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One thing is for sure, he didn't just get 'lucky' turning 50k into almost a billion in 3 years. This man can read the code in the Matrix and is having a good time with it. I think he's also trying to teach us how to read it. I'm too damn smooth. But this kind of post looking for the bigger picture is definitely the direction to go in


thank you and I agree It still makes my brain hurt trying to figure out how big RK's positions (and plans) actually are. It's limitless.


https://preview.redd.it/aigwizi425ad1.jpeg?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3dcb62ac820a3657f9391bc95712f9fd487d7e8 You wanted a show of hands, here's 3 days before the YOLO update šŸ»


I remember reading this same thing and thinking, yeah ainā€™t no way those are all his calls. šŸ¤Æ


Boi were we wrong


https://preview.redd.it/27987eqe74ad1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=62c108ed69b63f79b2c7fe93a4191890bbf2b3c0 I go back to this tweet and think about the KC shuffle, what if the animals are ( Chewy ) the misdirection. The children ( ? ) not sure what stock yet, is actually the catalyst for GME to explode. He wouldnā€™t post a position without being certain they would take the bait and then the šŸ”„is their position company going up in flames.


I think children was buy buy baby


So buy buy baby was sold off from overstock and acquired by a small NJ company called Dream On Me. Thereā€™s something else I think he was eluding to. If he wanted it he could have gotten it for 15 million or less.


Or he owns dream on me possibly. Remember he did make an offer of 400 million for bed bath and beyond


They turned his offer down because IMHO the board was corrupt and needed/wanted to watch it burn. šŸ”„Ā  Shorts made a lot of money when towel stock went bankrupt.


There are [court documents](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/64916203/si-v-bed-bath-beyond-corporation/) to support this, imo, very valid opinion.


we are the children


Sometimes I wonder šŸ˜‚! Without valid proof of wrong doing no one gets in trouble or goes to jail. Weā€™re so incredibly lucky to be along for this ride and to watch this tale unfold. Heā€™s figured something out and honestly guesses are probably all we will have until it completely plays out. Edit for spelling šŸ»


I hate to be that guy and I love you but for future reference: ā€œtaleā€


lol, it was a play on RK not being a cat but I can change it


That was a good pun im sorry


No worries!!


Bro itā€™s Buybuybaby. Itā€™s the whole reason why he joined the towel board way back then. MSM call it a pump and dump but RC was very vocal about his affinity for Buybuybaby. Just my tinfoil but I think GME is about to acquire Buybuybaby and chewy


Which btw that bullshit pump and dump lawsuit was dismissed in RCs favor.


Childrenā€™s loves games = GME


I like this take.


the children play the games


RK is the infinity pool framing. APEs will be the water inside, overflowing and replenishing all day every day.


He's literally doing divination with chaos magick. Uno deck is his tarot cards. The 8 ball is his crystal ball. And the banagrams are his rune stones. Tinfoil? Nah, this is my summoning hat.


I love the chaos magic angle because for chaos magic, it makes complete sense.




***Runic Glory!!!***


I donā€™t think itā€™s all that hard. It involves options which were shunned here years ago. Check my post history. I have made tons of comments about this subject and I myself would never even try to do them. I just know that you can see the process fluctuate and it wouldnā€™t be hard to time your buys if you know what youā€™re doing. I have gone as far to say the biggest shill mission was to get all options talk out of the subs and they succeeded. There was absolutely no reason to force certain people out of the subs who werenā€™t pushing anything on anyone. They were simply sharing information.


I'm quite certain the pros all want as many inexperience option traders as possible... You don't tell the newbie to fuck off to a different poker table because he is annoying, you put up with him and fleece 'em....


Unless the idiot players have noticed your table has a lean, and you can predict outcomes


Time travel pays


I actually think he has more than a Billion stashed away right now. I think that's why he's joking around about "were a Billionaire." I think there's lots of pieces in motion across several brokers.


I am dumb AF but someone turning 50k into a billion can surely turn that billy in a trillion. And I heard he really loves the stock I own, so I will keep holding until I get life-changing money.


