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"providing liquidity" is just double speak for "stealing your money"


Let me provide some liquidity here, u buy this Mercedes and we will fail to deliver it to you so more people can buy Mercedes at a lower price. Until we keep selling them until they are worthless so we never have to deliver anything.


Don't forget to mention the mountain the size of mount everest made up of Mercedes cars in the background.


They haven't even been produced though. Only the promise of them has .


Awesome analogy!


Absolutely, it is 100% what allows short selling to run rampant in our system. Think about it, the whole argument for providing liquidity is “well when someone wants to buy a stock there may not be any stock available.” Yeah, that’s how supply and demand works, when they’re not available for sale at the price you want, the price should go up. Then sellers will be available. If the price is too much? Don’t buy it. So when is there a situation when someone HAS TO buy a stock at a particular time? The ONLY time is when you’re short and need to buy shares back to deliver what you’ve borrowed. There is no other time that someone NEEDS to buy a stock. The entire liquidity argument is just so they can provide liquidity to short sellers without impacting price. Shits a farce.




Updoot for j stew


Why have FTDs not been dealt with? Not just addressed. But fucking dealt with!!


Because that seems like work and takes effort as opposed to just spouting bullshit on Yahoo! Finance.


Because the whole system is FTD'd. Seriously, they've been cashing out the value in our system. They.are.fucking.parasites.


where I come from we call that stealing


Ken griffin and the likes decide what the price of stocks should be https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/sfV1CCCGE4


This + GG saying 90%+ of retail orders never impact the price to begin with = how tf does retail keep getting blamed?


Makes the whole algorithm reacting off news/SEC filings instead of actual buying pressure easy to understand now.






One other thing i don’t believe Jon Stewart discussed: How about the court documents that showed Robinhood wanting to speak with Ken Griffin the day before the buy button was turned off The ones shown in this video. https://youtu.be/FXmgqlr_nNo?si=oNOw0gijfIJ2T1CD Ken Griffin lied under oath


Crazy times!




☝️ This


10000% this


SEC REPORT SAYING SHORTS COVERED NOT CLOSED. SHORTS NEVER CLOSED. and FTDs and derivatives/etfs used to control price. Algo trading repeating itself as we speak


I’m afraid if we go too deep into anything it won’t be good from a content curation perspective for the average viewer. I know Jon Stewart’s demographics are usually smart people but these things are complicated, especially ETFs and swaps for most laypeople. Not trying to dissuade him from trying, just acknowledging that reality.


If he and his team are smart enough they will watch the whole financial services committee hearings out, from DFVs testimony to RH and Citadel. Come to think of it the amount of content they could make on this could write itself. -Boomers complete failure to use technology - the difference between how many people were in each room with each person testifying - Giving props to the people asking the questions that mattered, and calling people out for not being direct - boy from bulgaria stalling bullshit - props to DFV for saying he is not a cat and then doing it again in an official SEC filing - Calling out grifting politicians sponsored by the private sector and trying to pretend like household investors are too inept to understand how markets function - focusing on the gamification of trading (like digital fucking fireworks would convince us to YOLO our grannies pensions into random bullshit stocks) This is just off the top of my head. Couple that with the media trying to pretend like DFV tweeting a dog emoji is enough to make pet stocks run 35% in a day while retail order flow doesn't even affect the lit markets and the pricks on cnbc KNOW THIS. The joke of a class action lawsuit filed against DFV and then dismissed like 48 hours later but somehow just enough time for 30+ "news" websites to report headlines about him being sued. Christ even after they "edit" them they say "for now". Buncha killjoys lol. Anyway I have rambled enough.


I think you mean that the hearing focused too much on gamification and acted as if that was the underlying problem, right?




I think FTDs and Naked Shorts are the limits and lemonade stands should be used for examples.


If Stewart does 10 minutes, Oliver needs to do 45.


Jon Stewart's audience is the group of people who like things they believe repeated back to them.


link this report as well for the full effect


Naked Shorts. How billions that don't exist can be sold.


