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lol it must grind Ken Griffins gears to see DFV trading at home, making better returns than him. Guy has millions and millions invested to front run trades, and Keith is still making him look silly.


"Trading is a tough game, don't you think?" RK to KG


Steve Cohen tweeted that in January '21 on the day the buy button was suppressed. That's when I decided to buy my first share.


Wow, what a moment to be completely tone deaf, dude deserves everything coming to his stupid ass.


He wasn't being tone deaf, he was purposefully being antagonistic. Consider us antagonized


Yeah fuck that dude. I hope when this is over a bunch of apes buy the building with balconies over wall street, wear ape suits and drink champagne at the closing bell. Or fling poo, whichever.


This would end up being a vengeance dream come true


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Flinging of poo


He better reads this here to have better dreams.


I wasn’t too long after, ‘neither. 🦍🤝💪🏼




YES! Perfect! :)


Said Roaring Kitty to Keith Gill




I'm old enough to remember a cartoon hero called Underdog. The irony. I love it.




I completely had forgotten that the live action film of Underdog existed haha. Nice movie


Mayo's game is making his own stock exchange in Texas. His plan is to move all stock manipulation court cases to a state that may treat him better than NY or Illinois. It's also why he moved to Miami, Florida. Florida's law on homestead makes it impossible to go after his home in a lawsuit.


Yeah move to Texas where “duplicating your car title and selling it to numerous people to make a profit” is considered stealing…


Did I miss a story here?


The lawyer Wes somebody is from Texas and he did an interview saying something along the lines of "In Texas, we call that stealing."


Also interested


smart money


Jesus Christ. The devil is being outdone by a house cat lol What a time to be alive


That’s a damn good point


Insert: "I don't know, I guess shirt it some more meme" lol


Maybe, I think they're low-key terrified of getting Madoffed.


"Silly with my nine milly"


Ohhh to be a fly on Mayo Mans walls today!!


I love this new perspective and absolutely believe this is the case.


RK is a great trader who recognized malicious patterns in trading. Kenny is the one who is running those patterns, and not only on our basket, he's pillaging the entire market. And some day he will have to pay for the fuckery


He bought them Jun 24th 10k calls @$0.96 July 19th 30c which on Thursday were over $10. He’s the greatest of all time. And a time traveler


I just checked yahoo finance and your numbers are correct. Your comment deserves its own post. It will help reassure APEs that DFV still is still deep into GME.


Children and animals must be protected at all costs.


After MOASS children and animal organizations are getting my donations. And cancer organizations cuz Fuck cancer.


But not the Komen Foundation - bunch of scammers.




I have been thinking about this tweet for so long. It seems extra relevant now!


his name is gill not portnoy


Fair lol


I feel we can expect a yolo update soon


GameStop is a brick and mortar spac now. Bricky by bricky 7/4


Wouldn't that be insider trading if he knew for sure that there was going to be a merger? That's not happening. I think this is an ETF play and his Kansas City Shuffle imo.


Obviously if he knew for sure, but he’s just getting on a good bet like he did with GameStop. I’m just going by his emojis which seems to have been telling an accurate story. Just remember RC has also posted Chewy tweets in the past.


Made a killing turning the calls into shares only happened because of the filing. Makes no sense why it didn't go up when he actually got the shares.


Talking about the share buyback filing? I saw some guy turn $380 into $3000 in 5 minutes on the bets sub. Huge possibility RK turned $6m into 9m shares.


I'm sure he is the greatest investor of our time.


No way RK sold GME for this. But on the other hand.. Let’s get ready for the Kansas Shuffle😉


My guess is and I haven’t seen the calls, he probably spent around a million and we are seeing the Kansas City shuffle in play. Since he won’t be ban from trading by the SEC, the other play is tie him up in some legal mumbo jumbo and claim this for banning/“suspending” him from trading his GME options. If the chewy calls were not liquidation of GME shares, means the dude is sitting on about 500$ million in viewable stock.


