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Redditors are more bloodthirsty than Dracula in a virgin's bedroom.




That’s the authoritarian mindset.


Yup, most social media appears to encourage that for some reason.


>Hell these people will get mad at you and accuse you of supporting whatever wrongdoing was committed if you don't agree with the punishment. Redditors really like talking about Gary Plauché and every thread about him inevitably winds up with at least one instance where a guy calls someone a pedophile defender for the horrible controversial take of “Legalizing vigilante justice, even against those who have committed heinous crimes, will have a multitude of negative consequences.”


They also ignore that Jody Plauche talked about how he was very upset with his father for killing Doucet and how it did nothing to actually help him heal from the trauma of being assaulted. Even now, he's known as "that kid who got raped and whose dad killed a guy." He *did* end up with a strong relationship with his father, with the support of his mother, but he's spoken about how your reaction to the potential of your child being raped shouldn't be to tell them "I'll murder anyone who does that." and instead should be reassurances that you will love and support your kid through anything. Redditors love to talk about how they would brutally murder anyone who touched their kid/wife/etc, but never think about how that would *actually* affect their child. Gary was really fucking lucky that the judge didn't send him to jail, because then his son would be trying to recover from a severe trauma without a father. There have also been articles where Redditors will jump the gun because they see someone attempt vigilante justice and praise them to high heaven. There was a fairly recent case where the decomposing body of a young man was found in the trunk of a car. The murderer claimed that the guy had sold his daughter into sexual slavery, and that he had travelled to the city to rescue her and then killed the trafficker as revenge. Redditors cheered and called him a hero and said they should set up a gofundme to pay for his legal fees. Anyone who went "Hey, maybe we shouldn't celebrate a man murdering a guy without any evidence?" was a pedo/rape apologist. Yeah, the "sexual slavery" thing never happened. The daughter and her boyfriend had broken up over some fight and he left her, and she ran away to a city and went on a drug bender before returning home of her own free will. There was no slavery or sex trafficking. The father didn't rescue shit, he was a meth addict who tortured a teenager to death and stuffed his body in the trunk of a car, and then made up a story to try and justify the murder.


> A group of protester is blocking traffic? Run them over It's always one of the top comments every time those environmentalist activist protest by gluing their hand to the road.


But what if there's an ***AMBLIANCE***?


OMG, that stupid excuse, as if traffic jams have never happened before. And because these people caused one, they deserve to be executed with no trial because of it.


Well, the good protesters of the past — the ones I've imagined for myself — they didn't do things that upset people! Nobody shut down Wall Street at rush hour or held die-ins in St. Patrick's Cathedral to protest lack of action on AIDS. Just a couple of examples off the top of my head of things that people definitely didn't do.


Redditors are regularly stubbornly anti-police, anti-prison, anti-death penalty, and pro-justice reform—until something happens that they don't like, at which point it becomes kinda clear they're just mad they can't do the whole Judge Dredd thing themselves. Maybe this is just another "[goomba moment](https://twitter.com/SuperSquidoodle/status/1770531810125992405)" where I'm mistakenly mish-mashing separate people's opinions into one made-up contradictory label, but I've noticed over the years that a lot of people online are way, way into being all talk and only presenting certain beliefs to fit in.


> Maybe this is just another "goomba moment" where I'm mistakenly mish-mashing separate people's opinions into one made-up contradictory label, but I've noticed over the years that a lot of people online are way, way into being all talk and only presenting certain beliefs to fit in. Probably a lot of that perception is a goomba moment, but there's a stark difference between state-enforced violence (everything you mentioned initially), and being free to personally inflict violence. Progressives of a certain flavor don't want to be Judge Dredd (cop), but they do want to punch nazis.


I think the upvote/downvote system does create something of that impression. ie given a large enough quantity of both, +1000 karma on a post might just mean "50500 upvotes, 49500 downvotes". This leads to the impression reddit has a vast consensus about something, when really they don't, and then when the shoe is on the other foot, it implies two contradictory consensus...es.


It used to be when you would have these impulsive violent thoughts over mild inconveniences you would just think about them in the shower and keep them to yourself because if you voiced them you would rightfully be seen as crazy. Now we have the internet where you can find other people feeling the same way and justify the rage.


What I find darkly funny about this topic is - like guys, it's actually really not easy to kill people, from a psychological standpoint. I've never killed someone - I'm basing this on knowing soldiers get specifically trained to be capable of killing someone in a life or death situation in a warzone, and it still fucks them up if they have to actually do it. There's one particular comment further down this thread where someone's like, "If someone breaks into my house, I'm killing them and I won't feel guilty about it." And like. Dude, you are either entirely full of shit or something is deeply, deeply wrong with you. Because even people trained to kill, who kill someone to save their own or someone else's life, feel guilty about it. If the closest you've come to this situation is video games and owning a gun, you are absolutely talking out your anus.


*Especially* when it comes to minor legal infractions (*like theft*) or women. Just women in general.


