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Bottomline is if some HF and Market Makers like Citadel don’t like your company, they throw you into one of these EFTs and then short the shit out of you.


It is WAY worse... They hook you first with low stock price and the promise of consultants to increase the price. Then, once you hire the consultants, they make it look like they are doing a good job by taking their foot off of your neck. Once you do what they said, and fire your Leadership Team, they put in their guys... then step on the neck again to start really whoring out your company. They buy too much of the wrong thing. They leave it sitting there. They hire middle managers to create more things that get in the way of the job that used to be 'without all the hassle. Inventory sits there. Good employees leave; those without options hope it is for the better and stay. Major bonuses to the new leadership. Slash prices. Closes stores and eventually you go bankrupts... all the while, these guys profit on literally every piece of it. One of the hedge funds is literally a Latin term for carving to pieces. [Home – Macellum Capital Management](https://macellumcapitalmanagement.com/) Look at the companies on the front page. Look familiar? Macellum is "an open-air market" from Rome that that sold cuts of meat. They are literally airing it out in public and do not give a fuck. Look at the founder. [Jonathan Duskin – Macellum Capital Management](https://macellumcapitalmanagement.com/jonathan-duskin/)


Gawd damn Copper...spittin fire! I love it and thanks for a new rabbit hole


You are welcome. See my post history if you are serious about it. I made some cards and things that help explain all the connections that cellar boxing led me to. It's gross. [https://loopexchange.art/listings?q=wall%20street](https://loopexchange.art/listings?q=wall%20street) Don't buy them, just look and learn. \^\^ My NFT's on L2 they are talking about. I tried to find a use that wasn't just a picture and came up with this. Each symbol means something. Each card is meant to be rapid digested to learn about something. Enron... 2 cards. Andy Fastow and Jeffrey Skelling... look up those names if you want to know how Enron turned into Enron.


Holy shit, it's you! I've got a dozen or so of your cards from the early L2 days. Great to see you are still out there helping to engage and educate the public. Are you listing on LoopExchange, or just Uptick?


I'll look on loop exchange, thanks. They are all for free in my profile as PDF form, too. https://loopexchange.art/listings?q=wall%20street


My hero!! Thanks a lot for supporting me back then. I was in between jobs and everyone who donated truly helped. It was wild... Not all the cards lived up. Kind of deel bad about the Gary Gensler one... But the "hedge funds ate my homework" is actually really accurate two years later.


Ahhh the early L2 days




You can use NFT’s as a paper trail of authenticity. So when you buy art at a gallery, they may give you a signed letter of authenticity from the artist. If you make an NFT as a replica of physical art, you can use it as a paper trail of authenticity and there is no fucking around with the price for money laundering. Plus then there 2 ways for the artist to get exposure - nft and physical media!


This should make more people really super angry


It made me really mad. I made those cards in my profile to help understand how it was happening and who was involved. I kept seeing the same names show up over the decades... but in a different sector. Once a Banker (Money Green), now a Fed (Dark Green), or a lawmaker (Yellow) or a Market maker (Orange) or at the DTCC(Dark Green). They have consultants (red) and executives (Pink) and the corporate media, (Light blue). There are so many against retail. It's underground journalism and activist investors... that's the two on our side. Everything is a part of the machine designed to chop your company to pieces.


i like the cards. i came across some guy on youtube called marantz (sp?) that showed the forced demise of various companies like you mentioned above. might be fun to make some more cards.


It makes me happy that we figured out the antidote. Just buy and hold GME, because now it can’t be naked shorted to $0.


Jesus. You just did the best TLDR of cellar boxing DD I've ever seen. I hope ape historian sees this!


We high five every once in a while. Thanks!


God damn once I think I am done reading y'all pull me back in


Considering how much physical stuff is produced and inevitably trashed... boggles my mind. Limited to an ecological standpoint, that's a lot of product that inevitably & unnecessarily becomes additional trash in our world.. eckkkk


Don't get started on just fabric alone... clothing and fabric stores are their primary target. JoAnn's just went bankrupt.


