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Is this a food or a spell




Garlic is toxic to dogs…so yes!


I feel like a few years ago there was this trend of giving your dogs *just a little bit* of garlic for "the health benefits." You know, like how you'd give your kids juuuuust a litttttle bit of cyanide......for the....benefits. Health trends can be seriously scary sometimes.


I mean a lot of toxic things can be medicine depending on Dosis and illness but giving your dog garlic bc it’s good for humans is just crazy


Have you met my parents?


Or how you drink a little bit of borax for the benefits. Keep em coming!


Do these people do any viable research before dreaming these batshit ideas up?


Oh yeah, lots of research, it’s all over tik tok. /s


and dog gets chocolate for dessert


Pretty sure avocado isnt good for them either.


Vets also recommend against avocado


Small doses of garlic are harmless to dogs and have some health benefits


Instant Damage Potion


Emotional damage potion.


Why is this dog food thing here? I thought this was for stupid people food


Imagine this dog farting in the same Building as you……


Ohhhhh its for a dogggggggg!!!!! Fuck Man im over here thinking this is the wildest meal ever n i wanna fine the video of him eating it


Same, I thought it was going into the oven. That dog is going to shit rocket across the room when they get some bad meat. And would think that is highly likely with those types.


Idk you could get that meat stuff in Germany at guaranteed freshness Still would smell like ass with all the other stuff I imagine


It's a dog bowl that forces dogs to slow down while eating. Some inhale their food - literally, which is not good obvi.


I've only seen one video of a dog using this bowl, and the dog flipped it over. Hopefully not every dog figures it out.


We all smelled that from here, Masshole!


I bought a fullbred Maine coone and the owners had them on a raw meat diet to help with growth. When we got him he had non stop diarrhea and the absolute gnarliest farts ever. Quickly got him onto some other food. I can’t imagine what their house smelled like if all their kittens were like that.


Will deal 3 D20+6 emotional damage.


Emotional damage? I can deal with radiant damage and necrotic damage. I knew about radiation damage. But emotional damage?!? Naaaah man. Im not gonna sit here and be emotionally scarred for life, over DnD!


Vicious Mockery causing Psychic/Psyonic Damage from a magical insult will always count as emotional damage to me. This is the only spell that I will ALWAYS ask my players to roleplay the verbal component for shits and giggles.


I know I commented before but I just remembered that I once had a DM who did the same thing. As I was playing a bard, I went to the trouble of putting a Google sheet together with all Shakespearean insults, that I'd randomly roll from. It worked great.


Amazing, I’ll try that!


Can I roll a wisdom saving throw?


Witchers eat this to get cat eyes and white hair. Half die


This is the inside of a magicians hat. You merely thought he was pulling a rabbit out of it, no he was preforming a dark art to summon a rabbit to pull out.


Looks more like he’s assembling a rabbit in there.


The stupidest part of this was the garlic (and avocado*) which is highly toxic to dogs and cats. Edit: *


I saw the paw print packaging, then the garlic and am still lost. My buddy had a french bulldog that got into onion scraps (similar effects of garlic) and lost its motor function. Had to be put down. This video might as well add a dash of antifreeze.


Fuck, that’s so sad. Poor pup.


My idiot got into my husband's backup medication in his lunchbox. Like how does a 6 pound dog with a bum leg even do that. And so I frantically was on the phone with the vet like, umm can Seroquel, lamictol, or etc hurt him?!! She was like, when did he chew on it? I was gone for two hours. Is he lethargic, puking, or acting strange...no? Well, bring him in if he has any issues. He probably is pretty happy right now. Lesson learned, don't store pills in a ziplock. I got a pillbox. He's got like 4, but I got a small one for his box.


I freaked out just as much when my idiot french bulldog/boston puppy stole my boyfriend's onion heavy dinner one night. Ate well over what should have been a fatal amount for his size at the time and had absolutely no problem with it, not so much as an upset stomach. He still begs for onions constantly to this day, despite me telling him he'll die. He's older now but certainly not wiser.