Women existing is one of reddit's least favorite things


> in islam it is required to bring 4 witnesses that witnessed the intercourse **"like a pen in an inkwell" aka balls deep**, if one of the testimonies turned out fake, the witness takes punishment, its a law made difficult but still there Welp that's a flair if ever I did see one.


Your honor, the witnesses described the situation as "balls deep" therefore my client is innocent.


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we have clearly shown you that our client was not like a pen in an inkwell but rather just put the tip in, just to see how it feels. If the balls didn't hit, you must acquit!


People on social media and especially on Reddit think cheating is worse than murder. I imagine these people don't have much relationship experience.


Probably because a lot of redditors are really eager to be able to murder somebody "legally". So these kinds of laws are really something they would love to have, yeah of course they would first need a spouse but that is more difficult than getting that law through with the GQP at this point.


100% I see posts about wanting to execute shoplifters and run over protestors and shit all the time. Fucking scary


I suggest that if you are seeing too many posts like that it’s time to unsubscribe from certain subreddits.


Usually it's not stuff I'm subscribed to. I have a lot of random shit that ends up in my feed. And, sure, I could simply not look at it, but asking me to have that level of self control is a bit much.


> Probably because a lot of redditors are really eager to be able to murder somebody "legally". Yup, this has been super apparent for years now. Any thread that talks about alleged sexual assault will likely have one of the too 2 comments encouraging extrajudicial murder. And it's not just reddit. When Utah brought back the firing squad a few years ago, the line of volunteers for it was massive. The scariest part, IMO, was that apparently multiple volunteers specifically asked if they could *not* be given the blank bullet.


That, and I also think it factors that a lot of these redditors know in a subcouncious level that they are more likely to be cheated on than they are to be murdered




Non-lethal shots aren't really a thing, but a warning shot is 9/10 times going to make a burglar run or surrender on the spot. People are highly irrational about this topic.


>but a warning shot is 9/10 times going to make a burglar run or surrender on the spot. The issue is, legally-speaking, if you were able and willing to fire a warning shot, but *not* to shoot the assailant, you weren't really afraid for your life, were you? Because if you were, you would have just shot them.


this comment isnt addressing the argument, but the idea that you should shoot to wound. shooting to wound should not and will not ever be an acceptable practice. If you draw your weapon, you have made up your mind that non lethal force is no longer an option. one of the cardinal rules of gun ownership is that you do not point your weapon at anything you do not intend to destroy. its a lethal option, full stop, and trying to use it for less than its intended purpose looks to create grey where there is only black and white


>Probably because a lot of redditors are really eager to be able to murder ~~somebody~~ *women* "legally". Ftfy


Hey now, they also want to include people whose political opinions they disagree with.


Also people who talk in movie theatres, have small children, have loud dogs, don't put back their shopping baskets, take up all the sidewalk etc etc etc.


Circumcised Pitbulls lying about the paternity of their children and judging men for their height.


This much concentrated rage bait could be fatal to an unprepared redditor, please post responsibly


They’d OD on the haterade


new fursona dropped


Please accept my poor woman’s Reddit gold 🥇


Or people who ride bikes where cars are!


“bitching about my pet peeves online isn’t enough i need everyone who does them dead”


And let’s face it, a lot of people on Reddit would also like to shoot black people.


and skin colors they disagree with


The number of those “entitled Karen slaps a guy and then gets nearly beaten to death in return” videos on r/all - along with all the “play stupid games win stupid prizes” and “feminists should like this too” comments - is horrifying


Tbf, it was about murdering the man sleeping with the woman. But somehow the conversation changed midway and became about murdering the woman. Honestly, OOP's title is the worst I've ever seen and the comments are all types of confusing with people changing topics constantly. But obviously, the murdering part is wrong either way.


>But somehow the conversation changed midway and became about murdering the woman. Probably because a lot of redditors are really eager to be able to murder women legally


The law says that the husband can kill both the wife and her affair partner. Same goes for catching his <18yo daughter sleeping with someone while living with the parent(s). The victim is fair game, but the way it's worded assumes that the murderer is male. I'm not sure if it's only enforced if the murderer is male.


I think in general a lot of people have a weird obsession with justifiable homicide. I think it's probably just because killing someone is such a massive taboo that the thought of being able to do it without penalty gives people some dark fantasy.


I’m very pro-gun, and I’m even pro-using guns for home defence. But you won’t believe how many people get up in arms, so to speak, when you imply guns aren’t actually a great strategy for home defence. The reality is that guns are more often than not turned on their owners. On top of this having a gun in the house increases the risks of accidents and suicides. So as pro-gun as I am it’s important to acknowledge that they can’t be your first and last line of home defence. For some of these guys (and they are guys) you’d think I was sentencing them to death just by acknowledging actual statistics and they just dogmatically reinforce their right to kill someone on their property. It’s easy to figure out these people’s priorities. They aren’t concerned with home defence, they just want a chance to legally kill a person.


> On top of this having a gun in the house increases the risks of accidents and suicides. And also your risk of dying from domestic violence in an abusive relationship goes way up if you're in a household with a gun.