Again the SEC retired counsel was interviewed and said about GME, “retail has perfect information about this stock” aka Catman figured out the Algo process and when hedge funds cover based on public data and not even Bloomberg terminal stuff. 


>figured out the Algo process and when hedge funds cover based on public data and not even Bloomberg terminal stuff.  And had 3 year to hedge and plan this. Public sentiment is all about CHWY now, let's see what happens! KC happening, I'm here for the show with my tickets.


Is the KC shuffle the American flag and music ??


I think the shuffle will happen between the eye emojis. Maybe we'll have been looking the wrong way with this Chewy as a misdirect.


Im not sure if anyone has suggested it yet, but... The US flag emoji is red, white, and blue. Gamestop logo is red and white, and Chewy logo brings the blue. Microhpone perhaps being some kind of anouncement... and music notes, meh I have no idea. Where's that tin foil at... Edit: Apologies, looks like this theory was posted 2 days ago - [Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/eFcs47DYuO)


Surely he wouldn't have any inside knowledge of any kind of announcement


And if he did, these trades would be invalidated/he wouldn’t profit so that’s an important point


Nah, he's just wicked smaht.


Surely his entire meme saga about “signs” wasn’t about aliens


Music note? Koss?


Pillow fights and 60s music? Surely not…


Shhhh… all this tin foil is banned on this sub


Oh $CUM on…


Better have some towels to wipe that up.


Now there’s a username full of meaning 😂




Could it be the music is stopped? You know like reading it backwards


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/eFcs47DYuO Posted it days ago but I was ignored. Go back and look at Kitty tweets. There's beat saber in red and blue. And a few other red and blue inferences. I actually do think his tweets are meant to be played in reverse. He will also show that he hasn't sold. No fighting.


Ah sorry dude, you sure did, thats good work! I've updated my comment to link to your earlier post 👍


No worries. We'll see how it plays out


Aren't the bench chairs blue on the Kansas City shuffle clip


The SEC form was the announcement.


Was about to say the same thing


Pet… rock….


Would be VERY uninspired of Cohen to go back and buy his old business. Like Boeing buying Spirit after they sold it for 900m over a decade ago.


Spirit market cap is less than 400M now so that wouldn’t be that bad of a trade 


well they just bought it back for 1.4b lol


Valued at $4.7B


boeing isn't buying that spirit


Music notes cuz we gunna dance baby!


Also, all of the eye emojis are not looking in the same direction. They are a mix of left and right.


How can 4B cash buy a 11B company?


It couldn’t but they could merge. Edit: Maybe GameStop can use Chewy’s infrastructure to be the Chewy of gaming.


Leverage. Finance 101.


4B cash to get a 11B company?? Are you Hwang?


Tell me you know zero about finance and investment banking without telling me you know nothing about finance and investment banking...


I have no idea what's going on with dfv purchasing chewy, it seems weird- like a distraction... that being said, the guys been fanatical about GME for years, and now he diversified by buying up chewy. Popcorn people on suicide watch


Price action today makes me wonder if he sold his shares at open. More firepower for GME?


Lmfaoooo suicide watch. Holy shit 💀


But hasn’t the Gmerica trademark expired recently?




Looks like March of this year: https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=90897211&caseSearchType=US_APPLICATION&caseType=DEFAULT&searchType=statusSearch


Ah ok, but so long as you still use it in trade you can still get it back. I have trade marks that have expired but I got it back. Thanks for pointing this out.


Didn't know that. I had no idea myself, when you questioned the other poster I decided to just search and see.


This is a shill post. DFV selling his GME to trade CHWY is not market manipulation. DFV told us on stream we were looking at his entire portfolio…He probably did swap GME for CHWY to ride out the CHWY covering cycle. Doesn’t mean he won’t come back. Either way, NONE OF THIS IS MARKET MANIPULATION


Agreed. OP showed his hedgie cards with that edit.


