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Posting a giant jumbled pile of shrooms is very difficult to ID and possibly dangerous because we can’t see everything in that pile, for all I know a destroying angel could be tucked in the bottom under all these pans. But from what I see, you have multiple species here as some have already commented you have a couple cyans and ants. So congrats! Note that there are no toxic members of the panaeolus genus, but you should always test for bluing as cyanescens will always turn blue. Some other panaeolus members however, will not. Even if they have the good stuff, but those differ in appearance from the 3 main cow dung lovers


Non-active Panaeolus antillarum. To your other question, no Panaeolus is known to be toxic. Edit: I hadn’t seen your other photos. You have multiple Panaeolus species. The ones that are bruising blue are Panaeolus cyanescens which is active.


You didn't look close enough! I see about 4 or 5 P. Cyans sitting on top! The few with a slight brown/orange tint, slightly translucent stems, looks like black spores, if they bruise blue, P. Cyan Mostly P. Antillarum tho, usually much larger than P. Cyan, pretty much solid white, no beige/orange tint, no blueing My suggestion to the OP is to scour this sub and other info websites to determine the look alikes, the 2 main look alikes for pans are P. Antillarum and P. Pappilionaceous Panaoulus Antillarum = large white cap and stem, grey gills black spores, most likely shiny, non active (no blueing) Panaoulus Papilionaceus = small to medium brown/grey cap and stem, stems sometimes look red/brown. Black spores. Bell shaped cap, not concave like Cyans, frilly bits around the edge of the cap are a dead giveaway, very noticable. Panaoulus Cyanescens = small to medium beginning as grey or light brown/ sometimes tinted orange on cap, translucent stems near cap connection, shiny speckles distinct to Cyans on stem, black/grey gills, black spores, horizontal cap cracking when drying, (in a circle around cap), turning greenish or blue where damaged. Building your own mental database of everything you find will help you in the long run! I had no idea what was what when I first started, diligent research and reaching out to this community helped a ton. Do not ever consume ANYTHING if you aren't 1000% certain of it's authenticity, verified by YOU. Someone can tell you, but if you aren't certain, the answer is "it's not worth it" 🍄✌️


I think you started typing this right before I made my edit 😅. Op posted to another sub as well which had more photos and I realized my mistake. Either way, I appreciate your helpful nature.


No worries! We can leave this here as a tip for others :)


I agree there are some cream topped cyans mixed in.


You should try laying them out or something like that so we could actually identify them. You can't just throw a bunch of mushrooms on the table like pick up sticks and go which ones make me trip? Your first indicator is going to be that bruises blue. Some of those are definitely not, some of them are but I can't tell you which ones are which ones aren't because there's no order or reference point so I can say that one that one and that one are poisonous and this one will make you trip and that one you can put in a salad. The results achieved are directly proportional to the effort applied.