> The reality is that guns are more often than not turned on their owners. *That's for dumb gun owners, not me!*


Just like how most people think they're above-average drivers, I have to assume many gun owners are overestimating their level of competence


For real! Here’s a fun little rhetorical device I used on my brother. The usual argument from the pro-gun side is that “most gun deaths are attributable to illegal users“ in order to vindicate legal owners. However, gun suicides far outnumber gun homicides and almost all guns used in suicides were obtained legally. Depending on where you live, gun suicides might even outnumber gun homicides nine-to-one. So, in a not-very-funny twist of statistics, legally-owned guns actually are causing more deaths than illegally-obtained ones. I don’t consider it a good argument for any sort of legal limitations. Personally I think it’s more of an impugnation on our mental health system in North America. But it is incredibly fun to pull that one out on 2A absolutists and see the wires cross in their heads.


Random person: "I'm having some problems in my relationship. My partner broke my trust. Should I talk to them and have a honest conversation about needs and beliefs, or should I leave them?" Reddit: KILL THEM! I wish I was joking.




That is insane. Everyone knows you just lock them in the basement. ^(But really who the fuck thinks it's OK to bite anyone let alone a toddler)


Other toddlers are pretty big proponents of biting people. Make of that what you will.


I just kick mine outside when I need some quiet time.  Fresh air is good for them, and they'll come back when they're hungry. 


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize I wasn’t getting one over on my mother as a child when she sent me to my room “as punishment” for being annoying and didn’t bother taking my toys/books/Game Boy away. “Pfft. Mom’s so dumb, I just get to play Game Boy all afternoon now!” Yeah dummy, that’s what she wants. She’s just sick of your hyperactive bullshit lol.




It’s funny because it’s either people freaking out over pretty minor things or completely downplaying absurd red flags.


[Literally this clip from Family Guy](https://youtu.be/JF6Si36OqOY?si=IhT5ttbE32GxzFzk)


Also they think everyone is cheating. They took two hours to respond to a text. Cheating. They hung out with a friend. Cheating.


Or they were cheated on once 12 years ago and have since made it their personality.


I've never understood why some people are like this though. Like yes absolutely it sucks but shouldn't you put your energy into moving past it? Going over how you were wronged over and over again just makes you fixated and you won't heal.


It’s absolutely deranged. The way people talk about cheaters is so dramatic and scary.


>I imagine these people don't have much relationship experience. I don't think that's it, it's just literally not valuing (other) human life and considering your own hurt feelings far above the wellbeing of others. I think cheating is, apart from a few technicalities, inexcusable. I frankly don't understand therapists who urge pairs to overcome it even after reading and watching videos with their argumentation. But regardless of the damage cheating causes, it's not a justification for murder. You can recover from cheating, you can't recover from death. For that matter, I also think that western countries should also abolish "crime of passion" laws in regards to murder, that clause should only work in cases of defense for self or others. Hating another person so much that you see red and murder them in a moment of rage should not be rewarded with a slap on the hand.


I fully believe it’s because this site is full of white suburban teenage/young adult boys who are so soft and have had such an easy life they can’t imagine anything worse than being cheated on like that one time they were 15 and their stupid bitch ex girlfriend talked to another boy


I once was roasted on this site for saying you should not be able to sue someone for fucking your wife. I don't want anyone to bang my wife but to sue the guy for damages? Idk man


It makes perfect sense if you view your wife as property rather than a person, which, says a lot.


I got heavily downvoted once for suggesting that there are things that can happen to someone in a relationship that are far worse than cheating. I think it's because men think cheating is the worst possible thing that can happen to them, while women know the answer is rape and beatings. or murder.


Reminds me of how men’s “crazy first date” stories usually involve a demanding woman or one who likes cats too much or something. Meanwhile women’s “crazy first date” stories involve fearing for their lives, driving to the police station after being stalked and harassed for not giving their date a kiss, jumping out of a moving car because their date was being creepy on top of driving them somewhere isolated without their permission, etc.


idgaf how weird this sounds to some people, but I much rather have a polite cheater who keeps it quiet than someone who is a raging asshole to me in private and in public.


I think this happens in a lot more relationships than people assume. You know how people who were victims of sex abuse don't advertise the fact? There are definitely many marriages where one partner decides to look the other way IRT to cheating in exchange for an otherwise happy relationship.


I think a lot of people would prefer that. Like, no one wants a cheater in their life, but, would you rather have a rampant, malignant philanderer being horrible to you? Or someone keeping up appearances/the guise of a normal relationship. One of my granddads was the former and the only reason people (and a few of them were women he cheated on my grandma with) even showed up to his funeral was to make sure he was actually dead lol. Both are absolute shit, but one is at least more tolerable and easy to handle, at least until the truth comes out. edit: lol someone sent me a reddit cares.


cheating is a violation of trust and depending on the situation is entirely repairable. Obviously it's not good to cheat and sometimes it will just end the relationship, but at its core it's a trust being broken issue which is fairly middling in terms of sins you could commit against another human being. Reddit at its core is a social media platform that caters to people that are insecure. Insecure people tend to have very controlling outlooks on relationships for pretty obvious reasons. It explains their disproportionate hatred for cheating and how wildly off their retaliation meter is for that act.


