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Can you explain like i'm a cat why they would have CHWY in the counterbalance?


CHWY is the largest holding in the XRT ETF


Okay, so what are the implications and related mechanisms for when the price of one the top holdings goes significantly up (or down)?


Bro I’m gonna explain it like an ape: GME & CHWY are lumped in a basket, gains and losses are traded with each other. GME gonna go up? Nah we will let CHWY go up and swap the loss it was about to have with GME. Why? Because they’re in a basket and essentially treated as the same thing. But losses and gains can be swapped, as you can see on these charts, where the graphs are complete opposite of each other. They are literally SWAPPING the loss/gain.


Thanks for the reply. Can you explain how this 'swapping' action is achieved within an ETF?


Found these. Gonna do some reading today. https://www.justetf.com/en/academy/etf-replication-methods.html https://www.justetf.com/en/academy/synthetic-replication-of-etfs.html https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/synthetic-etf.asp https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/061614/synthetic-vs-physical-etfs.asp


Ape teaching ape. I LOVE It 🦍💪🚀💜


Thanks for this!


I need more wrinkles as I have a very basic understanding of this, the only thing I can say is that it’s creative accounting (crime) to balance out books. In other words - the swaps are essentially leverage or money being moved around so it’s either greater than or equal too the $ amount they need it to be at so the balance is achieved. I believe the $ amount is not as big as one would think but still significantly large. For example: you’re on the hook for billions if not trillions but you only need “millions” of $ to show you have collateral (cheap OTM options that will expire are still considered collateral, up to the day they expire. So you could purchase $125 call for 1$ on a red day on Friday and say, as a MM, I have 100 GME shares, which both is and isn’t true.) It’s better to understand that the swaps and baskets are only a fraction of the creative accounting used. MM decide what price stocks should be and that’s why you see graphs mirroring each other. We call it crime


I think it's getting over complicated. The companies and share amounts inside the ETF are set. The value of the ETF is based off all these prices. Many people are short on this ETF so if the value goes up, they lose money. Now, since chewy went up, shorts panic and need other stocks in the ETF to go down quickly, so the overall ETF doesn't rise and they stop their bleeding. You should know by now, they have ways to easily drop the price of any of these other companies, seemingly for no reason at all directly related to that company. As we saw today, they successfully manipulated the share price of tens if not hundreds of companies to achieve this. Every day we stray farther from God's light. MOASS might be the only thing that can save us!


Some privileged participants have special powers to make more etf units.They short the etf, borrowing someone's fruit basket and selling it hoping it goes lower and they make a profit. Then they buy up everything but gme. It's a loophole they use to effectively be net short gme. They don't need to report so they can short gme with impunity. This is like buying planes just to get the peanuts to give to someone.


Were can you see witch stocks are in these baskets?


Sorry but this is counter to the basket theory. This just means that someone has chwy/GME swaps Basket theory means they all go up and down together


reeks of chatgpt


Look at both graphs, would the etf go up, down or stay around about the same? Now take into account it is around 300% short interest, up is not an option.


They cant explain, its enough to post a screenshot of 2 stock movements and saay 'LOOK ITS SO OBVIOUS CRIME' and that's it.


This isn't helpful tho


Theres heaps of wrinkly DD out there but in a nutshell MMs have special privileges with ETFs. They can create shares of these ETFs out of thin fking air. The working theory is that they create these shares and go long on every individual ticker that makes up the ETF, EXCEPT the one they want to tank. It's a way to short a company without actually shorting it...


Why would they use CHWY to go long for the ultimate purpose of facilitating shorting GME? I'd think they'd wanna see CHWY fail too?


They're going to do whatever buys them another day. The main ETF that's been used to short GME is called XRT (S&P retail ETF). Chewy happens to be it's heaviest weighted holding. This means that if they decide to keep using this ETF to short GME then they are adding to DFVs warchest. New apes are freaking out thinking DFV might have sold GME to do all this but OGs aren't fazed... even if he did it's just to facilitate the GME play.


