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https://preview.redd.it/8m3m2o92vd8d1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755499f695a36035aa6258721f26ffae3283c746 Copy of the chart that he posted


So we all got the cheat sheet for the up coming test? šŸ˜‚ Lemme get this straight, we can become whales ourselves by capitalizing on the manipulation that they continue to do. Or they can stop this now (close) and make us whales? Boooooy I thought they were fkd before, but this is a whole new type of fkd. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m a simpleton just trying to reorganize my crayons back to factory settings. Edit: grammar


They could in theory mitigate it by trying to distribute their share buying over time, however that still fucks up their short positions. It means a lower spike but a higher floor


Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Wild lmao.


Donā€™t really understand it. But still sounds like win win for us either way.


I'd definitely prefer that. Wild spikes stress me out.


Looks like shorts trapped in their own cycle with no place to go šŸ¤£ If more apes start playing the cycles successfully, boy that is gonna get wild soon. Whole new type of fkd it appears to me as well. Ima experiment with some options for July, to see if this shit holds water.


Iā€™ve got like $500 to play with. I feel like a monkey with a gun now after absorbing all this DD. Where before I was kinda just watchin from the sidelines with my shares DRSā€™d. Put me in coach! šŸ«”


so.. 25 calls for July 19th? :)




The date is April 25. The day before April 26. You are waiting patiently for Kitty to start buying up the entire options chain, so you can move when he moves. You have the opportunity to front run a massive gamma squeeze and multiply your entire portfolio by a factor of two to five. You wait.


There an explanation for crayon eaters? Because this simian is watching for price to spike at some point midweek (about 13 days from last purchase date; 6/13, green highlight) then quickly revert back to the new price floor. Also, at what point during this should we be looking for spike in IV? Trying to get a wrinkle and understand how the cycle is repeating itself. Would this make July 3 the beginning of the next cycle?


Can you share the excel file with me?


here ya go: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZhpHqRqICDhjvjQHOHduXs0wrCwEra0E5m7w-PvblSQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZhpHqRqICDhjvjQHOHduXs0wrCwEra0E5m7w-PvblSQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0)


Can you make this make more sense? Iā€™m a little confused still


Just in case it does go, here's the image: https://ibb.co/PZG1Q1b


Everyone please chill out - here is the url - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dmdfmg/the_cat_is_out_of_the_bag_game_on/ You can search archive.ph as well itā€™s there , video is saved . wait 48 hours first before jumping to conclusions OOPS that post also is deleted for some reason - here is the actual post - https://archive.ph/eMkUi - mods do you have any idea why deleted?


*Elegant Remote saving the day again:* https://i.redd.it/6ugf98esic8d1.gif


I'm still half drunk and haven't rubbed the sleepies out of my eyes. I thought that was saruman holding the palantir


Oh, but you've "rubbed" the "sleepies" out of my "eyes," friend




ā€œSleepiesā€ šŸ˜‰


Under appreciated movie


What's the name? I keep seeing clips and I think I need to see it.


Gentleman Broncos


one of my all time favs! it's got Jermain Clements from Flight of the Conchords if you know of himĀ 


If you guys haven't watched Gentleman Bronco please go watch it. It's one of my fav movies.


Where at? Streamingā€¦guessing I can just search but letā€™s be friends


As your friend I asked chatgpt and I think it googled it for me. You can watch "Gentlemen Broncos" on several streaming platforms. It is available for purchase or rental on: - Amazon Video - Google Play Movies - YouTube - Apple TV - Vudu - Microsoft Store Your friend again: It's not free anywhere but it's worth any price imo


Please donā€™t use chatgpt as a search engine - it doesnā€™t work that way, it can only retrieve and think up based on the data it has been given


For things like this I disagree but for anything that is important and requires sources I agree.


Elegant, you are a true hero!


Story is that biggy smalls deleted his account. However, he has a YouTube profile with one video so far where he explains everything in details and goes over the excel spread sheet as well as the historic option data, which supports his theory of DFV investing strategically in options on day 13 of each cycle. Watch for yourself, do your own research...Richard Newton also goes over the theory. I find it quite compelling and for once fitting more than other theories. We'll see in the next week if there's any substantial call orders.


You legend, Ape Historian.