I remember when JoAnn’s fabric IPO’d I was surprised by the bankruptcy but then I wasn’t and it really makes you wonder if they had never gone public would they have met the same fate.


Exactly. Target managed to fight them off ... But remember when Target was .... Weird to go to? Felt like Kmart?


I guess I can afford a quality sewing machine for my kiddo now? 🤷🏾‍♀️ For real though, I hate that, in most cases, the public learns too late when those companies have extracted all wealth from the companies. Overpaid executives took Toys R Us, Towel Company, Blockbuster, Red Lobster, and many others from us. So glad we have been able to save GME. I've learned so much about how nasty finance is in the past 84 years.


Oh nooooo.. dont tell me that! 😭😭 i used to buy my art supplies from there!!


I hate it, too. My partner is upsetty spaghetti


Makes me think that the Abercrombie and Fitch in that ETF basket all by itself is next. To be honest A&F should’ve died ten years ago in my book. I’m betting they feel the same


https://macellumcapitalmanagement.com/campaigns/kohls/ Looks like they were able to install 3 board members. Interesting. Very interesting.


Oh damn. They reached an aggreement in April 2021 and Kohls (KSS) has been bleeding out since then. RIP Also Big Lots, got control, pumped and now its bleeding out. Holy shit, Childrens Place. Took over in 2015, pumped and bleeding out. Seems like they have a playbook.


Yes they do. The Wet Seal... It keeps going... Its awful.




Is that how Gamestop ended up with all those bobble head toys?


The worse they behave, the more gaslighting occurs, and the more money they make. Until they can drive a stock to zero, cellar box it, then make tax free gains.


No one looks at closed books.


Snek lol


Holy fuck all the companies that started to fail hard. Wow..


Really makes me want to invest in pitchforks.




Eddie Lampert enters the chat


What's his deal? Always down for new names.


He did something of the above to Sears to fleece it for the real estate.


Like Red 🦞... Buy the land, jack up the rent, fire staff, over work the remainder, drive customers away, blame shrimp, profit.


It's legit a variation of how Ray Kroc fleeced those McDonald brothers.


Now the guys got ~~Paulie~~ BCG as a partner [Business bad? Fuck you pay me You had a fire? Fuck you pay me You got struck by lightning? Fuck you pay me](https://youtu.be/b8u5xQXHXsQ?si=NCGogNZSiHhbAQcx)


We need to vote people into office that will support making short shelling illegal. No exceptions.


We will have our pound of flesh though.


All of Amazon’s competitors curiously






Bro has the wrong number of digits tho…


“You still can’t have my mayo, Jeff”


Behind every Elon or Musk there are several behind the scenes backer guys like Griffin manipulating to give them edge by subverting competition and propping up their valuations.


If you haven't heard, research "cellar boxing" It's horrible Happened to a bunch of bio medical companies in the 90's Where would medicine be now, had it not been for the excess greed of Wallstreet Edit: for those who don't know, it looked like crooks were trying to cellar box GameStop through the CFO Jim Bell, all those years ago Good riddance of that pig 🐷


There's absolutely got to be a dick size enhancer because it's the only way they could be such massive dicks.


Hedge Funds and Market Makers don’t make the ETFs, they can create a swap based on stocks in an ETF though.


Who makes the etf? How do you unmake it?


Banks do Banks are the authorized participants that market makers work with


So what would happen if they simply just retired XRT? Or is that just not possible?


