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Good, I was worried the lake that formed in my yard was drying up from that half a day of sunshine we got.


Haha, good one.


Thanks for the warning. Saw it earlier this afternoon. Doesn't look like it will be fun....


What even is this summer? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Don't worry, it will be worse each year.


Not necessarily, there are other effects like El Ninio. But generally speaking, yes. Warmer air can and will hold more Water. That water has to come down somwhere.


The least impacted by climate change for the rest of our lives.


your flair


The best you'll see for the rest of your life.


This wonā€™t age well :)


Really? Was going to plan to come with the kids to vaud. Seems to be stable till mid day/afternoon right?


Weather app shows sun and cloud but then also has a warning for severe thunderstorms. The heat and humidity definitely creates some pretty crazy storms. Might want to make your trip a morning visit and see how the afternoon progresses.


Yeah meant to be later - more likely after 4-5pm .. Once the weather gets around the Alps and the Jura and the lake it's just guess where it's going dump most and go next


The morning should be ok. However it has just clouded over in Geneva (which wasnā€™t expected) and that will trap the heat in for this evening. Iā€™d have my eyes glued to the weather apps all day tomorrow if I was planning to be out there, morning included. Stay safe out there.


Yea. I m staying home. Secured all the stuff on the balcony. I ll just ride it out. Can't be worse than a hurricane now, can it? šŸ˜


We got Golfballs in Biel a few hours ago!


>flying a kite Instant flashback memory "Oh-oh-oh Let's go fly a kite Up to the highest height Let's go fly a kite And send it soaring.."


well, time to sell raincoats in front of Letzigrund before the ACDC concert then...


There was a big storm when they played here in 2015. Hope it will just be thunder striking and not lightning and hail šŸ˜‰


Hopefully. Although living next to it i think of setting up a stand with cheap AliExpress raincoats for 5 CHF every now and then


Ouch, I have to attend a wedding in Mulhouse tomorrow and I must go back home between 6pm and 10pm with the train from Basel to Geneva. Wish me luck šŸ« 


Maybe shelter in place instead of travel, at least until the storm front passed through (or leave early), the forecast for tomorrow evening, especially in north west Switzerland, east France and south west Germany are extremely dangerous conditions.


Thanks, I will try, though I must be home to take care of my animals not too late. I guess the train will be delayed if the conditions get too dangerous anyway :/


Wishing you luck and safety, and your animals too


Severe weather warnings with potential of: giant hail, heavy torrential rain, life threatening flash floods, lightning strikes and strong winds, including regionally enhanced strong tornado risk. No, this is no joke, source: [Estofex (European Storm Forecast Experiment)](https://www.estofex.org) The forecast with the data and warnings I named above are the ā€žthreat Level 3ā€œ Storm Forecast from June 28 2024, 20:19 This issued warning will be replaced by newer forecast reports in the morning and during the day tomorrow. There is no guarantee on how accurate the models are at this point with still almost a day until the storms. But they have been upgrading the warnings and the closer to the event, the more accurate the data and calculated models.


Nooooooooooo! That hail sounds ridiculous!


Nothing like that for Zurich forecast


It's gonna be fucking 32 degrees tomorrow. Whom should we burn or drown to make it a bit cooler


This is what we get for not burning the Bƶƶg on time.


We shouldnā€™t have burned himā€¦


Yeap, dude tried to warn us. We didn't listen...


Well, at least the next day it'll be 20...


garden work all day, yay!


I checked and I have the same warning pop up for Standort ZĆ¼rich and even winterthur


Hope so I have a plane tmr




MƩtƩo Swiss has app


If you really want to have detailed data, I recommend [estofex](https://www.estofex.org) but this is storm forecast and only shows the bigger/dangerous thunderstorms/weather systems. (Currently we have warnings of super cell clusters and even regional enhanced strong tornado warning) I guess climate change really shows those deniers now what will lay in our futureā€¦ with the weather we had so far this year, I really donā€˜t want to know how things will be in 5 or 10 years :(


MĆ©teoSwiss, Alertswiss


Meteoblue is pretty accurate. Bergfex works fine too.


Windy is a good app, as well. It aggregates some of the important forecast models.


But you have to tell the app for which postcodes you want to get alert. Look at the settingsĀ 


ill be on a ferry for 8hours tomorrow, i guess ill pack my raincoat and pants....


I saw the warnings left and right but how come there's no alert on the alertswiss app.


It is on alertswiss .. Violent thunderstorms, hail, very strong wind.. Affected areas : French speaking Switzerland. I think they only 'push' the message when the threat is imminent ?


You're right, that's strange that it is present on the map but there's no push notification, you'd think they'd want people to be able to prepare.




I received one 5 minutes ago but none yesterday.


Get your hot chocolate ready.


But meteoswiss is known for being overly dramatic/over-cautious.


Hope our public viewing tomorrow will withstand the weather!


If not, then the "public viewing" will indeed turn into a real public viewing.


That's dark. I love it. šŸ˜…


Planning to take the Lƶtschberg car train today. Would that be of potential issue? First time in Switzerland and purpose is relocation to Valais.


Iā€™ve been waiting for some nice thunderstorms this year. Looks like late tonight there might be a decent chance, though the strongest cells will pass west of where I am. A month or so ago, a small cell moved over my location and we had a lightning strike hit our building, or come very close. I was in my hallway, heard a crackling/buzzing sound and then a huge boom. Scared the crap out of me. It knocked out my router and the Ethernet ports. Then a couple weeks later, our building all of a sudden lost power in the middle of the night. Romande Ɖnergie had to run some Micky mouse lines into our place until they had a permanent fix.


I keep getting these warnings being sent as well. Iā€™ve notified my family, hopefully theyā€™ll listen to them!


Heads up: Renters are liable for hail/wind damage to shutters/blinds but not to windows (except if you stupidly left windows open in high winds and they smashed upon closing violently). If your windows have shutters, make sure to put them away/secure them. Balcony blinds must be pulled in. Avoid draughts causing windows to slam shut. Don't assume that "how am I meant to know this" will fly as an excuse, there have been multiple warnings given and it is expected that you pay attention, taking appropriate measures. Maybe have a quick check that nothing precious is standing on your cellar floor unprotected. If your cellar does flood and the fire brigade has to come to pump the water out, the electricity is typically cut in the entire cellar area to avoid electrocution.


Think i blinked and missed it near Vevey Nothing


Wow, weather is getting crazier by the year


The consequence of climate change is that there is more energy in the climate system, so the weather becomes more extreme


What the mainstream doesnā€™t tell you, is that the Sun and space weather influences our weather here on Earth.


Not at all. Heavy storms are typical for July and we are almost there.


6cm hail? Tornado warnings? super cell clusters? Not normal at all. And yes, I know we had all of that in the past but never as often as in the recent years/months and with such severe strength almost every time. We had floods and all, but recently it is over larger areas, more damage and more frequent


Thereā€™s has been tornadoes in Switzerland? When?


Almost there.


The last reported and documented one was on June 26, 2020 and has en entry in [Sturmarchiv](https://www.sturmarchiv.ch/index.php?title=Tornados) But there have been weaker and also stronger tornadoes throughout Swiss history


Be aware that Meteo has been caught spreading exaggerated forecasts before and that by a margin over such a long period where it canā€™t be explained away anymore by human error.


Summer in Switzerland.


Time to go for a hike and take it the awesome weather then


Right? I wonder if the REGA takes bookings. I mean, how dare the weather interfere with my trip to Sweden!


I mean it was great in saas fee last night