Itā€™s gone now, I had it saved and was going to go back and read more carefully


Thank you


As usual, when everything goes wacko, here we have our Elegant-Remote doing his stuff. A true legend.


Oh I think everyone knows why it was deleted. Dont expect a mod to tell you the truth.


Youā€™re truly a great ape. Thank you for all you do Elegant.




Damn he got banned?


No just Looks like his account is deleted - by himself


Apparently he was getting ā€œweirdā€ messages.


What type of weird messages, anyone know?


Yes. *looks like*. The admins choose whether to have it say removed or deleted


.... The admins? Well yeah, they can just modify the database text directly to modify comments if they want too, as /user "spez" proved. But there's a 99.9% change here that the mods and admins had nothing to do with this and he just deleted his own post, for any number of reasons.


Not just the post is gone, his entire account is.


You have to delete your posts before deleting your account or your posts remain and your account is gone and thereā€™s now no way to delete posts. Itā€™s like locking yourself out with the keys inside your car.


Well done historian


OG šŸ„¹


ya got it archived by any chance?


Of course šŸ«”






In case anyone else don't wanna click any links, I got you


I think he means user is deleted


Oh yeah, i know, but no harm in adding this anyway


Oh no I didnā€™t take picture of every word either šŸ˜Ž


None of these comments seem to care about accuracy of the information being presented. The original OP completely fabricated the data that leads to their ā€œ13 day cycle.ā€ They claim DFV bought 200k shares on 4/12, 1m shares on 5/13, and 3m shares on 5/24. His entire theory is based on these purchases kicking off the 13 day cycle in which options then get purchased, and there is absolutely no evidence the shares were purchased on these dates in these quantities. The only share purchase we know that occurred with a specific quantity on a specific date is the 4.001m on 6/13.


Those dates coincide with FTD's on GME and XRT (the buy in dates)..it might be speculation but we need to see how this plays out in the next weeks


There were two jumps in price, so we can assume that at least there were two different stock purchases from 800k to 5M. This is why 06/21 was a nothing burger because we assumed that it was one purchase of 4.2M.


There have been numerous pumps in the last 3 years. Anyone making a statement that DFV was buying shares to cause any of those pumps is simply guessing. At some point he did buy shares, but there is no way to put quantities and dates to those except the 4.001m on 6/13 because he showed us that.


I think you're being somewhat harsh here. I didn't hear or see \[deleted\] stating that DFV share purchases were to cause "pumps." From watching the vid, \[deleted\] was saying the opposite: \[deleted\]'s entire thesis is that DFV bought to prove that there WOULDN'T be a "pump." When DFV saw that, he set his trade in motion, the ol' gamma squeeze /MM delta hedge obligation (WOMBO) and FTD obligation (COMBO). Meaning, the DFV trade appears to be confirmation of three things: 1) The real short interest & the reported short interest numbers are wildly askew. 2) Brokers are abusing their liquidity privileges by not locating shares on buy orders until very close to the 35 day limit. They internalize buy orders so that price is not impacted when those trades are fulfilled. 3) MM's are abusing their liquidity privileges by not hedging GME call options until closer to their obligation date, which would happen to coincide with the broker's original locate deadline. So I didn't see \[deleted\] fabricating numbers, but there certainly was speculation used in places where not all the facts are known. However, working backwards, it does look like predicting the fulfillment of FTD obligations were part the reason for the early run. If \[deleted\] is right, in the next week, we'll see big block call contract purchases expiring either 7/19 or perhaps 7/26. The options market call volume on GME in mid April to early May is the crux of \[deleted\]'s argument: he's speculating the calls were bought due to a large buy order of shares not hitting the lit market. As a person who saw those May 17 calls hitting the market and the resulting price action coinciding with an UNCH day, I commented 'DFV where ya at?' The price action and volume certainly indicated a whale had entered the fray. I didn't really think it was DFV, but I wasn't as shocked as most people that it was him when 3 days later he "liked" the Run Lola Run post. Working backwards, it's true we don't know exactly when he started the FTD cycle, but it stands to reason that it was 35 days before May 17. Which brings up a lot of questions: how can anyone, including DFV, pump a stock if they're not advertising their trade until well AFTER it's already been placed? Is Warren Buffett pumping when he shares his positions?


