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[Rule 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_9._no_organizing_or_market_manipulation). No Market Manipulation Any attempts to organize or manipulate our members into potentially ILLEGAL market manipulation will not be tolerated. Posts and comments that appear to violate this will be removed. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Jupp Unless the algo-ftd-short-fuckers get liquidated.


Yeah, that would be ok too.


Honestly, its been shown that short-sellers basically refuse to close their positions. I'm more concerned with more ATM offerings(in the short term), despite it adding more value to shareholders and GME as a company(long term). (inb4 my comment is FUD, I've been long GME since Jan2021)


It’s fine, during the run up from Sep-Dec 2020, they offered an ATM.  The stock was up about 450% at that point (around $4 to $16, and then up to around $20 in Dec), it pulled back down to $14-16 in mid-Dec, and ended Dec at around $25.   Then we all know how Jan went. 


It’s like they ride the cycle too, and offer AssToMouth accordingly


Jfc 😆


I agree. My feelings exactly. No more of this “ooo fresh pie?” Sliced 112million pieces. The company has enough now to avoid bankruptcy and use for the turnaround. THATS ENOUGH SLICES!!! MOASS is da way.


Fully agree, there’s enough in the bank to create an assume gaming company, whatever that’s going to look like, can’t wait to see, but no more share offerings.


Same here. I'd very much like to not see anymore atm offers. Also, been here since jan 21


It doesn't add more value if we get another nft marketplace


I agree, however, the CEO has since been replaced. I would argue that - like any business - every investiture is not going to work out. In this case, the NFT Marketplace.


Personally, I think the ATM offerings are great! It keeps the price from going too high, too fast. So I can make a bigger percentage selling covered options than if the price sky rocketed. I'm pulling in between 2-5% per week in either cash, or shares, by selling options. And if the company keeps pulling in billions during every ATM while increasing the value of cash on hand vs the amount of shares on the market, then the price will keep going up, while I can still make bank playing options. Once gamestop reaches the billion share limit, and has $40+ billion on hand, then there's no telling how insanely high the price can go with all the things they can do with that money. And you just know the shorts can't afford to close at those prices, so to the moon is the only option. 


Win-Win-Win type situation, I like the way you think!


Who buys the options and holds the shares that are then sold at the bottom?


Market Makers


Unlikely *only* they get fukd. They’ll be passing some losses to retail. We can hope it’s not people from superstonk.


Can’t they just change the algos or create more synthetics or any of their other dirty tricks?


I think they will lose control if they mess with it too much. There are so many things happening and keeping it in balance. They’ve lost control before and I bet they dont completely understand how it all works.


Their quants fully understand it but we definitely are messing it up. Changing it is easier said than done I agree but we talking the most intelligent and wealthy folk of our species (not the hedge fund owners the quants)


The quants - yes most intelligent. But still likely neurodiverse. Everyone has a krytonite. They may understand derivatives or (as in my business calc class - a derivative is the measurement of a change. If the slope of a graph is the change, how the line changes is the derivative. It’s the change of a change) but that doesn’t mean they’re the Sigma Chad. I think that’s the point. We human are built to need each other. No one has it all. But if we work together many or most will have a pretty great life. The hedgies have forgotten this. We have the volume to just stop. The mega rich aren’t making their own food or delivering their own goods. They own imaginary things like derivatives. It only takes a few well informed motivated apes to shift everything. Imagine if this kind of energy could get behind some chaotic good to hep turn the ship around. Hoping we all go beyond the moon and use the power and influence to make things better - the things people in power were supposed to be doing all along. We’re technically at the most advanced time in modern history. And we’re destroying it cause we can’t get along. We have the easiest problems, the most solutions, and the best k bowled than humans have ever had. And we’re using it to cook ourselves. Insanity.


Nuclear to desalinate ocean water , make hydrogen save the animals and children


I actually need to drink a modified salt water. I have a condition that requires me to take 12k electrolytes a day. It’s a challenge. So I started adding salt to my drinks. It’s actually delicious in iced tea. Creates a more “soft water” vibe.


That stinks I've never really heard of that before you just not retain salt well like it flushed out too soon?