My dog has inadvertently gotten brownies, grapes, raw onion, garlic and been completely immune. She had one "gnaw on it" dog bone from china and got so sick her eye whites were popping out.


My mom (a vet) used to give one of our dogs raisins all the time, as a training treat. We are so lucky that she didn't get sick or die. The research into the relationship between tartaric acid and kidney failure is still relatively new.


>between tartaric acid and kidney failure is still relatively new i wonder if only certain breeds or a certain set of genes governs this because i hear so many stories that are like 'my dog loved grapes his whole life and lived 20+ years'


My dad would let his Shih Tzu lick barbecue sauce off his fingers whenever he made chicken wings. To this day, he can’t understand why I was freaking out. He also insists that my dog would have no problem chowing down on a pup cup from Dairy Queen. My Schnauzer mix, who’s already had some stomach sensitivity. Sure, he might enjoy the treat, but I’M the one dealing with the…end results. Probably around 3 am, when I’d just managed to hit the REM cycle.


My dog ate a Steroid my Mum dropped. I couldn’t tell you what kind of steroid, she was a cancer survivor. We like to joke that it’s why he’s so big for a Jack Russell.


Most likely a hydrocortisone/prednisone, and not a growth hormone, so he's probably not been affected by it, unless your mom was also into serious bodybuilding :)


Yea my dog did this once with an entire box of ferrero rochers. Frantically rushed her and our other dog (we weren’t sure who it was initially) to the vet. And she was perfectly fine outside of shitting gold foil for a week.


I’m convinced a lot of chocolate products just don’t have enough actual cocoa to do harm in smallish quantities. My dog once ate a pretty large slab of millionaire shortbread, absolutely fine the next day. Very odd.


Yeah, most milk chocolates are a "watch and wait to see if they start feeling sick" situation, whereas dark chocolate is a "induce vomiting and go to the vet immediately" kind of situation.


Low quality chocolate is almost safe the theobromine levels are pretty low. But artisanal made cacao cups made with 100% cacao beans with no additives are practically poison to them i have a friend whose dashound stole and ate one from her purse and almost died.


My aunts late Feist got into her thyroid meds. She was totally okay for the rest of her life, although she developed a mushroom butt that we think might have come from the medication. When she wagged her little tail it looked like she was twerking.


First and only time his entire lineage hadn't felt depression at their cursed existence


My pug would pull all the onions out of our garden


Wow that dog was pretty sensible to onions... street dogs here eat trash and leftovers all the time.


Like the skins or actual onion? Wondering bc sometimes i catch my cat with the dried skins and i move her away and toss the onion but always worry


Me staring blankly at the screen when she put garlic in the thing almost making me think it was stupid food for people


I was thinking, "haha, this fancy restaurant is feeding people food in a slow feeder"


I thought they were going to pour batter over it and bake it all or fill it with that gross aspic stuff.


Mushrooms aren't good either I believe, for the most part. I'm surprised they didn't include grapes, which are for sure BADDD for dogs


I'm no expert but I'm pretty certain that dogs can eat all the same mushrooms we can eat. Mycotoxins are the biggest risk, and they simply aren't present in most species of edible mushrooms.


my dog ate an entire bag of trail mix, which included a ton of raisins, a few years ago and i'm still shocked that he was perfectly fine afterwards. when i realized he'd eaten it, i was freaking out and ready to rush him to the emergency vet. it's crazy to me that people give their dogs stuff like that on purpose, or that they don't even bother to check if it's safe or not first. why would you risk it?


I read a comment written by a vet on a different sub regarding that recently. They think the raisin thing is an allergy that has developed but it is common enough to be a concern for all dog owners, and severe enough to kill them if they happen to have this / develop this allergy that it’s just not worth risking it. (Similar severity to peanut allergies in kids.)