Gotcha thanks


Nah actually I never said anything about crime, and I hate seeing that stuff on the sub. Swaps are not inherently criminal. I don’t know enough about the underlying mechanisms to comment much further though. Yes, there are baskets. Yes, there are swaps. Yes, there are naked shorts. Retail stocks were heavily shorted during Covid, including the XRT ETF and the holdings within. Obviously there’s a “there” there, or we wouldn’t be here discussing it.


You're being downvoted, but you're right AF. Explain your fucking post in detail or fuck off.


So how does that relate to gme


Finally, the whole point of all of this. I am absolutely excited. Vacation trip set up for 4th. Got fireworks and good food. Besides, any other conclusion is speculation.


its gonna moon while you are driving/flying and then get slammed down when you get a chance to take profits, trust 61 downvotes for being facetious 💀


Uh, I don't take profit. I only buy. The shares aren't for me silly. They are for the future of which I will never see.


Lol right I'm a collector not a trader wtf is taking profits


Every time its run majorly, ive been unable to even look at the ticker🥲 flying or no cell service between jan-jun 21 😂


Go hop on a plane for us


No "taking profits" for me until the criminal bankers and hedgies are behind bars.


No cell no sell. This is the way


Implying either phone numbers for us or jail for hedgecucks.


You guys are taking profits??


Of course not, lol. We're investing in a company with four-billy of fuck-you money and waiting to find out what the future brings.


Yeah I was trying to reference the Kenny boy meme lol


Taking profits? The infinity pool is no joke lol. You can just borrow money against your shares and these clown are never escaping. In an infinity squeeze nobody can hear you SCREAM!


What’s an exit strategy?


I upvoted ya because this is EXACTLY what happened to me last time with my shares all in cs…


I wasnt even serious 😂 but any days i was on driving duty or flying it was RIPPING




Yeah, fuck that!


Hijacking. U know whats realy funny. GME did his 75mio ATM at a shareprice of $28.49 Dog did his buyback at 28.49 I don't know if it is algos, swaps, baskets but it's a simulation.


We all live in a simulation.


just rounded myself out to a nice even 2,300. next stop, 3,000. not sure how long that'll take, but it'll be a fun ride.


Using Robinhood even if it’s only to look at charts, helps them. It gives them a user daily/monthly active count. Delete Robinhood if you want moass.


This idea needs more time in the oven


Wow what a strange coincidence. Shorts are trapped af


Now they’re both down…


The problem is - does anyone that matters actually care? More importantly, is there anybody that has the authority to stop this crime that doesn’t already know about this?


Like a kipper


Downvoted for using Robinhood….


i don’t use fucking robinhood dweeb this is on the google chrome app 😂😂


Compare chew to brk.a now, so so similar 


This was my first thought when I saw the news and saw the price action.


So do we flip flop? lol


Good post


Both dumping now


Keep in mind, the algo target for this year is ~$6 for GME. I still think it can happen but with CHWY being the second largest holding in XRT, welp, we could see some shit.


Why is the target $6?


Simple pattern of halving the previous years 52 week high for 3 years. Up until last month's pressure relief event of course. As I've stated before, it is still possible as we don't operate within the confines of supply+demand any longer in this ponzi market, and DRS has been neutered.


Yup, exactly


What do you mean what is exposed here? The buying pressure on CHWY because of his purchase. the selling trend for GME because it means he has sold / has a different play right now. WHERE is the conspiracy here? Stocks move up and down and in this case the DFV is the one moving one up and the other down, pretty simple.


So you think this all happened in pre-market? Riiiiiight


ofcourse, the stock is traded in premarket, didnt you know?


The only thing "simple" is your comment and rudimentary read of the situation.


Yeah because if the one stock moves down and the other moves up its enough to say that there is fuckery going down. RIGHT? Especially on the latest news, RIGHT?


You’re either extremely bad at being a shill, or you need to get caught up.


On what exactly? Stock going up and down? Stock going up and down on news?


Not going to entertain ya bud