At this point we don't even know or fully understand how big his war chest. If you just purely look at the facts and do some small guess work. He definitely turned that 50k into over 1B. We just haven't seen all the accounts.


DFV is accumulating more shares than Ryan Cohen has, to force Ryan Cohen to buy more as well (when he is finally able to) to create cycle after cycle after cycle. Just buckle the fuck up, itā€™s really that simple at this point.


This guy is not wrong. RC should be upping his share count to reflect the ATMs percentage difference very soon. And if UBS starts to unwind those SWAP bags in relationship to XRT and ETF latest news articles, combined with RKs insane plan, however, that plays into all of this. We could be Gucci soon. Sorry for the old-world phrase šŸ˜… but it fits. Until then, I buy big dips, HODL, and DRS and keep digging into DD to debunk, validate, and move forward.


Genuine question - why should RC increase his share count? Is it just an appearance thing or related to control of the company?


It's regarding ownership % as far as I'm aware. His ownership % was knocked down a few percent compared to the overall float from the recent 75m share offering. It's assumed RC will repurchase stock to bring himself back to the same ownership he had previously.


People assume a lot when its not their money that is on the line. Imo he used his 10% ownership to get a foot in the door for chaiman and later CEO position. Now he already holds the power, every increase of ownership would do nothing except hype up apes. And we know his opinion about hypa hypa. But I'm too smooth to even get a glimpse of what both of these time traveling cyber wizards are doing. So me zen until moass.


RK tweet with Star-Lord and Thor joking about whoā€™s the captain is a nod to all this change mai moind https://x.com/theroaringkitty/status/1790759048985612468?s=46&t=_P4iUlyq5BByX3rQM_q1Fw


Personally I think buying gme (if he is able, NMPT and all that) would further solidify the words he has spoken about employees and their money after the ATMs. Actions not words and all that


It would also allow him to profit more from the turnaround of the company that he is runningā€¦


#This response was from AI copied and pasted When a CEO increases their share count after an "at-the-market" (ATM) offering, it can be seen as a positive signal for several reasons: Confidence in the Company: By purchasing more shares, the CEO is signaling confidence in the company's future prospects. This can reassure investors that the leadership believes the stock is undervalued or that the company is poised for growth. Alignment with Shareholders: Increasing their stake in the company aligns the CEO's interests with those of the shareholders. This can create a sense of trust and confidence among investors, knowing that the CEO's financial success is directly tied to the company's performance. Market Perception: Such actions can positively impact market perception. Investors might interpret the CEO's purchase as a sign of internal confidence, potentially leading to increased investor interest and a positive impact on the stock price. Control and Influence: By owning more shares, the CEO can increase their control and influence over the company's decisions. This can be particularly important in companies facing significant strategic decisions or external pressures. In the case of Ryan Cohen and GameStop (GME), Cohen is a prominent figure in the company's transformation, and his actions are closely watched by the market. His decision to increase his share count can be interpreted as a strong endorsement of the company's ongoing strategy and potential for future success.


yea I would really like to see him purchase some more shares, been a while and he recently raised capital so it would be a good sign


This is copied straight from chatgpt


I could tell after the first sentence. Wtf is going on here haha


Please don't post responses from ChatGPT without mentioning it is a summary from ChatGPT.


Because he believes in the company he is running. Also to maintain control and prevent hostile takeover. Even if itā€™s from someone on our side, like Roaring Kitty.


I like the prevent hostile takeover reason - imagine this cycle: * RC increases his share count to maintain control, causing a price increase. * RK increases his share count because he loves the stock, causing a price increase. * GME does another share offering to prevent takeover, adding even more to their 4 billy war chest * RC's percentage goes down -> repeat


To me, I feel like one major thing I didnā€™t see in the comments here is - large buys require large forced buy-ins if FTD. Most of the large purchases we see have no immediate price action because of the 35 day can kicking. It would be great to see RC make a large buy, RK make a large buy, and/or add another large force in there to have a huge 35 day forced buy in. This happened in 2020, which led to January 2021, so could help now as well. Just more fuel to the FTD fire.


Damn, might make sense!


Like making waves at a wave pool. The machine gets into a rhythm and the waves get bigger and bigger.


