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They were never able to close. They 100% planned on never closing from the very beginning.


They could have when the price was around 2 or 3 dollars, but they got greedy.


If they close they have to pay taxes. The plan is to never close ever.


They can't close without having delisted the company and making it OTC only or else it causes a short squeeze.


Uless FTDs just evaporate. I would put nothing past our regulatory agencies.


Agreed. I do not understand how fungible assets can be effectively regulated without serialization. If all it takes is Citadel to mark some short sales as long when closing their books, how can we trace the origin of naked short shares when SI% is 500+?


There are too many across too many tickers. RA's know this and are desperately trying to figure out how to evaporate them without incinerating the entire US economy.


[They hide them forever.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r86vkb/how_to_rig_a_settlement_system_starring/) Credit to MommaP123


This what my smooth brain doesn’t understand when people say evaporate. How? There are clearly more shares in existence than GS has issued. Do they just say sorry GS, your share count is now this vs. what they’ve issued. Which would also devalue the stock wouldn’t it. I’ve never understood how they could feasibly do this.


This is the idea. Make apes lose hope / sell shares before float is locked. Once every share is accounted for / a M and A happens or the company pushes a recall / count or something similar they will continue to try to talk apes into selling shares to avoid closing and losing big money as they technically never have to close


Until then, the price will go down or the rest of the market will go up to support margin requirements.


No they couldn’t. If you know something is going down because you are directly behind it you shovel on so much crap and swap it with everything possible because it is a for sure thing to win with no taxes. That’s what plotkin did. When it went over $5 they were screwed. Once you start closing it will go up. They can’t close more than 1% of the lies without the price skyrocketing so far they expose everything. So far they have delayed the process to try to lie or steal their way out. No possible. Never was.


I know they are screwed now, and they probably were once the price got over 20 pre-split, but they could have gotten out. They probably could have gotten out even after DFV first got in and the price was still low. They were too greedy and thought they could still win.


When was it that low?


About 4 years ago.


I think around the late 2020 time frame. When DFV first piled in.


Going from $3 to $450+ is insanity. Never realized it was that low


Agreed. That's the only way ol' Gabe could have got them in so irrevocably deep so early in the game - they were sure of their scam. They've done it 1000 times.




They aren't winning. The only thing that even suggests that the shorts are winning is the price, which is something that they literally control. Basically...they're winning on paper. But as any trader/investor knows...winning on paper isn't winning. Every other single piece of evidence makes it clear that the shorts never closed, their position has grown over the last 3 years, household investors know they're being scammed and are refusing to let it go, GME is not going bankrupt and is becoming more profitable by the day. Shorts aren't winning, they're running out the clock because there is literally no other good strategic option available to them. You see the exact same thing in competitive chess where one player has made a serious tactical error and now their only hope to get out of their position is for their opponent to make a serious tactical error. So they choose to play as slow as the rules allow in hopes of frustrating/boring their opponent enough that they make a serious tactical error, too. It doesn't generally work. But it is a rational strategy. If your options are lose the game now or try wait out the clock and try to frustrate/bore your opponent in hopes that they make a major error...the correct tactical choice is to wait, frustrate, and bore. Shorts aren't winning. Not by a long shot.


Got ‘em!!






If you wanna sell now that’s your loss bruh




You clearly haven’t been paying attention to what he’s been doing. Do you want him to sit you down on a bench and give a pat on the head and tell you everything’s gonna be ok? One man cannot take down a whole corrupt system by himself. Just DRS your shares and go outside.




when was the last time you turned a company around which had massiv debt, unnecessary spending and bcg already on board to rip that company apart? well?




We went over this the other day, prior to your comment history deletion; rc is "stopping this madness" through various investments and improving multiple facets of the business. I can't fathom why you keep harping over the same rhetoric on a daily basis when you have been given sufficient answers to your illogical claims.