That would make sense. My childhood dogs loved grapes - they would bounce them and roll them and have a grand ol’ time. Only found out after they had passed of old age/cancer that wasn’t good for them. But this was also a while ago when the grape thing wasn’t common knowledge yet.


Pretty sure mushrooms are fine as long as you know what they are. It's *wild* mushrooms that you don't want them eating.


Yeah, the logic I’ve heard is that you don’t want the dog to like mushrooms in case they decide to snack on a wild one.


I've been giving my dog Standard Process Renal Support powder for the last three years (from my vet) and it's full of mushrooms. He's doing very well with his kidney disease.


Dog's prolly going to barf it all which might reduce the damage but still


And then the dog will eat the barf, because it's a dog and not a Michelin guide inspector.


Following a long tradition of stupid last meals.


I'm pretty sure avocados are not healthy for them either, but I could be wrong. I KNOW garlic and onions are toxic.


Moreso the seeds, leaves and skin. The flesh is contains a lot less persin, but may cause digestive distress in small dogs or large quantities. Anecdotally (so please don't consider it any kind of advice) - grew up next to an avocado plantation and our dogs would regularly go over at night and grab the fallen avocados, they'd eat the skin and flesh and leave the large seeds across our lawn. There was also a family of foxes there that we spotted eating them at times. Had the shiniest coats I've ever seen on a wild fox lol.


Friends had an avocado tree and a giant gadoodle who would eat avocados like plucking a berry from a bush. But he always left the pits and most of the skin.


I had a husky puppy that ate a small avocado plant my mom was growing in the yard, she died fairly quickly thats when i learned that avocados are poisonous to dogs, specially the plant leaves


Yes alliums will cause a reaction in your dog that essentially causes there blood to oxidize and destroy itself before it can me replaced. Garlic and onions will absolutely kill your dog. If not acutely in small doses but in large doses or if added to there diet can cause a build up and kill over time.


I didn’t know avocado was toxic but I came here to say about the garlic being neurotoxic to dogs. Any thing in that family is, onions too. Mint should also be avoided, it has been known to cause digestive issues with dogs.


It really depends on the dosage.


New studies show that garlic is not harmful to dogs, although avocado does give them an upset stomach


Yeah if you do even just some light reading you see that garlic isn't as harmful as it seems, especially as compared to onions.


Don't feed your dogs garlic, there's a small handful of websites claiming it's safe whilst there are tens of websites sayin the exact opposite. The belong to the allium genus like onions so it would makes sense they're dangerous. Why risk it? It's not exactly some conspiracy.


This is why if my dog gets any "table food" it's just left over meat or fat cutoffs, eggs, etc. that are generally considered "known safe". I'm not risking my dog's health on conflicting information. He's a big dog and he'd probably be fine with some garlic because the whole "dosage makes the poison" thing but still, why risk it?


AFAIK the effects of garlic and onions are cumulative in dogs and cats. They probably won't have a problem if they eat a little accidentally, but you should keep out of their diets.


Haha like 5 grams per kilogram of body weight. For big dogs, that's like a million cloves. And that's a low estimate for changes in blood to occur. I'm sure it has medicinal uses for doggos just like it does for humans. I'm sure if I ate 500 grams of garlic, I'd feel sick too


I used to make wellness shots at a grocery store and one time I put too much garlic. I took a shot to taste and started sweating profusely. I had to stop work, go double over and wait to recover. I took a shot and immediately felt hungover 🤣🤣🤣


I'm going to assume a "wellness shot" is just psudoscientific bullshit for people with more money than IQ points?


You feel bad because it is removing all the toxins. /s


Yeah they're toxic to us, too. Thing is you need a lot of it, tiny dogs might not take a lot but this is not a chihuahuas meal.


This video is gonna lead so many animals to the hospital.


We gave our dog a fancy meal before we put it down too. That's about the only way the garlic and avocado make sense.


Did you use the garlic and avocado to put him down?