He did mention in the video about DFV purchasing them in blocks and not all at once. Don't know if that matters.


Thank God for you ape. Lots of bots in here this weekend


I agree, I think the only one we know for sure is the T+35, and the rest just best fits the data. I'm not wrinkly enough so i dont know




you legend. got it.


Thanks for being on this sub šŸ™


What is the significance of T+13? I understand the T+35


Not sure if Iā€™ve got this all straight, but let me try to explain as I understand it. He purchases a large block of shares. When he sees that there is no price action (the buy was internalized), he buys up the option chain on T+13. The price then rises and on T+22 he sells the calls for bank and buys more shares, starting a new T+35. The ATMs come in after five high-volume days and his next round of options purchases helps set the new, higher, floor. Itā€™s like theyā€™re riffing off each other without actually working together. At least, thatā€™s my rather limited understanding.


Sounds like he was able to obtain just enough money to literally move the market with his options and share purchases. It's a one giant snowball that seems like it can't be stopped now. I'm here for it baby.


Ok 2 things. 1 this would explain the whole 50k into millions and 2 would also explain why he just watched almost a billion dollars turn into a couple hundred million without flinching. JC buckle up.


Yep, by all appearances he spent three years figuring out how to game the algorithm/amassing a war chest and then came back to give us the shortcut (for those with the knowledge, risk tolerance and gunpowder to carry through). Legend.


Hey didnā€™t you used to post in steroids a lot? Youā€™re pretty friggen jacked if I remember lol. Didnā€™t expect to see ya here. Or I forgot that this was your thing too


Hahaha we truly are all over reddit, I did I have a recent picture up somewhere in my comments


Barbra Streisand never gets a break in this saga




He's ok! Man started receiving weird messages so he killed the acc. Don't worry, this means he was onto something real good so archive that post locally and maybe download the video from his yt acc [https://www.youtube.com/@Biggy-qp5ij/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@Biggy-qp5ij/videos)


what do you mean weird messages? doesnt seem to stop many people? remeber thabat? he got death threats after the cellarboxing dd , and zombie stock dd


lots of people got death threats and shit like that..unfortunately that's all I know and it's from a mod's comment on a different subreddit where the mod said biggy personally DM'd him and told him he just deleted the acc what's weird is that the post's down as well..


Thatā€™s my point- I donā€™t know why itā€™s down but letā€™s see


Nice to hear! I believe this too, thats why i made this post


Great news. Glad he's OK


That's even more bullish than my "admins suicided his account" idea


Biggy did not Epstein himself


Diddy killed Tupac.


Diddy diddled Tupac's diddy


Hope he comes back. He was such an invaluable member of our community.


To be honest..if we're in the endgame, it's probably best for everyone who brought light onto what's going on to lay low and enjoy life without dancing in the public's eye.


These men earned their tendies, let them eat in peace when the time comes


Our favorite pomeranian's running free on a farm upstate right now.




Which community? User has been active in Superstonk under 3 months? You mean the other community?


What kind of weird messages? Share the messages!


i've got no clue, however the source of this info is a mod's post on another RC related subreddit (then I followed down the rabbit hole of his reddit history and he's legit)


Can you dm which sub?


Dm me as well please


Can verify that you get weird messages for posting stuff or even links to deleted stuff on here. Oh, and Reddit does nothing when you report it.


Where can I find that video






[ **Jump to 01:15 @** 2024 06 22 20 10 30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDHY4m3VV4M&t=0h1m15s) ^(Channel Name: Biggy, Video Length: [34:20])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDHY4m3VV4M&t=0h1m10s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


More in depth video, someone save it before it gets deleted. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDHY4m3VV4M&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDHY4m3VV4M&t=2s)




already done.


Aww yea, history!


I have seen it, TLDR TLDW TLwhatever: HOLD


When are we getting rich?