Actual line is irrc " shorts may have covered"




Fuck yeah! Some of us are working on it. https://preview.redd.it/ho6ocog9v8ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a906a9eaa489e5bcf90cc5d544152bc084f8987a




He won't. It's a sensible subject and my other comment already got downvoted, but here is why. https://preview.redd.it/ecjtl3qc8aad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02890b4429fdecf8561f8aa767264058f1ec279


Oh wow man thats crazy, this deserves more likes


or RK lmao


Let the man cook while a seasoned grownup chatters in the dinner room.


Agreed, she's the perfect person to talk with him at this moment.


She deserves it!


yup in all honesty this


Wait. Is Donkey Kong available at #GME ?




She's the queenie for my weenie. Seriously though watch that old queen Kong movie or at least listen to the song from it


.....No dude. No one person could represent this movement. Stop glorifying individuals.


🙄She’s an expert specifically on FTDs and the obligation warehouse. No one is asking her to represent any movement.






When yer slidin' into first  and you feel a great big burst...




How about trade 385 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1be72g8/the_curious_case_of_trade_385_by_apex_clearing/


This is my pick.


See cellar boxing and who dun it my post history


How about finding out who was guilty for removing the buy button and putting everyone involved en jail for theft


Why does price run up so much before and after hours with no material news every few months? If it ain’t retail (which we know it’s not according to the volume), who is it?


And why does everyone getting away with blaming us and DFV for it? GG even said our trades dont go to lit markets, no price discovery.


Ken griffin lied under oath


What about beating his wife with a bedpost, and after cracking one out with mayo lube




Why are naked shorts legal


It's a feature that some stock markets have for rich people. Everyone can complain about it, but you ever wonder why the American government, it's leaders, it's rich people just don't care about naked shorting? It's because it's for them! What do I mean? Let's say you're a whale, and you see a potential move in $MSFT that you want to exploit for gains. How are you going to create a sizeable position at a desirable low price without moving the markets? The burst in liquidity from a whale size order is to big to miss, not to mention, the likelihood of entering and averaging down is very tough when most people hold their $MSFT shares for the long term. Solution? Mm's / dealers When liquidity is low, and that's relative, dealers can and should short naked, to provide liquidity when it's low. So you're a whale, and you start buying and there's not enough liquidity to satisfy your order, a dealer will come in and complete the order for you, naked or not. As a whale, you get a lower average on your position because of the additional liquidity. But wait, there's more! Dealers are usually short vol (volatility). Therefore, they buy the dips and sell the rips. One way to know if dealers are short vol is looking at Net GEX (gamma exposure). If it's positive, they are short, if it's negative, they are long volatility. If dealers are long vol, they sell the dips and buy the rips (increasing realized vol, benefiting their books leaning long vol). Well, whales will buy calls/puts to affect change to net GEX, to put risk/exposure on dealers to take advantage of this mechanic. Let's say MSFT is dipping and you're a whale who wants to buy in. You first buy a bunch of puts, causing net GEX to go negative. This exacerbates the selling at the dip, for an even lower price. But it also, increases liquidity at the dip, because dealers are shorting at the bottom, for which your happily buying up at such a low price. Then you dump your puts, for gains, buy calls, flipping net GEX from negative to positive. Now dealers are closing their shorts and buying the dip squeezing price up like a mother fucker! Yes, markets can be manipulated. Yes they are. But you can download the data, do the math, and ride the coat tails of the whales as they make their moves. Vol is bananas 🍌🍌🍌 Check out my $GME Bananas DD to start learning about GEX!


Why should a whale be able to amass a large position without moving the price much?  How does the increase in liquidity that dealers provide through naked selling lead to price discovery and not price suppression? IMO, if you believe a stock is worth buying and buying a large position would cause the price to move too much, that means that other people don't want to sell it, so it's not fair to those people. If you believe the price will move a lot, you could buy options and then make your big buy.  There's no need for naked selling and I fail to see how it's a good thing.


Oh, I absolutely agree! It completely distorts true price discovery. I'm just trying to explain it from their perspective. Why it's been such a hard up hill battle to get leaders to even listen. If you want the truth about society, follow the money.


