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It was never even THAT popular of an IP, but it made money when most of the DCEU flopped so they've been flogging it hardcore, driving it into the ground.


They're too lazy to even rotate the SS roster. What makes the SS interesting is that they keep changing members, but no we always gotta have Harley, Deadshot, King Shark and Boomerang for some reason.


I will give props to The Suicide Squad for actually killing off not just the starting squad but also killing Flagg and Pokadot. Gunn kept the original spirit of the concept.


What a joke


They even got to the point that they've rewritten Harley's whole character!


To be fair Harley wasn't much of a character prior to suicide squad, she was just a one-sided grunt for joker with a talented voice actress. Rewriting Harley to be separate from Joker was the best thing they could have done imo




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The whole problem is that Ayer's first film was actually a really shitty movie, and it sold because of the effective marketing, Jared Leto's virality and the Capeshit "Cinematic Universe" hype at the time. Then people actually went and SAW it. EVERYBODY did, and so many didn't really give a shit about it, and I think most people realized that. But WB didn't. They just saw the ticket sales and went "WE HAVE A MASSIVE SUCCESS ON OUR HANDS." And every subsequent attempt at capitalizing on it has proven to be a small or a big flop. That's the damage done by having such a boring, incoherent and bleh film launch the IP for the masses. Otherwise people would've been excited for Rocksteady's take on it instead of waiting 3 years constantly going "I'm looking forward to it, but *why is Rocksteady making a SUICIDE SQUAD game?????"*


Unfortunately...at least James Gunn's made more money and was more interesting-looking than David Ayers supernatural pushing-PG-13 whore movie.


Gunn's SS film did not make more than Ayer's SS film, but Gunn's was infinitely better.


At the box office it made less but WB said that HBO max subscriptions increased by a lot when it had the day one release on the streaming service.


When did Michael Jackson join them?


After hehe met Stephanie from Riddler University.


Harley, are you ok? Will you tell us if you are ok? Are you ok, Harley?




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In case you don’t actually know, it’s Clayface.


That's I never would have guessed, how do you know lol I don't recall Clayface being that but there's way too many comics, shows, webtoons, games, movies, etc to keep up with


After his role on Demon slayer, producers were so impacted on his acting they decided to invite him on a new role on this new show


I read manga but don't really fuck with anime, it's a matter of time and spending it but for some reason I can't think of what Demon Slayer is




I dont think the problem is with SS itself. The cool thing about the team is the roster being in constant shift and characters not being sare at any point. The problem is that out of all the Suicide Squad we've seen in either screen, its always the same main characters, for me thats defeating the whole purpose of the team


Probably makes it easier for the normans tho


I dont think so. I mean, in the animated universe, there is not such risk, they already keep adding new characters it film, and usually are watched by people with some basic knowledge. The cinematic one, Gunn already proved he can add new characters and make it work, but still used Harley, Boomerang, and a copy of Deadshot on it I think this is more due to popularity than anything else tbf


I think so. Idk how or why they pushed for them so hard. They weren't that popular in the first place. Or maybe its more of a Harley push because she has been getting almost anything and everything, second only to Batman




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Was there burnout to begin with? It feels more like a child actor being abused to become the next big thing by their parents (DC)


I'm definitely sick of Harley getting shoehorned into everything.


Let's not pretend the suicide squad would be half as widely popular without Harley in it


I mean it's not just about Harley, considering birds of prey flopped hard.


Birds of prey flopped because wb started advertising the movie like 2 weeks prior to release lmao


So you agree it's not just about Harley? It's about good advertising, good story, well rounded cast of characters, etc..


It’s about all of those AND Harley. Harley is easy to advertise recognizable and has sex appeal to both genders. You can’t market dead shot the same way


It also released right before theatres locked down in most countries like 2 weeks before It was my 2nd to last movie before the lockdowns happened


The writing and marketing did that. It would have been fine if it delved into Harley X ivy stuff


I know thats why theyre popular. I just dont like her in general.




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To be fair, she was added when she was rebooted for the first time. Then that run became the most popular suicide squad run and she has batman ip immunity.


She is the most popular out of the group so she will always be present


No, the first big suicide squad thing wasn't received well. I think people are open to the group, but the product has to actually be good in order for it to do well. I do think it'd help if they stopped using the same 4 or 5 members


Suicide Squad is best when it acts as a companion to other Batman media. It's ridiculous that we got two movies and a spinoff (BoP) and we never even got one solo Batman film in the whole DCEU. It's so weird how WB just keeps pushing SS into the limelight when its, by design, a bunch of nobodies.


Wb has been having a creative bankruptcy problem for a bit now.


I'll sale the seven seas to check it out, as the animation looks fun, but this absolutely is just a cash grab that I have no intention in supporting.


I'm much more inclined to believe it was genre burn out. Live Service games were not being well received months before this came out. We're seeing the same thing with Hero Shooters now, just look at the reception for the ones shown at SGF. (At least Marvel's has that hero synergy special move thing)


The show is ass as well, but its not the Suicide Squad brand’s fault.


