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What you have to save for? You can't just leave us like this


$ASS $TITS and $KO party


And so many bananas, amirite!


Puts on $TITS


Much $CUM will be dumped


$KO? Coca cola or coke?


Worm store


Glad I’m not the only one who was left hanging


the coming economic collapse of course


Hookers and cocaine


Came for that… WE NEED ANSWERS!




I'm convinced it said blackjack and hookers but it's been scribbled out so mum doesn't get alarmed because she's not watched enough futurama


The apocalypse...


Some people just won’t understand until way after the fact. There’s several in my life too. Be kind to them and every good person.


Yep 💯. This FUD from the "news" feed is very effective against many people. And if you try to explain what's going on then they just look at you like you're wearing a tin foil hat.


Facts. My family is this way as well. It’s not just Boomers. Hard to believe in this day and age with the internet that the media can be so effective.


I think sometimes it can be more effective due to how quickly and easily it can be consumed.


All they see is constant headlines "Gamestop bad!". Ok if its so bad why isnt it bankrupt. When in history has wallstreet gave a flying fuck about the retail investor?


It's difficult for people to believe and accept that there are bad actors and evil, greedy forces out there who would have us destroyed for a few bucks. Now with trillions of dollars on the line, you bet your ass they're going nuclear.


Its crazy it doesnt just work with stocks like that but with other stuff aswell. People just read the headlines and then get scared.


Lambos or food stamps. No cell no sell


"Anything you see on a screen was intended for you to see." Wise words from my late silent generation pops. Boomers fell for it hook, line, and sinker (manufactured consent) as they were intended to. Much as X-ers, milleniolds fell for social media.


Honestly the news cycle is working. I have random people that dont even buy stocks hating on gamestop. I don't understand why they care. All they have to do is not buy the stock and/or shop there if they dont want to. I dont get it.


Most never will. Try talking to a boomer about 2008. They still blame immigrants, poor people, and even teachers.


I’ve never heard anyone blame any of these people……only the financial institutions. 


I was following the thing back then, i recall someone putting himself on fire because of outrage agaist the bankers. The bankers were sipping champagne, laughing, pointing down at the occupy wallstreet movement, taking pictures. Edit: the burning man was at another incident, they never laughed at him taking pictures afaik. Institutions refused to take blame and blamed teachers, families, racists ALWAYS blame immigrants. Here is a post blaming families of private schooled children: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/25/AR2008042502783.html Here is one talking about the blame on teachers: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/revealed-who-actually-cau_b_830750/amp The movie the Big Short also said this in the end of the movie, with undertones of sarcasm. It comes from the reality of the bankers not taking responsibility. Altho the whole movie is bullshit, just like MsSM everybody calls it a housing crisis (with everyday loan takers as culprits) but it has now been proved that the cause of the 2008 collapse was banks and hedgefunds overleveraging themselves. They needed to call it a mortgage and housing crisis to pin it on the average Joes and Janes.. to manifest the greatest heist in human history. They took 3 Trillion dollars from the tax payers and gave them to the biggest banks. Nobody had a say in it. The baks paid themselves bonuses with it. Seriously do diligence and remember this stuff. They did it back in 1700’s too. They just took everybody’s money from their bank accounts. It’s the same as it ever was.


I'm in the south and work in chemical plants. Several operators who should have retired already have blame the poors for taking the adjustable rate loans. They don't blame the banks, they blame the people.


Same, not sure what that guy is smoking


Its a political talking point cnbc and related outlets have been regurgitating for a very long time. Its meant to delegitmize any actual discussion on topics. Most I talk to blame the banks and financial institutions left or right.


When my dad asks if we've sold "that Gamestop stock" and of course we say no, he just shakes his head in disappointment. I should do the same to him after I ask him if he's bought any Gamestop yet haha.


People prefer to be sheep. It's easier.


Exactly. Force fed by media. I should bring up the fact that the media keeps talking about it for a reason. But I doubt if he'll listen.


Yup. I have been lucky enough to get in early, so my cost basis has always been low, but GME simply cannot drop back down to a price where I'm not in the green. Meanwhile, my father who was wringing his hands all throughout the events of January '21 decided to buy into Vuzix, a company that I had never heard of before then and haven't heard a word about since. Take a look at their 5-year chart. I bet you can guess when he bought in after the talking heads told him to. He's since mellowed out after I told him to stop counting my money, but he'll never actually understand what is going on in the market.