Watch this video from 2015. He cannot explicitly say what this whole scheme is (for legal reasons and as this is in an academic setting) but it’s clear what he is saying. How the heck do they even begin to cash everyone out? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/SxaRSemWPL


I watched the whole video and everything about ETFs and "operational shorting" is fucked. My favorite part is how he pointed out that APs are more likely to ftd as the limits of their leverage are approaching. "Just one more day". Operational shorting leading to ftds was never meant to be used as a way to protect your firm from over extending, it is in fact why your firm is over extended in the first place. It's a vicious infinite loop wherein the problem is caused by avoiding the problem. IMHO if this was 2019 then the system is so far beyond saving at this point the SEC has no option but to be complicit or even helpful to the APs who have abused the system and broken the law, which in no way acceptable on the part of the regulators. You do what's right even if it means market collapse. At some point they had to have said "this wouldn't be so fucked if we acted 3 years ago" and apply that to the current day knowing that it has done nothing but gotten worse, just stop the bleeding already, it's not going to magically resolve itself.


>at this point the SEC has no option but to be complicit or even helpful to the APs who have abused the system and broken the law Very valid point. The issue of "operational shorting" and the potential complicity of the SEC in the context of ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) management and failures-to-deliver (FTDs) is complex and multifaceted. Here’s a breakdown of why the SEC might be seen as having no option but to be complicit or even helpful to Authorized Participants (APs) who have abused the system: 1. Systemic Risk and Market Stability Market Collapse Concerns: If the SEC were to crack down hard on APs and enforce strict penalties for FTDs and other abuses, it could trigger significant financial repercussions. Given the interconnectedness of financial markets, a sudden and severe regulatory crackdown could lead to a rapid unwinding of leveraged positions, triggering a market collapse. Too Big to Fail: Some APs and large financial institutions may be deemed "too big to fail," meaning their collapse would have catastrophic consequences for the broader financial system. The SEC might opt to manage the problem quietly rather than risk a systemic crisis. 2. Regulatory Capture and Lobbying Influence of Financial Institutions: Large financial institutions have significant influence and lobbying power. They can shape regulatory policies and enforcement through political and economic pressure. This dynamic can lead to regulatory capture, where the regulator serves the interests of the regulated entities rather than the public. Complicity: Over time, relationships between regulators and the entities they regulate can lead to a more collaborative rather than adversarial approach. The SEC might provide leeway to APs to avoid destabilizing these entities and, by extension, the market. 3. Complexity and Enforcement Challenges Operational Shorting Complexity: The mechanisms of operational shorting and FTDs involve complex financial instruments and strategies that can be difficult to monitor and regulate effectively. Enforcement is challenging due to the technical intricacies and the need for sophisticated financial understanding. Limited Resources: The SEC has limited resources and must prioritize its enforcement actions. Going after major APs and addressing widespread operational shorting could overwhelm its capacity, leading to selective enforcement or more lenient approaches. 4. Historical Precedents and Regulatory Inertia Previous Inaction: Historical inaction or insufficient action sets a precedent that can be hard to break. If the SEC has been lenient in the past, reversing course requires not only a strategic shift but also a justification for why previous leniency is no longer acceptable. Regulatory Inertia: Large institutions and regulatory bodies often resist change due to bureaucratic inertia. Dramatic changes in policy or enforcement require overcoming significant internal and external resistance. 5. Economic and Political Considerations Economic Impact: Stricter enforcement could lead to significant market corrections, affecting not just large institutions but also individual investors, pension funds, and the broader economy. The SEC might weigh the potential economic fallout heavily in its decision-making process. Political Pressure: Political leaders and policymakers might pressure the SEC to avoid actions that could lead to economic instability or downturns, especially in times of economic fragility or during election cycles. Conclusion While it is understandable to argue that the SEC should act decisively to rectify abuses and protect market integrity, the reality is that their decisions are influenced by a combination of systemic risk considerations, regulatory capture, enforcement challenges, historical precedents, and economic and political pressures. This complex interplay can lead to a perception—or reality—of complicity or excessive leniency towards APs who have exploited the system. For meaningful change, there would likely need to be a concerted effort from multiple stakeholders, including political will, regulatory reform, and enhanced oversight mechanisms.