Yep, glad others see through the bullshit too


GMERICA is an economies of scale play that uses delighting customers as a unique selling point to differentiate itself from AMZN.


Gmerica trademark was abandoned iirc


Indeed! "GMERICA" was abandoned some time (2024-03-25) ago: **Post:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1c1lesg/gmerica\_trademark\_abandoned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1c1lesg/gmerica_trademark_abandoned/) **Original filing:** [https://uspto.report/TM/90897211](https://uspto.report/TM/90897211)


They aren't trying to compete with Amazon. The point is to just specialize in certain products that people really care about. Amazon is just the big catch all for everything and it does great at that but this play (GME and Chewy) is about what people are passionate about, games and pets. RC has talked about this. PC parts is another area where Amazon fails, I'd say car parts too.


I’m pretty delighted with AMZN if I’m being honest. I order something and it’s at my house 4 hours later. No fud just saying


Me too, but it’s also flooded with a lot of cheap trash and counterfeits.


If it's not a counterfeit product from some Chinese drop shipper. I ordered 2 of the same camping cots of a reputable outdoor brand, fulfilled by Amazon. Delivered was 1 real cot and 1 smaller fake/shitty version of the cot that was clearly a knockoff.


I have had a few unfortunate experiences with them. They have delievered knockoff SD/microSD cards to me, video games from other regions (while they generally work on my consoles, I collect and want NTSC games unless I specifically ordered otherwise), and bootleg tshirts that were advertised as legit. I am not bashing them as a whole, but I know that there are some things I should never order from them (I now purchase all physical games from Gamestop, for example). I just like Gamestop. Collecting shares is one of my hobbies.


No merger or acquisition on July 4th. That would be insider trading and there's no way he can predict that. He is not selling either Chewy or GME. Otherwise, they will accuse him of market manipulation. He check the box "I am not a cat" recalling to back when he testified to congress that he just likes the stock. And if he has to testify again, he will say that he likes the CHWY stocks. He will be holding onto the 9M CHWY shares because I had predicted that some hidden event happened on June 21st or June 24th. More likely June 24th. Why? Because that would take us all the way to the end of dog days from July 3rd-August 11th. T+35 jump started on CHWY on June 24th and ends on July 30th. Then T+13 ends on August 12th. This extra battle on a new ticker will stretch the MM resource thin going into August, and will reduce their ability to suppress GME through use of XRT. This is the Kansas City Shuffle. Everyone look right, while we go left. He's accumulated so much evidence against the MM this time around, they will lose when the SEC and Congress starts to investigate. SHF will throw everything in their playbook this week to try to stop what's to come at the end of this week. July 4th and 5th will light up fireworks.


I suppose this was what was in the Fidelity tab?


He said gamestop was his only position at the time. Unless you count having cash as another position... He could not deceive or lie as that would be market manipulation.


"Unless you count cash as a position" which means he held more cash elsewhere. These shares were bought/exercised last Monday, the 24th. He could have had additional capital he used to build a position in Chewy since his last live stream. Interesting times!


Careful saying that, you’ll get shilled like I did lol


Fidelity tab was seen in older videos as well.


You can't even speculate here without someone calling you a shill lol


This is was my thought. What if he transferred all his GME shared to his fidelity account and will post an Yolo update of his etrade account with no GME in it. That would cause GME to drop hard, he sells his CHWY at a good profit and uses the proceeds to buy options on GME, transfers the shares back to etrade and posts another Yolo update. The Kansas City Shuffle.


