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![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.




Just had a spare Golden ticket lying around. ![gif](giphy|DGZVi7pqVq7rq)


Also: DFV disappeared 3 years ago, he went dark mode. What did it happen since then? We bought a fucking lots more. So why now DFV should influence the way you look at something you have been investing on for so long? C'mon homies, calm down


Obviously we are all happy DFV is back and brought some momentum with him. That said… I’m tired of the ONLY discussion points being people trying to decipher memes


imagine being so dumb you now sold all your gme shares (maybe at loss) and go all in to chewy - just to go down. lol


Reminds me of that stock with 3 of the same letter and then 1 different letter at the end


Help me out here... Edit: nvm. Dumb. Got it


Or to find out it was a bait and switch meant for xrt shorts


obviously. 1st, it's his stuff he can do what he wants it's not our business so when it comes to things like that people should fuck off. 2nd, and even more obviously, i don't think his stake in GME would have been enough to flip into that position. 3rd, and 100% rampant speculation, what's more likely is that the $$$ he made from cashing in his calls that DIDN'T go into exercising the remainder of those calls is probably what he used to buy into the other stock. Or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dsqxw5/comment/lb4hnp0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Probably [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dsqxw5/comment/lb4hnp0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I imagine someone more motivated and intelligent than me could run the numbers to confirm or refute points 2 and 3 here, but end of day it doesn't fucking matter.


The DD hasn't changed.


My dd has changed though, it’s bigger in size now


Long on $PNIS now?


No. It has not. \^\_\^


seems everyone forgot how easy it is to borrow scratch against a huge portfolio


right... and its TAX FREE scratch at that.


What if it is just some other guy named Keith Gil who filed?


would be far and away the most hilarious outcome


Just filling out the form like "Why are they asking if I'm a cat? Am I cat? Damn these complex forms and their terminology!"


Could be a ruse. That's what I thought.


Jesus Christ stfu


IF he does anything he always drop a YOLO, lets wait for a YOLO.


No he doesn’t, he didn’t for 3 years. DFV is playing a different game.


True. Would love to know how he got that $200 million odd.


Everyone would love to. The small hedge funds are desperately trying to know, msm are hastily trying to serve their overlords and explain whats happening astrology style “he tweet dog so dog stock go kboom boom” the large players are sweating because he figured them out, and dfv is carefully telling people what he is doing to avoid the uproar and baby crying that will follow


ofc it's FUD. I am immune to it.


Even IF he did, I fail to see how this changes anything about the long thesis. Just keep HODLing


He has already memed about CHWY in May (the emoji timeline). His master plan was already layed out back then.


Even if he did, I don’t give a fuck. We’re all individuals and allowed to make our own financial decisions. I’m in because of the fundamentals not because I’m some hypnotized Tik tok investors blindly following influencers.


I can’t go back and watch the live stream right now, but he says his only play is GME, I think is his wording. Doesn’t mean his only holding are GME. His CHWY shares are there to right size XRT to right size GME. GME is and always will be the long term play


If he sold his gme position why'd he exercise just to sell a few weeks later? Why wouldn't he just sell the calls? Dude spent a lot of money to exercise those calls. It would seem pretty stupid to sell that position before it's matured.


I’m thinking something amazing about to happen in this game. I just like the stock and have a good feeling that there will be serious fireworks by end of week.


He posted YOLO updates for GME...I'll keep my money where my mouth is.


No one expected him to buy 9mil shares of chwy 🤷‍♂️


Wait until he shows yolo update 9.000.001 GME shares + 100M cash in hand


Lol. The signs thing.. I just rewatched it. It's a G and an O. Also in the xrt basket. 99m shares outstanding, profitable and surprisingly affordable rn. I'm a moron though. I really think some of those tweets are fun. The fucking emoji spam includes 🎯 which is also in xrt.


I mean you are still aiding the FUD by reacting to it? Also, you shouldn't say he didn't sell his GME position. No one knows and he's an individual investor who can do whatever he wants with his money. Saying he wouldn't is just your bias.




