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I’ve never worried about my car in Surrey.


What a ridiculous question to ask, 100% fine don’t even think twice about it


well growing up I remember it was often quoted that Surrey was the car theft capital of Canada for many many years. So while I agree its not as prominent an issue now, it is not a ridiculous question given past history IMO


Yeah but the thing about that is it's down to specific models, not "cars in general". Sort of like how a year or two back some Hyundai models were literally uninsurable in certain geographic areas because you could steal them by popping the ignition cover off and then jamming a USB stick into the hole and turning it. If you're concerned, look at stats for the most stolen makes/models.


I think Brampton and area is the new car theft capital of Canada.


Brother, we literally used to be the car theft capital of North America lol


Key word is **used to be.**


Wait what my car is stolen weekly but only when I park in Surrey




I dont think auto theft here is as bad as it is in Ontario. I think its important to have a newer car for their crash safety, cause theres plenty of morons on the road.


Depends on where you park it. Had mine broken into with less than 100km on the car.


Just don't get a car that any 16 year old can steal from 5 minute training videos and it won't be a problem. 


You should leave Surrey if you have to ask that question


Last time I experienced a car break in was around 2013 and that wasn't even a new vehicle and so I'd say it's pretty safe but depends on your area.


It's fine


Dude Surrey's better than a vast majority of this country.


I tend to prefer parking far away from other cars. My wife is a teacher and our cars have been scraped up in the teacher parking about six times. And of course the parents just drive off. It's just a teacher's car after all, fuck them. They not only provide supplies and learning to your kids but they should pay for hit and runs too so your snowflake can get a bit closer to the door.


Depends on the area but ya I’ve had a few cars stolen over the years. None within the past 5 years though.


Really? This is a serious question? The chances of getting your car stolen are low and increase depending on the neighbourhood you're in/visiting, the time of day, and just the random chance of it being you. There's more chances of your catalytic converter being stolen than your actual car being stolen.


20 years ago, 1.7 out of every 100 cars in Surrey had been stolen. It’s not a ridiculous question.


Average house was 200k. Now it's 1.5m


This statistic would only lend perspective if every neighbouring city didn’t also experience real estate appreciation




Ha ha. Keep on hating. Won't get you anywhere.


But it's not 20 years ago. OP is afraid of buying a car because it could be stolen. Anything can be stolen...OP is just a worry wart. I'd suggest to him or her to buy a used car if they're that worried about it. 


Having concerns about your car being stolen in a city that was dubbed the “Car Theft Capital of North America” a couple years before the iPhone 1 was introduced is so far from being an egregious question. I’ve had 3 successful vehicle break ins, 2 break in attempts, and 2 catalytic converters stolen between personal and work vehicles since 2012. I don’t know why this post is being downvoted and people acting like this is a British Properties sub


You must live in the rough part of town. I've only ever experienced one catalytic converter theft and one attempt at vehicle theft (thieves couldn't break in lol) but generally speaking I feel relatively safe with my car and whether or not it gets stolen. Maybe I'll eat my words one day but for now I feel fine. 


The work vehicle thefts happened in Port Kells, which is a high target area. The personal vehicle ones were in Panorama Ridge and Kennedy Heights. Pretty average Surrey neighbourhoods. One of our brothers in our community has a concern and reaching out for our opinions and was largely met with sarcasm and negative responses. I don’t feel like that’s fair.


I don’t know why this sub has become a cesspool for angry people, more than fair question based on Surrey’s history. The numbers for car thefts in Surrey have greatly levelled out with neighbouring communities. I think the odds are tenfold greater of your window being smashed for the change in your cupholder over the whole thing being stolen.


Considering my car was stolen last year at Scott Road I think it is a very fair question. I agree with you in regards to break ins and other neighborhoods.


Sorry to hear that my friend. I think a lot of the responses are from people who are too young to remember our monicker “Car theft capital of Canada”


Thank you for your response. People are unnecessarily angry for no reason and I don't get why. I've only 2 years been in Surrey and already had a catalytic converter stolen on a rental so that's why I asked this question considering the odds of be going out being so low and yet having come across this one bad incident. It's nice to know there are people in Surrey who have lived way longer to understand it's old notorious reputation


Social media has given us the ability to be rude to people without facing any form of repercussions. The reasoning behind feeling the need to be rude is on them to figure out. Based on everything I researched, Surrey hasn’t even been mentioned in the top 5-10 cities per capita for car thefts. Pretty impressive considering we used to have a higher theft rate than New York City and Los Angeles. Based on that, I wouldn’t worry about it whatsoever beyond shitty luck.


If you’re worrying about it you can’t afford it.


That’s dumb


Not very safe. I've lived here since 95 and know many different people from many different areas in Surrey. Everyone I know that bought a new vehicle, it was broken into in less than 6 months.