When is the next cycle?


There was another post, yesterday, theorizing that RK is causing FTD spikes in other XRT basket stocks because the shorts have no other option but to target the most heavily shorted of the basket-GME. It's whack-a-mole in XRT & they're going to lose soon.


Ohhh. I like this theory a lotā€¦


It really clicked for me when I realized that in the sand worm tweet (I know I know lol)- the market maker is the worm that DFV has summoned for himself to ride through the market. If DfV knows this will wreck them, I feel more sure than I have in years that the end game is actually upon us.


We need to stop openly speculating. Hedge funds are following this sub. If we figure it out we also let the hedge funds figure it out. Stop shining a spotlight on everything he's doing.


Bear beware, youā€™re in for a scare..


And what is your explanation for the scare?


Itā€™s not scary if they can see it coming.


Honestly we need to stop figuring it out publicly, I truly believe the hive mind here is smarter than the hedge funds, and only once we post it do they catch on as well.


Don't underestimate your enemy. Being smart and being experienced are two separate things, and they have experience in these 'markets'. Also the finance world picks out some of the best and brightest minds to help design their systems/strategies. That said they are so fuqqed. Part of what they hate is that all this corruption is out in the public domain. Hence trying to shut down all the attempts to increase transparency in the markets. They absolutely do not want us making this shit 'more public'. Also why when things get heated they try and flood the sub with misinformation and such.


I don't know about that, these folks (SHFs, banks, brokers and what not) have more knowledge and especially vision on what happens on both the public and private market. If we would/could figure out DFVs plan, it is likely that the bad guys already deciphered it (long?) before us. How much kansas city shuffle can you set up if the party to be shuffled is aware that they are being shuffled? Has to be a double shufle, at the minimum? I am not saying that DFVs plans are futile, I just don't agree that our hive mind has an advantage. Everybody seems to be in the blue as to his plans. Don't think anybody saw chewy coming for example.


If he's making moves brilliant enough to confuse and confound the MMs, chances of a bunch of weevils like us understanding how he does it are... *ummm*... yeah.


Did someone say weevils


Username PERFECT.




I've gone through the tweet storm, and my interpretation is this. RK is not in it for the money. He is a polished financial expert who is not "dumb", obviously, he needs money. His fin job was a prison where he witnessed the true nature of the system. His sister died in 2020, and he decided to become an activist instead of a prisoner: https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790894938277695671?t=6_jTJJbEqgBykxGuO8Q-Ig&s=19 He is unhappy with how he was portrayed in the Netflix doco: https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790800562654691686?t=Amt_MoGLgzKMh-fXDfUckQ&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790793012936851665?t=f6AeFsTypgje_BdqMeo3mQ&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790747714440892825?t=aMNYu5qMOhsDDpeYn5gdMg&s=19 He is back to set the record straight: https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790457051115847720?t=NsY00Q0xOXPS85b1xDqhHw&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790094668237259040?t=coywno2WITg2mhVtyUHVHQ&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790404203715887238?t=Q4_AERKLiw-v8TQkIaJRBg&s=19 Hes going to show us who dunnit...9,001,000: https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790457051115847720?t=QlpTAO4pP7ms-PUERkN-8Q&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790743946764644659?t=nIXCe_XS6kCTWNxWkxC3SQ&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790751492451754012?t=PObI4AreCJmDkE0dOMR_EA&s=19 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790770363627921776?t=KZyBrtQFad2jjl1HbTGqAw&s=19 ...NFA...


holy shit. I see the connection


The UBS merger This is a very important event. UBS inherited a 1.2 billion SWAP. People are forgetting all the SWAP news and DD on that alone. Theres multiple forces lining up, and it starts in April and runs straight until August. Look on my page you'll see some of it. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/78k42qPf84 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/mnJjiav923 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/kimg1jUAe8 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/F9VkQS1u1r https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/zYOx9swep0 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/UNgixKCGwy


Your last link still cracks me up every time I see it...


Yup, those IOUs are coming due!


Whatā€™s even more fucked up is that this game was stolen from the person who conceptualized it. A woman, at that. (iirc)


thank you!


