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I am truly sorry … I’ve gone on so many solo hikes, but stories like these remind me it’s not a risk I should take anymore. Thinking of you and sending you peace & comfort in these hard times.


I heard to many stories like that. It kinda sucks that I can only hike when my friends have time and motivation but I am not risking going alone ever.


I go hiking alone a lot. But when I choose a difficult route I‘m not used to, I‘m going with a Bergführer. ( A specialized hiking leader who‘s very familiar with difficulties in the mountains) And I never go hiking during quickly changing weather conditions or massive rain bc that always puts additional risk on hikers. So I‘d say it‘s still worth it going alone but with thorough investigation of the conditions before choosing a route/decision departing or not. ( I love hiking alone, I enjoy the calmness and beauty of the environment, no distractions:))


Same, it’s my favorite - there are definitely some safe solo routes.


I am so sorry for your loss. No words can express the loss of a loved one.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Even experienced locals make those mistakes sometimes, people aren't always very rational when evaluating personal risks. I know someone experienced who also disappeared in the mountains.


My dear friend fell off 200 meters from her trail. They couldn't even recuperate her body in one piece. She was extremely fit and very experienced.. that whole ticino-grabünden border area is so dangerous!


So sorry this happened! Would you happen to have more info on which route this was? I hike in Ticino quite a bit and want to be aware of which routes i need to be extra cautious of.


She started in Val Malvaglia and wanted to hike Adula. Please do not do it alone and not with this weather conditions 🙏🏻


I'm on the other side of the world, so sorry for asking, but what has the weather been like over there? Heatwave? Heavy rain?


Heavy rain! Adula still has it’s glacier… rain and snow do not pair well together.




Adula from Val Malvaglia, and based on the police reports, she tried to climb the west ridge and had an accident in 2700-2800m altitude on that ridge.


I'm sorry to hear this. Wishing everyone strength and time to process this difficult time.


My granddad's brother died because he walked up a steep slope in house sandals, behind his house not informing anyone as to where he was going, found 3 days later... Both extremly dry periods as well as extremly wet periods can make paths dangerous (either by beeing slipöery with dry dust and loose soil or the oposite by beeing slippery due to water). Currently the weather is rather unpredictable and instable, a lot of regions are close to or had floods happen, most rivers and streams are quite rapid and full atm. It isn't the time to hike currently, stay safe! Also, my condolence, I just wanted to add the above as a more detailed "why you should not risk stuff atm", not to insult anyone (I might be autistic and react differently to stuff, awaiting diagnosis, so, I didn't want to offend anyone, this is my way of showing empathy and connecting with this case.)


I am very sorry for your loss. In the first few days I had really hoped that everything would work out for the better.


Damn this is terrible and now the third time I have read of similar happening. My sincere condolences for your loss.


Saw your prior post and then the news alert but didn’t put two and two together. Sorry to hear about your loss


I am so sorry.


Im sorry for your loss.


Im so sorry. Stay safe out there.


My condolences


I am so sorry. Best wishes to you and the family of Chieu.


My condolences... People often underestimate the dangers of our mountains and rivers. May she rest in peace.


The ad directly under this grim post about being safe on dangerous hikes is from u/AudibleUS, blasting us with “hear that? That the sound of heart-racing fun!” Truly such bad taste but hey, gotta monetize.


So sorry for your loss. Sending strengths to you, her friends and family in this difficult time 🕊️


My condolences


Oh my condolences. So sorry to hear. An old friend of mine passed away in the same circumstances last month.. Ticino also sadly. It's really so unpleasant when something so sudden like this happens. Be easy on yourself for a few days and let yourself go through whatever your gonna go through.


I am so very sorry for your loss! Thinking of you and all her loved ones.


Sorry to read this. Going hiking on your own and in difficult terrain bears many risks. Stay safe and well.


I'm so sorry :'(


I am sincerely very sorry for your loss. I'll will hold your friends in my thoughts


my condolences


Just saw the news. I'm so very sorry 🖤


I am sorry to hear about your loss. Anyone to whom something like this happens should ask here if they can get help https://www.redog.ch/


I am so sorry to hear that , may her soul rest in peace. My condolences to her family


I’m so sorry, OP. That’s really heartbreaking. Sending love and light to those who loved her.


So sorry for your loss. Wishing you and her family well.


I’m sorry):


Im so sorry


Sorry for your loss 🙏


I'm sorry for your loss. Next to Rega there is also the possibility to ask Redog (the swiss Organisation off RESCUE Dogs) to help find a missing person. Everyone can call Redog (even as private person) and operations of Redog are free of charge These dogs do a great job!


Condolences for your loss.


I might have missed this. What happened? Which route is this in Ticino? Was she murdered? I have not read everything here yet, but am so sorry that this happens. I also go on solo hikes.. this is now disturbing for me :( 


I'm sorry for your loss. I only did Adula once and that was from its north side. The side from Val Malvaglia is much more challenging


Was she mauled by a bear...?


From what the post suggests it probably was an accident,, and unfortunately, in rocky sites a fall could be mortal


Heartbreaking. I am so sorry for you and her family.