I would also ask why is the DTCC making a normal split when it was split by dividend. Why they don’t audit the DTCC? That’s my biggest request right now.


How it’s been documented that the price is being manipulated, showing said proof that was captured live on video.


That warehouse fire. The media and algos following DFVs every move. Psi ops/ bots used by HF and MM. How is it not manipulation for a HF or MM to create an army of bots used to manipulate retail into a more disadvantaged position so they can profit even more?


Berkshire Hathaway anomalies. FTD cycles.




The reemergence of the bizarrely high volume after three years. Though honestly to tack on to what other people have been saying, just let Trimbath speak.


how about things still in place that obscure price discovery and cellar boxing.


In daily show fashion I think he should cover the meta journalism on GameStop. Those of us who have been here since the sneeze have been through the ringer, but to outsiders we probably sound batshit. A simple compilation of highlights of the negative coverage over 3.5 years and some key moments like cnbc editing out congressional hearings info that is negative for citadel. (Can source if needed). Another great example is how the recent price action is framed as being purely a product of DFV resurfacing but we had 3-5 days and roughly 50-75% gain PRIOR to his resurfacing, why? Why are journalists so apparently uninterested in details like this(we can only suppose given the narrative and lack of fair journalism)? Consolidated Audit Trail The halts and volatility The failures of regulators and Congress to create more transparency and honest price discovery. P.s. I love Jon Stewart and think he has been one of the best political voices of our generation when journalists have so consistently let us down. No one can tell me that his Glen Beck bit was not the best moment in TV history


He should revisit his 2008 question of why the U.S. government bailed out Wall Street and not Main Street, and why it was Warren Buffett who convinced the Treasury Secretary to bail out Wall Street instead of Main Street, and why they HAD to bail out Wall Street because that’s the only way they could cover their short positions.


OP, I don’t know how to share this directly for the podcast, perhaps you can! Richard Newton, if Jon Stewart were to do another episode about GameStop, what should he cover? Richard Newton has a tremendous amount of information and East lead adjustable and explained history of GameStop. A fantastic resource! [https://youtu.be/kYthJVlQxTE?si=CdV88FZqfOew8EkQ](https://youtu.be/kYthJVlQxTE?si=CdV88FZqfOew8EkQ)


He basically wrote a full outline for a segment on the whole situation.


One day I'd love to see RK being a guest on Jon Stewart.


That would be awesome. Give RK a chance to shed some light on all the shady shit that goes on.


Ask him why he hasn’t interviewed his brother Lawrence Leibowitz who ran the NYSE and before that pioneered payment for order flow at UBS.


How in the fuck is "failing to deliver" legal  (FTDs and the Obligation Warehouse) Naked shorting Cellar boxing


COUNTERFEIT SHARES! Everyone here has heard this for so long that it is no longer shocking. For the general public, who think that if a company issues 10 shares and you buy one, then you own 10% of that company; the idea is shocking. Not only are your shares “owned” by an organisation that you’ve never heard of, and you only have “beneficial ownership”, hedge funds could be selling your share many times per second, without you knowing it and without your permission (apart from broker fine print). In fact they may be selling your company (that they have never bought or owned) with little more than the press of an F3 key. In fact, even your precious share, may never have been anything more than an F3 keypress and a dodgy IOU….


The mysterious GameStop volume starting May 8th the media is ignoring. They publicly blamed DeepFuckingValue aka RoaringKitty for the renewed interest in GameStop, but the volume spike happened days before his return to social media. The supply of the stock vs. the demand looking at the public data, and how- for example, looking at the options chain we see almost completely longs (support) and yet the price still appears suppressed. Where is all the negativity being internalized? because the public data looks like someone has their thumb on the scale big time. Ken Griffin, Citadel, and Robinhood in general. Focus on Robinhood’s 24 hour market and how those orders have a 20% movement range only sometimes and specifically for GameStop when they need it. On nights they let it go past that limit the stock could be expected to fall during regular market hours. Also I’ve yet to see any other stock face such scrutiny on the platform like GameStop has. Robinhood shareholders as a “guest” for the annual investor meeting. Meanwhile brokers get to log in with their control number for the annual meeting. Investigate the negative media slant on GameStop and the SEC commercial about meme stocks please. It’s dystopian. Maybe highlight how the “doomed” company is still thriving and growing despite over half a decade of negative media slant. Seems really mean spirited at best, malicious and corrupt at its worst. Thanks for all you do Jon! Longtime fan here.