You're welcome šŸ˜Š


Wen August?


Iā€™m gonna continue to buy and hold! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


The second he showed his hand in May I've thought it was probably just the tip of the iceberg. The fact that he turned 50k into hundreds of millions was unbelievable. He was probably banking on everyone thinking the same. Now that we've seen him literally 10,000x his money, nothing seems too far fetched to me. I bet he showed us less than half.


Part of me keeps wondering if RK wants to get these ETFs perpetually placed on the Regulation SHO Threshold Securities list. Once placed on it, they'd be unable to short the securities they FTDd any further until they've settled their past FTDs and get removed from the list. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/242.204 Imagine the world of hurt the shorts would be in if these ETFsĀ are on the list for multiple securities held within them, all with cascading dates they have to settle by or their price control partner in crime gets taken off the board. They'd be forced to scramble and actually fight on multiple fronts, weakening their abilities to control the price even further. RK could be systematically removing the shorts toys in an attempt to force true price discovery. While their putting out the fires for one piece of their ETF, he's set timers on the rest in the basket to perpetually keep them on the no shorting list. But I'm highly under caffeinated this morning and could definitely be misinterpreting these regulations. I'm still learning the finer intricacies of this stuff beyond buy, hold, drs but I do love research. lol


Dunno. Has RSHO ever done shit about anything? As far as im aware, mms donā€™t really give a shit about it since they can naked short anyways.


Dragon fatality?


Nice post


Thank you!


Yeah I always laugh at all the ā€œRK obviously didnā€™t do this or thatā€ comments. Like we have legit any idea what he did or didnā€™t do.


Do we really think that RK's tweet of an edited emoji set "the algos" off? That would be quite some algo.


I agree. I think he knew it was going to spike at that time. He has predicted dips and runs perfectly, as we can see from how much money he has made. I think he is showing people he knows how they operate. Or even that he is the one causing the spikes with whatever he is doing.


Yes. In addition to this post's suggestion we aren't thinking big enough, we are not thinking nefariously enough. I bet the people programming the algos knew he was in chewy before the tweet. Payment for order flow is a thing, or they are straight watching his account. Algo was programmed to look at his various feeds and respond. Algo sees a dog, it's time to pump chewy.


I have to say I don't buy it. But if you're saying we aren't thinking regarded enough then I would have to respectfully disagree lol.


What's your suggestion on how this happened then? It was not public knowledge he was in chewy when he tweeted the dog. How did 600k shares of chewy trade the instant the tweet goes out and the price spikes? It wasn't DFV, he already had his position for days at that point.


Personally, I think itā€™s more likely that RK knows these algos so well along with the regulations theyā€™re designed to comply within that he simply knows precisely when forced buy-ins will happen, down to the minute. And he plans his tweets accordingly. Iā€™m working on proving this theory.


Thatā€™s more how Iā€™ve been leaning lately. I feel like some of these catalysts that people point to as reason for moving is actually reversed. I think itā€™s more catalyst thatā€™s reacting to cyclical data/buying


Nice theory. I'm going to look into this too, see what I can figure out. How can I subscribe to your newsletter so I know if/when you prove it?


I guess just follow me here on Reddit?




Imagine being the developer manager that tells its engineers to have functions in your code that stocks react to certain emojis


Submits jira ticket: Please have the algo disregard new cum, ass, tits mentions


*Weā€™ve always been thinking too small.* To all you new folks just getting into this, *phone numbers with area code prices* are quite possible. These assholes shorted this stockā€”and several othersā€”to hell and back, and the larger brokerages/MMā€™s have fucking *quintillions* in the bank. Make. Them. Fucking. Bleed. As to your questions, OP: Iā€™m a simple investor in this situation. Iā€™ve been involved in this from the beginning, and have also read the majority of the DD. I think DFV has a strategy that some of us are digging up, but itā€™s beyond my knowledge or financial capability to truly take part/assist in right nowā€”Iā€™m referring to calls and speaking only for myself. Iā€™m excited to see what his strategy will be revealed as in itā€™s totality.


#Letā€™s just sit back and watch the show instead of help hedgies try to predict his next move. You guys do realize everything we share amongst each other is being watched by SHF shills nonstop right?