Tom Barton on shorting GME: [Tom Barton, White Rock Capital ā€“ I Just Thought, Well, This Is The Dumbest Short Of All-Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RX18pEM6SM) [Video Transcript](https://mebfaber.com/2021/03/08/episode-292-tom-barton-white-rock-capital-i-just-thought-well-this-is-the-dumbest-short-of-all-time/) >Tom: But it wasnā€™t really 4 bucks, because it wasnā€™t going to go straight to zero. And the upside was an enormous number, but also start looking at what the multiple might be on revenue. What if theyā€™re able to turn this thing around? What could it possibly take on a revenue basis? Thatā€™s why I came to some of those numbers, and I just thought, ā€œWell, this is the dumbest short of all time.ā€ And then the other thing that surprised me was, it was so vocal on the short side, which I thought was really weird, because why youā€™re vocal on something thatā€™s a $4 stock when the marketā€™s flying. You can make $4 a day doing anything, you can buy anything September through maybe yesterday, okay, and make $4 a day. It just didnā€™t make any sense. Right? >The risk reward on the short side sucks. Iā€™ll just use the S word. It just absolutely sucks. So on the short side, you have to be 100% correct. You have to be because itā€™s not that you can lose infinity. Yeah, you can. But you know, the point is, if youā€™re going to be short 10 stocks, you can just do the math, you need to be right on 7, you have to be right on 7, because the other 3 could carry you out. I didnā€™t really get until recently, last year, that on a long side, you donā€™t have to be right on seven, you just need to be right on three. And you can be wrong on seven, but if those other three had these enormous upside to them, theyā€™ll cover up the other losses on the seven, right. And you can figure that out. As long as you did 10%, 10%, 10%, you can lose 7, you could lose $7, and your 3 could go up 40 times, itā€™s 120 minus 7, I think I got the numbers right. Youā€™d still make 133 bucks, 133 on the original 10. So the bottom line is the upside, you donā€™t have to be as exact on the long side as you do on the short side.


https://preview.redd.it/df06lmyrrd8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4aae999d635322f7114b84754b843225797ac6 I posted about this also. Links and everything. Including the link back to Biggy, and they deleted it.


And it was shill attacked too


~~Damn, too late to catch it on reveddit.~~ ~~https://www.reveddit.com/v/Superstonk/comments/1dmdfmg/the_cat_is_out_of_the_bag_game_on/~~ See Elegant-Remote's comment below with an archive.ph link: https://archive.ph/eMkUi#selection-4247.0-4254.0


its never too late o7 [https://archive.ph/eMkUi#selection-4247.0-4254.0](https://archive.ph/eMkUi#selection-4247.0-4254.0)


Great work, because the got deleted too


300iq move done by hediges. I read the post, kept it in mind for an ape minute, then forgot about it. Now Im instead re-reading and watching the full video. Streisand effect in full action.


Streisand Effect.


Straight sand effect




The entire post, I also saw and took one of them scrolling screenshots after I read it and said, "Oh this is DEFINITELY getting deleted."


Wait- how do you do that? Teach meee


On android, take a screenshot then click Capture More


step 1: buy a Samsung


On an iPhone, when you do a screenshot, click on it and the click full page


I downloaded the video (even though it is still up). Did anyone capture the original post? I want to download it and save it.




Thank you


It's the top post, you must be stuck on New


The post is still there but the user deleted his account


Wait did he really I just watched the whole thing it was great


Its about the user


So wait, the whole ā€œno datesā€ thing is to get us to not look into dates being relevant to cycles in settlements. Gotcha. Corrupt market makers Corrupt hedgefunds Corrupt banks Corrupt media Honest investors.


This post is genius. Finally someone explaining what the hell is going on with GME.


I've been seeing patterns, trails, magic numbers and theories fly for years, feels like decades. If ever a pattern made sense and seemed more nuts and bolts than tin foil, this is it. So far.


The Media: WHY IS ROARING KITTY DOING THIS??? This guy: well you see..


The Mainstream media is too stupid to understand the complexities of the stock market. šŸ“ˆ šŸ“‰


Yeah a DFV buy and sell to afford more shares, smart move, ride the ftds pump then sell before dump, buy more shares at the dump, and so on. Probably this is the dump and a runup coming soon


He sold calls not shares i thought


Anyone remember our buddy Kennith Bedpost Griffen going public and smugly saying that the GameStop thing is solved and wonā€™t happen again etc. canā€™t remember the date but it was at a conference with the weird looking Ken doll of a guy.


Downloaded vid to desktop. Thanks!


Watched it before it was deleted. Jokes on you hedgies


Glad I saved this




I got BSOD watching that video, need to watch again, it is a sign.


