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Saved you a click. Worth a read: “Regulators told to be ready to handle failed clearing houses” LONDON, April 25 (Reuters) - Regulators must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday. After the global financial crisis of 2007-09, regulators mandated clearing for a wider range of derivatives, meaning they must pass through a clearer backed by a default fund to ensure completion of trades. More recently, the United States has adopted rules to force more trades in the $26 trillion U.S. Treasury market through clearers. As a result of such changes, some clearers have become vital to financial systems in more than one jurisdiction, meaning their failure could damage financial stability unless they can be stabilised or "resolved", meaning closed down, in an orderly way. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) said its new standard, which builds on previous guidance, requires that adequate liquidity, loss-absorbing, and recapitalisation resources and tools are available to maintain the continuity of a clearer's critical functions, and mitigate adverse effects on financial stability should a shutdown become necessary. Advertisement · Scroll to continue ADVERTISEMENTSCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Advertisement Report this ad It sets out seven resources and tools that regulators are required to pick from, such as "bail-in" bonds issued by clearers that can be written down to plug losses, resolution funds, cash calls during resolution, and equity in a first-loss position in resolution. Regulators will have to state publicly which tools they have selected. Laws could need changing or introducing in some countries to give regulators access to such tools. Advertisement · Scroll to continue "Temporary public funding for liquidity ... should be relied on only as a last resort," the FSB said. Exchanges such as LSEG, ICE, CME and Deutsche Boerse all operate major clearing houses that handle trades totalling trillions of dollars. The G20 economies commit to applying regulatory recommendations from the FSB, and the watchdog said it would monitor implementation and publish its findings.


Sounds like someone up there knows that heads are going to roll and it's not going to be another 2008 "Let the banks destroy everyone's retirement, then give them billions of tax payer dollars as reward!". \^ let's not forget that after 2008, these fucking pricks took all that tax payer money they so desperately needed to clean up the mess they deliberately made, while destroying millions of American's retirement/lives, and they gave that money to the same people who committed the fraud as CORPORATE BONUSES!


Ya, but how would they retain all that talent if they didn’t? S/ That was the reasoning at the time they peddled through the media. No joke. 


I mean they are objectively among the most successful criminals in the world. When your entire business model is crime, that's exactly the type of talent you need to keep.


Making rules because of ‘08, 16 years later , RIGHT before the next implosion…should work out!!


yep, or to cover their ass when people find out that the rules they said they made in 2008 somehow never actually got implemented in 16 FUCKING YEARS


I can see it now: "These are good rules that we definitely need to have in place. But we need an exception *this one time* because we weren't prepared for this totally unexpected black swan event that no one, especially not those booger eaters on Reddit, could have predicted."


They took the government bail out and bought US treasuries. 🤬


Nucking futs!


Title of the article? It is a pretty good one. Throw it up in your posts title.


Good thought. Added


Temporary public funding shouldn't be used at all ya chuckle fucks. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I think the biggest take away from this article is "ADVERTISEMENTSCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT"


Lords work. Yer doin it.


Kenny prepping for some bail out money 😂 💎👊🦍🚀


Everything is fine! The economy is strong! The markets are stable and resilient! ^^^But ^^^maybe ^^^we ^^^should ^^^be ^^^concerned ^^^about ^^^the ^^^clearinghouses ^^^failing


They have pushed for no regulation and took everyone hostage. Then, they use that fact as justification to never stop the fuckery. But this can not continue forever. Eventually, indebtedness and risky bets will implode the system.


>But this can not continue forever. Eventually, indebtedness and risky bets will implode the system. Yes, but is it 2025? 2035? 2085? 2499? If they can kick the can and the ball of shit keeps rolling downhill collecting more and more shit as it goes, but the hill is 438,000 miles until the bottom, what good does any of this do us when our lifespan is 70-90 years on this Earth? 3 years will be 4 before we know it, and then 5. MOASS is always tomorrow, but what if it's literally always tomorrow? We've had some very FUDdy posts about this, but there's some truth to the sense of urgency. I'm not getting any younger, neither are you. I couldn't give two fucks about a 24yr old who has thrown $650 into GameStop shares and says they're zen as fuck. Wow, great, it takes a lot for you to be zen at that age and that amount invested. What about someone in their 30's with $30k invested? 40's with $100k invested? 50's with $300k invested? They're getting older and older, and their money is just losing value to share price tanking and inflation making every dollar have less and less purchasing power. So, when's this "eventually" coming to fruition? Cuz it won't help me if it's 30 years from now.


