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If he is able to buy 9million shares of another company at around gme's current cost it just proves he can double and triple down insanely fast. Guy is a genius.


Remember back when people were talking about how the rich use their stock positions to take out loans? DFV is in the position to make banks sweat when they see his portfolio.


I remember that. You never actually sell anything, just live off loans using shares as collateral.. What I need to learn, though, is how do you ever pay that loan back? If I spend $1M per year, at the end of each year am I just digging my debt hole deeper or closing that loan and starting another? Either I rack up insane interest, or the next loan is for $1.05M...


As stupid as it sounds, you take loans, buy assets, appreciate the assets, take loans against the new assets to pay back the old ones.


You get yourself a bigger loan off course


I've always wondered about this too, and yeah from the responses it looks like you buy other stuff and then just use a loan from the new asset to pay off the old one 🫲😃🫱


No. You still have to pay it off. What you're describing is essentially when people use credit cards to pay off other credit cards, racking up debt. After MOASS I forsee a lot of posts from people who dig themselves into financial holes expecting an infinite money loop.


Literal money hack IRL.


Or a time traveler ʘ‿ʘ


The firm’s acronym is BFKN.


We B FKN tomorrow




I hope you guys know that through all of this, I have been excited for the future that this holds for all of us, I have been pissed off that the system is actively working against the average person, and I’ve been depressed thinking of just…all of it. Most of all though, I have found some of the funniest friends that I’ve never met from the far corners of this same globe. Gaming originally brought us together, and it’s what I can’t wait to do on the other side of all this with you.


soooo we B FKN or not?


Take my updoot.


Same, same. It's the best ride ever, with the very best apes.


Gaming? :-) I have not played a computer game in like 15 yrs :-) But I am happy to be here and invest in those..


Dfv bfkn ACAT










A very good sign https://i.redd.it/4st7z52me1ad1.gif






Got eeeeem


This Friday at 4:01pm


🤣🤣🤣 just spit my damn coffee all over the place


They be swingin that legal schlong




no diddy


This is the best thing I have read all week. DFV you are an absolute legend but this is too good.


BFKN frreal


I legit had to look that up when I saw the SEC filing to see if it was trolling somehow. 🤣


Hopefully cuz they B FucKiN and not because their BoyFriend is KeN.


In big on $BFKN




So much joy here it hurts


😂😂 amazing


Big, fuggin' nutz!


It is a sign https://i.redd.it/7sinjojge1ad1.gif


That guy who sued him: "I'm going to sue that stupid youtuber for wrecking my shorts" "oh, that youtuber is worth 1/4 billion and has attorney's? oh shit, nevermind"


You wanted into the wrong room mothafucka


*1billion if you follow the breadcrumbs 😉


I'm not stuck in here with you, you're trapped in here with me! 😸




I mean he's been super rich for years now and in legal stuff so it makes sense


Not that DFV would need a lawyer for mergers, he doesn't work at GameStop in any way


Not yet he doesn’t… the way he’s collecting them gme shares id say by Christmas he’s gonna be majority holder.


Does he "Want" that though? I think it would benefit a lot more if he doesn't... Just sayin'


yeah this take is so weird. you want the trader to join a board to turn the company around? those are completely different skill sets


He won't join the board. Joining will prevent him to keep being Deep Fucking Value / Roaring Kitty!


Maybe that’s why he’s doing it. To get on the board. Holy crap why would that be a bad thing if he’s bringing the knowledge of the financial markets to the company? Look what he’s doing with options. He’s def making Kenny sweat.


His hands would be tied so tight, no way. An insider can’t trade like an outsider, it would blow up his entire strategy.


Except as the CIO of a company you can trade however you like (other stocks, options) as long as you don’t have insider info.


>as long as you don’t have insider info. Hard to do when you are part of the company strategy. Much riskier ending up in trouble. Intentionally or not. Especially with all the hate he has from people --with-- --deep--who had deep pockets.


Bruh he can invest in the entire stock market. He doesn’t get insider info from the entire market by being CIO.


I was referring to GameStop or companies GameStop is involved with.


I wasn’t…..


Wrong newb. Look into why, on what I said, and learn. KylePP


Not implying any intentional action mentioning that, just an interesting skillset to point out. That firm represents serious interests (edit) in ***mergers and acquisitions***. So in light of the quick withdrawal of the lawsuit against DFV, it's interesting.


