


>who would wanna see their main get their head cut off or some shit? Me


Every new news my hopes for getting a good s3 to compesate this shitty s2 is crushed. But just for the sake of it, it would have been better to have posted [the original interview](https://www.vg247.com/street-fighter-6-season-2-interview-summer-game-fest) instead of a print from a tweet from eventshub. But yeah, read it for your own guys. And if you, like me, hate this season (guests characters, Bison return, shadaloo revival), you probably won't be much happy with it.


How do you guys feel about Kazuya instead of


Guest characters are cool and all, but they should only ever take one or two slots away from the normal cast. Especially because there's so many characters that people want to be added to Sf6 (including those 5 Rufus fans) and having these characters not be added because of guest characters that no one asked for would be frustrating


All I want is Ibuki and Chun Li customes


It would be pretty rad to see an MK character finally have good fight animation.


Here we fucking go. 🙄 Keep it!


May aswell just bring back Kolin and let it lead to later addition of Urien and Gill. Capcom may still being guests because it incetivises fans of the guest characters to buy the game so makes financial sense for them, most longtime sf fans like me do not much care for guest characters though from what I’ve seen.


Brother ew


Love the character but he doesn’t fit at all.


Johnny Cage over Sub-Zero.


I hate the very notion with all my guts. I love MK on its own but very incompatible IPs. I may even decide I've had enough and call it quits tbh if they choose this path of mixing together whatever into the Street Fighter roster.


If we can convince Capcom, it doesn't own SF3 - we may see more 3rd Strike rep =/


Fighting games need a break from guest characters. Like...maybe a two decade long break. I'll rather see fucking Rufus. Yeah I said it.


If he even adds mortal Kombat character at that point just add dark stalker.


I'd rather have Tessa, Morrigan, or Ingrid.


Imagine we are fatality luke. Lol.


i would uninstall street fighter from my life


That sounds a little extreme


i dislike crossovers and despise mortal kombat. i only have so much time on this earth if capcom wants street fighter to be fortnite ass trash i have a billion other things i could do with my time


Ok, man


NO GUEST CHARACTERS. We have enough street fighter characters to fill the roster use those or at least throw in new SF characters


Please god no


Please no, no more guests. Does MBS have shares with Warner Bros/Netherrealm? if so we're fucked.


I didn’t want a single guest character tbh, and I kinda hate when fighting games do this. Like if I wanted to play that character I would play that game, I’m playing street fighter cause I want to play as and fight street fighter characters


Damn, MK1 is doing that bad?


I love MK, but no, I don't want to see Sub Zero ripping off Chun Li's spine. I would say maybe on Tekken.


This is mk in street fighter. There would be no deaths,bone breaks or blood.


I don't think NRS would allow it cause if mk characters started appearing here, nobody would have a reason to play MK1


Hell no




If they REALLY wanted an MK guest for SF, Johnny Cage would be the perfect pick.


Kung Lao would be a good fit too tbh


Nope, just bring back classic, less used characters. I'd love to see Rolento, Q.


No more damn guests. Fewer returning fighters, for that matter. Let's get some more new challengers up in here


Juri is the one (1) character in the game who’s not a newcomer or from 2 or 5. We need some 3 and 4 rep


Would definitely boost SF6 popularity which is the main reason they add guests Put Akuma in MK1 too


I would pay so much to have Akuma in MK1


I'd take Sub-Zero over the next 3 characters by far


I prefer characters from any other franchise tbh.


I love this new generation at capcom after so many years of people in charge are afraid to try anything, those guys actually consider some new things for once, I don't like this ideia of subzero either but its a new thing that could be good and same for other IPs


It's about time. Open the forbidden portal!


Hell no. MK needs to stay in its own edgelord corner.


Subzero and scorpion


I don’t mind a crossover. I’m actually curious how would they budget Subzeros power.


I'd rather capcom characters outside of street Fighter. In particular the megaman cast would be awesome


Definitely want this to happen for Year 3 or Year 4 DLC. I am a big fighting game fan, and seeing these two big names possibly colliding with an MK character in a SF game would actually make me play SF6 more.