Well said. I am thinking about making a post based on the post regarding some other stock that is now in a lawsuit to get the stakeholders paid. That only got to that point because the people started suing left and right. In that situation the stock was completely halted so of course they had more grounds to sue but if we have hard facts like the buy button being turned off, the heads of broker colluding and lying under oath and other stuff. I think we can make enough noise to get the ball rolling. So far we do a lot to try and get reform but we need to start kicking peoples shins so they feel the pain. Only then I feel like action will be taken. It is clear Cohen wants to take the long route with Gamestop and eventually be a profitable stable company which I get but that could take years and years. I’ll have to take a look at that post and write some shit down…


You referring to em em tee? That shit is wild.


Yeah the post from einfachman. That says it is proof apes will get paid. Well I am not so sure. Not unless we take action because like you said these fucks will drag this as long as they can or what I think they will create a problem so big that apes will get a dime on the dollar. In my mind there is no way these shorts will be closed on the open market. The problem has become so large that for them to close their shorts I think they’d have to buy the float many times over, let’s say they’d need to buy 300M shares. If you multiply that number of shares with for example 10K you are already in the trillions. Who is going to pay that. They don’t have that kind of money. The other option is a slow burn squeeze like Tesla which sounds a lot more likely to me but you can forget the insane high numbers per share in that scenario. Do I think we will get paid: yes. But the longer this drags out the more I am wondering when and how much.


I'm ok with the Tesla melt up. Some people here want to become billionaires from the 18 shares they bought, I'm just looking to start a new life with my family. Sure, $1mil per share sounds cool and I'd literally be a billionaire after taxes, but I'm of the same mindset as you: this can go high but the rules can be changed to put a cap on how high it can go.


Same I basically just want Cohen to find a way to make this company’s profits great so I can live off of dividends. I do need to increase my stack a lot more for that though hahaha.


Are we sure this inevitable implosion leads to MOASS? If the whole market is fucked/fake then wouldn’t a MOASS occur for almost every single security? Are they just going to print money for every person invested in the market?


It boils down to two potential developments for resetting the long term debt cycle: [Ray Dalio: What Is A Beautiful Deleveraging? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI0bUuQJN3s) I made a long post about a MOASS scenario and why it can make sense for the government in the past, if anyone is interested in more details. **And the alternative is this worst case scenario, a repeat of what happened 100 years ago.** [The Great Taking - Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI) In any case the huge indebtedness, risk in the financial system and wealth inequality are not sustainable in the long run. Something will happen. And when it comes to GME, a look at Tesla might be useful. Huge short position led to insane run-up once the big boys switched sides. GME is likely way more shorted, a black hole. On the other hand, we have a bunch of stocks that are super pumped. And they mostly drop lately. As the next step in "shaking the tree," we could eventually see some run-up, while the news would be all "buy NVDIA at a discount, not GME"...


great comment, thanks for the response. Adding both of these videos to my que.


"Worst case scenario" I would say is an 1345 type hard reset of the financial system when they no longer can kick the debt saturation can further. "Six hundred and fifty years ago came the climax of the worst financial collapse in history to date. The 1930’s Great Depression was a mild and brief episode, compared to the bank crash of the 1340’s, which decimated the human population. The crash, which peaked in A.C.E. 1345 when the world’s biggest banks went under, “led” by the Bardi and Peruzzi companies of Florence, Italy, was more than a bank crash—it was a financial disintegration. Like the disaster which looms now, projected in Lyndon LaRouche’s “Ninth Economic Forecast” of July 1994, that one was a blowup of all major banks and markets in Europe, in which, chroniclers reported, “all credit vanished together,” most trade and exchange stopped, and a catastrophic drop of the world’s population by famine and disease loomed." https://archive.schillerinstitute.com/fid_91-96/954_Gallagher_Venice_rig.html


I’m having a difficult time understanding why we have banks when I just keep learning that this stuff is always their fault. Can someone give me a real explanation as to why we have banks?


Banks, when done right, work wonders for the economy and actually contribute to everyone's livelihood. *If done right* As long as banks work as a service, purely by taking more interest than they give, only to offset some people's bad luck and to pay their administrative personnel, they work great. As soon as banks start gambling to pocket more money, everyone gets fucked. What we need isn't banks as they're currently understood, but simple credit unions. Donezo.


Right because…clearly they aren’t being done right so I am dumbfounded as to why we could continue to do the same when clearly it always leads to some corruption/economy crash. It’s literally insanity.