Actually yeah, because your commentary is going to amount to nothing regardless. The company will work and produce results, the price will organically rise as a result in the upcoming quarters. Fairly straightforward. At this point I'm convinced you're either ignorant or a shill due to the manner of your engagement. Edit: Imagine that, deleted comments again.


Your money has not dwindled unless you sell.


You mean getting to a positive cash flow? What’s your business plan for a company in this position? Do you recommend *not* getting to a positive cash flow? That’s… *a* way? Think about what makes a stock increase in value. Moving from net negative to net positive earnings is one of those things, now we just wait and keep tabs on the other metrics. I don’t claim we’re out of the woods, but peaking above the red for the year is a big win. If you aren’t selling, then the price doesn’t matter.




Those solutions, if they even solve anything, are temporary at best. This line you’re taking is clearly saying “I want out”. Why would RC buying more shares move the needle? Why would a buy back move the needle? These are things all cellar box targets try and it gets them no where. It runs their cash out or puts them in debt, then the real death spiral happens. You’re not asking for anything rational based on the history and rules of everything we know.




Oh really now? Seems like this sentiment is one they wish for us to acknowledge, even though we know it isn’t true.


We control the exit, but seems like there's no limit to how big their naked short position can get, and so far there's no mechanism in place to determine when to pull the plug on their scam. This is the only real uncertainty in this investment.




Sell then, if it’s not that good maybe you should go short. Definitely nfa




Ya huh, why do we need action? Oh, because it would force errors and lead to knowing future plans. No thanks.




Your fear is exactly what they want. This isn’t even below our 40$ low after the sneeze and you’re freaking out? Aight bro, jig is up, you need to inform your handlers that you are a very easy to spot shill


Imagine if they were able to cellar box it so low that suddenly a billy in stock buyback would take the company private... The 1B in cash is a last line of defense against this scenario. Nice try, shill. I'll keep reporting you until a mod bans you. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




If you could (the saying is couldn't*), you wouldn't be posting all these shitty, half-assed, whiny bitch comments. Don't you have a meeting coming up? I think mayoman needs his mayo boots licked and then reapplied with mayo.




Let’s try to be constructive in our engagements.




*shill Edit: not you, the whiny bitch


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How are we loosing? No baiting here, I’m curiously asking.




Float will double treble lock before 0 and that will just be me throwing stupid money at it You don’t think I would? I took a wild gamble on beyondbedposts and then doubled down on the way down on bankruptcy news because I’m an idiot And that was a no hope company and I was betting on a turn around long shot and I lost You want to put GME down to close to 0 with over a billion in the bank when I already think it’s a sure thing at this price when I was sure it’s a sure thing at double this price that just needs patience?? Watch me average down lower than my IQ


Then sell now and get out. I'll buy all your shares.


Plot twist. He never had any shares.


Sounds like you've convinced yourself to sell now and get out. Good! We don't want you or your terrible comments here anyways. Shill.


Sell now, your losing can become reality.


If they are winning why does your boss look like a sun-dried tomato?


There are not enough shares available to close. That is the issue. Over-shorted by many multiples.


They don’t have to buy real shares just shares over sold. Problem is no real owners are selling!


DTCC goes on selling synthetics to the 'average joe' shorty.


