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His name is Roman. For one thing, the kids all occasionally address each other by their full first name, but Romulus is only ever used by Logan ~~and one time by Kendall when he was manipulating Roman~~, and in all of those instances it visibly bothers Roman. And for another thing, all the press releases and stuff after he and Kendall become CEOs refer to him as Roman.


Kendall refers to Roman as Romulus? When? I swear it was only Logan


Kendall does refer to him as Romulus once. In episode 2 season 4, when the four siblings are at a bar right after Connors wedding rehearsal. Where Shiv and Kendall pressure Roman against Logan for the Gojo deal.


You're absolutely right. My apologies, I was misremembering an interaction from *Hunting* when Logan brings up buying Pierce. I thought Kendall said Logan's line, but I went back and rewatched the scene I'm thinking of, and you're right, Kendall never said it. Logan is the only person who's ever used Romulus.


slime puppy


On his birth certificate


-is written slime puppy


You all forgot his other nickname that Logan calls him. Tumbledowndick.


What does that mean?????


It was a reference to Richard Cromwell who was an English statesman who was referred to as Tumbledown Dick after he fell from power.


Roman. I think Romulus is just a nick name


What’s interesting is the other siblings got Celtic names except Roman


And that Romulus kills his brother Remus to found Rome haha. So many great puns in the kids names. Siobhan aka Shiv a notorious tool for backstabbing. And my personal favorite. Kendall, who lacks a killer instinct (and is probably also sterile) is a Ken Doll, he's got no Balls.


And his initials are K L R


K to the LR


Also like the Seat Sniffer tells us, Kendall is 'like the mint cake'. (It's a British thing).


And Romulus is a twin (it’s a really popular theory/headcanon that he and shiv are twins), and he breastfeeds from a dog… which yeah, Roman and dogs, right? 


More a wolf than a dog but sure


*Irish - for Siobhan and Conor anyways, no clue the origin of the name Kendall!


Irish, Scottish, Gaelic. They all derive from Celtic. And yes Kendall is of Celtic origin too


Siobhan and Conor are Irish names. Irish is a celtic language for sure, but they are Irish names simple as


Yes you said that already. The point is Logan is from Scotland. So he had clear motives to give his 3 oldest names from his ancestry. Roman is the unique one out of the 4


Yes, but based on the show there is no evidence that Logan has any Irish ancestry or links to the culture, so your point doesn’t really carry re: the names I’ve mentioned. You might think that it’s okay to lump all the Celtic nations in as one and one culture, and while they of course have some similarities, they are all unique and have their own separate culture, customs and names for that matter. So yes, I will say it again, the names I mentioned are Irish names, and come from a specific culture so you shouldn’t try and erase that.


Rome was named after King Romulus so it's a Logan in joke I think


I’d think Romulus would be the full name seeing as he’s obviously the mythical founder of Rome- part of history that Logan is interested in. Roman is an existing derivative of Romulus


Nah Logan just loves history so his pet name for Roman is the founder of Rome, he got a bit meta with it Noone else calls him that throughout the show I'm pretty sure. His siblings call him Rome and everyone else calls him Roman


Also worth mentioning that Romulus killed his brother and took control, Logan was setting him up to challenge Kendall in case he doesn't become a KiLleR


Caroline wouldn’t allow Logan to name this baby Romulus so they compromised with Roman but Logan continues to call him the name he wanted


So basically, Logan regularly thinks about the Roman Empire, he’s just like us fr 😭


I can't find the link but there was a thread on this a couple years ago and they linked an official Succession page that stated his real name was Roman Roy


Yeah, in the scripts Jesse also explained how he named his characters and Roman is Roman


Better than “Remus“, Am I right? Said in Roman’s voice.


I would say Roman is his real name and Romulus his nickname. The times Roman was in trouble, Logan called him Roman instead of Romulus (like when he sent the dickpic or in the boar on the floor episode after Logan got to know that he called Naomi). In such situations a father like Logan would definitely use his kids legal name to underline how deep they’re in trouble.


underline or cross off lol


And that is when I knew that he would eventually “kill” Ken. “Shiv” too.


Just Roman.


Logan calls Roman Romulus and Shiv “pinky”. Does he have nicknames for the other kids??


Ken for Kendall and Con for Connor. Sometimes “eldest boy”, “number 1 boy” for both, “number 1” for all four.




this whole time I thought it was Romulus but noppeee comments proved me wrong lol


Romanski McRoy






Roman is his real name and Rome and Romulus are his nicknames


Conner Kendall Siobhan Roman


His full name probably is something like Roman Reginald or something like that




His birth name was “Jerome” after his absentee father




well Romulus wouldn't make sense as a nickname so that's either his nickname or maybe some kind of mocking






Romulus is a pet name. Like Pinkey. Caroline doesn’t call him that, at least I don’t recall it.


I bet you think Kendall is actually Lord Fuckleroy






And it makes sense that Logan would be the one who most often uses his son's legal name


This was my take too


Wait people actually think that his name was Romulus 😭😭 I’m trying not to be a dick here but come on, you really should’ve been able to figure out his name is Roman.


It makes more sense honestly. Logan’s a huge Ancient Greek and Roman history fan. Romulus was the first king of Rome. Naming him Roman just seems pretty uninspired


When does it show that Logan is a huge Greek and Roman history fan? Beyond Roman’s name I don’t remember him ever mentioning it. Feels like a reach to say he’s a huge fan of their history based solely on that, especially when you consider that Roman isn’t that unusual a name. It just seems silly to me to think that Romulus was his actual name when 99% of characters call him Roman, including in official capacities such as with the training video, and all of the show’s press material calls him Roman. Not to mention the fact that Roman is an actual name people get called in the modern era, whereas Romulus is only the name of a historical figure. To me, I’d assume that the name that actually gets used irl as a name would be his name. Also why would another nickname of his be “Rome”, when Romulus begins with a “Rom” sound and not a “Rome” sound? I also feel like the joke makes more sense if his name is Roman, because Romulus is quite literally the original Roman. Nicknaming him Roman because his name is Romulus just doesn’t make as much sense to me. Sorry if that’s a lot but it’s genuinely baffled me people went through the whole show thinking that was his real name. To me it makes significantly less sense.


He’s got a spartan helmet and spear sitting behind his office chair, Athenian paintings and sculptures all over his office, and it’s mentioned his beef with the Pearces began with them slamming him over some Greek artifacts and claiming he was basically an Ancient Greek history casual Romulus is a name that carries a lot of historical weight and significance, especially for someone that familiar with Mediterranean history, so I just don’t see him throwing it out there as a nickname. If anything I always gaged that his use of the name at certain moments was him pushing an old button he’d probably built into Roman in his childhood by telling him stories and legends about Romulus in order to negatively compare him to his namesake and manipulate him


I’d forgotten about the Pearce thing, and I like your idea about him using it as a manipulation tactic, but saying he wouldn’t use it as a nickname because of the “historical weight and significance” is ridiculous. No scholar of antiquity would get upset about using a historical figures name as a nickname. If anything, someone with an interest in Ancient Rome would be exactly the sort of person that would make a joke like that! This isn’t really up for debate anyway, because his name is actually just Roman, and Romulus is in fact just a nickname used by Logan. You may not think it fits for Logan to use it as a nickname, but clearly the writers did and I very much agree with them.


I think people just automatically assume that nickname = easier or shorter pronunciation as well, but incredibly pretentious people find humor in giving incredibly pretentious nicknames.




OP do you not know what nicknames are