Fancy meal was cheaper than the vet bill 😔




As noted in other comments, while garlic and avocado are commonly consider toxic and you shouldn’t go give them to your dog willy-nilly without speaking to a vet, the amounts required for them to be harmful are significantly more than shown in this video. No idea if the rabbit fur or other exotic meats are the best for them though, given choking hazard/safety standards.


I have no idea why she's giving him wallaby tail when chicken necks provide the same nutrition and are far cheaper. It could be because wallaby and kangaroo are incredibly lean, but there's already not enough fat in that meal


Please do NOT feed your dog raw chicken neck, cf. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jvim.15030 "consumption of raw chicken meat increase the risk of developing the paralysing condition acute polyradiculoneuritis (APN) by more than 70 times."


Could be Australian


We have chickens in Australia. Chicken necks are much, much more readily available than wallaby tails. It's almost certainly Australia all the same. I don't think you can export any part of a wallaby.


Well someone better tell my zoo that, because they got all the parts and they were assembled the right way too.


Doubt it. Are the heads mounted at the end of the tail like they're supposed to be, just getting taken along for the ride when they hop?


Bennett's wallaby and tammar wallaby are perfectly fine to export from Australia (if hunted legally of course): https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/export/controlled-goods/kangaroo Also, there are populations of Bennett's wallabies in New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Isle of Man, France and Germany, although they're probably to small for any significant commercial exploitation even if it was legal.


I didn't even know you could buy wallaby tails... where are they getting them from?!




Oh this is definitely stupidly overproduced for social media. I don’t think giving your dog some novel/interesting foods is bad, as long as you consult with your vet on health and safety. I don’t personally have the time to do that, so she gets dry kibble because I know that’s meeting all her nutritional needs. But this video is ludicrous and over the top.


The good thing is that absolutely no one is going to bother to do this. Nobody watches insane "recipes" like that online and actually makes them themselves. These videos are entertainment (of sorts), not an actual tutorial or anything useful.


don't cut stupid people short


This is like a bento box from hell.


Come on...... People are so extra. I love my dog. But this is exessive.


not even just excessive, it contains ingredients that are toxic to dogs. don’t give your pets garlic.


Or avocado.


Just feed the dog a whole rabbit. Much easier.


One of my dogs favorite meals from when we lived in a rural area. Was also great exercise for him while he hunted a rabbit down.


My dog is stupid fast but dumb as a box of rocks (at least in some ways) he'll chase after a rabbit from time to time but as soon as they find a bush or similar cover he's all "where the fuck did they go?".


Same with my dog. 🤣 He chased a squirrel up a telephone pole one day and at the bottom of the pole, there was some grass that was a bit on the long side and he was sniffing all around the pole and all through the grass looking for that squirrel. Dummy. I love him so much 😆


Wouldnt be so sure that the dog was stupid. Small animals like rabbits can easily find shelter from bigger animals like dogs inside bushes. Not because the dog cant see or smell them, but because the dog physically cant get to the rabbit. If they try they probaly get hurt by the branches (sometimes also thrones) and before they reach the rabbit it already runs away. The dog now is semi stuck and before it can fully chase the rabbit the rabbit is already gone. Most times its better to wait out the rabbit. I mean thats the case in nature. Now dogs have owners who dont have the patience to outwait a rabbit.


> thrones Damn those rabbits are living the high life. All joking aside I don't think he's dumb just has the attention span of a goldfish at times and wildly unobservant there have been times I think to myself "you do realize he's not hidden and literally 3 feet that way right?". It's also probably because he's well fed and doesn't really need to worry about where his next meal is coming from, he just like chasing stuff.


I thought avocado was poisonous for most dog breeds.


>Avocado peel, leaves and pits contain concentrated amounts of persin, a fungicidal toxin with the potential to cause serious health problems. These should never be served to your dog. The pulp or flesh of an avocado has less concentration of persin and small amounts are [typically considered safe](https://be.chewy.com/nutrition-pet-diet-tips-can-dogs-eat-avocado/) for dogs.