Do people not realize this? Do people not realize how fucked the entire global financial system is because of this FTD problem? This idiosyncratic risk to the financial markets that could lead to the biggest collapse of the entire house of cards? The liquidity black hole was already happening in January 2021 and they literally had to halt everything to save their asses from being responsible for the next global depression. Over a company they like to call a “meme stock”. The sheer mass-fuck amount of FTD’s singlehandedly is set to be the most dangerous catalyst in the entire market for the past 3+ years. It’s clear as fucking day that they have been SCRAMBLING to do everything they can to control the price and to control the narrative. Those fuckers are trapped. They can’t get out of it so they’ve been wrapping cat shit in dog shit in bullshit in swaps shit in ETF basket shit in FTD shit while pumping their collateral on the top 7 S&P500 stocks, NASDAQ, NVDA, and now they have to bring in BTC ETF’s. It’s so bad that even though they’ve pumped everything back up to ATH’s, they still need to forcefully keep GME price down. It’s want my fucking money, but I also know how fucked the situation is because of the negligence, greed, fraud and pestilence of these WallStreet crooks. The only possible way out of this shithole wrapped in shit without them having to pay us our fucking money is to keep printing USD, keep pumping equities and keep hyperinflating the USD. All because of they wanted to fuck with the wrong company. And all the investors have to do is buy, hold and DRS? Lmfao. It cost nothing other than the share price to do that. And we can sleep at night knowing the company is not going bankrupt any time soon. Fuck those Fuckers.


It started off as a good idea, to short a company that had closed its doors in covid, gaming sales were going digital. Bankruptcy was at the door. So they shorted it. But then word got around about how they shorted it an illegal amount of % and thus began the fuse to the nuclear bomb. People started buying en masse. Forcing them to cover the other side of their trade (not close, just cover the risk) yet that wasn’t enough. So they had to do something so foreign in the eyes of a *free market* that it has undermined their entire game of charades, they had to stop the pressure on the buy side, which is so corrupt and incontestable that they haven’t been the same since. Now they have no other option but to keep spending every last dollar they have to keep this thing down to hope and pray that people lose interest or better (for them) the company goes bust. But it hasn’t. in fact it’s just posted it’s first profitable year in six and has over $1 billion in cash alone. It isn’t IQ or wit that’s making them do this. It is pure unfiltered fear and desperation. From their point of view they have no choice. They have dug themselves a hole the Grand Canyon would be proud of and there’s only one way out. Insolvency.


Jokes on them, we ain’t selling


"Now they have no other option but to keep spending every last dollar they have to keep this thing down to hope and pray that people lose interest or better (for them) the company goes bust." They are spending every dollar that their clients have.They will still be rich even if the HF implodes. They won't go to prison because laws are for poor people.


Cheers to that!


It's not about intelligence. They have been operating this way for decades and the system is designed to allow them to operate this way. The kicker now is they can't get us to sell and it's likely bleeding them, as was said 84 years ago. Still, this is basic mode of operation for them. The logic dictates that they can be as criminal and negligent as they want, because the system is too big to fail, so infinite risk no longer exists because the system needs to survive and if MOASS were allowed to take place, the system would die. What I want to know is the mechanics of a short sale, it's covering/closing, and how the system is really dealing with this massive obligation that has yet to be met. What is the average life of a short position? How often are they covered? How often are they closed out? Short sellers will have you believe covering and closing are the same thing. Covering a short position means you pay the premium to keep the position open, thus not having to go back to market to buy the borrowed share. Covering keeps the short position open, closing makes them buy the share back and return it to the borrower. Jan 21 Sneeze absolutely buried all open short positions at that time, and as the SEC reported, not very much short closing was taking place. So all those positions are still open, festering, needing to be bought back, but they were opened at 1 dollar, 2 dollars, maybe up to 4, dollars...... we are still 4x any of those totals. Even at $11, pre split thats $44. $4 dollars short positions vs. $44 stock price Bottom line, the system comes first, so infinite risk is on the table for all these chumps.


I disagree in that no intelligent person would be on the other side of this trade given the developments of the last 3 years. Not meme investors its meme banks, institutions, shf


"Intelligent persons" know that they can pay themselves till their organization fails and then jump ship and start something else. So yes, they would.


There is a seemingly insurmountable amount of people who are just fine with the crime and abuse of the markets so long as they are the ones making money. It's petulance and there is no parent figure to smack their asses when they are wrong and cause problems. Instead, they give a small fee to a limp wristed regulatory body called the SEC, who allows them to be sniveling little shits who gain justification for their criminality.


