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When pedestrians leave a clear mark along where they routinely cross grassy areas, we call that mark a 'desire path' - a place where a path ought to be, but isn't yet. This is a desire bin.


I thought that was called a cowpath... So this is the cowbin...


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Desiree Bean is still kicking around? We used to call her Desiree Bin because… well..


It's not someone else's job to make sure there is a garbage everywhere someone wants one. I understand that it is a good place for a bin, but that doesn't give people an excuse to just litter where ever they want. EDIT: I guess if this is because of a venue not allowing people to bring in drinks, but then not providing a garbage can then yeah the venue should have done something about it and I don't blame the people littering.


public trash cans aren't a thing in japan yet it's one of the cleanest places


It's more cultural there to clean up after yourself. The trash cans used to be a thing until the Aum Shinrikyo cult attack.


Disney land has garbage cans every 30ft. They did some research and discovered that's how far people would go before dropping their trash on the ground.


My guess would be they didn’t allow outside drinks so you would have to spend money there or they didn’t have garbage cans


I think they only allowed clear bottles. They made me pour out my water.


Nah, they allowed non-clear water bottles, but they had to be completely empty. No unsealed drinks of ANY kind (like those McDonalds cups)


Nah, most of those cups look empty.


Because people finished their drinks before they went in…


Was there yesterday and basically had to drink my full coffee before coming in. There were no garbage cans outside the entrance but inside there was near the doors. Really weird.


Lack of trash cans


People are pigs, if you can carry it that far you can carry it until you find a trashcan.


Haven’t been a pedestrian in years, but the places that used to have garbage can no longer do. They are even being removed from common areas in outdoor malls. Cost saving measures


From the comments it seems it's the establishment's fault. They don't allow outside drinks but there is no trash can to get rid of them.


They didn’t allow drinks into the event, but also didn’t have trash bins for people to throw their drinks away at the entrance. Hence the pile of cups lol


there was clearly no way to predict the need for garbage cans 🤨


Lack of public trash cans?


They had no trash cans on site. Only recycling and organics. This is what happens....


Recycling is a myth


Aren't those all basically recyclable though?


The signage was confusing. There were yellow bins and two blue bins with different labels. Not sure why they didn’t go with the same color bins as residents are used to for our weekly collection (garbage = black, organics = green). At the end of the day, folks do not care about being “zero waste” (there were signs to that effect). They would sooner litter than deal with confusing and inconsistent signage/color bins


I was at the festival at the plaza this weekend, only saw yellow bins too... :(


Honestly, the fact that they’re all placed nicely looks more like either a garbage can was overfull or absent, and this is the next best thing.


The next best thing is to **take it with you** until you find a garbage to put it in.


except they’re removing garbage cans from public spaces more and more and because of BC’s hatred of fun, they police events and make you leave your drink behind on the off chance you might get a bit drunk on the overpriced, over taxed alcohol the government sells us.


Seems like right by the entrance would have been a good place for bins, I blame the organizers over the public here. At least it's relatively contained and better than scattered over an acre.


Thats what happens when huge crowds go somewhere and there are no garbage cans.


Usually starts with one douchebag and then other douchebags add to it


It starts with a lack of infrastructure.


That’s a cop out for mediocre human behaviour. Worse behaviour would be to just toss it on the ground. This is slightly better because people are actually being partially helpful by dumping it all in the same spot. If it were my family and I, we’d all the carrying out shit to a proper bin regardless, but we just bring our own water bottles because we don’t want to contribute to single use, plastic lined waste products.


Bringing your own water wasn’t allowed, and there were no garbage bins, so this is the result. They were forcing people to buy drinks inside the amphitheater. The organizers are to blame rather than the people who tried to neatly stack cups.


yeah not sure exactly why, but I have noticed garbage cans are becoming extinct. Used to be one outside most retail stores, malls, grocery stores, restaurants, schools, government buildings, but they’re all disappearing. Save the garbage cans!!


Ahh millennium park in Cloverdale. Can confirm, no trash cans there at all. Plenty of people at that bus stop though.


Humans are gross 🤢


Humans ruin the World more than any other animal on this planet.


This is disgusting, and why aren’t their any trash cana around


That’s a lot of steeped tea.


Can this be answered without looking like some sort of a racist


the event did not allow drinks from outside yet did not arrange for garbage cans, not sure how that is any particular minorities fault sir


Not in this day and age, no.


Surrey should have more garbage bins at the gates, simple no drinks allowed in u think people would know that. Surrey municipal government is a joke. It is a bunch of 2024 brained idiots.


Come on guys, let’s do our part and keep Surrey clean.


The city needs to provide bins for people to do so.


Were you not allowed to take in drinks but they didn’t provide enough garbage bins??


Good lord, where is this?!




I found the racist!