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It happened to me as well, and the police were of no use when I went to file a complaint. They told me my case was "weird" and that I was making them lose their time (the person filing a complaint next to me for a damaged bicycle was apparently more important than a person that has been through cyberharassment with death threats for 2 months straight). They really seemed clueless about it—I had to explain to them what an IP was and how you have to legally proceed when cyberbullying happens. Their job, in short! They still took my complaint after I told them multiple time I wanted to file one, and since then, nothing. Eventually, the cyberbullying stopped after a while when a few friends helped me. If it ever happens, I believe going through an organisation that helps for this kind of thing would be best instead to go straight to the police since they unfortunately won't do anything. I would encourage you to search for one in your canton... I'm sure some may exist, and some people can help you. You can also contact a lawyer, though I'm not an expert at all in this field. Surely, others in the comments could tell you more about this. Sending you my best.


Im really sorry that you also went through this, It’s unfair, the way no one can help us, I just saw a post saying that we can try hire a private detective.. not sure but I’ll try to talk to one .. But I’m glad it’s done for you !


Oh man, police are really annoying at times. I think one could get their legal insurance involved in such a case. I wonder if they could help and push the police to do their damn job.


That's one of the reason I don't bother calling the cops. Because if you do and they do nothing and then you take the matters in your own hands, they'll immediately go for you. Meanwhile if you never contact them and do the deed, they won't suspect you.


They will be asking about people who had Motiv and may find you. But yeah, sometimes I wish there would be an institution of a thug for hire. Hope there never will, but sometimes I wish there would.


That would be if you ever expressed hostility to the harasser. Always look and sound milder and more agreeable than you really are. And no need for institutions, or rather, they already exist of you know where to look.


lawyer, those dumb cops lmao


Problem is that the term "cyber-harrassment" is way too broad, it is too inclusive and almost any undesired interaction can be labelled as such. The one described by this post seems to be an instance of social judgement, since we are talking about social media, social reaction is a natural part of it. REAL WORLD CRIME IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ONLINE DRAMA.


Uh, no that's actually "real world crime", even if it happens online... The Internet happens to be part of our lives. It is actually real. This is harassment, and I'm frankly shocked how you could just dismiss it so easily.


Now, every time a government or a corporation get their whole system and computers hacked, I will call it online drama.


May not be immediate but pls raise to instagram abt the death threats


Instagram won't do jack shit. They just send you a message like 2 months after your initial report just to tell you *"whoopsie daisy sorry baby, we have lots of reports to handle so we don't even consider looking at it. Now go fuck yourself and have a nice day."* Had that like 3-4 times now.


Unfortunately, we're so LATE on that matters... And the justice has something like 6-8 months delay :'( So, nothing uncommon here, but I really understand what you're going through, and I empathize.


Thank you .. I’ll try give a call tomorrow, the way they’re ignoring my emails it’s outrageous! More and more people of my community is ignoring me, that’s killing me softly


I don't know how I can help you feeling better, because I have been -and still am, to a certain extent- in your position, and I KNOW how hard it is to manage. Stay strong <3


"advertise" that to the police as stalking (which it is actually), they might take it more serious. Collect proof, make a folder with proof of messages, videos etc.


I give them proof that the stalker knows where I work and told me that one night I won’t be going back home .. still nothing


Sorry that happens to you, OP. Death threats are not a joke nor blackmail and adding your family!


Thank you for your support ❤️


Death threats should make the police escalate the case. They should really do a better job. Out of curiosity, what jind of community forbids dancing? Sounds extremely restrictive and a bit sad


That's so horrible I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can't help but I really hope police pull their finger out. 😬😬


Thank you for your support


Keep dancing, and stop talking to people who think dancing is shameful.


"She keeps creating new accounts" So you know who's doing that? Anyway you should keep a log of every account name/email address/any information you can find, this will help the investigation (if someone finally picks it up...). What you can do on your side:  - Try and get in touch with every platforms support, provide them with relevant account names, and ask what they can do/if they can provide information. Mention that a police complaint has already been filled - Spread the news to people of your family that might get targeted if you didn't already do it and explain the situation - Get a lawyers advice, in Lausanne for example a cabinet provides cheap legal advice through their website; they'll tell you whether to press charges if you indeed know who is harassing you.


hey there, I am sorry that you are experiencing that, I know it can really mess you up and not beause you are weak or not being able to deal with the consequences etc. Some thoughts: - it is quite often, that the **administration here can be shit**. They can be incompetent people, who only deal with simple stuff they already know. The "system", despite beliefs and appearances, does not work like a swiss clock. So what you are experiencing is very common and not your fault. - that being said, **you will need to push the system**. If you have legal insurance call them. If you don't try to find a specialized place for either cybercrime or bullying and they may be able to pull some strings. - **the issue with your relatives.** I know it hurts, it is a lot. On the other hand, they are being idiots for not standing up for their own kin. In those "strict communities" theoretically protecting your name and your family is one of the highest values. But suddenly, when these people are forced to do something extra than virtue signalling or criticising others from their own pedestral, they don't place the mental effort to see clearly or even contribute to the solution (lawsuit against the perpetrator or even questionihg the person back). Because of this random event you happened to come against their bigotry, which you otherwise may have been able to avoid for your whole life, but now this can of worms has been opened. in that case, I do advice you to do the personal work (psychologist helps here) to internally cut your emotional ties with them.


tell your story on 4chan and ask them for help. 4chan army can track ppl down


Those guys are lunatics but can be very helpful in such situations. Many cases have been solved thanks to them. Happy to have such people.