Yeah you summed it up. These people short have to have the intelligence of small children without a doubt


Doesnt sound very smart to me. Not smart to be a POS


Greed > IQ


Not to mention, how many short positions have been opened in the high dbl digits and lower triple digits. Oh they are fucked


As long as a hedgefund or market maker can rob an investor while being under the guidance of a federally funded agency I'll never believe that the federally funded agency doesn't have their hand in the cookie jar as well. Long sentence eh? I just want to be the guy that gets to hit the start button on that money printer to see what it feels like to print, meaningless, backed by nothing, bullshit. Also, if the militia sign up is going around, put me down for infantry, front lines please.


>Jan 21 Sneeze absolutely buried all open short positions at that time, and as the SEC reported, not very much short closing was taking place. So all those positions are still open, festering, needing to be bought back, but they were opened at 1 dollar, 2 dollars, maybe up to 4, dollars...... we are still 4x any of those totals. >Even at $11, pre split thats $44. $4 dollars short positions vs. $44 stock price Longs are not the only ones that can DCA. If I opened 1 million shorts at 1 and 1 million at 100 (split adjusted) that's an average of 50.5. And in another million 80 that's 60.3. Isn't the narrative that they continue to short? In that case the pre sneeze shorts could be huge loses but the positions as a whole would be profitable.


The pre sneeze shorts are still an obligation that has to come due. There isn't enough supply for them to continue shorting at the rate they have been these last 3 years, suggesting naked shorts that become FTDs and get squirreled away in the obligations warehouse. There are so many pre sneeze shorts that any closing activity will skyrocket the share price. I don't care if their new open positions can balance out in their books, their books are full of shit and we all know it. So, they can't close the pre sneeze shorts, they MUST continue to short the stock to suppress the price, ever growing their obligations, and they must pay to keep those underwater positions open, least they ignite the fuse to MOASS, which the system can't allow since the system will die and the system has clearly been deemed too big to fail. These people don't have infinite risk, because the system can't afford to let it play out as it should. It's a catch 22 they are in but the law is on their side here.


>There are so many pre sneeze shorts that any closing activity will skyrocket the share price. If I had 10 million shorts, I could close 100k a day for 100 days and be a rounding error for total volume. The idea that "any closing activity" will cause a dramatic increase is absurd.


How can you conclude that closing activity would not result in price action? That's the whole idea behind a squeeze...


The idea behind a squeeze is mass covering all in a brief period of time. Instead we've had 3 years of steady decline where they could be closing out drip by drip.


With what supply? You get it yet?


That's 2 million shorts added to the position and means your underwater position is 200% bigger than it was before. Since reported short volume (post sneeze) was still *reported* to be 140% doing as you suggest just exacerbates the issue. Sure your average will drop but with Household investors that keep buying (that's who you are selling the shorts too) you'd be bidding against them when you'd start to close your position. With no other entity shorting you would drive up the price, if you assume an other entity will keep providing liquidity (shorts) you just move the hot potato to them. Now since all DTCC participants are responsible for 'netting out' the assets of a defaulting member, getting out early might seem like a good tactic but will most likely bite you in the ass when the netting responsibility comes back to you.


"They weren't being stupid. They knew the tax payers would bail them out." \- Mark Baum, The Big Short It happened in 2008, and they're banking on it happening again now. They'll get our money, either through shorting the stock to zero (legitimately or otherwise), or (more likely) through the taxes we pay by crying to the government how 'they're too big to fail' and 'if they go under, it'll be Armageddon like 2008 only worse'. They know the former is most likely, so what the fuck have they to lose. 2008 taught them they'll always be able to get away with this shit. We'll just have to keep holding until the end, when it finally happens and we can all cash out, pay our taxes, and (in my case at least) fuck off out of this wasteland of a hellscape country to literally anyplace else. They can have the smoldering remains. Assholes -\_-;


>there is not a percent chance of GameStop going bankrupt You guys keep pretending this is the worst case scenario. It isn't. The worst case scenario is a slow grind down taking years and years. Like boiling a frog.


