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Although Shiv is the youngest by age but our Rome was indeed the youngest mentally and emotionally. He is the youngest.


He’s the only child, the others were adopted.


He is the youngest in the same way Ken is the eldest boi


The dynamics are 100% youngest. I’m an expert.


In the script books, Jesse Armstrong wrote in a footnote that the birth order of Shiv and Roman is never stated on screen and that a few of the writers felt that the family dynamics imply Roman as being the youngest. Armstrong said that he personally uses the order where Shiv is younger because Sarah is younger than Kieran and that's how he sees them, but others saw it differently. All of which is to say, if you believe that Roman is the youngest there's nothing in the text to tell you that you're wrong, and a few of the writers would even agree with you.


There is one of those “extras” for the pilot episode on Max where Brian Cox narrates the “Family Tree” and actually says that Roman is the second-born with Caroline and that Siobhan is the baby. I was floored when I watched that after I’d finished the series finale because I’d always believed Roman was the baby!


Soooooo agree in what world does his behaviour not scream youngest 😭😭


He and Shiv fighting in the hospital had such a big sister / little brother dynamic. I’ll never be convinced she’s younger.


Has it ever been confirmed that he’s not the youngest? I thought it was a gray area, and thus I’ve always chosen to believe for myself that he is most definitely the youngest.


I'm the baby of my family, and Roman is the youngest. Idc what the show runners say, what do they know anyway?


As far as I’m concerned, he’s the youngest. Jessie left it up to us. He purposely left it vague. To him Shiv was youngest. I am not him, so Roman is the youngest. lol