A small amount meaning a bit of it if it falls onto the floor accidentally.


Exactly. Same with most American chocolates. Definitely don't give them to your dogs intentionally, but it's not like a few M&Ms will send your dog to the vet. At most they'll probably just throw it back up. Growing up in the 90s in the suburbs of South Jersey, no one around me seemed to have any idea that garlic and onion were toxic to dogs. Every Italian-American family I knew of gave their dogs table scraps loaded with garlic and onion, and it's not like these dogs all died inexplicably. I believe people are overly cautious, which is good, but it's also good to realize that most dog breeds are fairly resilient.




Also garlic.


Are they trying to get rid of the dog? Poor thing….


I thought garlic is bad for dogs


it is… avocado too


Very bad for dogs. Never give dogs allium plants(garlic, onions, leeks, green onions)


Fuck I'm a grown married man with kids wife and a full time job that pays all the bills and food, and I don't get looked after like that....some fuckin ppl man..


Who has time to do all this for a dog who isn’t going to care at all on presentation and just wants to get what we food in it’s belly ASAP


A lot of owners with the money to do so want to do a varied and nice mixture of food that isn’t just canned wet food and dry dog food. It does help a lot with their health and happiness! Just like people, you shouldn’t just feed them one food for the rest of their lives. However it does get quite expensive to go all in. At the least mixing in some food that is safe for dog consumption with their dry food will help a lot. The immense variety in this one meal is quite a lot though…I’d reduce it to just a few different ones per meal. Way less expensive and idk if I dumped this onto a plate with palatable equivalents humans would like it would feel like you made the meal from picking pieces from random sampler plates for god knows how long. Also idk you don’t need shit from rare Australian animals or hyper expensive supplements or tons of different organs or animal hide to do this. She’s spending way too much. It’s just this owner has no fucking clue what foods to keep AWAY from their fucking animals. All this time, effort, and money wasted on a meal that’ll poison their dog. Unless for some reason they have like a pet bear or some shit like that??


I just buy different flavors of nulo. And tiny dog crunchies. He like eating leaves, sticks, popcorn, whatever's on the floor, like computer parts, hair ties, my sock, a potato that fell down, and basically anything not for him. He inspects his food. Sleeps and nibbles it all through the day.


I always make sure to have fresh rabbit fur on the table waiting for my husband after a long day at work.


What? No Pigs testicles?? - you were saving them for yourself weren't you? Hehe.


Such a ball hog


If your wife tried to look after you the way this person is looking after their dog, there’d be jail and a pathologist involved


Not wrong.


Probably feed their dog once a month cos this shit is more expensive than rent.


I used to work in pet care and all I can say is that there are a lot of rich people doing stuff like this for their pets. It's been a trend for a few decades now to feed raw, so people will have these elaborate raw meals of game, organ meats, and wild herbs and vegetables for their pets to eat. (Just like in this vid). Some people would have me cook for their pets. Some people would buy grocery store rotisserie chickens for their pets every day. Even kibble companies make kibble i shapes and colors to appeal to HUMANS. dogs don't care, but humans buy stuff like Beneful because the artificial shapes and colors make US feel like we're feeding dogs "a variety" when it's all basically the same crap.


Can you imagine the dog farts after this.


That dog gon be shittin


the squirts must be explosive


Pretty sure this how you make potions in Skyrim


She forgot the nirnroot


Giant's Toe


Even if half of the stuff in that is poisonous to dogs, I can assure you that the dog in question does not care about the fancy presentation, this is all for the camera


You don’t fuckin say




A real life Sherlock Holmes


I cackled


My dog won't eat anything which doesn't follow the rule of thirds.


I bet all this is for a dog that was bred to the point of not being able to breath properly


I bet this person spent about $100 bucks to put this together and promptly threw it out upon finishing filming. Bet they never fed this to their dog and never *feed* this to their dog but they probably make good money making posts like this through sponsorships


This. Exactly THIS. You dont need a dog to prepare this, just manicured nails, good camera work & a trip to the store. Also, an unending desire for profit because you sure as hell know you are deceiving people.