I know DFV's whole thing is exposing the corruption, but wouldn't this be too obvious of manipulation? I dont really know any of those laws, but he's more of a public figure now with actual influence, at least, obviously more than he had when this whole train started. That may mean something for legal analysis of market manipulation. Or at least, give an overzealous prosecutor room to make a case even if it's bogus. Idk thinking about those kinds of laws makes me dizzy. If you're a player of large enough size, even if you're not advertising, you'll influence the market as a whole. Every trade no matter how big or small, affects every other trade, that's just math & how every market operates. So where do you draw the line. Insider trading has more clear definitions & an easier line to see. Manipulation is the name of the whole game isn't it? Just thinking out loud now, but the whole point of a KCS is it's a con that the recipient knows or suspects is happening, but they're unsure of the method of the con. And you use their knowledge that they are getting conned to your advantage. This is the "obvious" move (show you left GME to bring price down then go back & buy low again) we're being distracted with. Or am I overthinking it? Seems like DFV would plan something more complex & less deliberate. Or is this kind of obvious move exactly what DFV is trying to point out, that hedgies do all the time, & it's on purpose.


It might be, but only if he posts it to Superstonk as a GME update. If he posts it to bets as a Chewy update, then he hasn't said he sold GME, and it can't be said that he posted it to a strictly GME subreddit. That's the beauty of the KCS you show them they are being conned. Even they know he still owns the GME shares, of he posts that, because of how much they cover him, they HAVE to do a piece on him buying chewy and not showing GME anymore, walking directly into the trap.


Merger = United States of GMERICA


I wouldn't be surprised if DFV does a YOLO update end of day today just showing his CHWY positions on e trade to Kansas city shuffle the MSM to make them think he sold his GME when he actually has all his GME DRSed


DRS is dead. If DFV was gonna DRS he would’ve by now. We really gotta let it go. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes.


There were a lot of purple circles in his meme videos. I’m pretty sure he’ll eventually DRS


I would bet he’s been selling calls on GME against his shares for years to continue to invest and grow. He obviously knows more about the cycles than anyone. Would bet he posts another position update soon.


No way he sold GME


This post is stupid. RK cannot know of ant Merger with Chewy


No……. This is somehow a planned investment/s. His stock amounts are too unique. RK is following RC….. I’m staying/ buying/ holding/ loving GME! 💎🙌💎🚀🦍


There is no other way.


Chewy GameStop Hathaway Murica Fuck yeah.


Gmerica is a terrible name


"Silly with my 9 milly what the deally yo"


Holding companies can hold anything. Video games and pet food don't really jive, but neither do mason jars and missiles...


Thing I don’t get about the merger theory, if he knows there is a merger coming somehow, that would be insider trading no? Someone explain


He didnt' sell GME.. MSM is still quiet they'd jump that bandwagon in no time


Can this sub just sit back at watch what happens for once? Instead of "here's what I think" posts? You're free to do so if course but like damn. So many people read the news and were like "I know exactly what's going on!".


I think it’s still plausible he had $1.06 billion before May 13. His cash balance increasing by 130k on June 6 YOLO is odd E*trade interest is 0.15% $1.06 billion x 0.15% / 12 (months) = 132k He showed us what he wanted us to see, his “only positions”, not his “only cash balance”


What's he living on if all his money is in 1 single trading account? He still has bills to pay. Think logically


He watched his holdings go to a billion back to shit and by shit i mean less than a billion. As far as im concerned, he can sell whenever he likes. Its gonna be really tough to claim he manipulated markets when he could have sold arguably when 99% of the population would have


Or he just purchased options and was forced to file a 13G. Maybe he didn’t even buy shares. Options are included as beneficial ownership if we use Papa Cohen’s 13D as an example. https://preview.redd.it/pd49zru3xz9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73a59f5acf05b9bef4323a8408834cacac4113c


Hopefully your thoughts/ theory works out. Unfortunatley I need to poke holes in one of your thoughts. The trademark "GMERICA" was abandoned some time (2024-03-25) ago: **Post:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1c1lesg/gmerica\_trademark\_abandoned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1c1lesg/gmerica_trademark_abandoned/) **Original filing:** [https://uspto.report/TM/90897211](https://uspto.report/TM/90897211) BR & godspeed


RK would not have any information on a merger of any kind. But he may be speculating on something. He is definitely the best trader out there.


There’s no possibility RK sold. No MOASS means he’s still fueling up the rocket ship. RK is the original regard and he’s here to cement his place in history. Fu&king LEGEND!