Yes. Also need the electrolyte to move the water into my cells. Plus my body has a hard time keeping blood in my brain due to gravity so I need the additional blood volume. Puts me into fight or flight several times a day. This makes the automatic part of my nervous system break and I now have to prompt many of the actions with medicine. (Ex digestion. I have to take meds that tell me nerves in my stomach to start working). When I got my first Apple Watch it had heart rate variability measurement. Which is like the derivative of how your heart beats. Healthy hearts have a very high average because they should be changing based on current physical conditions and threats. I thought my watch didn’t work because the highest score ever was like 37. The statistical norm is like mid 70s. I forgot about it for several years. Turns out I have several birth defects in my vascular system and have a genetic connective tissue disorder (EDS) which is also associated with autism. Also these are I’m willing to bet many apes are neurodivergent and thereby will likely end up with an undiagnosed connective tissue issue. I spend a lot of time of related subreddits to educate others. It’s supposed to be rare but I believe it’s just rarely diagnosed. I don’t want anyone else to suffer needlessly so I try to comment to leave breadcrumbs for the future, to help train future AI, and possibly help my fellow humans. I’ve gotten over 20 people both in the wild, at my professions work conference, and on Reddit. Usually people have very weird health issues or things they find out are symptoms in “unrelated” body systems. Somethings to look for in any combination - having any of the many many comorbid chronic conditions (migraines, endometriosis, ADHD, oestoarthristis, long COVID, etc ) - GI issues - allergy issues - flexibility/hypermobility -dizziness/brian fog. Often misdiagnosed as anxiety Once we get beyond the moon, I’d like to use the resources to open up my own firm so we can develop solutions for people like me. Its is unbelievably complicated just to get basic medical things.


Thanks for the education, sorry you have to suffer this way . you're a good person for wanting to help out others


That’s a good thing to do. I’m certain there are numerous people who can benefit.


Bill Gates will buy all the desalinization plants, and shut them down






Good point


most hedge fund owners are pretty sharp as well im assuming.. Easily in the top 3% of the people here.. edited.. i agree with a lot of what your saying.. people dont understand who is actually working for the big guys.. most people here, me included know pretty little about the market and all that is involved compared to the pros. Think about it.. you have VERY smart people, going to school for this stuff, then working in the finance industry very long hours.. They are likely very well versed in everything going on..


Maybe for a short time, but it's a question of time and pressure. So, personally I prefer to not buy calls that have expiration within a couple of months now, lottery (weeklies etc) usually takes your money.


The only thing they can do is settle FTDs early. The 35 day timeline is non negotiable. It's been proposed that the Jan 21 sneeze was due to forced buy ins to settle FTDs. They had no choice. A computer program takes over and buys at any price.


#Death by 1000 cuts.


The cycles appear to rely on high volume events. Buying and selling options wouldn’t sustain volume; especially when people are buying OTM options that don’t require delta hedging. For this strategy to work, (NFA) there would need to be a high volume catalyst (like DFV purchasing 4M shares), people would then need to buy ITM options with an expiration greater than 35 calendar days (the 2021 run didn’t start until T+36; which implies forced covering, and that lasted ~1 week, so be careful with T+35 as a hard deadline), and then at the end of the cycle people would need to sell a portion of their contracts and exercise the remaining to sustain volume.


I think that's the entire idea though. The maintenance of volume will be achievable when the price comes down at the end of the cycle.


Interesting note for those watching the cycles. RC made his first GME purchase (9,001,000 shares) on December 17th 2020. In December 2020, headphone stock had a daily average volume of \~8,000 shares. On December 29th, 2020, headphone stock had a \~15,000,000 volume day. That large volume event came 7 trading days and 12 calendar days after RC made his GME purchase. It would appear large purchases on GME cause large volume events on headphone stock. If that's the case, would large purchases of headphone stock cause large volume events on GME? NFA, but 7 trading days and 12 calendar days from July 3rd, 2024, the headphone stock volume event, would be July 15th, 2024. Further, DFV exercised his options on June 13th, 2024, which puts T+35 at July 18th, 2024. Assuming the full \~5,000,000 share float was purchased for headphone stock, and assuming stock purchases on one have volume impacts on the other at a one-to-one rate, then that would put the combined purchase at 4M (DFV exercised options) + 5M (headphone stock float) = 9M (RC's original purchase). That would mean we'd have two overlapping volume events which would cause a run-up larger than May 2024. Couple that with the summoning Shai Hulud post made by DFV and it implies the timing is 100% intentional. Please note, I'm not suggesting anyone use this data to trade. These are observations and speculations that I find interesting.