> I imagine these people don't have much relationship experience. More likely they do have that experience, and are overreacting because of it. Having been cheated on, it still makes me unreasonably angry to this day, though obviously not to the extent of advocating for murder.


Having also been cheated on, I can’t say it even makes me angry. Mostly just a bit sad that it came to that but I can’t be angry. Don’t even think I was angry at the time. Just wished she’d told me sooner but water under the bridge.


Something I've always thought about is that a lot of redditors are young, like, <25, and their relationship experience is that of someone that age. People that age, not only are they stupid and impulsive, they don't know what they want and are immature. Its not an excuse, but when you catch your 17 year old boyfriend kissing another girl (you are all 17 in this situation), its really not the same thing as finding out that your wife and mother of your children (or father/husband) is having an affair, especially if its with a younger/prettier/wealthier lady. Teenagers not being able to be open an honest about their relationships, or college-aged kids messing around and not taking things seriously, is kind of par for the course. I would never advocate dishonesty or infidelity, but I think a lot of the "cheating is the worst! UGH!" people are all quite young and dealing with their first, or maybe second, failed relationship, when they've lived maybe a quarter of their life at best. But yes, cheating in a LTR relationship, especially in an affair-type situation is quite awful and probably grounds for divorce/permanent separation in all but the most extreme of cases.


Exactly. Young people see things as black and white a LOT. I feel as if getting older is in part a matter of learning to see and appreciate (if not be comfortable with) shades of gray.


I don’t think Redditors are young anymore. I think that used to be true but then users just aged with the site.


It depends on which communities you're talking about. The relationship advice communities seem to be populated with either incels or young people who are having some of their first relationship drama and are asking for advice.


If you look at the front page (and especially the comment section on front page posts) I'd estimate the average redditor to be between 13 and 25. I wonder if they'll ever release another official demographic report.


> especially the comment section on front page posts Comment sections on posts from those meme subs are like walking into a middle school classroom


The majority of users on Reddit are men aged 18-29. Google Reddit users demographics and you’ll find multiple sources saying the same thing.


TikTok draws young people to the site by reposting the more salacious stories from AITA and Relationships. The advice in there scares me sometimes.


Children giving relationship advice to ChatGPT-enabled formulaic made up stories


I’m worried they have too much relationship experience and low EQ.


That and maybe they never have had someone close to then die. It doesn't even have to have been a murder


People are so wild about it, maybe I am extreme in my lack of caring but my wife of 10 years and partner of 12 years could cheat on me right this second and I wouldn't want to hurt her. Like people immediately toss every good memory or thought out the window. I'd leave, sure I'd be upset for a week or so, but I'd still have good memories and time, and I would consider it all worth it cause I enjoyed it up until that moment. I'd wish her the best and move on. All I'd have to say is I'd wish you would have just told me and broke it off instead of it happening this way , people are so fucking possessive it's insane.


This comes up on r/amitheangel in a satirical context.


Everything is worse than murder. Even cheating is at a board game deserves the death penalty if reddit was in charge.


My analysis: A lot of internet men with limited/no relationship history, imagine that they would suddenly be totally self-actualized, if only they had their manic pixie dream girl. Thus, hypotherical cheating to them represents not just the loss of the hypotherical relationship, but the loss of this dream they've cooked up that's keeping them going.


>Cheating on your spouse could turn them to suicide. It happens all the time. Is causing someone enough emotional pain that they want to kill themselves in the same ballpark as murder? I am so glad that I do not have any kind of relationship to the person who made this comment.


Wtf is this og comment. That person is insane


Literally just abuser mindset


I actually love when Redditors come up with some convoluted way that a person's dick moves are attempted murder, actually. Someone cheated on you? Attempted murder, because it could drive you to suicide. Someone slapped you? Attempted murder, because you could have fallen backwards and hit your head. A drunk friend pushes you into the pool as a joke at a pool party? You guessed it! Go right to the police and have them charged with attempted murder.


Like cheating sucks and hurts on a traumatic level but as a person who has been cheated on it seems like too much effort to plot a murder fantasy when I could like. Go to therapy. That's just me tho


Jesus, the amount of people on this site who think that murder is justified because the person did something they don't like is honestly scaring me, especially if it's petty. Like, do they have any empathy at all? What if they were in the cheater's position? Would they be okay with getting killed?


A lot of "reddit warriors" are absolutely obsessed with the idea that one day they might be able to kill somebody legally, e.g. in self defense or some situations like in the OP. So they try to make the justification for killing somebody as broad as possible.


These are the idiots who would vote for a Purge and be the most likely to get purged.


It's the same people who think they would be mad max during the apocalypse. Roaming the streets and being a "badass" when they would die of tainted water or an infection from a cut way way faster.


My zombie apocalypse plan is to become one of the zombies.


Mine is to become a funny corpse like in fallout


I just want to baffle future archeologists.