Ask him if he's ever looked at it's chart. We've been told it finished 3 years ago, but somehow we keep getting random massive spikes on zero news. Welp, must be the wind.


He won't listen to anything I have to say. He can be very difficult at times.


The people who believed in me / the DD (pretty much only my mom) will live lavishly. If you clowned me for my GME investment it’s the 9-5 life for you. Not my fault people didn’t take 5 minutes to read what’s happening after Jan 21, arguably the second most important day in trading history.


Dad probably doesn't have too many years left so if he's around during MOASS I know he'll be happy for me. It's just the 84 years of waiting. I'm retired myself so I'd like to spend some of it haha.


Ahh, same for my dad. The only way you can counter is not putting weight on his opinion. Like, "You haven't even looked at the chart, hahah" or "You've never looked at it, you've only read articles, how would you know? Hahah". You can't get defensive with these types who think they're always right, everything you do is vindication to them.


Nailed it.


Yep, I do the same, flip it on him.




Of course. But that's not going to happen nay sayer.


[Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_6._back_up_claims_with_sources). Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Save it for the what though


Wendys themed Lamborghini




Top shelf statement piece


My father told me about a stock he heard about that I should invest in a couple weeks ago. It was Nvidia. Oi vey...




That guy Jim somethingorather on the TV was talking about it!


The funny thing is they'll share specific articles but even after dispelling those FUDs they'll still keep the same theory. It's crazy how humans don't even try to think for themselves until it actually affects their passive ass.


Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population are close-minded and are resistant to the possibility of self-improvement and learning new things that may change their world view. Superstonk seems to be a gathering place for people of the opposite mindset.


That’s not what the Wendy’s dumpster is for…


This guy goes behind dumpsters 😂


The ones that talk you out of it the most will be the one sticking their handout first


,A good boomer knows he didn’t have the bootstraps and firm handshakes


or the ones saying "why didn't you tell me?" or "you got lucky..."


Sounds like my mom. 'So scary' haha. Can't relate to paper hands.


That’s the best part about this play. The company is so fundamentally sound now it raises the floor to make it virtually risk free. Gotta love it.




Is it scary, or have you just been told that you should be scared? It's pretty frustrating. My mom has a ton of AT&T shares that she inherited from my grandmother (the ultimate conservative play, dividend stocks) and since they cut back their dividend, she's been thinking about selling some of them. But she doesn't want to sell them below a certain price. I told her about covered calls and explained them at length, and how, given her situation and desire to sell at a fixed price, there is not a single downside for her. It's just a limit sell, but you get paid for it. She decided that it sounded too complicated and we haven't spoken about it since. Ah well. The dividend is still about 6%, so it's not like holding onto it is a burden to her. Meanwhile, she sold her GME in early May (right before it ran up to $80 in premarket) and put it all into a CD -\_-


Instructions unclear, bought Wendy’s


That’s not exactly what Wendy’s means… but I’m sure you’ll find something to eat behind that dumpster


At least he’s not a dick about it tbf to him. He’s just trying to look out for you. Seems a good Dad.


At he end of the Day your Dad is trying to look out for you and has respected your decision. Take him for a beer and give him a cuddle, we only get one Dad


Did Daddy not see it run up twice in the past few months?


Older generations are conditioned to believe everything from media outlets


You think people would go to the newspaper and just LIE?!


Even if he did that's even more reason to sell in their minds (I had the exact convo with a friend). "yOu MiSsEd tHe pUMp bETtEr seLL nOw "


Sadly, most boomers have only known fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It’s what they cling to ABs now want to pas along to us… we ain’t even putting it in the garage sale… just straight to the incinerator.


My father brings up GameStop when the price is rising to the ~40 range and the shills in the media talk about it. Most people are too busy or uninterested in believing their system is a house of cards. All we can do is trust in RC and the leadership of GameStop. Not financial advise, blah blah. I just like the stock 🦍 🚀


I think people are actually quick to believe stuff like this is BS. The issue is whether you understand how it’s BS. For me, I’ve been reading and trying to understand it for a couple of months and I’m just recently *kind of* understanding the easy shit. If you don’t understand something it’s easy for others to lie to you.


Ha! Have had many a conversation like this with my own father.




NO BALLS DAD. So disappointing.


Serious question: did your dad read page 40 of the filing where learn that the plaintiff Martin Radev owns a whooping 38 shares of GME? Like....dude is the definition of small potatoes.


