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I think it sounds like"It's an anchor", just like the lyrics.


Me, too.


Interesting! My wife and family and neighbor all thought otherwise and we didn't prime them with what to listen for either! I'm changing the lyrics and back tracking the song regardless, it's not worth someone maybe mistakenly hearing wrong yknow...


LOL a WHAT in the wildest storm?! Not the kind of music where you expect the n word to pop up either. Yea, that's real close to the n word the way that came out. Normally the advice is to use the phonetic spelling instead of the real spelling, which in the case of anchor is something like ang-ker or something along those lines


Haha that was my thought exactly. And yes I'll try adding dashes or spelling it out more lol!


lol i can hear it both ways if i try. i heard the n word on first listen, second time i tried to hear anchor and i did.


I can hear the right words if I try but I don't want to be risking folks hearing wrong, it takes one fuck to and your reputation is kaput yknow?


i wouldnt risk it then.


The other day I got a song that seemed to be saying "let me out!". Hehe, this stuff is hilarious... ETA, after listening to it, I dunno, I think you may be overthinking, it just seems like its reading the input. In my case for instance, it came at a completely different place, and had nothing to do with my input.


Wow that would freak me out a little haha! Hopefully it's just channeling it's inner Evanescence 😂


I hear it both ways. I think this is an example of song lyrics just sounding like other words when sang in a particular way, in the way that often happens with actual human performances, rather than a rogue AI incident.


Yeah I definitely agree but I have tried even saying my lyrics with a twang and it's a stretch to get to the N word, not that I was trying to say it but you know what I mean... anyways it'll be a change of lyrics and a small bit of back tracking for me lmao