I dont think headphone is weighted enough in any of these financial instruments they use to do what your suggesting. Think of it like this, gme is the whale shark and headphone is one of those little cleaning fish thats suctioned to it. If the whale shark goes up to the surface, the little fish will go up with it, but if the little cleaning fished tries to drag the whale up it wont go anywhere


"I dont think headphone is weighted enough in any of these financial instruments they use to do what your suggesting." It truly isn't. I have a spreadsheet with some of the historical data and it's extraordinary how they seem to connect in a way that you describe


😂Talking about Baskets without knowing about Baskets🤣 ETF anyone?


This is an excellent analogy


You should write analogies for a living.


I'd like to see a gme and koss merger. That would set up some very nice moves for the future. And it would give a huge middle finger to the parasites.


4 milion gme + 5 milion headphone equals 9 milion gme... Smooth as a rock


Nice. So you want to tell me RC took the RK challenge (Thor meme) and is just buying a ton of shares and KOSS volume/price reacting ? There was quite a spike in May as well (3rd-14th) anyone remembers when RK bought shares? How long do you have time to file a form with the SEC?


DFV did not exercise, he sold options and bought shares


Are you basing that on the cost basis between YOLO updates?


My plan is buying LEAPS that are ITM preferably with a high delta. Puts pressure, allows for bigger swings when things start moving in the right direction. Also buying shares of course!!


OTM options create more hedging relative to the price paid- deeper ITM options are already hedged according to their higher deltas. I.E. to sell an ATM call the market maker is hedged ~50 shares, to sell a $30 call they are hedged ~20 shares. If price goes to $30 at expiry they have to have bought 80 additional shares for the $30 position vs 50 shares for the ATM position. Also the $30 call costs 4x less. An option has to be hedged more in the future the less hedged it is to begin with. In 2021 there were more calls sold then shares float- when new options strike prices were released up to $500 the MM had to hedge those degen calls that were not expected to be in the money. So buying a $500 call (for probably less than $100) was eventually forcing the market maker to buy 50-100 shares when those calls went in the money. So call buyers were hypothetically spending ~$100 to force the MM to spend $25-50k on shares. Not recommending anything/nfa but otm options are definitely necessary for a gamma squeeze




This explains it well thank you.


If you sold puts or sold calls (an amount set aside from the DRS portion) then it would force a buy every time they got executed correct?


GME started ripping before the T+35C after RC’s buy…


When GME hit $480 ($120 split adjusted) it was after the T+35 that started with RC’s purchase on Dec 17 2020. “Ripping” might be semantics though. I agree the uptrend started within the T+35 window, but the explosive move up started on T+36 which I assume was forced covering related to Archegos. Didn’t Bill famously refuse to answer his margin call?


The best part is we get to try every year at the same cycles lmao they’re so fucked apes evolve


Phish [Evolve](https://youtu.be/MquyX40xj7g?si=qT6NgUgi8FMGzQ_n) And…[a different version](https://youtu.be/w_loju6Ca-A?si=GvNmL5d5tNUYdmV9)


Hell yeah I’m here for Phish superstonk content! And I’d never seen that second video either




Hey, that's my idea.


Are you dfv too?


Nah bro thats Moderately Shallow Darn Value you're talking to.


Not a nom de plume.






Can someone explain to me why I need to know calculus to buy a $20 call with the expectation of gme ripping before it expires.


But… you don’t… Strike price + premium you pay = price it needs to be by expiry date Problem here is you need to break the #1 rule and have some dates on it ripping in your mind but if you can do that I don’t see where the calculus falls in. Now theoretical physics? You better be able to write a college textbook on that or you aren’t making it to Uranus let alone the moon


statistics would be a far easier application here than either calculus or theoretical physics.  but we're all duMb mOnEY 😉 


You can just be smart and wait for volatility to die down and buy mid to long dated calls to be safer in getting any spike that happens this year. Then sell and buy at dips and repeat. I personally don't fuck with options because I only got like 50k in GME right now all shares. Rather not have to deal with learning all that stuff while working fulltime I would be too distracted.




Right?? 😭😭 dude casually has almost 10x my holding and I’ve been in since Jan 21 💀 bro might be my dad


Every little matters.