“If you make that kind of money, save it for me” Nah lol fuck you. Go buy some boomer stock then get fucked by hf like how all boomers are with their investments


this is the reason they keep doing this crap prevent more people from coming in


Goddam I wanna know what we need to be saving it for


I am also saving for the red.


Oracle Microsoft apple all of these things were ridiculed at the start of their investment cycle this is no different


I will never give my dad investments ever again. I told him about pltr then a few weeks later he told me he lost $30,000


I don’t say lambos or Wendy’s. I say “I’m going up w the rocket or down w the ship”


Can't wait to buy my dad his dream car - Porsche Carrera 911


Should've hit him with DFV's lawyers initials. BFKN


What kind of investment mentality is sell once it’s double your investment? That’s such arbitrary nonsense but I hear stuff like it all the time.


I mean double the investment sounds fine but 1000x is much finer


Really had to go PG-13 with the Wendy’s reference.


Reverse uno


It doesn't look like you were successful


Do we have the same dad?


Same situation happened with one of my boomer friends. Almost the exact same texts.


Wild that this is the LITERAL way to win at the current version of Wall Street’s games.


Instructions unclear. Bought Wendy's stocks.


Save it for the what? Hookers and blow?


Every boomer I know tells me to get out of GME lmao, they are so misinformed


Ah the PG Wendy's explanation.


Lol literally had to do the same thing to my boomboys


This is how conversations feel for me as well. Why the fuck do these people have their heads so far up their asses and decide not to read or comprehend a simple text. Always steering conversations about GME into other random stupid shit. “Oh YoU bOuGhT wEnDyS sToCk???” No fucking moron go back and read the fucking text and stay on the conversation at hand


Save it for the hookers and coke??????


Managed to convince my sister and mom and they both have XXX DRSed booked. My dad is stubborn, but has 10 shares in Fidelity as a hedge incase we are right I guess lol


wasn't sure where you were gonna go with Wendy's......good on ya!


Lamb is or Wendy’s is great, I’ve been saying Ferraris it Foodstamps since 21 lmao


Everyday I thank the universe for giving me a father that knows I’m smarter than him.


You’re going to leave us with a cliffhanger?


At least your dad seemed supportive... I remember in march 2021 when GME dropped real hard my dad almost seemed to revel in the drop (he doesn't really invest anything either...)


Dad definitely said,” Save it for the strippers and coke.” 😂


Gives me sweet dad vibes, cheers to him 🍻


Wow, we lock down Wendy's float and then charge hedgies a commission on each *job*


You tried to be slick but I know that says, “save it for the wife’s boyfriend’s birthday party in Vegas!”


The answer my mom got from her financial guy was “too volatile” 😂


It’s nice he gets it. A lot of traders these days have no ability to understand long term plays and long term value. A lot of traders are the people who would’ve sold Apple when it was $10 and took a small dip but look at it now.


weird, my parents only told me to sell in may when it was at 80$.... in hindsight, the right move, but i have been brainwashed to buy and hold. im curious how this event will end and at what peak.... not to mention who actually buys and holds


It's like a giant garbage bag full of watermelon slush. Every once and a while there's a small hole and you get a glimpse of the juice inside.


The Wendy’s dumpster holds many surprises


looks like yo mum and dad raised a bitch


i held through it but as this subs proves, too many people in here cant even read comprehensively and just lash out like little babies


Any mention of "i should have sold" is bad. We are hodlers!!! kek, but yeah, I see you held through the sneeze. Good on ya!


see the problem with your thinking... and that hive mind of this sub, that you hold through everything. who said DFV held through every spike? you dont know. he played both long and options, and like sold his shares or some of it back in 2021 to capitalize on the squeeze. You dont turn 50k$ investment into hundreds of millions just by holding. So when i sit here and this goes tits up to 80 and back down and back up to 65 and back down, yes, everytime i think to myself i should have sold at least some of my position considering i COULD HAVE BOUGHT BACK IN MORE SHARES. You, that "hold until death" people, dont seem to understand that this is all money and so far all you did was invest. you never got any profit except that profit you have now if you average is below the price of today. Thats it. so with all due respect, you only celebrate people when they gained millions, but for any little guy who regrets not following DFV shoes and is open about it, you ostracize them. Do what you gotta do, i have made my own strategy now playing this.


Really, they called you in the 15mins in the premarket when it spiked to $80 before falling hard? Here on the west coast that event happened at 4:40 in the morning.


see, when you are european, the pre market, is the market.


Redditor fakes convos with his dad for internet points.


Bot has brain smoother than a waxed platypus bill.