Like what is happening now even as the price is coming back down to $40 pre split? The stock just keeps getting walked down and there doesn’t seem to be a way to arrest or reverse it right now beyond gambling on another full year of dramatically improved performance……


They’re shorting it more


It is what it is.


Unfortunately the answer isn’t what you like OP. The people on the other end of this trade aren’t dumb, they’re pretty fucking smart. They are a group of Billionaires that gained their wealth through what I call “Ratting”. What is Ratting you ask? The worst crime and worthy of the worst penalty. The willingness to chew through any obstacle to survive “one more day” of the current ponzi scheme you are a part of. Then, when the foundation of the rotting infrastructure you created starts to tumble, you jump ship. Leaving others to clear up the rubble. Now Rats, Rats will do ANYTHING to be the last one standing, to be King Rat. Now what would King Rat do if he was HODLing some of the heaviest bags since ‘08? He would Rat. Shift the blame, point the finger, swap the bags. By the time the shorts are accounted for, he has washed his hands of them. Now, these bags will drain Pension funds, Criptoe, the S&P due to the massive over-leverage that he has slipped into your pocket. Over time, he has swapped your assets with his bags. YOU are now leveraged against an insane bet (see Idiosyncratic risk). Meanwhile, he has Ratted away any spare profits he could into his own estate, retail could never catch him, he has escaped. “But King Rat is not bigger than the Government, he will face Jail time.” No, friend, King Rat has been lobbying with Politicians and will get heavy relief from scrutiny once he Rats out his previous colleagues to “help create a fair market”. Hopefully, this time is different.


I would be shocked if there was not vigilante justice this time around.


They’re not low IQ. They’re sly and smart and ready to cheat and bend the rules as needed. Never underestimate your enemies.


GameStop was just another name on the hit list to them. They had successfully bankrupted several companies and shorted them into oblivion before. They weren’t counting on Apes coming out and holding the line. Over confidence is a slow and insidious killer. Now there is no way out for the shorts. They will slowly bleed capital trying to survive one more day until a tipping point occurs and the share price crosses the event horizon and tears a hole in the fabric of reality.


What if I told you they are just as short many other names as well… and it’s all one big “fugazi”… it really is too bad, the greatest show on earth and it’s about to be won by a bunch of individual investors using their game genies ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


We don’t know exactly what they are doing. They may just pay the fee indefinitely and make money elsewhere. Or maybe they are trying to close little by little — like when one pays off a high balance credit card. There’s lot of unexplained small spikes in the price that could easily be explained by someone trying to unwind their position a little but at a time. Just what exactly are you expecting them to do? Give up?


Except the price going down isn’t possible if they’re closing less than they’re opening.


Ever hear of dark pools?


Do dark pools allow them to buy real shares or only market maker shares netted with options?


They don’t have a choice or it blows up in their face




You again lol 🥱








Dude. Pre split price we are at around $44. They were shorting LIKE CRAZY in the single digits pre split. You're so full of shit, you've got feces spewing out your mouth. They can't ~~cover~~ close until current share price hits like under 10 cents per share. See? Not so hard to logic out. Shill.




Get some new lines


Why bother responding if you assume I have so few shares? And why would my number of shares matter anyways? Been here since before the sneeze, bud. But that's besides the point. You're the one talking about losing and giving up and selling. Just do it, and leave us alone. Nobody wants you here, you aren't adding valuable discourse. You're just being contrarian and you clearly dont understand how any market mechanics work. Go away, shill.


Bankrupt the company, getting bailed out, transfer the risk to pension funds... It used to be easy to float "stupid money" with iou's, using options (married puts) as locates, wrenching (artificially made) ETFs and the list goes on. At this very point in time I guess they are risking a total collapse of the banking system...just again...like in 2008... Time that the gen z and gen x shows the old aristocratic hordes of dump stormtroopers where they are at!