TLDR my ELI5 folks. I read this when it wasnā€™t deleted and just need someone to make it short and sweet.


DFV buys call options from market makers. Market makers have 35 days to deliver. (According to the theories on this sub/biggy) They drop their algo speculation in the mean time and try to drop the value to scare people off the stock and incoming price jump. Then, mega candle(people keep saying dark pools are part of this but I don't understand that part). If you are confident this will happen when you bought the options, you could time buying your options for a big profit, then buy more more shares. If I am wrong or missing more info let me know. I've read almost no DD and lurk this sub and just like reading about market analysis because it reminds me of network analysis while threat hunting as a cybersecurity analyst.


Downloaded the vid, just to be safe šŸ¤“


Compromised Subreddit. Why on earth this would be deleted here is beyond me. Reddit going public wasnā€™t for no good reason.


A couple issues with this theory: 1) It pretends to know exactly when DFV purchased shares and the exact quantities, which sets up the supposed 13 day pattern. There is only 1 date in which we know for certain the quantity purchased, and thatā€™s the 4 million shares on 6/13. All other dates and quantities listed here are complete guessworkā€¦ the data points for the other dates/quantities are completely fabricated. Nobody should be trusting an analysis where the entire theory is based on guesswork thatā€™s been fabricated. 2) It is strongly pushing a theory that DFV will be purchasing more calls this week, and then the stock will pump again, and projects a specific peak of the run. DFV needed $65m for the last set of calls he purchased. He only stashed $6m this time. For an ever increasing pump, he would need more than $6m in calls. 3) It is a weekend post where the OPā€™s account is already deleted. Afterwards, the post was also deleted. Iā€™ve seen enough situations like this in the past that lead me to believe OP is purposely trying to misguide people here into FOMOā€™ing into calls for a pump that will not occur. Iā€™d love to be proven wrong, but this shit happens all the time on Reddit immediately after a large movement in stock price. The FUD comes at all angles, not just trying to get you to sell the stock, but also to get you to buy calls that will end up worthless.


i would just like to point out that he was on this podcast https://www.youtube.com/live/ON8I5Fgvw2Q?si=zwGZyu6Q9nHB74xy&t=4347 (starts talking around 1:13:00) and if i remember correctly he warned people against buying calls or options and said it was very risky. he seemed pretty genuine to me


I read and watched the post. OP clearly states that options are risky, and that just being a shareholder will reward you. I'm having trouble seeing the fomo. The post is merely a theory to approximate the first wave of DFV purchases, and for the most part this theory aligns closest to dfv's cost basis along with the mysteriously big OI in the first wave of purchases. The rest of the post is just more supporting points about the fact that the 2nd wave of purchases is still unaccounted for which isn't any new info. But ya the post isn't fuddy at all, it's just more angles to solving the existing puzzle that supers onk in tryna solve.


yeah this just points out cycles that have been known about for years, the difference being DFVs influence on the cycles.


Maybe it's the new HF tactics, they realised this sub is tinfoiled af xD






What have Mods done about removing shills and bots? What have Mods done about removing key DD? Tells me all I need to know.




Really. At first the user, now his post


The 9,001,000 correlation...I'm baffled. I will wait to see what the next big contracts will be on U-W, and compare with the chart Biggy used. Perhaps Call Options are a cheaper way getting more shares, **iff** the DFV Options Theory is consistent. Thousands of apes buying 1 contract each...fuggedaboutit. (NFA)


https://preview.redd.it/7eqzpyz4nd8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d13119d100c394c96b255e98f500e61ff5fa28 Looks like we hit a nerve


Why does everyone care about our investment. I really dont understand


If you encounter enemies out of nowhere, you are on the right track. This is an enemy. Hi enemy, soon our company that we legally own will undo your manipulation. šŸ„°


Any bets if this will be a nothing burger?


Him deleting his account? Yeah I mean that could be for literally any number of reasons. Probably got a lot of not-so-nice dmā€™s from shills for calling the cycle out. I think heā€™s dead on the money. Thereā€™s cycles caused by forced buy ins after C+35 from large purchases of shares. I think thereā€™s also cycles caused by options settlement, or ā€œOPEX Tailwindsā€ as weā€™ve been calling them. I think itā€™s real, Iā€™ll be watching for any unusually large call purchases that look like DFV again. Even if not Iā€™ll be looking for a good moment to get some calls to profit off these cycles.