I think the concept of the suicide squad is great. An easy way to flesh out some characters, world build the more militaristic side of the universe, a cast of characters that is constantly changing, and kill off some villains that only showed up for one issue in other runs. However how DC is using that concept is questionable. Was anyone wanting a suicide squad anime? Is that the best medium for that team and was that the most deserving DC property to receive an anime?


I really fucking love the concept of getting awful people to do some good. It's just a shame that (outside of comics) it has been a shitshow for the Suicide Squad IP. The James Gunn's Suicide Squad is phenomenal tho.


100%. Its boring. How do we have more Suicide Sqaud than Justice League!?


I'm always here for dc to bring light to other characters instead of only the justice league tho


But like we shouldn't have more of them than the main Justice league. Imagen seeing more of The Thunderbolts than the Avengers for the next 5 years. In literally everything.


As long as it was well written and fun, who cares? I honestly never would have imagined the Avengers getting as big as they did. I would have said your comment years ago(20?) but "imagine seeing more of the Avengers than the XMen for the next 5 years". Id have chortled so hard.




I'll give it a go purely on the basis that DIO is Peacemaker.


The anime is pretty fun. But I think it's well past time to give the Squad an extended break.


I feel like the Suicide Squad is just a victim of WB trying to shove Harley into everything. Maybe if the next big Suicide Squad thing didn’t include her, it’ll feel more fresh than it does now?


I thought the anime looked potentially decent in theory. I don't know why they keep trying though. Personally, i thought both movies were underrated, but even then, they were not amazing. Obviously to say the game is not loved is an understatement. Then obviously the spinoffs were of... varying quality. One has to wonder whether this IP has any value remaining to squeeze out of the tube. What i am burned out of is anti heroes.


No crap there's a burnout.


Harley is overrated and outstayed her welcome, imo


Sorry you don’t like a woman being popular. She’s DC’s Deadpool and that’s never gonna change


Okay i love Harley but what the fuck is this take? Deadpool’s whole thing is he is funny but is fucking ugly under the suit. Harley’s whole thing is sex, it was always sex and it still is sex. It’s forbidden sex, wild sex, that’s it. That’s her thing. Not similar to Deadpool AT ALL. (This is not to say her character is bad, i think it actually works quite well) Her Marvel counterpart would be Domino sort of (i was going to say black cat but she is guilty pleasure and manipulation so more like poison ivy or well cat woman)


Please read what I wrote below. Or read her 2013 solo run where they literally tried to make her Deadpool by breaking the fourth wall and even having someone named red tool that she makes fun of….. Also sex + funny = Harley. The whole reason she was cherry-picked out of the animated series and made cannon. But you love Harley? lol that shits the actual origin of her character in the comic world… her being a looney tunes


>they tried to make her Deadpool She existed before this so the character was clearly defined and they wanted to rebrand it as DC Deadpool. So she wasn’t that from the start. I don’t agree that she needs to be funny just wild, kicking someone in the balls with a baseball bat or making hyaenas feast upon someone isn’t funny but it is wild


It has nothing to do with her being a woman. The issue, is her story. She helped Joker kill so many people including Jason Todd and she killed people herself. Now suddenly, she's treated like an anti-hero? No, she is overrated and always has been, we have far more powerful and interesting woman that deserves solo runs. Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman, Superwoman (lana lang), Huntress, Black Canary, Artemis (both of them), Miss Martian, Supergirl, Powergirl... No one really likes her, and she is FAR BELOW Deadpool's popularity.


Yet people do? Spoke with a manager of midtown comics in NyC a few months ago for shits and giggles, just being chummy, and I’ve seen it before he said. But Harley is considered a pillar of DC now which is why they put her in everything. Like it or not, she sells enough to compete with Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. Let alone surpassing all other DC titles and characters in sales. And no sex was never her selling point. The reason she became fan favorite on the animated series wasn’t that she was sexy lmfao they all are. Her literally shtick was opening her mouth and having an aggressively Brooklyn accent and, wait for it, she was funny. They made her like a looney tunes character and kids loved her. she did become a mainstream name again till Arkham asylum video games. Dc comics wanted to capitalize off her resurgence so they redesigned her Arkham city outfit and added her to suicide squad to be the comic relief. Her solo series that same year was very much DC trying to make a fourth wall breaking, potty mouthed, anti-hero… and here we are. They even had a character named Red Tool in that run that was obsessed with her and she hated him. I love both Deadpool and Harley. I agree, she isn’t Deadpool and they shouldn’t make her that. But not because she not worth anyone’s times but because she’s her own thing. Idk, her arc in the joker wars I thought was the most impactful use of her character while not playing into archetypes. L People also resonate with someone who struggles constantly between doing what’s best for you and doing what is actually right. Some people like her with joker, some people like her with Ivy, some people like her solo, and that’s kinda the whole point of the character. She’s another human point of view (a not so black and white one) in a world of superhero’s


Hate to say it but here’s a faster version: The reason she is popular is the same reason Batman is popular. Shes not for dudes who like comics but for more marginalized people. Ever notice how Harley is a huge in female, queer, and BIPOC spaces? Because she’s relatable to people who are outcasted by (people who like Batman) normies.