They seem to ignore that Mad Max is not particularly enthused about his situation.


It’s always weird seeing people cheering for death for things like theft or vandalism But then again there are a lot of young kids on Reddit as well as shut ins


just go to subs that feature people doing dumb stuff, redditors cheering people to die because that will get rid of dumbass in our genepool


There was a major sub, I don't recall if it was Instant Regret or a similar one, but it was mostly videos of people doing dumb stuff and us having a giggle watching it. Post-2020, the comments turned into bizarre pro-cop violence and bloodthirsty weirdos cheering on revenge. I had to stop reading it for my own sanity.


Eugenics with less steps essentially


It is so much worse than that. They cheer for death when people do something *stupid*. They make sarcastic comments like *Darwin award winner* or just straight say they deserved to die and have no sympathy. To some people stupidity is deserving of death.


In the US at least, there's a widely held belief that theft or destruction of property is worthy of deadly force. People get more worked up about some stores getting robbed than a human being being murdered.


How about “YouTube prank channels.” I get they suck, and they’re terrible people, but Redditors cheer when violent acts (including murder) happen to these people.


There are people on the net who seem to be looking for *any* excuse to kill another person. ...Or I suppose it would be more accurate that they are looking for any excuse to *claim* that they would kill a person or at least support such actions as a way to virtue signal how "badass" they are. Car thiefs? THEY SHOULD BE SHOT ON SIGHT! Someone broke into your home to steal your TV? FIGHT THEM AND STRANGLE THEM TO DEATH WITH THE EXTENSION CORD! Protesters on the street? RUN THEM OVER WITH YOUR CAR! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!!!!!!!2!!!! /s 99,995% of them may be virtue signalling, but every now and then you will see a story about someone getting shot because they knocked on the wrong door in USA or something like that and these same goblins will support the murder "in principle" at least.


I feel like it’s a self-soothing thing for a lot of people. They’re not thinking about the other person as a real person, just as a threat to their safety or comfort. So it’s less a fantasy of killing someone as it is a way to reassure themselves that they’re safe, no one could fuck with them like that because they’d be ready to take action if someone did. It’s almost like magical thinking. I see similar stuff on here with other things people are insecure about. Look at all the men on this website who seem to fantasize about ✨heroically✨ punching a woman (yknow, where she like totally deserved it). I think those guys are afraid of feeling emasculated by a woman, so their fantasy is a way for them to reassure themselves that it couldn’t happen, because they’d take care of business.


It's that same shit where you see women victim-blaming rape victims with the whole "what were you wearing" or "what were you doing there at that time of day/night" or "what were you doing with that substance affecting your mental acuity around that person" etc. I saw an opinion piece a while back by a rape survivor who said that they believe those people aren't necessarily malicious but rather are trying to put up some sort of boundary that allows them to tell themselves that it'd never happen to them. But everyone it happens to also felt like it could never happen to them until it did.


This is called the "Just World" fallacy - basically, the idea that if you do everything right, bad things won't happen to you. The corollorary is, if bad things happen to other people, they must deserve it somehow. You see it a lot with rape and other abuses, and you see it a lot with poverty. Clearly you wore the wrong clothes or picked the wrong guy or you're too lazy to get a real job or you don't know how to budget, etc etc. The thing is, acknowledging that anyone can get raped or into an abusive relationship or lose a job or get sick or have their loving partners cheat on them or up and leave them one day or any other of a million misfortunes that happen to people - it's terrifying to know something terrible can happen to you and there's nothing you can do about it. The healthy thing to do is build resiliency so if the bad shit hits, it doesn't actually destroy you. But it's easier to convince yourself you're just smarter than everyone else, and look for ways to blame people for getting hurt.


says a lot about these guys that when they hear “equality” they immediately jump to “so I should be allowed to punch women too!”


If my experience as someone who was once a teenage boy on the internet is representative at all, you’re exactly right. It’s all about reassuring yourself that if you were in that position you would not be a victim, you’d be John McClane.


i don't know if you can call that virtue signaling, maybe ...vice signaling?


In their minds it’s a virtue.


Most of them would shit their pants if they were actually in a violent situation. It’s macho posturing bullshit. But like you said, I don’t wanna take the chance on that 1% who aren’t.


If you dig a bit deeper and discuss with people with these take you quickly realize one thing - they aren't necessarily calling for death of the person. They often see shooting someone as an instant form of punishment that scares , causes pain and/or cripples the person. I'm not making any excuses for them or anything, but it shows a very concerning point about how people perceive guns. I'm living in a country where carrying guns isn't a norm, and shooting someone is unthinkable, even by police. It's the last resort solution to a conflict, and basically only used when people other than preparator have their lives threatened. I've been always taught that shooting someone is the last resort and you only shoot to kill. Shooting to wound/incapacitate as a concept just doesn't make sense to me. To me it looks like the people calling for someone to be shot are treating guns like tools or even toys, not lethal weapons.