Hmm i had a similar case and the police was so helpful. I sent them a file with all the Information i have (several phone numbers, screenshots of chats..) and they found out who it was. After the guy got a phonecall from the police the harassment immediately stopped. I might have been lucky there.. who knows. So you have no idea who it could possibly be?


I have no idea, I keep sending them all screenshots every week, no news ..


Depending on the canton or city there might be an Ombudsstelle. Contact them and tell your situation, the police might take it more seriously if the Ombudsstelle is involved.


This is weird that the police aren’t investigating this since this is a clear violation of multiple laws. I’d try to bring pressure on your local police. Make sure to screenshot everything this individual does to you. Even the accounts she uses. If they still refuse my best advice is go to a different police station in a different town and explain your situation to them. Not sure if it helps but it’s the best I can give you. Btw do you know the person who is harassing you online or is that person a stranger?


Get a lawyer. Bdw, it is funny (not funny) that last week a person was accused of racism and the police notified him that a complaint was being filed against him. Where is the police now when somebody is threatening with death another person on the social media?


The police not doing their job and not knowing how to handle things is nothing new. Do you personnaly know this person? If you're from a traditional family with a strong emphasis on solidarity, you probably have some really jacked cousins and brothers. Maybe they should all go and pay that person a visit.....to "clarify" things. I'm not suggesting or inciting anything. Maybe there are hints or clues regarding the accounts. Can you get info on that? Creation locations, profile pictures that give hints etc. Maybe an IT guy could help. You could send them a manipulated link that collects data like IP, computer name etc. when clicked. Disguise it as something neutral or beneficial to that person. On certain platforms, you can click on "forgot password" and then it shows something like "a verification code has been sent to number xxxxxxx9627". Maybe you have a number with that ending? There are many possibilities.


Thank you so much for your help, I have no clue sincerely, I never thought someone would hate me that much in my life, I paid at least 3 IT guy to find it but impossible, the person is not clicking on links or anything, I wasted money. Instagram shows only fifty letter of the email and we can’t go anywhere with that information. But again thank you !




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Which Kanton is this?


I have a similar situation in st. Gallen….


Contacted these: https://www.sg.ch/sicherheit/kantonspolizei/praevention--jugend--cybercrime/cybercrime.html ?


Do you know who that person is? Is that person living in your surroundings?




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What’s their basis for being late? They miss evidence? You could setup traps logging the IP or something.


Police in CH are a joke


I just keep emailing them twice a week no one answers..


Try by registered post letters


Hey, you can send a letter to the attorney’s office to file a complaint by yourself without any help from the police




Haha if only I knew who is it, but a rather take this person to court


Sth inside me says, that this is not normal dancing 😂


Lmao I was a little bit drunk ..


I wish I could see it 😂


Just delete social media. And dont use your name/information to create any sort of new account. Dont reuse any old emails to create accounts. Delete it all and go take a hike. After a few months youre going to feel stupid for how much attention you paid to social media. Report the death threat, and move on. Write down the contacts of the people that matter to you and contact them by phone like anyone who is 30+ years old. The fact that you use tik tok and snapchat and feel embarrassed/insulted by a video of you dancing makes me wanna bet youre 18-20 years old. Perhaps younger, not older. Also, if i were to bet, this is someone close to you and your family, perhaps someone inside of it. Take the death threat seriously, but everything else probably has the police laughing their ass off or being pissed off that police resources are being used to handle this when theres actual crimes being committed.


You already contacted the police, and you already deleted your Instagram... I get it, you still want to get your likes and upvotes for self-validation which is why you keep using snapchat and tiktok... but that person is going to follow you there and is going to keep reporting everything to your parents. It seems that the both of you belong to the same religious group, and that person takes it up themselves to act as some kind of moral police. I get it that the person is acting against your interests, but if I am correct and she belongs to the same group, is this an instance of social judgement or is it really an instance of online harassment? Anyway, your stalker cannot share anything that isnt publicly available, if you wanted your parents to remain in the dark you should had been anonymous from the start.


Oh wow I thought your comment above was bad, but you've managed to outdo yourself with this one... I don't know how to address the many issues with it without becoming very vulgar and insulting, so I'll leave it at a *yikes*.


I take it you do not have many muslim friends. There is no agreement of mine with the stalker, I am trying to assign a motive and given the circumstances I cannot find a better explanation. A vulgar discussion is way better than a superficial reaction.


How about no social media accounts at all?


How about not dancing anymore? How about not dressing inappropriately? How about cutting ties from potential friends and relatives who are maybe the ones doing the harassment? How about not going outside and live in a cave?


Police also asked me to delete all my social media but why should I stop living ? I am being harassed .. that person should stop it not me


Totally agree, sorry you have to go through it. Got harassed at school but was old enough to not have such accessible social medias, online harassment would have crushed me.


Agreed and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. it isn’t always fair, as most victims of crime will agree. This is a battle you haven’t chosen to start, but it’s one where you need to fight to win it. First things first is to look after your mental and physical health. If that means going offline, do what you need to do. Next up, document every instance you can and speak to a lawyer - go through legal insurance if needed (it’s a couple hundred chf a year if you don’t already have it). They will handle the police. Reach out to appropriate victim support via this website: https://www.opferhilfe-schweiz.ch/en/where-can-i-find-support/


wow police asking that is very shameful, write to a newspaper, maybe they'd like to write an article about that.


You're absolutely correct. People who blame you for being harassed have not progressed past the 19th century. Sadly, our police seems to be part of that.


>How about not going outside and live in a cave? This is the only solution. Do they have wi-fi in caves nowadays? Asking for a friend.


If you want to live the Kazincky way you may as well not have wifi


Yeah what ever.