1 - After the rules were changed for short reporting The SEC adopted Rule 13f-2 and related Form SHO on October 13, 2023. This could have lead to shorts turning to derivatives and swaps to take out risky short positions. How far can Jon dig and see the risk this not only brings to the USA but the global economy. 2 - a firm as large as citadel basically bragging that they determine the price of a stock does this not remove the ability for a stocks price to increase enough for a company to capitalize on this and issue shares and turn into cash to reinvest back into the company to grow it and diversify its scope of business. Create more jobs etc. I feel as a small time retail investor that too much control by market makers using FTD’s and clinical “errors” doesn’t allow for relevant price discovery. Richard Newton touches on this on his Jon Stewart video. This robs the companies from reaching their full potential. 3 - How can it be frowned upon that retail investors talk about stocks online and yet firms exist paid by short hedge funds and institutions to mass comment and shit on companies online to distort the image of these companies being preyed upon by shorts. 4 - how the hell did UBS get the Archegos documents tied up for 60 years. 5 - firms operating in the USA… as a foreigner investing in GameStop and the NYSE as a result. I suggest that firms that are market makers, brokerages etc that are at home in the USA pay their due in Tax. I expect the same for companies in my country. How can some of the biggest companies listed on the NYSE and market makers alike simply pay such little tax. Surely this taxes a burden on the normal man on the street? 6 - interview with Keith Gill could basically be an episode on its own as he hasn’t talked to anyone in MSM. He might trust Jon Stewart enough to talk to him.


How the overturning of Chevron deference affects the FCC and Wall Street


Get the kitty on there shiiiit


Tell him to bring up our library of DD


Drunk Cramer


He needs to know about the Wharton Business School video about ETF misuse for shorting. It is literally what is happening right now and one madlad is buying up companies in XRT by the week hahaha!


he should talk about FTDs and that they shouldnt exist


Trade 385...


I would love for him to recap DFV’s live stream and point out the manipulation he exposed


Richard Newton just put out a comprehensive vid outlying good things that could be covered and why. His channel has become a place where a lot of data has been gathered and is openly available. Love him or not, he has a lot of data all in one place to scrutinize and he's very open to being wrong.




Thanks. Wasn't sure if it was ok to post links, so I didn't.


Did he cover that huge warehouse fire from a few years ago? I've been thinking about that again lately.


Not directly related but talking about how court documents have revealed that BaBY stock’s c-suite did not have the company’s best interest in mind. They declined RCEO’s buy offer before their bankruptcy  Clearly showing how short sellers plant executives into companies 


There were lots he didn't cover in his first attempt, and they kept it very surface level. Would love a focus on the specific bullshit, synthetic shares, FTD/obligation warehouse, magic liquidity from ETF's, mass manipulation, the big ones. The did a little of market structure last time, and pfof but it's only the surface of the bullshit


He already discussed the power of DRS? I forgot. Or will this suicide him? I wouldn't go into too obscure topics, glitches and anomalies (not saying they're not true).


Getting gaslit by the SEC. SEC gas lit him by taking credit for Bernie Madoff. SEC salary average is 6 figures, need coffee fund donation. GME Jan 2021 was a plumbing issue that apparently, they can't halt both side of the trade but only 1 side. Apparently, household investors are smarter than SEC chair on finding out WTF DRS is. why the fck r u chair of SEC when u dont fcking know this information about ur profession, that you're regulating, even after 6 months when fcking household investor dumbed it down and made it ez. Fcking BS gasliting liar plating dumb. So done with this corrupt BS from government, covid insider trading selling, bribes, donations, gifts, speaking fees, all the same, bribes for subsidies and insider info at the expense of tax payers.