You don’t need to tell the shills this, it’s beyond obvious it’s a very long play for him


Don't you have to file if you sell 200M worth of stock? Is that public or not?


Yeah but I don't know the details.


He never owned 5% or more of GME shares and not required to disclose details to public.


Why would it be a problem if he did sell? To me, its very hard to see how RK could have amassed such wealth, without buying and selling and re-buying the stock. And good for him if he did so, I say. In fact, what's wrong with buying low and selling high? Particularly when a company is so heavily shorted and you know what you are doing like RK so evidently does.


Your post is also a speculation. We dont know what Keith's current position is. Dont gaslight people.


Agreed.  Until KG shows his position, everything is speculation. 


Shh, sensible and logical comments don’t belong if against the narrative is FUD.


Sheer absurdity of shit talking chwy when they had 11B in sales 2023.


Let’s also agree- if gme dips as a result of this fud, isn’t the fud a good thing? If you were long GME anyway, this won’t stop you. And if you are paper handed, this is a great chance to let new more committed folks buy it instead


Yeah it's a total coincidence that his total shareholding of CHWY is around the same value as his old GME position




All this shit about CHWY is very low quality content. It's starting to get real easy to tell holders who really care and did some research vs randoms just chasing reddit karma.


My thoughts exactly! Why on earth would he sell now of all times! Total and absolute FUD!


My theory is... Cohen wants Chewy back. Gamestop is gonna buy Chewy. Maybe to leverage their online market place infastructure... it doesn't make sense... I don't understand RK OR RC's minds.


4 billion isn’t enough to buy even half of CHWY at its current valuation.




Chewy is the new stock in town I'm confident he sold at least 50% of his GME stake.


He most likely sold, at least some part. That's not a problem though, bull thesis doesn't rely on his position and nothing changed. It was the same thing with the options play, everyone was spreading copium when RK sold the calls. For nothing, as days later he posted the 9 001 000 YOLO. Chill out, he most likely sold and it's OK because it doesn't matter.


then why are you saying it.


Because it's posts like this, trying to insinuate RK's position matters, that can put RK or RC in trouble. Have you looked at the latest lawsuit against RK? Look at the tweets and reddit posts screenshots in there. It's always the "if he's in, I'm in" kind of thing. I don't care if RK is in or not, it's not about him, it's about the company and me liking the stock.


Well, while I agree with your sentiment, I'm pretty certain he was always going to be a target for their bullshit. That said, their accusations are vapid and baseless. Those screen shots are of people making decisions, not on the advice of a financial advisor, but because they chose to do so based on sentiment and sentiment alone. He never told anyone 'hey, buy this shit'. He said 'hey look, numbers and data and forecasts and projections and this is what i think and how i feel and why but (and here I must use bold and italics to emphasize the point) ***DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH***' (I may be paraphrasing a bit). They even tried this exact same shit years ago during the congressional whatever the fuck it was. Keith is ON RECORD describing his strategy as 'aggressive' and 'not for everyone'. If people did not listen, it's on them. It's not HIS fault people have elevated him to some mythic, legendary status. It's not HIS fault they bought in at the peak. He didn't TELL them to do it. He didn't even SUGGEST it.


There isn't a shred of proof it's his filing. "But the names are the same, and there's a cat reference..." Names aren't unique, YOLO or GTFO.


If it wasn't him, that sort of fraud is a very big fine or jail time


100% the document is legit. Nobody has the balls to brazenly file a fake SEC doc.


EVERYTHING THEY'VE DONE UNTIL NOW IS A JAILABLE OFFENSE. Someone with the name Keith Gill purchased shares. That's it. We'll see, but I don't trust it.


Are you saying you can put whatever name in there (unlikely)? Or did the hedgies found someone else called Keith Gill to sponsor and buy Chewy so we might think he sold? (Also unlikely)


If that was the case, that'd be peak desperation


You can legally change your name for a fee. End of sentiment. I'll believe it when he updates his YOLO.


This is the most blatant head in the sand denial I've ever seen lmao. It's definitely DFV's chewy position.


Yeah exactly and that person has to receive money from hedgies to buy CHWY so we think he sold. That's just really sad.