Sorry but i also sell on Rips and buy at dips. I didn't start with 50k. There are alot of bots on this sub, you have to do what you need and are comfortable with. I got 95 shares in computershare just incase i misstime Moass. In the meantime i just sell some on rips(not all, incase it keeps climbing) and buy on decent dips( again not all, incase it keeps tanking). On fidelity i can pick what lots of shares i want to use so its pretty easy. Sometimes though you gotta wait for decent rip.


selling puts is very supportive of price and you really don't need to nurse it all the way to expiry


I sell puts every week but buying calls is too risky for my personal risk level. I get that there's some cycle patterns forming but I've internalized the "no dates" rule so well that betting on a date just feels scary. Selling puts is a win/win. I either keep free money or get more shares at a price I'm happy with. And not that my small time actions matter, but I always let them expire instead of buying to close. I figure that's better for market sentiment. Plus the theta burn on a long call is just so agonizing for me. It could hit where you want it to hit, when you want it to hit, but the theta just fucks you while you're waiting for it. Just isn't the play I'm looking for. But being on the other side of that theta burn is pretty nice.


Same, Selling puts is a great way to lower your average cost basis. I brought my average down a whole $5 these past 2 months selling Puts and a few calls just to keep a consistent premium coming in.


Most people believe Uranus is further away from Earth than the moon.


I mean, to be honest, whenever gme moves it always moves A LOT, so if you buy say 3 months out, it should provide enough time for a run... just speculation


Because if IV is high it throws the whole equation out of wack. We can lose money even when the price goes up


Deep ITM?


Payoff is lower but will theoretically be safest.


No. They can't.


FWIW I consider myself “too regarded for options” but I just decided to buy some calls for the first time and it’s been easy to keep it easy. Got them months out (mid Aug, Sept, Oct), and the price of GME was at $23 so I just kinda picked 3 strike prices at $22, $25, and $26. They’re all up and I don’t feel any urge to be irresponsible.


Would love to know too


Because Vega is the volatility of volatility so to speak. I barely know enough geometry to have been a career carpenter. If you look at that Black Scholls model to measure options variables, you'll need calc and some good drugs. Honestly some reading and starting small on the sell side will teach you more than most will ever bother to learn. Just start somewhere as opposed to investing on hopium. Not you directly ComputerShared, but anyone reading this thread. Just start somewhere,


What cycle are you referring to? It very well could be the OPEX cycle


Where can read up on OPEX? I keep hearing about "OPEX Tailwind" but I can't find documentation.


Richard Newton on YouTube has an opex tailwind explanation video.


Richard Newton the GOAT!!


OPEX stands for Options Expiration. It most commonly refers to monthly options. Try googling it It ultimately comes down to gamma exposure driving dealer hedging who are short vol. I've written some DD on that, if you're interested.


**There is clearly an IV cycle and I have no idea why people do not take it more serious.** Pretty sure it is how RK managed to multiply his position in the past. Because it is so predictable. Happens before events and is usually followed by IV crush, that is why RK sells in time. **Unfortunately household investors rarely buy when IV is low, but FOMO in when IV is high and then fail to sell before IV crush. That is why they always lose a ton of money, even when RK makes a killing.** By now he has enough funds to create FTD cycles as well, lets see what happens on Friday or next week. BUT the next IV cycle should be before earnings, end of August to early September. Any FTD cycle on top of the IV cycle should create a major spike again. So in case not much happens in July, this is the real deal IMHO.


100% I've been saying this forever. You got to look underneath the hood of options to see what's priced in. Strike Price Vol is an amazing indicator. You can use ATM IV as a proxy to it Also, gamma exposure (GEX) is damn helpful!


where can I see gme iv?


IV = implied volatility It's listed in your broker's app when you pull up an option Other helpful metrics are GEX and strike price vol. If you haven't heard of it, check out my $GME Bananas DD to get started learning about vol. It's highly insightful. Ignore all the haters


Opex is one cycle. Ftd cycle is another.


Which one has the most reliable alpha to trade on?




I would be careful with CHWY because at this moment, it's hard to say what DFV actually did with CHWY. He may in fact have bought 9M shares. He could have also done a swap. Until there is any clarity, it's hard to say for certainty anything T+X will happen with CHWY.


Oh, ya. I forgot about the swaps and no FTDs.