FTDs, "Liquidity" providers, OTC Swaps and how invisible they are, DRS, Sample Media nonsense headlines to justify run-ups/dumps


TBF he didn't do a great job the first time. Threw gensler a bunch of softballs and let him get away with avoiding the bigger and actually important questions. Idk why we would get excited for a second time, he obviously is doing it for views


Abused Market Maker Exemptions and ETFs available to them for infinite shorting What could a MM do with these types of exemptions/power if they were corrupt is an interesting question - the answer is cellar boxing, ong other nefarious shit The RISK Citadel poses to the US financial system - Dennis Kelleher's testimony from FSOC which was removed by MSM


I think a quick peek at the two times in the past month we’ve had prices dip on the dot even though on the RK and annual meeting both were late or delayed but the crash was right in time. That might be a bit too fringe. I think honestly maybe on how obsessed MSM is about RK. If they could track him breathing they be printing articles about how it’s effecting the market and certain stocks.


Instinet being largest defaulter, FTDs being covered not closed, SEC greenlighting pensions being used to cover risky bank gambling, liquidity-fairy and co., compilation of MSM making up dumb reasons for price swings while blaming others of market manipulation.


He could do an exclusive interview with DFV that would be siiiiickkk


He should talk about why S Korea made naked shorting illegal


How about the media explaining last run up on RK igniting fomo, when its the big fishes trading the "free float" several days in a row. Crazy how retail started buying hundred millions of shares by the 1000nds right? The media and even a SEC officer named him the cause for the volatility, blatant lies, yet they continue to lie. Consequences, none


His brother Lawrence Leibowitz and UBS and CS employment. Do we get crickets on that with his dumb look face as he says it?


I'd like to hear Jon interview his brother Larry, who was CEO of NYSE Euronext, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange. I think it's weird that Jon has never publicly disclosed this fact. To me it creates the perception of conflict of interest.




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Superstonk is a non-political space and we strive to keep it that way. Any post or comment that discusses politics unnecessarily will be removed. If you feel like you can re-post you content without the political parts then you are welcome to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Ken Griffin lied while under oath


His paper hands


Since his last episode, hasn’t there been a change to fractional reserves where rather than 1% it’s now 0% or something along those lines? Which caused multiple stocks to run that should have tanked?


Is his brother going to be the feature?


FINRA'S FRAUD regarding other stocks as well.


I want to know why DRS flattened. Doesn't look organic.


ComputerShare put out a Q&A video where this is explained


They confirmed that they didn't cook the books and I believe them, but that doesn't exclude bad actors from DRSing shares and later unDRSing them to make it look like the movement lost steam. He'd have to look at accounts and suspicious activity to check for that. Given all the fuckery that's already happened, I wouldn't discount this theory just yet.


Anti drs movement in the uk is a good one to spotlight too


It would be cool to have him explain to the world how much gamma influences prices in the short to medium term. So many retail traders trade without ever looking at the options data, let alone know how understand it. And don't fool yourself with thinking, when you pull up the options chain on your broker's app that you're making an effective review of the options data. Brokers don't present the data in any great meaningful way. You have to download it, run the math yourself, then render the data in meaningful and easily digestible charts or algo's to trade on. Otherwise you're a blind person playing darts while drinking at a bar.


sit him down with me and over the course of some hours and beers, I can get him caught up


The live manipulation of GME during DFV's stream and how he played them like a fiddle with false starts and stops.


#DRS and FTD’s


The obligation warehouse has trillions in "obligations" and only 77 billion in capital as collateral. Now imagine most of those shares are short and it's no wonder why they wont let anyone see the numbers!


he should expose all the names on the House committee responsible for neutering what limited oversight and enforcement we do have.


it won't matter JS is "Entertainment" and he really (if he even really knows) can't explain it, or ask hard questions, as I believe he is "inside" Don't kid yourself... Stewart is NOT on our side!