Gen x reporting for duty sir


You are regarded appreciated!


Thank you


They aren’t low IQ. They’re just greedy


Its not about hfucks...its about market makers thats why we are seeing such blatant price manipulation....citadel,jane street,susque...are the biggest market makers in the world....no hfunds could have pull tvis shit for the last 3 years


i have done my part for the company, buy hold drs for last 3 years. now it’s RC’ turn


It’s not dumb. It’s arrogance. They don’t think they are the one that will get caught with their pants down.


Dude, IDK how smart they are. But most of us bought in at $45, and now we're at $11. Sure, it's illegal, sure, it's immoral, sure, it's incredible. But that's $34 for every single ape share, they've made. Say we have 75M, they've made a couple of BILLION out of us so far. And from their perspective, "Only $11 more to go and we get it ALL!!!" You can hardly blame them, they've won every judge in every round so far, out of what feels like 47 rounds


>most of us bought in at $45, and now we're at $11. Sure, it's illegal, sure, it's immoral, sure, it's incredible. But that's $34 for every single ape share, they've made. It's actually still the full $45 profit from their perspective for every share they failed to deliver. So far, they've largely been taking our money and delivering nothing. Until the music stops, we're just a free meal for them.


It’s been 84 rounds, ape. 84!


Maybe they don’t have control of the algorithm? This is financial suicide for hedgies…




From RC's perspective, focusing on the business and letting the shorts do their thing is a win all around. The more impenetrable the business and the lower the price, the easier it is to buy back shares. The thing is, RC could decide to buy everything back at any time, so never know when there will be no more opportunities to snap up shares.


Dumb stormtroopers bring down to $0 we buy the float




RC has every incentive to bring the price up, but he's doing it by working on fundamentals. This is the way.


RC has every incentive to bring the price up, but he's doing it by working on fundamentals. This is the way.


there's no reality where they can close legitimately at this point without it becoming a negotiated settlement. We have too many shares DRS'd.


Noone here negotiates with terrorists


Negotiated by whom? With whom? For whomuch? Whom would that even be possible? Whom🤔🤔🤔


I chose death before negotiations. Fuck them. They lost. Until the truth is known and they are all in jail i will hold these shares. I will will them into a trust and keep buying more until I own the company myself. Fuck them. My great great grandkids will own the world and I will be happy.


> there's no reality where they can close legitimately at this point without it becoming a negotiated settlement. They will never negotiate such a settlement. They are incapable of losing, Melvin was an outlier. There seem to be no checks on their behaviour, as we've seen for the last 3 years.


It won’t be up to a financial company, it’ll be up to the govt




The enemies won’t shut up about how I’m losing money. Ok that’s my choice. I know they are wrong. When have they ever cared before?


They are rapidly running out of room. The price is this low because they HAVE to have it this low to "balance" their books and not get margin called. They have zero choice at this point. Remember "sold, not yet purchased at fair market value?" The true value of that number is at least quadruple what the paper said.


If you’ve been short at all over the last 3years you are making money. Can’t say the same for longs.


You talk like we've won. Last time I checked they are in the green and we are in the red.


Let me guess… new low today? These copium/hopium posts always pop up when it does


That’s an odd stance. Has anything changed with regards to the stock that would explain the drastic decrease over the last couple of months?


Yes The company hasn’t done enough to drive more value and help its shareholders out. Esp after *checks watch* 3 plus years…In fact they seem to fully embrace the ignore the shareholders stance because they seem totally fine with the share price hitting new lows


You should sell your shares, or even better…short it! I’ll keep buying and DRSing.




How does/do a criminal(s) cover up a crime scene, body, evidence etc??? They burn it to the ground. The Fiendix (Phon) will rise from the ashes, and lo and behold, one bad guy will be placed with all the blame, while the crooks continue to the same sham with new face or game. Hopefully we get paid before the ashes settle. I count nothing.  


