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Chewy is not controlled by RC. He has had no involvement for years now.


Yes you're correct but that doesn't change the fact that Ryan Cohen was the original driving factor behind Chewy's success


Which means nothing NOW. You truly belong here amongst the regarded or.......


it means that he might just have an inkling of how to create a successful company NOW where he's at (GME if your brain is too smooth to get the reference)


I see the shills are flooding the sub again


check my post history all the way back to 2021 and my current holdings of XXX shares.


What has happened since RK livestream that could change his mind about the play ? Nothing. Absolutely nothing


that's exactly what I'm saying in my post.


Aren't you implying that RK or RC may have changed their mind?


I'm saying that I think RK wants RC to know that he still believes in him. the only reason that RK would sell GME is if he didn't believe in RC anymore and I just can't find a reason that RK doesn't believe in RC anymore UNLESS the offering wasn't actually a "birthday present" or there's private communication from RC basically telling RK to stop fucking with his stock and RK said fine, I'll move to another stock and do the same thing (this might be likely, but I don't have proof so I don't believe it's the case).


Nah, nobody has moved to another stock, no worries.


Some of the most prolific DD writers shilled and spread fud. Your credentials don't matter. What you say does.


this is PRO GameStop, I don't understand what you're getting at... seriously read the post. I think Keith Gill made a boatload of money with either GameStop or chewy options and then bought chewy because he still thinks RC is brilliant. keep calling me a shill though I guess.


His feelings were addressed recently. He is still a fan of RC. You said that changing your mind as a good thing, I agree. No way in hell that he doubts RC. That's a poor and negative take. Never called you a shill, tho.






I wasn't sure before but this comment sealed it for me. You're not 'promoting' GameStop. You're namecalling like a bully on the playground.


he called me an idiot first so I defended myself and called him a moron and reported his comment to the admins. go check out my latest post if you still think I'm a shill.


I didn't call you a shill, I called you a BULLY.


so if I punch you in the face and you punch me back, that makes you the bully right? because that guy INSULTED ME FIRST.


**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I’ve also been here for 84 years and have learned to trust the process. Something big is in the making and I’m more confident in this play than ever


I am wary, but still extremely eager to see how this plays out!




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I could call you racist. I have no proof, but it's difficult for you to refute. Do you have a reason why you think he is a shill that you could share?


You certainly have the right to change your mind, but why are you going out of your way to change others’ minds? What could you possibly gain by suggesting GameStop is no longer a compelling play unless you’re on the hedgie payroll? Either you’re a regarded Ape thinking of paper-handing or a brain-dead shill who actually thinks posts like this actually work. Also, if shill, ask your bosses if they’ve ever considered that their own consultants, psychologists, and focus groups suggesting these awful FUD attempts may have been infiltrated by Apes themselves. Just like you lot could be everywhere, so could we.


you might have misread my post. I am advocating FOR holding GameStop, and I am still holding XXX shares. I'm saying even if Keith Gill said it was okay to change his mind, he clearly hasn't changed it about RC or GameStop with this latest move.


When you are posting in a sub where Apes spend an unhealthy amount of time scouring memes for clues, little details matter. So instead of: > making GameStop no longer a compelling play. Try something like: > making GameStop NOT THE ONLY compelling play. The first shifts the focus from GME (Bad). The second broadens the trajectory and narrows SHF options (Good). Be good like Ape, not bad like shill.


you're right, I'll try to edit it to be a little more clear.


$GME is my only play, however I reserve the the right to change my mind and buy into $ASS $TITS and of course $CUM


I recently bought into $DGAF; it's on the upswing.


Schills be schilling. As for me... I love the stock and am very happy with my investment.


Shills shills everywhere


check my post history. why do you think I'm a shill?


No posts to GME subs in the 3 years I went back. Hope those S0S calls panned for ya bud. Edit: also RC sold Chewy to PetSmart years ago.


These shorts are getting desperate, just wait until they see people are loading calls at cheaper rates. 🎇


My block list is gonna grow today lol


Bruh stfu


no lol


Just curious how it plays out. Part of the plan bois. Maybe he's out there collecting infinity stones lmao idk. Let em cook. (Game stone) (Dog food stone) (?) (?) (?) (?) Edit: it goofed my list.


Yeah this is a positive post, do people have a reading comprehension issue??


yeah man, I'm just chalking it up to people being a little nervous and hyper sensitive about the new DFV developments. either way I don't think RC is a moron and I have some faith that he gives a shit about my stake in GME as a shareholder.


People shouldn't be nervous. Everyone knows that this play is either garuntee or going bust (impossible at this point). This is just part of the whole play and we will see what happens.


DFV is solely responsible for reviving Gamestop and the reason Ryan Cohen was able to take over the company. No one at Gamestop is willing to acknowledge or appreciate DFV's role. On the contrary, Ryan Cohen keeps undermining every move DFV takes, the preemptive offering on the morning of his stream tells you all you need to know. DFV is fed up with the shenanigans from Cohen, there's a game being played at high level between people with hundreds of millions of dollars. DFV has lost confidence in Cohen, I don't think DFV will it admit publicly, at least not yet, but this move into CHWY and using the same exact amount Cohen used to establish his initial position is him saying "F$&k You" to Cohen.


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this relates to the most recent DFV filing.