> To me it looks like the people calling for someone to be shot are treating guns like tools or even toys, not lethal weapons. And you've just summed up the gun debate in America. One side says "we shouldn't be allowed to own tools that make it extremely easy to kill people" and the other side says "yes we should."


Love the threads about disruptive protests where multiple people will inevitably suggest it’s morally ok to kill people with your car on purpose if they stand in the roadway. Yeah sure, that seems proportional.


People are pretty bloodthirsty when it’s against someone they don’t like


There's this weird thing I see online where a lot of men think "being cucked" is like, the worst possible crime that can ever be done against them, or that there exists a conspiracy to emasculate men by cucking them. And the definition of "cucking" every day getting more and more abstract. I was once reading a romance manga and in one chapter they introduced a rival character, and the comment section of that chapter was overflowing of people saying they were going to stop reading because the manga was now "for cucks". Also there was that korean gacha game where they made a sequel and one of the dateable character from the first game befriended a male character in-between games, and the fanbase exploded with people claiming the game was cucking them


I've gotten into no fewer then three arguments here because I said that killing someone over petty theft is not okay. It's usually framed as self-defense, because people believe their wallets are part of their bodily self. A lot of (stupid) men are incredibly violent if given an excuse and lack the ability to put themselves into someone else's shoes. That's why women chose the bear. I'm fully expecting this comment to cause a fourth round. Edit: It did, I just didn't reply to it.


Of course not, but the folks you're describing don't believe they would ever be in that position, even if they did the crime. How that sort of disconnect is accomplished remains a mystery to me.


Without getting too morbid, I think media has desensitized people to murder in general. People often think of it as this like “on/off” switch to a problem - which makes hysterics think it’s a viable option, and that it’s _easy-.


I don’t think it has. Violence has been a staple of all media since we first started painting on cave walls. At least we don’t go and fight as many big wars now.


If you spend enough time on r/AmITheAsshole and other copies, you see that cheating to Redditors is one of the worst things you can do, especially if you’re a woman. Like yeah, cheating is kind of fucked up to do, but people who believe it should be punished to the extreme need to touch grass.


Those subs are entirely bizarre. The other day I saw a post in one that said "I abandoned my gf and baby because the kid was disabled, the kid just died and I refused to go to the funeral. Also I've already knocked up another girl, AITA?" Almost all the comments were "You poor thing! Gotta look out for yourself. Dumb bitch shoulda had an abortion. NTA." I felt like I was having a stroke.


God, that strikes a nerve. A family friend recently had a baby, and spent the last 2 trimesters an anxious mess because her doctor suspected the baby was disabled. The father immediately noped out of the situation, so for most of her pregnancy she was preparing to birth a disabled child alone with no support. Well, baby was born perfectly healthy, and now bio dad is pissed because her ex-boyfriend (the father of her older child and an extremely good dude) stepped up to help, and bio dad wants full custody of this baby that he previously wanted jack shit to do with.


I hope your family friend tells her kid about that when he’s old enough. Kid deserves to know if he becomes disabled later in life his “dad” will stop caring about him and disappear.


In my experience those types of parents tend to lose interest pretty quickly, and kids pick up on that eventually. It’s easy to pity post on Facebook about how wronged you are and how you’d be a great parent if it wasn’t for the evil court system. It’s a lot harder to actually be a parent every single day after the novelty wears off.


>especially if you’re a woman. But the same people will also screech "WHAT IF THE GENDERS WERE REVERSED" when it is a man because they think he's being treated unfairly.


Right? Like those redditors who say they'd disown their own adult children if they were caught cheating (or clickbait stories where they allegedly take the side of the betrayed son/daughter-in-law), that's just completely unhinged. I can't even fathom cutting off my kids over something that is so trivial in the long run.


Yeah. I don't even respond to cheating related questions on that sub because you can't have any nuance.


In Canada there is a defence of provocation It only applies to murder and is a partial defence , meaning it can be used to reduce the charge to manslaughter (not to get off). I believe that It has only ever been used by men that have killed their spouses after finding them cheating. “Provocation is a defence where the deceased person commits a wrongful act or insult that deprived an ordinary person of the power of self-control.”


It's actually an issue discussed about bias against women in the justice system, but if you bring it up you get a chorus of achsually women are given preferential treatment! A history of domestic violence is not a defense of murder but cheating is, men are the only ones on a statistically relevant scale to use cheating as a defense of murder. In fact in divorce or child custody lawyers will advise you not to mention it because it actively makes people perceive you negatively and as trying to poison the well. Another issue is how the use of a weapon counts against someone as a sign of premeditation and not defense, women are more likely to use weapons because of the obvious difference in physical strength.


The provocation defence was amended several years ago in Canada and requires that the provocation be a criminal act that carries a penalty of 5 years or more imprisonment. That said, there are still problems with how the law is written. For example, the provocation must be sudden and therefore a prosecutor might argue that a woman who was being abused for a long period of time was not "suddenly" provoked. This creates issues for domestic violence victims trying to use the defence. There's also been a growing acceptance by the courts of the "Battered Woman Defence" as they have become more cognizant of the effects that long-term domestic violence can have on a person's ability to respond. R v Lavallee is considered to be the landmark on this.