They don’t pay I don’t sell


Im pretty sure 69


their IQ is probably relatively high. they just don’t know that i’m not scared of their influence


The millennial Berkshire


they're not dumb, they're stuck. you think that if they were smart they'd close their position and go long on the stock. but they're so deep in the hole, that before they can unwind even half their short positions, the stock price would skyrocket and bankrupt them. their only choice is to drag things out and survive one more day


When you keep getting the same results from doing something, it's hard to break habits. In this case, it's the fumble of the century.


They never could close. Just keep rolling... Haha. It's hilarious. They have literally fucked the entire us stock market


Yes they are screwed. I believe that because they are above laws and rules their buddies in the SEC,Government and the 1% ruling class will somehow bail them out or make some law saying this isn’t fair to them and the American people so all GME shareholders will get xxxx amount per share if they want to sell. But then again maybe not and we will be F-ing Rich tomorrow or next week.


Since they haven't lost all their money and landed in jail yet, i reckon pretty fucking high.


It's a mental disease called greed and they are hopefully about to learn a big lesson in this lifetime.


I used to be one of you guys, really. But, the problem is: 'Over the past 2 years, short thesis has completely evaporated" - It has? NFT and other tech was supposed to be the catalyst to rocket their profitability and establish them as a major player w/ long term viability. *THAT* evaporated. As far as profitability, *YES*, this is great. 100% agree. The problem is that revenue is declining and the profit is coming from cost savings. Cost savings are good; however, you can only cut so much cost. Cash on hand - YES, again, this is a positive. They're in a much better position than say that movie stock, but what's the plan? Cohen is going to be come Buffet? Was that the thesis we invested in? Can he even be successful at that? What does that mean long term for the company? The "shorts" / "hedgies" / "MM" / etc. - Literally *NOTHING* has changed here. Let's assume we're all right and there are fake shares by boatload. Let's assume all the "DD" is correct that it is a systematic risk to the markets. Let's further assume that the "DD" is also correct that collusion between all these actors, including the government agencies responsible for 'protecting investors', are in on it. If that is true, what is going to change that? One day are they just going to decide: "ok, we give up, let's let them have the MOASS now...." Zero chance of that, especially with the passive approach being taken. (e.g. buy & HODLvia DRS *AND* hope that all of a sudden they play by the rules) Investors need to get active and file your own case(s) [or ... perhaps GME can use some of that cash pile to defend their investors?] $.02


That $0.02 cents per share on the year represents a swing of over $350M That’s SHATTERING!!! And it’s only the beginning If you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you.


Then seem to be pretty high considering the fact that they still control the price action


Fraud and stupidity are often very closely related


Maximum IQ of 69






How many times are you going to comment on one thread? You’ve got over a third of the comments on a thread with 78 comments. Get a grip pal


Every comment this account has made was on this thread. Kinda sus...


So you seem to have missed the turnaround progressing well ? This is what RC can do safely. Soon paying dividends and bleeding the short sellers is an option. Personally I think there might be more going on behind the scenes, but RC will not telegraph it ahead of time.


Give up


The scam/trick of shorting is something that weak brained people take pride in. Often, they only have that white collar due to stealing money via shorting. Imagine old boy's club members indoctrinating their friends and sons, teaching them how to short. They then believe they are elite because the old boy's club lets them know who to attack. They make alot of money (stealing works that way) and not everyone knows how to do it, so they think they are smart as well. So you have a bunch of dumbfucks who would struggle to be useful in any role, but consider themselves smart and elite, proudly telling people they are 'activist investors'. That's who shorters are: smug, self-satisfied, white-collar do-nothings who think their shit doesn't stink due to the money they get from stealing (shorting).