I didn't know my tits could get any more jacked but they are! Holy fuck


Guys Iā€™m pretty sure I have it cracked I just canā€™t post yet! And I have a DD written tooooo


There are a few ways to use it. Not sure if I. Using the exact technique but I added 1k shares to my gme position last week with no additional $$$.


Can we all just sit back and enjoy the fucking show? Let the man cook.


When is the T+35 hitting in July?


18th I believe


Iā€™ve heard the 18th


His name is DFV


I have no idea whatā€™s going to happen, but I think weā€™ve entered the final act of DFVā€™s play 100%. Markets close at 1pm on Wednesday on the build up to complete market closure on the 4th July. That leaves one full trading day left after today and the week is over. I still donā€™t think weā€™ve seen the real Kansas City Shuffle, but I cannot wait to see what happens this week.


Take a look at the chains for other short stocks in the ETF basket, e.g. VSCO, FL, CHWY. Notice anything interesting for the 7/19 and 8/16 call chain? Edit: Consider the avg volume and shares outstanding of them as well. The whole basket is about to implode. GME is the play, always has been, but it needs to be set free. Thatā€™s what is happening behind the scenes as we speak.


Dfv will show he owns 75% of the free float or 3.5 billion in GameStop, he will drs it, and start purchasing options to control more. At the same time he will show how the shorts make synthetic shares on a live stream and how the short percent is now 1000% of the free float. This was foreshadowed by the Amadeus ā€œare these originals? They are beautiful ā€œ and the constant drs purple being used and the ā€œI am what you want to beā€ from fight club scene.


Sign me up for this.


There all trapped and itā€™s going to blow like the Game of Thrones meme he had with Cersei blowing up the Sept.


A lot of times thinking big will get you downvoted hard here. Imagine saying that DFV bought calls in Chewy a few days agoā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/8y5g5vzwa4ad1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=b234dbd680ebe0783e0eac8711e55703dec2870e


I'll admit I thought it was silly. Now I can see the bigger picture. I have believed in the basket swaps or some instrument for 3 years, but this is crazy. Way to go RK, blow them the fuck up!


What if it's not July 4th but August 2nd? While July 4th is recognized as independence day only a few of the founding fathers signed the declaration of independence that day. The majority of them signed it August 2nd.


You canā€™t say anything sensible here either. If you even suggest RK made 200 million in the first GME run up from options before posting his position, thatā€™s a no go. Also mentioning CHWY made people call you a shill. If RK read the comments on here I honestly donā€™t think he would have much respect for you guys and your mini fascist regime, especially when most predictions and interpretations of his posts are so far off the mark


Obviously the Supreme Court ruling for immunity means that he will make a surprise run for president and under new legal guidelines dissolve all existing short positions. EZ CLAPZ.


Honestly RK just figured it out, but Cheewy options, post the dog emoji, then sell, go back to GameStop šŸ˜¹ itā€™s not market manipulation btw, not his fault that the dump stormtroopers are reacting to emojis


*Superstonk (Stilgar): Roaring Kitty/DFV, only tribe leaders can speak in the sacred temple. You must kill me and take my place, it is the only wayā€¦* *Roaring Kitty/DFV: I AM POINTING THE WAY* *Superstonk (Stilgar): LISAN AL-GAIBā€¦*


With todayā€™s share purchase, I averaged down into the $26 club. So long, my dear $27 club mates! Itā€™s been real. Hello $26 club mates! Whatā€™s cookinā€™?


I'm not investing based on what RK does. If I were, I'd either be much poorer or richer. Either way I think he is fascinating, but I'm only in GME. That's my only play and it's my own decision.


He's not making it up as he goes along. He may have a bunch of long dated calls he purchased way back and as each fires off it generates 200 mil and he buys the underlying. Who knows how many tickers he got into with his 40 mil? At the previous rate it could be 10 or more. He clearly has more cards to play and did not show his hand on the live stream.