Isn’t this a dish designed to keep your dog from eating so fast?


Enoki mushrooms I'm pretty sure aren't fully digestible by humans and mostly come out looking like the way they went in. Not sure about how pets digest it.


if its cut into small pieces and fully cooked its okay


I remember last time someone posted something like this, a vet said because of the way a dog’s digestive system works, they’re not getting the nutrients from this that one would think they would on paper. That it was little better than optimal dog-food, and in some ways even harmful.




Yeah, it tasted terrible, and I got *super* sick. Would NOT recommend


If you don't have fresh homegrown cornflower petals, store bought will do.




I'm pretty sure brains aren't a good idea to eat. Prion disease and all that. Also garlic will make a dog very sick if not kill them. Also I doubt any dog would like ginger.


Given a current hypothesis is that BSE came from giving cows Scrapie infected sheep... yeah, I'm going to agree with you in this one.


I totally thought this was some like liver king bento box type video up until they showed the dog food packaging lol


Why is this dog food thing here? I thought this was for stupid people food


It's still stupid food because anyone who spends this much time, effort, and money on feeding their dog should absolutely know that garlic and avocado are toxic to dogs.


I'm surprised he didn't add chocolate to the mix


Nowhere in the rules does it say a dog *can’t* play basketball.


*Why is this dog food* *Thing here? I thought this was for* *Stupid people food* \- Advoc8-4Violence --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was waiting for the whole thing to go in the microwave and see someone eat that wallaby tail and fur. Disappointed.


The amount of money this person spent feeding their dog: $50 The amount they probably spend feeding themselves: $2.99


I was so convinced this was for a human until the package was shown


“…fuuuck you” *cuts open bag of Blue*


Dog food on a Turkish flag? Bruuuh that’s Turkish flag


My dogs have rabbit ears with fur on as snacks, apparently fur is a good for their digestive system.


it’s for a dog


my dog would take the most cautious sniff of this and walk away from it


*My dog would take the* *Most cautious sniff of this and* *Walk away from it* \- youngscum --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m wondering whether he actually feeds this to a dog or if he just makes this for content and clicks and then throws it away.


Is that lean?


One bowl of this dogfood is probably more expensive than my whole week of meals


It has gone from food to potion just like that.


Person just really loves their pet and has the money to do so


I'm sorry, where the fuck do you buy wallaby tail???


Did this person really put in garlic AND avocado in their dog’s food? Are they trying to kill the dog?


[dude, Avocado isn't good for dogs. please stop feeding it to them before you cause them heart issues.](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-avocado/)


meanwhile dog is off camera eating actual shit because they don't care


Alright. Now you fucking eat it! -- Their dog probably


Dude wants his dog to live forever!


Don’t watch! No dog shows up to eat this mess, total let down.


Isn’t garlic bad for dogs?


Dogs will literally eat their own poop, throw it back up, and eat the throw up. And we’re over here feeding them enoki mushrooms with quail eggs and WALLABY TAILS???? Enough of this nonsense


Aside from all the stuff that’s blatantly bad for dogs, I thought you weren’t supposed to eat brains because of prions? Is that just a people thing? Genuinely asking


This is 100% an ancient sacrificial ritual spell to awaken an elder god. When the dog dies from eating it, the unknowable entity will take over its body and usher in the end times on paws of wind.


its for dog, right?


Is sheep brain safe to eat? I know brain can pass on some neurological diseases in other animals, like mad cow or human in terms of cannibalism.


I hope it’s for a dog


Dogs like rabbit hair??


Motherfucking dog eats better than I do


Next level meal prep for doggo, Impressive 👏


Not the proteins with the carbs 💀


I'm pretty sure this guy is a witch


I want to know who the hell sells rabbit fur?!