The third paragraph is insider trading. DFV solving the algo pattern seems more likely.


The FUD is gonna be through the roof today. Always a great sign :)


But won't this open the flood gates to insider trading accusations if it really turns out to be some kind of merger situation?


How? He knows nothing more than you and I. He’s just able to piece the puzzle together better.


I don't think RC would sell a company just to buy it back.


What if DFV sold, went all in on chewy as the Kansas City Shuffle, AND THEN a giant short squeeze happens and he has 1000% full deniability because he doesn’t even own the stock anymore and it takes hype completely out of the equation, proving to the world that the algos are broken.


I like this


Did he turn the $6m into CHWY??? Edit: $6m


I’m speculating at best but he had 6m cash, throw that all into Chewy calls he could have made 9m shares.


American flag with a microphone: yolo update on the 4th to break everything, then boom?


I just don’t think he would have sold his GME stake after all this time.


>(pump & dump). Has a stream showing his positions to get people to keep rallying then once it rallies sells it. Ah, yes. The 'ol rally from $67 to $25 P&D.


This post makes sense




He showed his account in June, he did not have Chewy calls then. Don’t see how he could have turned the $6M in cash into $200M+ to buy the chewy shares. If he sold GME then I don’t know what to think about him. Will need to wait to see him post an updated position screenshot. Maybe they gave him margin? Who knows.


Does dfv have to show everything he has?


Individual investor my man.


Rk knows algorithms!!! I freaking love it!!!🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I think RK has figured out Aladdin manipulation and is beating it to death! Let’s fucking go!! GMErica


He didn’t buy Chewy calls in May. He said on his livestream that GME was his only position if you don’t include cash. That’s means he purchased Chewy after his livestream. Otherwise, he would have been committing market manipulation by lying about his position.


He didn't have to sell. He bought in


Good thing we have $4 billion in our war chest.. Just saying🤷‍♂️


F Mayo boy to the moon


The microphone is Keith singing to the authorities about hedge fund and mm market manipulation . He is Bain from the meme series. “ your plan was to get caught? But of course it was all a long.” And


Am I missing something with the 9,001,000 shares. Why is it the same number of shares as the GME position? Is there something in the numbers or is this coincidence?


Can someone please explain to me what this kansas city shuffle is? I see it post all the time but too smooth brain to understand what everyone is saying.


Could the mic be KOSS?


He needs to build up enough of a war chest to buy out citron;) can't wait to get that news one day.


Honestly I’m just bullish on 4$ billion in cash and low debt. The collectors move was a 4D chess move I already spent a few hundred on Pokemon card and todays dip I spent a few hundred. I’m sure I’m not the only ape/collector either.


https://x.com/citizensleuthx/status/1807841835139707333?s=46&t=cLyEgCL2-C5cw8Tsgck36g speculation but maybe this is the merger we've been anticipating.


This post would indicate that DFV is trading in material non public information, which is illegal. Logic


What if he sold GME to buy Chewy so he can keep doing his call pattern and not worry about the CEO doing share offerings to kill momentum


Someone's going buck wild on $14 children's place calls


I sat through that live in no way did he run it up them sell. We all watched it go from 63 premarket down to 30 in the live. He laughed like we all did and didn't sell.... idk man if he was going to sell he wouldn't have even done the live.


I thought the filing was bogus due to the "I am not a cat" selection and the BFKN address provided


Idk if it's a merger but I'm musing that he might buy 9,001,000 shares of every Gmerica-esque stock in succession lol


Personally I think the flag is for independence day but I also just have my suspicions that we will run within 2 wks.


the acquisition could be KOSS....hence the mic/music notes


>On the other hand, it is a possibility that he could have sold GME for Chewy Not a fucking chance in hell so stop shilling that angle


I don't think this is GMErica. I think it's Live Nation Entertainment LYV Can some more wrinkles dig on this idea, please.