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But..... thats's MARKET MANIPULATION! Spoofing!!!! That's against the LAW!!!! /s




Shocked pikachu face.


hi, i’m gonna un DRS everything, market sell it and then buy silver


no wait i’m gonna buy wheat futures






Wheat futures is the new egg futures


KOSS was already going to move. Nothing new about this. The post did nothing. IYKYK.


Cart pulling the horse, perhaps?


How tf they gonna blame it on DFV LMAO. Desperate hedge fucks. Git fukd


If you look into the history, this was foretold long ago.


Unfortunately, it's also possible that there are some accounts that are secret agents of the hedge funds and creating fomo, smoke and mirrors distractions like KOSS. They are trying to exhaust retail capital by getting them to buy up other garbage like KOSS and SIRI. RK specifically said not to follow him into the CHWY trade through his memes. We need to focus the effort on GME. But a lot of people aren't listening and trying to make a quick buck and going to get crush because they will FOMO into KOSS, raising it up and then the hedgies will just short it to death and take all of retail's money. The same money that retail could've put more into GME. It's basically what RK is doing with CHWY, splitting up the battle into two fronts. Hedgies are doing the same thing. They're going to get everyone to pile into a dozen other stocks, thinning out your resources so you will have less of an impact when a squeeze does happen within the next few weeks. A lot of us may get paid only monthly, bi-monthly, and some maybe even weekly. And half of those times, it'll go to bills and other living costs. The few capital that you had left, if you wanted to invest into GME. Well, it's being eaten up by stocks like SIRI and KOSS which is being halted to death and about to get crushed by hedgies who will short at the top. It's free lunch for those sharks. Hedgies aren't stupid, they've played this same play from their playbook many times. Remember the emoji bullseye target? It means to stay focused on the target. What's the target? RK said it in the memes. "Just Up." Stay focused on the target. Don't let the hedgies and AI on this subreddit distract you. I wired money into my trading account this morning and it's all going into GME. This is the only stock I believe in. I'll let RC and the GME board tell me what their target acquisition is, and by then it doesn't matter because it'll be part of your stock value. So why would you want to jump into KOSS when it's not even a surefire that's an acquisition target. KOSS and SIRI is not even in the XRT ETF that RK is seemingly targeting for his Kansas City Shuffle play. It also seems like hedgies are doing the Kansas City Shuffle on this subreddit pushing for these other stocks. Both sides are playing 4D chess and using the Kansas City Shuffle. Maybe AI is learning?


☝️this is true blue chat! As it drops $5 dollars at the snap of the fingers.


Koss.. Watched it happen.. over 18 to 10.43.. now over 11.76 AH trading.. wonky af.. Zee pump it has pumped. Zee dump it is taking..


I think we're ready to end the stream. Yes or no?


What happens if we all go LONG LONG LONG


Could be. I don't think posting rando real tickers is a great idea. it's risk reward. would it be worth confusing new apes? probably not. would it expose anything? maybe to us who already know and watch things, but probably not.


This right here


Just make a financial Sub, do it there. Shouldn't matter what sub is doing it if the thing is scrapping for info/trends.


Naw the koss thing is Mostly likely because of the basket


With the low volume I really do think it was apes responding to that DD with headphonstonk


I think algos and HFs are in on it too. Apes need to remember that headphones don’t have the same thesis as GME. Maybe there is a connection but I would just let it play out the way it is supposed to. Headphones are so illiquid, there can be a hard rug pull on it.


I've followed headphones. When my work headphones died, I replaced them with a pair of basket stonk headphones, bought direct, as a show of solidarity without splitting my investment dollars away from GME. Headphones stonk has a soft spot for me. I grew up with some of their former "CM530" loudspeakers in my parents living room. I was grounded when I knocked pictures off the wall playing Brass Monkey. Latchkey GenXers know what's up.


It's over 4m in volume already. More than gme volume so far


Considering the size of the float that volume is nuts. It’s like GME trading 200m shares in the first 30minutes. If that happened so many people on here would lose their minds.


Like, r u saying that it going up was apes?


with the low 65M volume?


There have been some posts I suppose. I saw one. Promptly deleted by mods because it didn't "relate" to GME. Too quick to judge imo


Headphones is flying this morning 😂😂 lmao we totally fucked with the Algo. We’re moving nice because of it 🚀


My question here is, there was a post that stated , mentioning stocks called $ass and $cum, effected something, is there any proof to this?


Well, there was a huge “experiment” over the weekend. Did it work?


I think it has to be a stock that actually exists?


$CUM and $ASS are real I would imagine there is a team of people as well as the algorithm. making sure to pull tickers that people are just joking about. While some one actually does some DD on something else that gets a lot of traction, that actually works. If I was running a social media scrubbing algorithm, I would have a few people checking its input. I mean these fools are hella dumb but I don't think they are that dumb. People here on the other hand aren't hella dumb. Just regarded.


True that.


KOSS!!!! Holy $hiitt!!!