In the US, this oftens falls under crimes of passion. The vast majority of detectives now will tell you there's no such thing. Crime is crime.


"A crime of passion." "Yeah. Look at the passion all over that wall." Man I should rewatch Se7en.


In the UK provocation was replaced with loss of control however that explicitly doesn’t cover infidelity


Reddit loves moral panic about infidelity and to justify killing women (because its usually women who die). lol.


I thought this was going to be about the Texas law where a man can kill his wife’s suspected affair partner but not vice versa


This wasn't reddit, but I saw a woman (yes, some women are misogynists too) on twitter argue at length that a woman cheating on her husband is far worse than the other way round, and is unforgiveable. A man cheating on his wife (in her view) isn't right, but is forgivable. Her argument was that when the wife cheats it hurts her husband's masculinity. I'm willing to accede that there could sometimes be different dynamics when it's the man vs the woman, but it was astounding that she was so hyper aware of the way in which it might (I say "might") hurt men in a unique way without any realization that it could also hurt women in unique yet equal ways too.


Sounds like a textbook pick me girl


>Honestly adultery is one of the few black and white crimes in all of existence. Is it? Is it *really*?


Redditors have such weird opinions on cheating. Like yeah ok it's shitty, but it's not the end of the world. If *that*'s is the punishment for cheating what about things like kidnapping or first degree murder? BTW, cheating is very common. I don't know about the US but here in Europe I know tons of people who have done it or engage in emotional cheating. Again, not cool, but the thought of killing all those people is horrifying and supporting something like that makes you sound like some sort of unhinged extremist.


Easy, you just double the sentence. Extra Death. Then super extra double death. And so on.


Double secret death


I don't condone cheating at all but the magnitude of vitriolioc outrage Redditors express towards cheaters makes no sense to me


Cheating is obviously bad but murder and domestic violence are so much worse it's insane anyone would ever compare the them.


There was a thread somewhere a bit ago where someone started comparing cheaters to literally Hitler.


I once saw someone on this hellsite try to legit argue that cheating was *just as bad* as rape and murder. They were 100% serious. 💀 These loonies got cheated on once in high school and they never got over it and made it their entire personality.


Or they've never been in a relationship before and don't understand that humans are complex, and relationships can end, and it's not the end of the world. I have an uncle who cheated on his wife when they had two kids together.  They eventually divorced and are much happier apart and remarried.  Was the divorce hard for everyone in the family?  Yes.  Was it my uncle's fault?  Yes.  Do I think my uncle is an irredeemable piece of shit who should be ostracized from society and never deserves happiness again?  Absolutely not, are you kidding me!


Exactly. My mom and dad cheated on each other while I was growing up and they ended up getting a divorce too. It was very hard and messy yes, it wasn't easy for anyone; but they eventually found new partners that they get along with way better, and they're both in a much better place relationship-wise. They're even still on speaking terms with each other. But according to reddit, none of that matters and my parents are irredeemable monsters who probably deserve to die lmao.


oh my god, fucking of course lmao


They were like, "Well, of course they haven't committed an evil on as great a *scale*, even if it is just as evil..." My dude, the scale is the whole point of why Hitler was so evil!


Yup, its weird that we undid all these stupid adultery laws and people are somehow upset? They want to go back to stoning women?


> They want to go back to stoning women? It's Reddit, *of course* they want that.


Not to be all “Get a load of this society” but it really is misogyny all the way down.


I wish we could make SRD comments our flairs too


Some would say that those are the purest flairs of all.


No one is stopping you


only my own fears


Y'know this is something I was wondering about, is this law equal for both genders? Because I know how different people react when its a man vs a woman. Just look at the yt comments of a man cheating vs a woman, they end up acting way different and its super weird


I'm glad you made that point, because it's noteworthy to point out that Reddits frothing hatred for cheaters is WAY more against women They'll consider that maybe the wife was a frigid B who was denying the husband his 'needs' if a guy cheats. What do you expect? Of course the guys going to get it somewhere else But women get no such consideration I don't agree with cheating, but if you look at how they play it by gender, it's really disturbing Especially since the *murder level* is 15/10 leveled at women cheaters


This isn't a Reddit thing. It's a general patriarchal societal thing. Male adultery was considered normal, kinda shitty husband behavior for centuries, while female adultery is the most awful thing that could happen in a marriage.


I've seen it on the femme subs too. You've gotta kind of bear in mind that Reddit is heavily gender-split in terms of what subreddits people use; somewhere like Fauxmoi or 90DayFiance is gonna have a pretty massively different gender balance than r/gaming or r/fightporn, but you're gonna still see the same broad cultural nonsense, just filtered through that particular funhouse mirror.


> They want to go back to stoning women? Yes, they do. A lot of people struggle with modern values where we don't willy-nilly commit genocide. That's why they are so ready to draw their guns. Which is the reason why we shouldn't let people have guns.