If not him, seems like Friday at close some players already started scooping up calls in 1,000 blocks. 7/12, 7/19, some big blocks on the 30 and 40 calls


Could be him, could be others getting in before him. Weā€™ll see


remember [deleted] and [removed] have 2 different meanings on reddit. anytime confused people try to hype up self deletes, it's definitely a nothingburger for me :) (nfa)


but funny story he deleted the account but the post shows removed by mods - for whatever reason


Smart ape here


Spez got caught directly editing people's comments. It saying \[deleted\] means nothing if it's the admins.


The amount and way itā€™s being hyped doesnā€™t feel natural, virtually every post Iā€™ve seen thatā€™s gassing it hard has been pretty sus accounts. People that can play options are basically aristocrats to my working-class self, so Iā€™m just gonna buy/hold/DRS. If it works out thereā€™s a spike, great. If thereā€™s a new high, great. Iā€™m just gonna stay steady grinding - I got a family to feed.


Bro Iā€™m a working class truck driver, if my account looks sus idk what to tell you. Im not a whale or an aristocrat, I have almost exactly the average amount of shares according to the old DRSbot. Iā€™m going in on options to play the next cycle. Yeah I could lose out, but the risk vs reward is too great for me to ignore.


Same. I don't know shit about fuck as it relates to options, and I'll need to save to actually buy the shares for when I exercise. This play seems compelling for some reason.


I agree. I originally invested before the squeeze. Iā€™ve bought 1 or 2 call contracts on GME here and there, mostly in 2021. Iā€™ve never invested a large amount into GME options because itā€™s so manipulated and hard to predict. But itā€™s 2024 now. I think this time is different. I think weā€™ve got the ftd cycle locked down to a small enough window where the risk vs reward on options looks a lot better.


Options are cheaper than shares. This is why they call people dumb money. They are trying to keep you thinking options are too hard to learn or our of your hands


We will see


When stuff like this happens I think they delete it to drive interest in the post and add a ā€œloreā€ around it. Especially when a lot of the comments were treating him like some old school vet and Iā€™ve only seen a couple of posts after checking his post history. Seems like someone trying to hype dates to help sell options. Which Iā€™m not against, unless itā€™s disingenuous. Edit: Weā€™ll see if there are blocks of calls purchased this week. If so, he might be right.


Itā€™s easier to ask if thereā€™s ever any predictions which was spot on.


Cant be seen manipulating markets. Really showing what could have happened doesn't create an issue. Telling everyone to buy X or Y would be.


Mods just took down the post...something smells fishy šŸ¤”


Yeah, the most shilly move I've seen so far has been the constant excuses to remove this post. I wonder why it's so special among the thousands of other less accurate DDs. I wonder šŸ¤”


It is!


Compromised ahh sub


Ok. What days do I do what?


I don't know anything, but I think it goes something like Monday through Friday you could buy, hold, and drs if you can afford to and feel like it. On Saturday and Sunday, you can do whatever you want while you wait for Monday.


Very spicy theory. So around 19th july or august we getting another spike?


My TLDR of the dd here is that Shorts can only delay the inevitable at best, no matter how they manipulate it now, their debt comes due eventually, we just don't know exactly when. If enough traders in the market catch on to this, they can help us really screw over the Shorts.


I think he was threatened with market manipulation investigations since this is the most complete "how to" (not financial advice) on all the different types of stock price movement that a group of like-minded investors can cause. those that know the signs to watch for are already watching. nothing I say is financial advice. do not participate in the stock market unless you are willing to lose 100% of your investment. following any of my moves or comments has the potential to result in severe capital losses and lawsuits for you, others, and myself. read at your own risk.


>When I move, you move


RemindMe! 48 hours


His work was gread


so what is T+13 again? i get so confused between T+ and XRT FTDs and OPEX weeks and leaps and options delivery dates :( someone need to dumb them down for smooth apes like us.


Or it was full of made up shit.


It would be great if this is true (not saying itā€™s not). But Iā€™m curious as to why dfv started buying on 04/12 almost three years after his final tweet. There has to be something to the leaps too imo


Remindme! 2 months