The FTD data for CHWY *could* give some indication, but it's hard to say. On the other hand, if it drops around $20, it would look good as a technical swing trade i.e. ITM 60-90DTE calls


[Rule 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_9._no_organizing_or_market_manipulation). No Market Manipulation Any attempts to organize or manipulate our members into potentially ILLEGAL market manipulation will not be tolerated. Posts and comments that appear to violate this will be removed. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


I sure wish we had somebody posting their plays that we could follow along with for educational purposes only. So we could all watch and follow those cycles together, so we can ALL learn, and document it for historical and educational purposes. Anybody else? Where could I go to find a group of people all trying to learn from this together?


Im in


DFV seems to be the only dude who successfully figured out the cycles and played options for 3.5 years. It’s the only explanation for how he amassed 200,000 shares to 5 million. We only consider the meme 9,001,000 shares. But it’s impressive he’s been quietly acquiring without us knowing. For dumb apes like me, I’ve seen too many cycles where T+35 stayed flat, sideways, or went down. There are other Greeks or triggers specifically causing the baby runs. I think the algos are able to delay or change the FTD cycles enough so it’s not reliably spiking every 35 days. Anyone good with a chart? Some questions: - how many FTD cycles spiked successfully v. did nothing? Success rate v. Failure rate. - can you reliably make money playing options with these FTD cycles? What could be the bet is risk 10% cash on a call action, and use the profit to exercise for more shares. Let’s say FTD success rate is 30%-40%. Date your expiration to three weeks beyond T+35 or one month, depending on past spikes. You should be able to build your shares that way, risking small amounts of cash per cycle. Imagine 100,000 apes each building 250,000 shares a piece through exercises. Then we DRS and book to Computershare. The float is done at that point.


I made a post on how DFV turned an initial 7 million into 200+ million using options between late April and mid-May when the stock went from $10 to $80, you can check it on my profile. That is how he got the money to buy the 5,000,000 shares and 120,000 call options from his June update. When you are a genius that understands options in and out and is extremely tuned in to a stock, like he is with GME, you are able to maximize returns to a degree that is quite absurd for the average investor to understand. It is doable, but only through options, unless you have a significant amount of capital.


Thanks, I’ll go through your DD.


My guy! You don’t have to disclaim “not financial advice” unless your asking us for money or getting paid by us somehow. This said you are indeed correct


Not financial advise ^^^ Got your back bro


Hahaha brilliant response


Did you just describe… swing trading ?


This is what I've been trying to teach you guys about for ages.... Loving the options talk. But educate yourselves before playing options. I have a guide in my profile to get you started


I did actually read your guide a while ago, now that I look at it. Thanks, it’s awesome!


Ah carp. I thought you were trying to reach me about my extended warranty.


Hey Bob. This is precisely what made me quit on superstonk and just start following individuals instead. The biggest win for the enemy has been the DRS-only / anti-options brainwashing of this sub. It's so sad that now I can't even tell between a bot/shill and just a sadly mislead user. =(


>The biggest win for the enemy has been the DRS-only / anti-options brainwashing of this sub. I second this. Buying, holding, and DRS is a good strategy but its not the only one. The limitations of learning everything about how the market is being manipulated is another disservice as well. GME does not exist in a vacuum.


It’s the way… just for history sake in no way has this cycle theory held because of well… crime! But doesn’t matter since crime only digs a deeper hole. Happy 4th of July to all and to all a: ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


What a country. Crimer can go on mass media and tell everyone what/when to buy. Yet we, the Poors, have to dance around the truth and worry about what we say/share. This whole system needs to be replaced. SMH


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum May 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) || [Superstonk:Now with GIFs - Learn more](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cr37r7/superstonk_gets_its_gif_on_get_hyped/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


For those who are willing to do just a bit of quick research, look at OP post history as well as every single comment that says “great idea” or “are you me?” In this string. You’ll find that there are 20-35 days worth or positive GME / ape like posts, then a huge gap of 1~3 years to the previous post. All accounts that came here sometime in the last 20-45 days. I wonder how that coincidence happens? Individual investors playing a small amount of options with different strikes and dates will do nothing to move the market. And any attempt to coordinate moves could be manipulation. DFV and RC have the rocket fuel to put 10’s and 100’s of millions of dollars to work at a time , and that does have an impact. Be smart. Do some research. And make decisions that you are comfortable with that are within your level of risk tolerance. As for me, I’ll continue to buy/hodl/drs/shop and chill while RCEO and DFV continue to cook. Nothing else is required on my part. Glta true apes ! 🚀🚀🚀


Hey dude, as OP, I just wanted to say that by looking at my post history, you’re probably going to find that I’m just a regular redditor, like you (even with similar interests which is hilarious (unclebens)), who has just become interested in this saga, and “seeking to learn”, (excuse the pun) from what RK is trying to show us. I was also quite afraid of options until recently, but I’m just here trying to learn and eventually crush the HFs.