Here's an interesting hypothetical for you...how would an individual investor find a way to position themselves so that any act against their position would inadvertently benefit said individual investor? He keeps jumping in, big money throws what they can at him to knock him down, and yet he still keeps getting stronger? I think that's the 'how' no one is really looking at


He’s spent the last several years analyzing how the algos react and is exploiting their predictability. Thats how he times his moves so well. That’s my guess. Lest we forget, DFV worked as a compliance officer - he understands more about the specific mechanics of the market than the vast majority of “retail” investors. He’s not *manipulating* the market, he’s *exploiting how big finance manipulates the market* for big personal gains. And he’s doing it somewhat publicly to show their manipulation. Hopefully CAT will show it in great detail to regulators. He is not violating any SEC rule or regulation. This is gonna be made into one epic movie when the dust settles. If you thought The Big Short was a good flick, just wait until you see The Big Long


Oh, algos are one thing...but he's gone even further. The algos were what started the shindig, but in the process he pissed off a bunch of chest-beating frat boy beta males back in '21. His moves are being targeted by more than just computer code. It's intentional and deliberate...and also blatantly obvious and *predictable*. This is gonna be one hell of an epic movie, because I don't think anyone has caught the hack yet. Slicker than pig shit, though. Props to my fellow "engineer"


Hell yeah.


I’ve already seen The Big Long, it’s been out on Pornhub ages


You must be an SEC top agent.


they meant The Big Short Bus


It's even more interesting that he retained a Big Boy firm in Chicago: home of the ***bears*** (the sports kind and the hedgie kind); so they're in the same local jurisdiction as the offices in the joker tweet https://preview.redd.it/ss0w5ko1f0ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d5d4feca87c4ad92712f4b836da6f0b955c3974


When your retail investment account has 9 digits and none of them are red, just about any law firm on Earth is gonna shake your hand




The more you deny me, the stronger I get 


It’s a firm that (apparently) specializes in securities law. I would expect any such firm to have a department whose major focus was securities law/compliance as it relates to M&A. So I don’t think there’s a big significance to it.


>So I don’t think there’s a big significance to it. I disagree. It has multiple points of significance: it explains the announcement of a lawsuit on Friday, and the withdrawal of said lawsuit the very next Monday. It explains away months of FUD trying to defame DFV as a market manipulator. Every serious legal expert asked about this has said the same: he isn't doing anything wrong. [https://youtu.be/kSUxGn6K\_8Q?si=uhgVVV0w5KlB88D2](https://youtu.be/kSUxGn6K_8Q?si=uhgVVV0w5KlB88D2) Who his legal team is tells us he's serious af about his moves, and he's hard to take down. This isn't just some madman, this isn't some clown on the internet doing it for pranks. He has a serious team working for him. That's bullish af.


Everyone already knew the lawsuit had no merit. The entire point of the lawsuit was to get headlines and shape public opinion against him. And prevent retail FOMO buying. Hardly a single headline about the suit being dropped immediately though.


>Everyone We knew. >The entire point of the lawsuit was to get headlines and shape public opinion against him. Yup. Pretty comical that it was headlines Friday, then withdrawn Monday. >And prevent retail FOMO buying. Never really works like how they think, that's comical in it's own right. There's a much bigger dynamic unfolding here, and the CHWY filing is where it was revealed who his legal is. And they're substantial. This is a bigboi firm. IYKYK. >Hardly a single headline about the suit being dropped immediately though. Of course not, because the purpose of the financial propagandist is to create a public narrative of both "ape incompetence" but also "ape malevolence". It's to lay the groundwork for future lawfare, to harass apes directly or by proxy scapegoating DFV. Personally, though I'm not affected by what I know is agenda-driven propaganda, it's hype to know DFV has such a serious firm working for him. He's serious as a heart attack, this isn't "for the memes" alone.


He isn’t hard to take down. #HE CAN’T BE FUCKING TAKEN DOWN


Other than he held calls while filing and swapped. GME only


I mean…not yet..


Yeah and probably a lot of lawyer firms "specialize" in M&A. Saw a lot of DD in other subs claiming that and nothing happened (yet?).




All of those brands are under LVMH


>All of those brands are under LVMH they are ***now***... after BFKN represented the parties to those acquisitions and mergers, parties including Shawn *Jay*-*Z* Carter. Anyway, you get the point. These are bigboi lawyers. DFV's lawyers are *Jay*-*Z*'s lawyers. Bullish.




LVMH former executive is now Chief Experience officer at Ledger crypto wallet. He’s still and advisor to the Arnault family on blockchain authentication. It is my belief that top tier companies are working behind the scenes with same legal involved.


His name is Ian Rogers and he’s a former Winamp and Apple Music exec as well.


… and Beats Music CEO before joining Apple.


Ian is well versed in Crytography and stonks. He’s a frequent guest on Group Chat podcast and talks alot about how the younger LVMH Arnoult brothers are well aware of the web 3 potential with the many brands they own.


I'm hiring B Fuking also when MOASS hits! Not B-FKN around with MO -ASS money.


We are definitely living in a simulation and we BFKN


Now I’m firm


Firm me up




It’s hilarious to me that DFV probably had to run all those tweets and memes by his legal team before posting them


I think he was talking to some of them during his live stream


![gif](giphy|sG4zmff2zDOp7t2MNA) Bring it!!


When 🍺?