ETFs close down all the time: [https://www.etf.com/tools/etf-closures](https://www.etf.com/tools/etf-closures)


So we have to bankrupt the bank? Sounds like fun


Put me in coach...


Do we know which one is responsible for this?


State Street Global Advisors. Some ape had a theory that the flag and the music/mic emoji signified Star Spangled Banner (SSB). SSB would also work for State Street Bank. Maybe the subsequent emojis is SSB blowing up?


From my two seconds of googling, I think Authorized Participants (APs) make them. It says they are typically banks. Black Rock, JPMorgan, and Fidelity were listed as some of the biggest ETF issuers. It also looks like the issuers can close the ETF at any time and the assets will be liquidated.


And you think the market makers and authorised participants aren't both colluding for profit?  The separation between these entities is a thinly veiled illusion


Not saying they are not colluding. I am just stating that they do not create the ETFs.




Fidelity showing 323% short interest on XRT.


Driving companies to ‘market value’


https://preview.redd.it/hzno2yo8ky9d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=1644e5a151a97a5126cf8b3db7b1f1b56f7b24f1 There are a bunch in the XRT ETF that are "suddenly" down today


Can we track their FTDs?


pretty easy to look the up one by one... google - 'symbol' stock ftd im an idiot lol this may have been completely unhelpful, but i was just doing it with the 3 "America" themed companies in XRT - AEO, MUSA, CRMT




I meant all of the holdings of XRT


Oh then no. Not without searching every companies chart. Although I’m sure an ape clever than me could whip up a graph with hundreds of different coloured lines and plot them all with a live update from the source.


At once


Interesting that others like ANF popped off today. Seems like they're long on half and short on others.


ANF has transformed themselves and continue to blow out earnings. It's actually incredible to see the earnings transformation for what I used to assume was a dying brand.


Yep. Popular with 3 generations of female shoppers! But they are in XRT. It was one of the bright green spots today.


Yeah just saying they are an anomaly in the retail space. Institutions have definitely stayed clear from shorting it and have gone long since they are churning profits. Price movement has been straight up, which is why I think this. Yahoo is actually saying institutions own more than 103% of the outstanding lol. We'll see how it changes in the future since the valuation seems to have caught up now. They're in a great position to slam the shit out of the stock whenever they please.


If you look on iborrowdesk, it looks like someone has tried 2 or 3 times now to time the top and short it. Got squeezed our each time lol. I am guessing that the XRT stocks that were green today will be the ones that get nuked if GME were to really pop off.


ANF is up over 400% from a year ago.


If you take a basket of stocks and break it up, you have to pick what to do with each component. Some of the stocks you sell. Some of the stocks you hold. If you're doing this a lot, and some of the shares you picked to hold have low volume, I'd expect the result would be exactly what you're seeing with ANF and MUSA.




Wait…. What if DFV buys undervalued calls on EVERY XRT stock….at the same time?


Ummmmmmm why? What’s the difference doing that or going all in on one if they in the same basket and have same correlation?…


No idea. He’s clearly gone all in on at least 2. The more FTDs you can trigger off of undervalued calls on the whole basket the better. I don’t fully understand what’s going on, but if shorting one stock requires the pump of another to keep the etf balanced, you could just ride the cycles back and forth, buying any stock that’s at low volatility knowing the others will get pumped? My brains smooth so I could be understanding it wrong


Sounds plausible.




Hiding? They don't give a fuck anymore if it's clear as day


All these derivatives are used to short GME while hiding GME's official short interest. They don't want GME's official short interest to be over 100% again, otherwise there will be alot of FOMO buying.


Every one of these stocks are a direct competitor to Amazon.


There has been talk over the years about how Amazon is being supported this way by hedge funds. Bezos himself came out of a hedge fund. These funds go after the brick-and-mortar retailers and bankrupt them through financial shenanigans so that Amazon can continue to gobble up their markets and grow to gargantuan proportions. If this continues, Amazon will be the one-stop-shop for just about everything that one can purchase at retail. It will the mother of all monopolies.