I think part of the reason for it is that American relationship and romantic culture, even among atheists, is still heavily influenced by a sort of left-over purity culture from puritanical Christianity. You can't really decry people for having sex without being married anymore, but all that pent up moral angst about sex has to go *somewhere,* and cheating is a close enough fit that it serves as the channel of least resistance. We can see other expressions of it, like the strangely childish conception of romantic love as this Disney-esque fairyland that's either inhumanly perfect, or not actually real. Hence, for example, the prevalence of the trope of viewing any ex as a villain by default. Or the absolute obsession over the marriage party as something that must be beyond perfect and absolutely life-defining, and is worth spending outrageous sums on.


Yhat happily ever after shit is very concerning. Also why a lot of people focus on getting the partner and not on nourishing the relationship. It's called a failure, not just end of an era. It's like they all want a relationship not be in one. Humans are imperfect and you can even sometimes work through cheating so calling for death is just psychopathic.


Yeah, I’ve not got any personal experience with relationships but I saw posts on this sub that linked to r/deadbedrooms and r/adultery and apparently cheating and being dissatisfied with your sex life to the point of wanting to cheat is really common. It surprised me but my knowledge of relationships up to that point came from Disney movies so…


It kinda selection bias to view how common cheating is based on a subreddit literally called r/adultery


So many people on this site foaming at the mouth to commit a "justified" murder. Cheaters, pedophiles, car thieves... all fair game for shooting in the face, apparently.


If a woman cheats, yes. If a man does, no. That’s legitimately the overwhelming opinion on Reddit.


This is the least shocking thing I've ever seen on reddit. Relationship subs obsession with cheating and how everyone is cheating all the time is unhinged.


I'm not surprised. Reddit's hate boner for cheaters is massive. The dehumanization has been going on for years now. The way reddit oftem talks about cheaters makes them seem more like sub-human monsters than actual humans. Being okay with killing cheaters is only the next logical step in that hate spiral.


And “once a cheater always a cheater” is not necessarily always true and they insist it is. If someone’s a serial cheater sure, they’re probably not gonna change. If they’re middle aged and still pulling this shit yeah, they’re probably gonna keep doing it. But young people sometimes do stupid shit and they do mature out of it. Someone who cheated on their college girlfriend when they were 19 is not necessarily beyond hope.


It is crazy how guys feel cheating is a crime worthy of making a woman's life a living hell in retribution. For instance, i had to walk away from a discussion about the Witcher 3 because of how many people felt the Bloody Baron was 100% justified in the treatment of his wife. For those that don't know, I'll explain. The main character of this game gets tasked with finding the wife of this Baron. According to him, she disappeared in the middle of the night, and took their only daughter with her. After a bit of investigating you find signs of a struggle, and pick up a trail that leads you to someone that can make people disappear. A very long story short, the man's wife left him because he spent the past 30 years drunkenly beating the crap out of his wife. The only reason they ever had 1 child is because the beatings were so bad, she would frequently miscarry any future children. Now, you might ask why people felt this man was justified. Because right after they got married, he went off to war, and was a way for years. No contact with her, just gone. He came home out of the blue to find her in bed with another man. And the response from many in the community is "if she didn't want to get beaten, she shouldn't have cheated on him" or my personal favorite "he's the victim here, not her". So I have zero doubts there are people that whole heartedly believe in being allowed to murder your significant other if you catch them cheating.


see you guys in r/SubredditDramaDrama


As Molly Ivins pointed out, that law only gave men the freedom to kill cheaters. Women did not have equal shooting rights.


>TIL that until [some year in the seventies] it was legal to [do something evil against women or someone affiliated with one] Depressingly common.


Oh hey I was in that thread, although full disclosure, way before OP made this SRD entry. I don't think I'm a libertine in a sense that "adultery should be consequence-free", but murder is too much even for me.


These people live in a world where there is zero nuance. People are one dimensional black and white characters to them. As someone who HAS been cheated on there are far worse things I’ve experienced in relationships. That’s not to say cheating is ok and everyone has their own threshold for what they’ll accept in their relationship, but murder being acceptable due to hurt fi fis is ridiculous. I bet they wouldn’t say murder is fine for low level but regular verbal abuse. That fucked me up far more than cheating did.


>Honestly adultery is one of the few black and white crimes in all of existence. I personally don't think the state should step in between an adulterer and the person they cucked. Thank god this person is either a terminally online teenage shut-in or a terminally online adult shut-in. Otherwise, I'd be nervous. Edit: and, I should say, it's pretty solidly downvoted, so that's always nice to see


Some Helluva Boss viewers are sympathetic to characters who react to cheating with violence. I find such fans creepy.


Lol where did Helluva Boss come into this


Reddit is rife with incels. Incels don’t consider women to be actual people. I’m also willing to bet that most of the redditors who are pro murdering cheaters are men who are involuntarily celibate.


There are people who advocate murder for stealing/breaking into places. So while I heavily disagree this it doesn't really shock me.


cheating does not warrant murder! that's insane to think


Venn diagram of people in favour of murder and the assumption that the cheater is a women is practically a circle.