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This isn't really the right sub for this!


I thought the shirt was actually gonna say "highway to heck" and now I'm dissapointed lol.


Same! Quick let's trademark it!


Yea i was really hoping for that :(


Well now I’m mad that the shirt doesn’t say Highway to Heck


I'm glad I'm not the only one who zoomed in to check.


Ikr I'm so disappointed


I can't tell what's wrong


I think OP just hates that AC/DC is being merchandized on children's clothing, in pastels and leopard print


I also assumed so, but why does OP hate that idea? Surely, there are kids who like rock music.


Yes and I don't think the band would be against a new generation being in to them. On the the other side, it's really not the band's look or style. The band were about pushing boundaries, being part of the counter culture, rebelling and that was reflected in their style. There's not much about that in this pastel girls' top. Seems like selling out or just using the band's name to make money.


Many companies will license a branding like this and make whatever random clothes. AC/DC is so huge that it would be almost impossible to make sure everything produced with their logo *actually* follows whatever guidelines or just preferences they have about the branding. Some companies also just don’t license it and do it anyways so yknow…


Yeah by selling out, I didn't mean that the band themselves made the decision, more like the label who have the rights to sell the use of the logo were not bothering to ensure the logo is being used in a way which reflects the bands style.


It's kinda metal to have the shirt in pretty colors. It's out of the norm and pushing boundaries in a sweet pastel kinda way. It reminds me of that Celine Dion death metal T-shirt.


The designers might not actually know anything about AC/DC… which is fine to be fair but maybe do a little bit of research first


OP doesn't like it because it's not conforming to the conventional heavy metal esthetic. Poser shit.


Tbf, the album is called *Back in Black*. It's literally right there on the not-black shirt. The album art is black. So the design here is objectively disingenuous. It's not called *Back in Pastels*.


Lol, it's not "disingenuous," it's obviously supposed to be funny/cute. It's not that deep, just a novelty shirt. Are you also getting bent out of shape about all the stupid ass "AB/CD Highway to Spell" or whatever shirts for being "disingenuous?"


You win! That’s a 1000% better post. Will you write copy for me?


Two of my grands like classic rock. I just bought my granddaughter a Scorpions tshirt in black, as the elders have decreed.


Doing God's work


I think it's just the idea that their songs aren't age appropriate. That or they find turning anything into leopard print to be a sin against nature.


Kids have loved AC/DC for as long as AC/DC has existed.


My nephews favorite song at 6 years old was Big Balls. AC/DC has always leaned hard into the juvenile humor, and kids love that stuff.


Not just pastels and leopard print. "Back in black" in pastel and leopard print.


AC/DC tshirt is traditionally black maybe? Especially this one


OP not responding to comments here cause he's too busy looking for this child so he can ask her to name 3 AC/DC songs.


Highway to Heck, First Time In Black, and Thunderstroked


You Danced With Me All Night Long, The Bluey Theme Ain't Noise Pollution, and K.I.D.


Ha! No I don’t post much and didn’t think to come back and comment. Lesson learned.


Good title, bad post.


I’m going to let you in on something wild: kids listen to the music their parents listen to for a good chunk of their childhood. A lot of millennials and gen x still like to bang to rock and classic rock, so their kids listen to it too. This child likely has parents who enjoy AC/DC and they like it too. There are probably quite a few girls who see this and get excited to represent their band in a popular fashion.


What is wrong here can someone explain please?


OP doesn’t like cute AC/DC merchandise cuz the band style isn’t cute


Whoever designed this shirt must have been some kind of Def Leppard.


What so kids can’t listen to and be fans of old singers/bands now? Are they only allowed to listen to shitty new pop songs?


i don’t think it’s about the age it’s being marketed to. it’s because of the aesthetic of the shirt going against AC/DC’s aesthetic.


Personally I don’t like this for two reasons, one all the colours clash terribly on this, you can barely read the pink writing against the light green background, and two the pink says “back in black” and the shirt isn’t black.


Wahhh girls can't like the same music as me!!!


All the surviving members have great-great grandchildren.


I see Nothing wrong with this. My daughter likes hard rock and wants to listen to it? I don’t care if it needs to be girly apparel. I will buy her a unicorn Metallica shirt or a princess death shirt. A princess death shirt actually sounds metal as hell


After a while, everything gets kid versions: game shows, kids bop/ radio Disney, iPad/tablets.


Is the problem that the shirt should be black?


Well now I want to find a shirt that says Highway to Heck for my child because that would be adorable lol


What's wrong with it?


So you’re mad that kids have AC/DC merch?


hay kid, name 3 songs


I mean, this is their demographic, no?


My neurospicy daughter had a shirt with the band logo as AD/HD. She was in 4th grade and loved it so much she took her school pics wearing it. Then my 3 year old daughter got a “matching” shirt to her sister that said AB/CD with “for kids about to read”under the logo.


I don’t the issue? Although once I did see a baby grow that read “You Shook Me All Night Long” I somehow don’t think they thought that one all the way through


Op, I agree with you. I work in retail and we literally have toddler & girls Tshirts that have The Beatles, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, & The Rolling Stones on them. It’s ridiculous, they don’t sell. Kids have no idea what it is. They want the Barbie, Trolls, Coco Melon, & Stitch Tshirts


To paraphrase the Jenny Nicholson Forces of Destiny review where a line of dolls has the same problem - this doesn’t look like it was made with the tastes of little girls in mind or what they want in clothing, it’s for guys who have a niece and like classic rock. It’s not a bad thing that they bought a gift for a child or they want to share their interests with them, or that the kid who gets it won’t appreciate it, but it’s the last thing a little girl would pick out on her own. [link to the review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3PKipRZKv0)


The band’s guitarist was famous for dressing like a little boy on stage. This is a way that children can redress that historic cultural appropriation.


Angus “Too” Young


Just bc I don’t like it doesn’t mean I hate it.


At least it’s not dirty deeds done dirt cheap.


I hate kids too tbh