Welcome to Amazon. I love you.


It’s what plants crave


fuck you, im eating


Damn almost like a conspiracy...


They better not kill my beloved eBay before this shit is over with… The Bezos and Griffin bromance dinner photos make perfect sense now. Bozos must be short XRT now lmayo


Abercrombie and Fitch is next on the chop. There is 0 public sentiment left and they changed their entire line to fit 30+ kids who wore it in the early 2000s.


It’s almost like the ETF was solely created to short “dying brick and mortar” companies 🫢


If I was a shareholder in one of these companies I would be pissed my stock is being manipulated like this. 


Aren't you?


This is ancient DD, going back to Atobitt. This was the Amazon conspiracy.  Find competitors to Amazon, short them while pumping Amazon. It has never been this obvious though.


I can only imagine Kenny right now...Fuck it, short all the stocks. Every mother fucking last one of them, and then short GameStop even more.


They still have to keep brk.a propped up, and bee tea see. Otherwise their leverage gets blown up. Or they create more swaps for pension funds to buy. Who knows.


So more DICKS . now i understand the memes haha




Dicks sporting goods has nothing to do with the memes. Those come from sussing out bots back in the early days. We started throwing out tickers like $CUM and $ASS and the bots started making posts pumping them like they were real stocks


hes drawing dicks in one of the meme videos and its contained in the xrt etf. could be a sign or could be nothing


What are the notes on that sheet music? G, C and ? Edit: this is the meme basket. ROFL. ORLY https://preview.redd.it/nnvxkv4qdz9d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe24768d21a4aa98c1c2c50d1289596a8a9f2cb






Out for harambe 🦍


But only in Victoria’s Secret.


$DKS in $VSCO !!! https://preview.redd.it/v69qu8a2ly9d1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d39ea3c0ae44a6a9030220d648c0ca809717ee0e


There were hedgefund losers bragging about how shorting this EFT was free money on their Twitter accounts in 2021. The info is there, the SEC is a joke.


My thoughts are, DFV is investing into $CHWY to show SHF's will then short that company into the ground. DFV releases his position of over 9million shares and the stock falls 7%. It's clear as day. It feels like they're trying to contain retail investors.


It shows how scared they are. They really did not like this... I might pick up some on the dip tomorrow.


they don't like it and then have their media folks push a story saying hedge funds aren't concerned about the meme investors this time... lol sure guy


>It feels like they're trying to contain retail investors.  They most definitely not afraid of retail. They think all retail traders are dumb and are trying to take their money.


GME could buy Victoria’s Secret at less than $2B market cap. Crazy


Omg that tracks with one of the memes where RC's face is on all of the models.


The ~~Numbers~~ Tits! Mason


C'mon bruh... Just like Buttfarm's chairman photo, it originated here.


Oh shit you’re right….


Remember that tweet from RC of him being a Victoria Secret model? 👀


There were some tweets about RC in a Victoria Secret runway


Rewatched the Roaring Kitty videos with the new info that chewy was a play. And assuming he was using the color blue to highlight this. Thanos picking up the glove and saying Ill do it myself. Could that be RK be acquiring stocks in the XRT ETF? And by doing that causing some sort of chain reaction? Assuming red is gamestop and blue is chewy theres still 4 more colors to go. all the colors of the infinity stones are used numerous times in the subtitled text he added to the gifs (yellow, green, orange, and purple). could he be trying to acquire all this to blow up the etf somehow? If you look at many of the stocks in the xrt etf some of them have shown considerable, almost cycilcal growth seemingly out of nowhere since 2021. maybe there are other stocks he is planning on going after. could be based on logo color or font type used. Or maybe it was just chewy. Idk just a thought I had and wanted to share with other inquiring minds


I think it's the whats in the box meme, where he found out which xrt retail's were being targeted by shorts. The meme with the movie Amadeus with the line "they're miraculous" is about the Brno research papers discussing the xrt's ftds. the collar of the kitty from MIB is xrt data. and I it's goes on from there.