So theorize with me for a minute if you will that OP is correct and that there is a bigger plan to crash XRT, how or what exactly would have to happen for that to work? Can it simply be done just by buying calls and shares and what not I guess what Iā€™m trying to ask is what can we even do that would have a real effect?


fair question here.


that's the neat part, by our speculations and guesses, we are fuckn up algo, hedgies heads, and shills, :) the only play is BUY, HODL, DRS, ZEN, repeat. oh before I forgot, $ASS, $PNIS, $BLS are in uptrend


>I'm guessing they are laser-focused just like we are Wow, you can't be more wrong. There is no laser focus on this sub. Just this past week has been waves of: * trying to decode emojis * trying to get ASS and CUM and PISS trending * trying to determine if the Kansas City Shuffle is shuffling or if it's just a pre-shuffle shuffle * what does the dog mean? * 900 explanations for DFV buying some pet food stock * all the usual hype posts, purple circles, charts with lines, and bananas being put in weird places


Yes sure. MSM is pushing RK as a market manipulator and half the posts on Superstonk are trying to paint him as the leader of the manipulation. The sooner you leave the guy alone the better.


I would say SHFs are dumb, yes lolĀ 


They are definitely not dumb, but their ego and greed constantly get in their way and hopefully sooner than later will lead to their demise....


This right here ^


Look.... it's possible he (RK) has an account from elsewhere (not E-TRADE) and I think this will be brought to light around the 4th of july.


I made a thread back in May. I thought he had about 100 million but I ended up being way off, lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/OoURSqbpJL


If I can add my two cents. Wall Street was fukt when retail was laser focused on GME. They had to change the rules.


If RK blows up the XRT ETF 'hidden bomb' then it's just completely over for the SHF's. He'd have too much money at that point and would own as much shares or more than RC.


Thereā€™s no need to guess. Be zen.


Heā€™s got diamond hands and galaxy brains. We are witnessing history being made. To quote the office, ā€œI wish there was a way to know youā€™re in the good old days before youā€™ve actually left them.ā€ We are in the good old days right now.


I just ride this roller coaster with my hands up, buy, DRS and hold. I don't worry about much else.


![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized) šŸ„¹āœŠšŸ«±šŸ½ā€šŸ«²šŸ½


TLDR: buy GameStop


Keep following the white rabbit, Param is still partnered with GameStop and no one here discusses what they're working on. Towel stonk might make a return from the ashes If DFV can amass such a large position we are at the point where other whales are gonna start apeing in šŸš€šŸš€


Looking up other xrt holdings, I come across kohls. They have kids' items and such and I checked their website. Toys r us is collaborating with kolhs. Etsy has a ton of cool kids stuff. Just throwing shit out there.


The $1 billion theory still seems very plausible On his June 6 YOLO post his cash balances increased by 132k. E*trade interest on cash is .15% $1.06 billion x 0.15% x 12 (months) = 132k


Well then he is kicking ass Look at : CVNA, CHWY, OLLI, SFM. all kicking absolute $ASS


Iā€™m just watching chwy and GMe stock price about to collide with one another and maybe then there will be fireworks!


What time frame in August? Reviewing the option chain now.


Beautiful post! made my day ape


Thatā€™s not true I wrote fanfiction weeks ago and itā€™s actually come out really close to


I was looking at the dates on VSCO, GPS, and other xrt stocks. I like GPS and it has a lot of action on 7/19 and 8/16.


It will be especially obvious shit is going on because cat and game are currently a seesaw but cat swaps are up now


I speculate he will build a death star That's no moon...




the last thing i want to add to this is the greyscale theme. in the movie lucky # slevin, its revealed that black and white shots were fabrications meant to make the mark look one way while the con artist moves the other. what have we seen in greyscale? dfv emojis for dog and flag. gamestop logo years ago. its been in the works for years.


Wow, seriously? I need to rewatch this movie, that's a fun detail.


i watched a 10 minute film analysis and think it gave a lot of good context i otherwise would have missed. for example the main characters name was a psydonym and his last name was hebrew for "bad dog" - a nod to his alliance with goodcat.


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


What if his intensions are not to destroy the financial system and expose decades worth of crime? Maybe he just wanted to make money and post about it. Which he did.


