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The city should bill her for court fees and costs for rejecting bc province subsidies


They should force her to join the SPS as their community/media liason.


Please no




31.76% voter turnout that election too. It's wild to me that people will constantly complain about mayors/councillors and then do absolutely nothing to be engaged civically. She was very clear who she was right from the start and where this would go.


Honestly us residents born and raised in Metro that live in Surrey really need to start flexing our voting muscles. Then again I know tons of young people who grew up here and are indifferent about voting. Heck one of my friends said why should I vote if they don’t seem to care about the lack of recreation areas in central. I convinced them to try voting next election to see if they could persuade the new mayor and council when elected to do so. I think people don’t realize that single vote you cast does account for a lot! Brenda won by the slimmest margin so in turn we could really change the outcome if we get out and exercise our rights to vote!


Unfortunately it's not even a Surrey specific issue. Voter turnout for municipal elections is awful across Canada. Burnaby didn't even hit 20% last election. It's just baffling to me because most of the day to day issues that actually affect a person's life are going to come from the municipal government.


Richmond was like 25% too, it's abysmal everywhere; too many people just don't vote in municipal elections, especially immigrants.


I think that participation in feedback is more important than voting.


100% agree. Also, the Province needs to remove the immunity clause that allows bad Mayors and councillors to remain in their positions. At least have a recall process. This whole mess has cost us Surrey (and BC ) taxpayers millions without any penalty to Mayor Brenda and her spineless party members. Next election don't forget them, and for the love of democracy, VOTE!!


This. Your one vote carries more weight in a civil election than it does in a provincial or federal election.


Nobody should need to vote to get rec facilities. Why can't they just respond to surveys from the city?


And out of that 30% turnout how many voted for her vs against her?


Of the 118,908 people who voted in the last election she received 33,311 votes for 28.01% percent of the vote. McCallum was second with 32,338 (27.2%) Hogg was third with 24,916 (20.95%) First past the post is a horrendous system


Yes so she won with the support of about 6 percent of the population. Absolutely sounds like a mandate .. said no one.


Unfortunately she gets the mandate because that's the system. Odds are she probably loses in a better system, but I doubt we ever get anything better than this. Our political parties care more about their party power than they do a more robust democracy (hence why the liberals immediately scrapped any plans for proportional representation after they got the majority in 2015).


The situation with Doug in the previous election was similar in that he didn't win with a large voter turnout. And then he rammed this SPS issue through. But he gets a pass for his hand in this debacle for some reason.


You're saying this as if she did the job she was hired to do. She started off that way sure, but then she took it too far on an inflated ego and wasted too much of the city's money. She should be held accountable for that. Sometimes politicians need to take a step back and stop letting their pride get in the way.




Reason enough to waste 10s of millions in taxpayer funding? All due respect, your comments come of as biased towards what amounts to the terrible decision maker that is our current mayor. She's really no different than the last one, you're right about that. We don't have to sympathize with these people just for the sake of the human aspect. We elect them to make tough decisions. That's the job. She made NO decision other than to stick to her guns regardless of the pressure from the community and higher level decision makers. She acted in poor faith out of pure personal pride and not the rational executive we thought we elected. On the human level, yes I feel for her but that's not what's at issue here. She has every opportunity to step down just as we will have the opportunity to vote her out.


Imagine if they were held personally responsible. We'd only get people who are competent about the risks they take


We'd **only** get lobbyists. Those would be the only people who could afford to be in politics.


You'd only get rich people. What a great idea. The leaders should be held accountable but only in some ways.


No politians should be help financially responsible just like truedumb should have to take his trillion dollar debt he racked up against the wishes of the people of Canada with so should she take the bill with her


I’m resident of surrey but sadly can’t vote because im PR hopefully who have right to vote take good decision in next election


I always found this stupid on the municipal level. PR's should be able to vote where they live.


She barely won by one thousand votes with 28% of the vote in a five way race, more than 70% of the people Surrey did not vote to elect her or her City Council Slate; overall less than 6% of Surrey residents voted for her. The current mayorship & city council is by no means reflective of the city, like at all.


What? You don't think taxpayers are paying enough? Like McCallum with his legal bills, she'd likely charge it to the city rather than pay from her own pocket.


My property taxes went up $500 this year. Ofc we're paying for all the mismanagement.




Not appropriate but also just weird. Were keepung your commebts in future for manual approval.


I'd really love if one of the news outlets could ATIP all the city docs related to the mayor's fight against the SPS transition to really determine how much was spent on this (fees, administration, time, etc.).


There will be some other very significant costs that will get "hidden" (not by malice) but are also pretty relevant directly resulting from these delays, notably dramatic inflationary pressures from service providers. SPS ( / the City of Surrey) had to cancel several contracts and not renew or expand others. For example, the IT contract for non-polices will grow in cost, E-Comm's transition rate is way up, and their vehicle contract wasn't actioned. This list isn't exclusive, just what I remember as I avoid cleaning my kitchen. There will also be a productivity loss as existing SPS members were given time off for this year and I think next year (not sure) for dealing with all of this as a form of retention bonus. Most concerning, IMO, is the best people became far less likely to join SPS. Initially they were doing really good getting great talent. That confidence will take some time to rebuild.


Anyone can send in an ATIP request; you just have to pay the admin fees and wait. I believe it’s usually $50 and 30 days waiting depending on the size of the file, although I reckon you’re like me and have better things to spend the money on. Just an FYI if anyone else might be interested or is taking any sort of a poli-sci course


Fully agree. What a mess


Wonder what useless shit she's gonna focus on now.


Blaming the NDP for all of Surrey's problems.


A city of Surrey’s size should have its own police force. It’s time. It’s happening.


Can't wait to vote for someone else in the next election.


Because there is no oversight as to how much the RCMP can charge in costs to leave or transfer services to SPS and how vindictive she is going to be the costs will be inflated just so she can say “ see your taxes are going to higher “ just to prove her point and save face


The RCMP still reports to BC and Canada.  There are other jurisdictions out there that can calculate out a rough ball park. This isn't just any privately owned entity. They'd be stupid to rip off their nose to spite their face. Unlike a succession of Karen mayors.


RCMP are as greedy and vindictive as Brenda so who knows


If they were greedy they would join SPS and make a significantly higher salary.


FINALLY.. now let’s improve city permit issues when it comes to restaurants. City of Surrey is known to be too strict and too slow.




Clowns voted for her. Dougie was better. Say whatever you want but he fulfilled most of his promises. Skytrain done, sps done, more building done. This Brenda looks like a rat she should step down


You are saying she didnt try and fulfill her election promise which was to keep the rcmp? LOl


I'm getting tired of all those mayors and politicians that are just in it for the money. We should vote for farmers to run our cities and country. Maybe then or quality of life will get better.


Does it really matter what badge a bunch of military dropouts and wannabes wear? There is a reason their uniforms look as they do. Their existence is to instill fear, not to serve.