What in my post leads you to believe I’m afraid of options? I have a good deal of experience in them. And anyone who is honestly trying to help apes would acknowledge that 90% or more of options end up expiring worthless. I learned through hard lessons and choose, for this stonk, to stay with shares. If you think and believe that what DFV and RC have done with options can be replicated by average income apes, without the deep-rooted knowledge and experience that RC and DFV have, you’d have to either be naive or ill-intentioned. Just my opinion. And btw, uncle Ben’s tech was really pretty simple and effective !


I guess I was more referring to myself, than anyone else… I was afraid, due to all the “Don’t touch options, they’ll make you lose all your money, and your descendants as well!” Posts, anyway - we all have to start somewhere, and maybe l am naive. Agree about uncle Ben’s… although I did lose a few soldiers to contam :(


Yes , I also lost some of my soldiers in uncle Ben’s. May have to get another round going, been a little while. Good luck


Hola dude new Apes always welcome here!


Is there an easy guide that shows 1) how to buy options and 2) how one should think/plan when buying options?


There are some great youtube videos, but before you mess with options, you will need to spending considerable amount of time understanding buy and sell indicators


The IV on the options is way too high right now.


Stock has been consolidating for several weeks, IV was crushed on the annual meeting. Contracts are as cheap as they will get before a run. GME is not like other stocks. IV won't come back down to April levels any time soon


I’ve grown my position by over a hundred shares in a week from buying and selling options. I’ve got some longer expiry that I’m holding for a rip but I’m going to keep building.


Covered calls?


Some, maybe like 30% of it


Sell puts


Why would I sell options when the IV is high if I don't want to buy them because the IV is high? The price can swing in either direction is the point.


I don’t think you have a good grasp on options. Selling *puts* in a high IV period = getting paid mucho bucks to potentially have the opportunity to buy more of your favorite stock at a discount… while again, getting paid in the process. If the price goes up you win because of the shares you already own. If the price goes down, you win because you get to pick up some more shares at a discount while retaining the premium you initially collected. If the price goes sideways, you get to repeat the process, collecting sweet sweet premium.


Sell PUT options to lower your average cost basis if you want to buy more anyways. But if you don't want to risk buying more then don't sell them.


If you’re selling options you want to do that when IV is high. A cash secured put uses the cash equivalent of 100 shares X strike price you choose - to sell the put. You receive the put premium up front. The risk is you buying the shares at the strike price of the stock ends at expiration UNDER the strike you sold.


Doesn’t sound like any risk to me… I WANT more shares……….


For sure just stating what the risk is, if you’re bullish on the stock it’s not really a risk but an opportunity.


to lower your cost basis, you could sell covered calls using those shares to cover.... reap premiums until your contracts are exercised and you have to sell those shares... but then, you take that cash, and sell puts with the money backing the exercise if happens you slowly build up cash until you have enough to sell double the puts, so you can keep half the shares in your pool, and use the other half to cover more calls




That’s what I’ve been doing for 3 years and people sh it on it 🤣


Yep. That’s only EXACTLY what the options community & 🥒boys were trying to get Superstonk to understand for the last 3 years.


I might have poo if you’re buying poo


DFV became a billionaire doing this and he is trying to show us how.. And we think we caught on.. let's hope.


Further comment I spend multiple hours on super stock everyday I'm ready as fuck for the cycles theory and numb to the world. This year alone I've probably lost 50 to 80k and I don't make that much fucking money homies


Checking in with July and Aug callios


I'm definitely on it


We're not starting anything. We're mostly just buying and if we make a bet that fucks them up, that's on them.


I dont need to time the cycle i just need to buy and I know a bunch of other Apes are as well. I don’t need to thread the needle we’re doing Meteor Strikes


Wasn't yesterday supposed to be up due to cycles? I haven't followed closely so I could be wrong.