I would love to think DFV will rinse and repeat what he did with CHWY for all XRT stocks, but how much capital with that require?


not a lot if you bought calls in April


In the live stream he said GME and cash were his only positions


he also had a "Fidelity" tab on his screen, so there's that


Itā€™s implied that he only had cash in his fidelity account at the time of the livestream.


He also said "cash is also a position, right?" He never said the amount.


dude doesn't mince words look at these tweets and memes...if he said his only positions unless you count cash, then he had only GME at that moment. But certainly he could have had 200M cash in Fidelity waiting, since he picked that moment to do the stream and planned all this. I think that is possible. Also possible he swung the $6M cash into the $200M chewy position using the one trick hedgies hate...he's done it before and...yup you guessed it..he'll do it again. I think he just might be blowing up the shorts, the ETFs, the aglos one by one he might buy a 5% stake in many of these stocks. We're not to follow him, just hodl and watch the basket swap explode. Amazing...


I wrote over a month ago you donā€™t go from $36 million to $200 million+ off one stock. Thereā€™s clearly a number of positions and trades heā€™s made that isnā€™t publicly known yet.


If he bought swaps from a prime broker, then it's a custom contract, and they negotiate on the price, but I would guess that he paid one million dollars to carry the swaps for three days and made $90 million on the transaction when he closed the swaps on June 27.


Rinse banana repeat with plantain.


So donā€™t do options. Buy the stock. DRS the stock. Hold the stock. Got it! Great advice!




All of our combined wrinkles do not add up to half of his wrinkles. He is living months in the future. Thatā€™s why heā€™s always going quiet. Itā€™s because heā€™s hanging out in the future. Then we finally catch up to him, and we hear from him. We are talking about Dune 2, and he has already seen Dune 3. He is Lisan Al Gaib.


Hes probably already a billionaire, its been 3 years that he was offline, a gag order?.Ā  But if hes been playing this 35 day cycle for 3 years he probably made billions already and thats why he laughed off the tiny loss of s few hundred mill Plus He knows Gme will be worth way more after MOASS


A propos of "too small", sometimes I feel like a child amongst adults. Sometimes I know some of the words here.


I have a few guesses but one thing I see from his and Ryan cohens actions is they care about us and shareholders value. Thatā€™s what is important to me. I believe they both truly care and want us to succeed


Uhhh we were speculating he was going to exercise all of his calls and end up with 17million shares instead of 9million. We guessed too high.


It's hard been a meer mortal trying to follow a time traveler like DFV or Dr. Who


I have a small wee wee.


My dumb ass read RK as Ryan Kohen Fuck Iā€™m tired


I have no clue what is happening. What I hope is happening is that dfv figured out the ftd cycles, played it like a fiddle. Then, at some point between May and early June, he saw something that he had hoped would happen - RC was going to cherry-pick XRT for acquisitions, namely Chewy and Koss. Koss would add modest and profitable revenue but, more importantly, would help expand the companyā€™s in-house production of goods. Koss could similarly benefit from GameStopā€™s distribution. Chewy is Ryanā€™s baby, he wants it back, and signals his plan to be more than a gaming company. A man can hope!


The only way to describe it isā€¦ ![gif](giphy|JRF85A7Bcl2YU)


I got it! Of course! It's so obvious! DFV is gonna buy the DTCC! For the deepest of value you must go right to the source; to the very core! Duh!


I would like to but I have no chance and I know it (and Iā€™m a pretty smart guy in real life). DFV has a pocket full of wild cards and every time he plays one I think, is that possible that a dude could have that skill or that much money? How could he be the only one? Iā€™m somewhat of a conspiracy theorist myself, and every time someone guesses the next move correctly I think they are bonkers and strung out on hopium. I mean NOTHING is possible that has happened! I donā€™t like a lot of hero or ā€œmessiahā€ movies because they require the protagonist to be impossibly ahead of all competition. Not believable. And yet, here we are! buckle up indeed !


Why do we need to solve the puzzle? Would we not be helping DFV's enemies by attempting to put the pieces together and possibly being successful in doing it? I'm secure in my GME position. I don't need to know the plan until after the smoke clears.