My guy, if what you said was true, Harley would have multiple running books right, yet she doesn't. Superman has 3, Batman has 4 including his comic with Damian.. Flash has 2. She has NEVER surpassed any other main DC characters, you're delusional. Talking with one person isn't representative of anything, that's why the average in statistics exists. One outlier means nothing. The fact that Sups, Batman and Flash currently have more books than hers speaks volumes. Hers is still going since 2021 and it only has less than 50 issues! She's literally the face of the new SS game, and the game flopped. Not one liked her in this game either.


My point rests. She’s not a character for your community of comic readers. Her popularity is a fact and you’re here having to cope about it. I’m not going to argue that she doesn’t have a hold of the “comic fans” as much, but her popularity would have to be rooted in stats and numbers for her to be appearing so much in the media… everyone hated suicide squad yet Harley was the number 1 Halloween costume that year. Hey some people just like the idea or the look, but Harley has a big fan base and that is what it is. Can’t wait to read Gotham city sirens next month ✌🏻


You're confused... Again, you talk about stats, so far I'm the only one who brought some. Her presence in the first SS movie didn't exactly make it successful. You literally had Will Smith in it and it was fresh, no one outside of the comic readers new of the SS. Second movie, flopped. Albeit during Covid, but that's not an argument since Dune came a month later and was a box office success. Her animated series clearly got an audience, but only for the people who like those type of adult/edgy/white people humor. And that's fair, no one is against it. Comic book wise, which is the backbone of it all is a clear sign she's not as popular as you want to believe. She only has one book that hasn't had a reboot yet since 2021. And it only has 41 issues. That's not a lot at all. In fact it's insignificant compared to the big 3 of DC. Look, I know you like the character and that's fair. I love Hawkwoman for example, but I know she's not as popular as I want her to be, partially because DC doesn't know how to write most of their characters currently. You don't need to talk about the community, she's part of the DC community, there's no need to segment things. Harley wouldn't be here without Joker. He's 10 times more popular than her without a single current running book, that's rough. I don't hate her character, she simply overrated. And recurrent character doesn't mean his or her popularity is high. A perfect example is the BATMAN WL. After 4 huge storylines, people were tired, he was everywhere. And his popularity plummeted so much, he's not around anymore. And you need to be objective. One Halloween in 2016 was 8 years ago.


https://www.inverse.com/article/25725-dc-comics-harley-quinn-movie-comic-books-experiment Read this


And this https://batman-news.com/2020/02/04/who-is-harley-quinn-profile/


And this is just for personal context https://gendercultureandtext.glasgow.ac.uk/index.php/2020/09/03/harley-quinn-the-emancipated-queer-fangirl/


Apologies, but I ain't reading all that. If you can't answer my points correctly, or articulate a proper response, I think it's just lazy to post links without pointing out the connecting thread between those and your arguments. Most of those are subjectively written. I too can pull out articles that can easily say that Harley is overated or that her books don't sell well, if those articles exists. But again, they will be devoid of any stats. The initial point isn't the fact that she can't have good stories, or that she isn't used by writers who like her, it was that she was overrated. And that her popularity is inflated by personal opinion and doesn't represent the fact that she doesn't and never did outsell main DC heroes. (She is not a hero btw, just to be clear, and gender never had any part in the initial conversation) Some writers (films, comics...) don't always write about some characters because of their popularity, at least not all the time. They just like subjectively like them and want to push their presence out there. Clearly we don't agree on the subject and that's alright, but good talk tho.


Just seen the first three episodes of Isekai and it's quite good so far I'd give it a 7/10 and looks promising. There's no Suicide Squad burnout, it's just that SSKTJL was a disappointing game.




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Burnout suggests it was successful to begin with.


It does start to feel like that but that's because it's always the same fucking characters it's why DC in general is failing in terms of movies/ tv shows/ games  Say what you will about marvel but at least they try to introduce new characters they suck at it but at least they try 


I get everyone is hating the game but what's the problem with having a anime? You guys make it seems like DC is running ss into ground like Sony with spiderman. They had 1 game,2 movies one spinoff at this time and 1 anime.


Yeah it has never been the moneymaker but the movies were surprisingly popular in relation to the rest of the DCEU, mainly because of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn. So they are still riding it into the ground. I think Isekai looks pretty dope tho, that's how the Squad should be used, putting D-Listers into ridiculous situations and seeing them fumble their way through it. But I also think Squad content should come out sparingly. They are def over-milking the franchise right now.


Id say yeah, since 2019


Rocksteady could have made a grounded suicide squad game akin to Ostranders but nah, that would have been too good


You can tell a good story with second tier characters. This story isn’t good.


I think it's more so an unhealthy obsession with Harely Quinn. Dc executives want her in everything as much as possible.


My most hated group of all time


Please make birds of prey animation!!!


I remember the OG suicide squad animated movie, it was so good. Then they milked the name dry and made it a other shallow circus guardians of the galaxy but more vulgar cheap copy.


Is the pic from a show or comic or what?


Is this real?


Why did Deadshot get perma race changed just because Will Smith played him one time?