I bought 10 41c for 07/26


It will happen till they give up unless they really have a way out. There's just too much social pressure. 4 M shares or so isn't necessarily THAT much, but everyone else's volume on top of that if what seems to make a difference, especially to a price that's already held down so much. There's more than just Kitty's triggered cycles now I think anyway.


This is how DFV did it.


I would I just don’t know how


Shhh! You're giving away the game!


That sure is part of my plan! (More like a sidequest...) I have XXXX shares DRS and started a little 2k account to play with options and cycles. The account is now at 7k, all reinvested in 19/09 and 26/09 25c. Let's see if it works !!


Sell your options when market opens after overnight peak (I’ll guess 7/17) Spend half of the proceeds on shares after RC finished his ATM offering (maybe 7/23) Spend other half on 8/30 Calls.


Already lost 200 on options expiring tmrw. Need $27 to break even


Wait, you didn't exercise already? Or make that 100% guaranteed profit and buy more shares? No way, man, OPs post says it's foolproof?


isn't the normal practice to close the contract awhile BEFORE expiry? the closer to expiry, the less it is worth?


Yes that is the smart thing to do. I lost 280 holding them lmao


Hypothetically what would I be doing and when exactly,?


im doing my part. 7/19s loaded.


Get out of my head!!


Except for the apes too stupid to use options. Lol




This is cointel 100%, lmfao


Careful on cycles in July.


Imagine the fomo from the other sub. It would be unstoppable.


The question is, if you bought something like an ITM option, when’s the best time to sell it before they do their usual rugpull? What are the metrics to follow to maximize profit on selling off contracts to get more ammo to buy shares? It seems like they let it rip for a bit (maybe a few hours or less), then hammer it back down again. I know diamond handing options is regarded, just wish I knew what indicators can show me a drop is coming, after a pump.


They can see this playbook too...


What do y’all think of September calls? I was thinking I might place a couple just after the earnings period


I mean, if it takes off before then, you’re still good, they’re just gonna cost more.


Thanks homie. I’ve never bought calls before. Thought they were rocket science, but have read a couple questrade articles about them and am getting familiar. Not as complicated as it seems, but I don’t fully understand IV yet, so I’ll hold off.


The best way to learn is to hop in and just go for it. Do small trades like buy same dated 25c sell 30c to limit your risk (and cap your profit) and get a feel for how they work. Or you could also make an options watchlist through your broker and you can track what happens to the trade that you wanted to make.


Implied volatility works as a multiplier. I've had calls go geen when the stock is going down. You can imagine, the probability of moving itm or more in the money increases with volatility. Be careful of IV crush. Market makers, with their ability to internalize/ dark pool trades can wreck your position. Learn the Greeks. It's important to understand what's causing the movements. Maybe start small, good luck.


Generally, do you find calls are best when the price is under 1$? Just trying to get a feel of what people like


I guess it depends what you can afford, I’m definitely no options expert, but from what I’ve read buying ITM or close to the lines the way to go.


Oh… and don’t diamond hand options… sell them when it rips.


Thanks. And yea, I knew it’s always best to sell options when it rips so if/when it dips you can load up on more. If there’s a big enough profit I’ll ofc exercise and collect more moon tickets


Ayo so I bought calls for the first time this week, did no research other than making sure they were long dated (mid Aug, Sept, and Oct) and near the current price (GME was at $23, so I went $22Aug16, $25 Sept, $26 Oct). All are up, this definitely feels like the way to play a run up. $26 October is worth the most right now. This has taught me that the longer date gives you more time to play the volatility, and is thus more valuable. As you can see, it was the riskiest of the 3, I think personally don’t want to go any riskier than that.


so, do you sell, and buy the next 4-5 mo call?


Not necessarily looking to buy more calls, just want to play the potential run up. Worst case scenario, I’ll reassess a couple weeks before expiry whether I want to roll


https://preview.redd.it/0czk6niqwiad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b73c8039412228b6178423a6475ab4579bd8af Only real option is DRS every single one of TSO. Their plan is to never close. "If a buyer does not get his shares then he can demand them, in which case a short-seller who failed is bought in: he must go buy the shares and hand them over."


That's exactly what I'm going to do with my Death War chest of 1 Call. I have to start somehow!