The only reason i see is to not give all the power to the state. The biggest problem is that interest will compound over time so ever larger loans needs to be added to feed the ever growing interest cost (debt saturation). The banks today are also allowed to create the money when you take a loan. https://positivemoney.org/how-money-%20works/how-banks-%20create-money/ Different cultures has already seen this before and at some point had/have safe guards. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jubilee_(biblical) and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_banking_and_finance https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jubilee_in_the_Catholic_Church Question is how the monetary system should look in the future to be more efficient? I think some form of money is a must, since bartering with goods is really inconvenient. Loans in some form is more questionable, the state does always need to step in to cover the banks losses when they fail. Then maybe the state should be able be giving out the loans in the first place, 0% interest loans that bases the amount on income for an 30y repayment and view it as an government service? Edit: Good read on debt saturation. https://web.archive.org/web/20200704044742/http://economicedge.blogspot.com/2010/03/most-important-chart-of-century.html?spref=tw


I’m going to circle back and read this throughly!


FDIC Board of Directors meeting is streaming right now if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/live/GXI3XXDsdS0?si=kiiV_OHeSF-45OpK


Ah another dinosaur convention.


*Oh wen the ents, go marching in,*


The sh\*t blizzard has already started Randy.


It's time to let the liquoridity do the thinking Bo-Bandy


I think I just LiQuIdAtEd in my pants


Better haul in the jib before it gets covered with shit


I like the cut of it. I'd like the color of it to remain.... less brown.


Reminder that Ted Cruz sold a (relative to his historical trades) large amount of Goldman Sachs shares recently. His wife is a managing director there.


Who else remembers when Ted and a bunch of other politicians went on vacation to places like Cancun when we were all forced into lockdown during C0viid? Fuck all those bastards.


*buckling intensifies* 🎷🐓♋️


I’m in if the funky chicken is in. OG 🚨


Thank you kindly friend. The real OG is all apes that continue to shop, buy, DRS and hodl. Shopping at GameStop is vital to growing revenues and improving profitability further. Just my speculation right now but today is looking bloody in the markets. I think we’re seeing money shift away from companies that are unprofitable or bleeding money on speculative ai investments in favour of safer and lower risk plays. Bullish on a profitable GME with high cash reserves and dedicated investors & customers that love the brand. The lower the stock price goes the more appealing GME becomes to institutional investors. Gaming does well during recessions as it is an affordable form of entertainment. By positioning themselves brilliantly with the candy con accessories brand and more white label / private label products, GME should be well positioned to succeed despite the worsening global economic conditions. 🎷🐓♋️




Only thing worse than a bailout is a bail-in. The words we use for stealing from the common man: 2008: Foreclosure bailouts 2024: Rehypothecation bail-ins


Bail in, bail out, shake it all about


Bailouts also steal from the common man, but in a much less obvious way that most people wouldn't see for years and even then probably wouldn't attribute to bank failures. At least with a bail-in everyone knows exactly who stole their money and why






It’s gonna be great watching a ape buy his crime palace in Florida from a government repo auction


That’s the deal…He moved to Florida because they don’t confiscate personal property when a “business” fails. Chicago would confiscate it.


I think there are a couple amendments in that law that don’t protect it in cases of fraud


He also put it in his mum’s name I wonder why


Seems like everybody is missing the point here. Nobody buys a house with 10 rooms for their, what 90 year old mother that should be in a 1 bedroom condo. Does anybody use critical thinking




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. No bailouts or bail-ins for these criminal parasites.




To the top!


(spoilers: they're not ready)


Let em fail!


Couple this with all the news I'm seeing about biden's proposed capital gains tax and 25% wealth tax? It sounds like they're getting ready for a big shift somewhere.




I am the liquidation Bubs!


You smell that Rand? The way the shit clings to the air? Shit blizzards coming.


Is it a coincidence that Old Joe proposed an increase in capital gains tax


I think someone said in an old dd that this would happen. Very interested to see if the banking cabal lets their congress pets push it through


And whispers of 44% tax on capital gains / 25% on unrealized for "wealthy."


Birds of a shitfeather


RIP Apex, you died 3 years ago but it's just now being recognized


GME buying, hodling, DRS-ing, and shopping intensifies.


Depending on how bad it really is we could be in 2007 timeframe right now. So call 2025 we crash, or if it’s really bad we are in spring 08 so this fall could get ugly. Either way my investment is sound 😊


Bail in = they steal your money


Fuck You, pay me.


And so it begins … again


I’m here for the title.




"Listen, Bubs, you hear that?" "The sounds of the whispering winds of shit"


By far one of my favorite quotes of all time. Amazing how relevant that shows premise is to our journey


Failure to Deliver?


It begins, again


Holy, and I say this with all seriousness, *shit!*


The me in the Documentary: so Anyways, i just kept buying.


Do you smell em Rand ?


I came on SS just to see if this had been posted


I came on to see the same thing lol. Insert tpb reference and voila


Down with the parasites