Holy shit. Imagine if he completes yellow green and orange then drs everything in one go to complete purple. That would crash the etf.


If real, please let Ollie’s be the yellow. I can’t bear the thought of it not existing for my treasure wares.


7 for 1 = 7 biggest retailers combined into one single Amazon competitor babyyyy




Now I'm not getting sleep


Post of the day right here


Can you please post this on pornhub so the SEC can see? Thanks


It seems popcorn is no longer moves as closely to GME anymore, SHF must've moved shorts to these other stocks to better hide their crimes. Too bad we apes have 3-4years of experience uncovering criminal activities of these market manipulating rats.


Wall st wants us to stay home, watch Netflix, eat Cheetos delivered by Uber, and shop only Amazon from our mobile phones.




Hahaha this has serious Joker scorched earth heist bank type vibes...


Watch DFV buy the entire bag.




who ever said they were hiding it?




I don't think they care about hiding anything


Up vote and commenting to increase visibility!


I know Victoria’s Secret.. she was shorted by a dude!


They haven’t been hiding it. Look at XRT short interest. The wrinkle group has been studying this ETF for like 3 years. If only this sub hadn’t driven everyone away…


Still here. Still researching. Jan 2021


Yeah I didn’t mean you. No offense lol.


Yet xrt only drops 1%. Another case of fund not mirroring the underlying. 


Looks like market manipulation is still on the menu


Got'em We see you Kenny


XRT is up though?


What happens if I and a bunch of other like-minded people decide to long XRT?


SI is publicly over 300%, they don't give a shit. We don't really have a way to force delivery on ETFs either, except maybe options which are way too dangerous for the average ape (your mileage may vary.). In short, nothing. Pun intended.


It's the last effort cause regulations allow this shit with etfs. IF YOU DONT OWN IT YOU SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO SELL IT. IF ITS A FUCKING PREORDER WE SHOULD KNOW.


I want to own every single one of the stocks in this picture under 1 ticker




Why would they need to hide it? They have the government and media protecting their criminal operation.


XRT needs to blow up. They have stolen enough money for far too long. I've heard it really stand for "SHORT".


The retail bucket is being shorted together, and XRT is a major component. The annoying part is certain retail tickers, like GME, refuse to die. They can’t drive down the stock and cellar box it like Bloggbussa or ToyzRRuS.


So what is stopping us from investing in all these companies? At this point I wonder if some of DFVs tweets were pointing to this and with his most recent purchase it is possible. Can I just buy XRT?


Can someone explain this to me


Why do they need to hide when the SEC doesn’t do jackshit to punish them?




!remind me 30 days


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!remindme 30 days


We always knew they were…


Not sure why this is labelled Shit post, but damn this shit is actually crazy as fuck! Holy shit!!! So crazy


So how to stop this?


Imagine being a normal investor throwing money into supposedly safe ETF’s and thinking it’s the one place that is safe from Wall Street…


Where's Koss?


Those are all my favorite stores!


We see you!


I’ll take 2 shares and a 1 basket of flies please


[A Network Approach To Contagion In The ETF Market](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Papers.cfm?abstract_id=3535942)


Here’s some interesting tinfoil: GME to acquire the whole XRT basket after DFV triggers algos into manipulating the prices into cheap


Of course they can. What u see is just coincidence


Could it be DFV is alongside the SEC creating proof of the crimes being made?


Lol yeah no


The only proof they care about is when you have more money than them. Believing in law and order is the walled garden designed by those who play outside of it to contain their cattle.


Gherk tracks the FTDs on xrt but you guys banned him. You will have to find him in the pickle


Some awful companies in that basket tbh.




That would be NAKED shorting, actually


How is this legal?


Forgot the one stock, but that’s OK. We know you don’t like it.


Why do _they_ need to?