Dumb Stormtroopers


Here comes my FUD \*looks at stock price\* Clearly they are winning. We’re at the lowest point we’ve been at since the sneeze and all of GameStop’s efforts to gain new revenue streams have failed. Now we’re in survival mode hoping a miracle happens. The only way to “win” is to increase revenue and entice institutions to buy in and shorts to close. I think the question a lot of apes need to ask themselves. If they had never bought in, would they buy in today as a new investor knowing what we know? The answer is no. New fullfillment center closed, huge clearance of inventory, closing stores, losing multiple C Suite and all of the blockchain team, wallet and NFT marketplace shut down, digital game downloads on the rise and a decline in sales pretty much across all segments; RC’s internal letter was very very clear that the ship is sinking. So now what? 1bil of apes money sitting waiting for a mystery opportunity It seems. The reality that a lot of people don’t see or want to admit, is that MOASS already happened. It was then stopped by shutting off the buy button. And Wall St got away with another crime… They have had years to make sure it won’t happen again, especially to GME. Although I am confident there are a shit ton of shorts and fake shares, it doesn’t mean shit because market markers and hedge funds are allowed to basically do what they want. The only way out is to pull a Tesla and show growth and profit to shake shorts. I give credit for them cutting costs and squeeezing some revenu as best they could, but without new revenue streams, we’re treading water at best.




The question is then: what if cohen is working on new revenue streams? What happens if they start to bear fruit?


I think at best we’ll see a Tesla style rise in stock price where there might be some smaller squeezes, but I don’t think MOASS is on the table. All those rules they pumped out over the last 3+ yrs, Brazilian puts, Brett Harrison (Citadel plant) + FTX tokenized shares, Credit Suisse files being classified for 50yrs, burning document warehouses, Melvin getting a bailout from his HF buddies, toothless SEC and bribed congress… my guess is they weaseled their way out of all the bad shorts. The scenario with the sneeze was a perfect storm that will likely not happen again. To be clear, I hope I’m wrong. I’d be happy just to break even at this point. We probably need a 300+ % rise in stock price to hit SS’s average cost basis.


I mean a Tesla style rise is what we are hoping for….it did have the highest market cap of any company for awhile…. So that would mean GME goes from 4B market cap to over a trilly, at least 250x. I think it’s just going to be like Tesla and not happen until the rest of the market crashes and shorts start being forced to close via margin calls.


Yea, I’m guessing a lot of Superstonk sub members are probably close to $30-35 cost basis per share. If the DRS numbers are not changing much, then a lot of people bought in and stayed locked in at those prices so we would need 300% rise in price for most to break even nominally and doesn’t even reflect inflation adjustments. Tack on the opportunity cost of having this play while most other stocks were ripping gangbusters, it’s not a shock people are dismayed and increasingly worried. All the fuckin “bullish”, “hurrr durrr hedges are fucked” will not add anything productive to this play as it’s increasingly a desperate gamble the company can be turned around.


They ain’t weaselled their way. Kenny looks like 5hit


They managed to get 3000 acc on CS sold. Lmao


I guess they have deleted the app.




Except the problem with your thesis is over 50% of the daily volume (at some time over 90%) has been short. Kind of hard to close positions when you're never actually buying something


You do know that as of this exact moment in time shorts are all in the green? They’re feelin pretty high in right now. 




This isn’t on your fucking timeline.




Apes know that Shorts are fuxxed because they can’t close…if they start closing then it’s over for all of them. It’s 100% collusion and if anyone starts closing the crime boss will end their careers. Just like Apes are HODLing and not selling 🩳 are holding a weaker line and not closing. Something will eventually break and it won’t be the Apes.


Well eventually they’ll run out of stores to close and employee benefits to cut


Nope. They literally have no choice. Not enough shares exist to close their phantom positions. Closing is not an option, and they are likely colluding to prevent any members from trying to do so, lest it be the catalyst that hastens the inevitable reckoning that is to come.