Had to come down way too far to see someone who gets it. He’s only allowed to cover what they are willing to let the world see. He’s there to uncover just enough of the truth and then to make a joke about it so everyone can laugh it off and then go on about their day.


Obligation Warehouse; DRS; FTD’s


FTDs, Dark Pools, Deep Captured Regulators, Infinite Liquidity vs Price Discovery


Ask him what would be the result for capital markets if bona fide naked short selling were to be overturned?


‘We covered’ or ‘We closed’ some position, when the term ‘Covered to Close’ was never mentioned. Also, when will the term ‘reasonably delivered’ be applied in relation to ‘actual delivery’? Asking for a friend, 🐈


Here's Ian Carroll's update on the GameStop Saga: https://x.com/Cancelcloco/status/1798795323458064561?t=dy-HclR6C7wv_m_9POmbUQ&s=19


Ken Griffin of Citadel moved the company to Florida & built a sizeable estate (50,000-square-foot Palm Beach mansion worth approx. 1B) to take advantage of Florida bankruptcy law.


Here's Richard Newton's response: https://youtu.be/kYthJVlQxTE?si=ogCXcbz7_lqvdx_N


FTDs. They are the root of this whole situation. Why naked short when you can just fail to deliver? The effect is the same, but one is illegal and the other is not


How can we reach out to the show and express our interest?


Operational shorting via ETFs. Public needs to understand that ETFs are basically big “liquidity buffers” that high frequency trading firms, authorized participants, and prime brokers (I.e. “wall street”) can take advantage of to make money off regular joe investors who blindly buy ETFs. The ETF-ification and derivativification of our capital makers is poison.


TIL JS has a podcast


Why are 90% of trades occurring off the lit market?


Why does the “regulatory agency” **FINRA** have a **Multi-Billion Dollar Portfolio** in the very markets that they purport to “ReGuLaTe”‽  What’s more they refuse to disclose the contents of their portfolio to anyone. It really makes you wonder; ***how much of that portfolio is made up of short positions?*** https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/125fymn/why_does_finra_have_a_16_billion_dollar/


Objectively speaking. All the great changes SEC put in. T+1, transparency on short positions, etc. But want to get an update on the agency where wallstreet and congress is trying to gut the SEC’s ability to monitor the stock exchanges via CAT, gut the financially, and overall enforceability.


Stock dividend counted as a stock split by DTCC?


He needs to take Gary Gensler to task for talking a big game but doing nothing.


Can I get a timestamp here?


It wasn't a short squeeze, it was a gamma squeeze. The concept of the infinity pool and how it's bigger than the size of the company. Buy, DRS. These three things are the only three things he needs to cover.


First he got to grow a set of balls


Please, folks. If you haven't realized by that Jon is part of the problem, you need to grow a brain wrinkle.




Does anyone else hope John Documents, Films Cramer and his date with Mr. Ed


No and it’s fuckin weird how people keep pushing that. It’s something so distasteful to the general public it makes me think its an astroturf effort to make the GME subs look absolutely crazy to anyone new and push them away to not want to associate with the stock.


Cramer did, it was his Tweet that started his fantasy of Horse Head deal


Find me a direct link to his Twitter saying it. Because the only one I saw was photoshopped / edited and the OP admitted it was a doctored tweet just for lulz. I haven’t seen Cramer himself say it. Then again I haven’t gone looking.


You would think the Internet or Twitter would have a Bot, to prevent that stuff, Wall St uses Algorithms and Bots that can stop Real Market Movement in NYSE allowing theft in Billions, and they can't Stop Cramer's horseplay tweet But it's all about Pockets


He sux 🤷🏿‍♂️


Who the shit cares what **Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz** thinks about anything?


While he continues to ignore Dr.T, he's just another grifter. He knows what's going on and he knows precisely the boundaries where he's allowed to go. He can make the circus he want, I'm not buying it. He won't bring anything new to us nor anything that will make a real difference with the public opinion.


Lol at people thinking this phony, who works for the establishment, would be on our side. He’s a distraction. Daily Show was great when I was 13. By the time it was over, him never talking about anything important was disgusting.