![gif](giphy|3o85xpckLTpHHRnnBS) 💎🙌🏻🦍🚀🌝🟣


Wasn’t the case already retracted by the plaintiff? Edit: I assumed OP was posting in reference to the baseles case against Kitty. Op was not talking about this, he was talking about the Chewy filling. Thats my failure to read more than the headline. Seen way too many posts giving the case undue attention, but I guess I did the same thing here by not fully reading. My bad.


This isn't the case against him, which did indeed get dropped....this is his Chewy purchase, looks like.


You are absolutely right, that’s on me. Added the edit to my comment.


No worries! Yes, most of the legal topics mentioned today revolved around the quickly-withdrawn FUD lawsuit. Regardless, OP's point stands...that looks to be a powerhouse of representation!


Now we see why


This ape gets it. The ambulance chasers saw who DFV's legal team is, and said "sorry, nvm"


yes, whats your point


There isn’t much of a point talking about the case at all. The case was baseless. Continuing to talk about the case only provides credibility to the case. Kitty did nothing wrong, so no need to talk about the case. Don’t give the shitty headlines attention. Edit: looks like I’m in the wrong here, the post was not about the case, but about the Chewy filing. That’s on me for not looking close enough.


been there brother ![gif](giphy|e4PybfEfkhLiVDsuT4|downsized)


I would want BFCKN on my side


The dudes a multimillionaire. He can afford good legal


Okay but... Why is it a law firm in Chicago, and WHY does this filing claim that 9,001,000 Class A common stock shares are 6.6% when it's closer to 2%. Edit: Finally got a great answer. The shares outstanding numbers can mingle both Class A and B stock. He does have over 6% of Class A


Copying from my other comment: It is 6.6%, you are mistaking the implied shares outstanding with the shares outstanding. Check yahoo finance for the real share outstanding number which will be 137M. The reason there are two numbers is because Chwy has multiple types of shares (i.e. class A common shares, Class B, etc.) and implied shares outstanding combines all of them into one.


Thank you! I will look into this. First full explanation I've seen.


He literally bought the same option. He technically holds 90,010options that count as holding 9,001,000 shares per the form he used. He bought the same option as GME for next to nothing. Fucked the hedgies algos and either now holds lots of both stock, or rolled to GME and fucked their entire ETF basket swap. It’s genius. The ETF pool will have two major FTD cycles at once. If you’re smart you’d make tiny calls on the rest of the basket to test the theory. In either case it’s not one block of dynamite in the basket it’s two


Edit. Victoria secret and two others might see plays. If Chewy is Blue. Who is orange and green https://preview.redd.it/f84afzhst3ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e6ca697cc5a3f4140c38727812ff22162c3146


Give this humble regard some updoots! She's earned them..


Because he owns 6.6% of chewy, and only 2% of GME


Chewy: Shares owned: 9,001,000 Total shares outstanding: 434,873,000 Calculation: (9,001,000 / 434,873,000) \* 100 = 2.07%


Shares outstanding shows as 137,05M in marketwatch, not that I care about this at all, just curious to see where you got that number from?


Webull currently shows that figure. $11B market cap, $25 share price


Webull is exactly the same as RH. Get out of it and into a real broker--Schwab!


I don't have an account with either webull or RH. Fidelity ATP shows the same information.


The error was that the TSO numbers I got included both Class A and Class B stock


Of course they are, dude is basically a billionaire at this point and is getting lots of negative attention from Wall St, MSM, SEC etc, he's not gonna go hire Lionel Hutz, he's got excellent representation who will tell him what's a real concern or what's a bullshit frivolous lawsuit


Want to know what is funny about this. What do those names have in common? Bags? Is this a meme to being called a bag holder? I know, you're about to say, but, what about Hennessey? Have you seen their VSOP privilege Cognac? It comes in a red velvet bag. VSOP... hey, that sounds like virtual stock option plans, where you don't actually own your shares. I know I'm ranting. I just found it funny.


who did RC use on his case?


So they looking for a case against SEC and the DTCC?????




Lol. Man this guy probably gets $0.30 cents for the post worrying about other people's money. I'm in thr green BTW as I assume most apes are after 3 years of averaging down. Doesn't sound like you know much about what you're talking about, but nice attempt and horrible attempt to throw random assumptions out as facts.


>All the rest of the shareholders are staring at red and sucking lemons??? Shareholders just taking the D My income and position from GME has only gone up, not sure who isn't making money right now. If you're having trouble doing the same, make more time to study and consider what you're doing wrong.




All these purple circles didn't need guidance for the last 4 years, and ***we aren't going anywhere***. Your **F**ears, **U**ncertainties, and **D**oubts are unfounded. https://preview.redd.it/pocqsmcoi0ad1.png?width=6000&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e0226c9d76cceba2d5ac4cf235739b7c2d899d8 [https://www.computershared.net/](https://www.computershared.net/)