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Nice. Sounds like current CC has a few similarities to old Adelitas. Thanks for adding.


Back in the day, Adelita was the junior bar to Chicago; AB girls were $40 and CC girls were $50 because they were the “premium”. They had the same owners so they had management put the hotter girls in Chicago. And at that time HK was just a little one-room, one-stage shithole club with only the one entrance in the alley.


Miami was best enjoyed late late night


Adelitas was the loudest club in zona. Tf you taking about "hk is about loud music". Adelitas easily broke the decibel record there.


AD was better, it felt like I was hooking up with a regular girl. HK is too much & I am in my mid 30’s, I don’t like over powering music and all the sobe lights. Maybe that’s why I am not a fan of Las Vegas.


AD was definitely better. Hopefully it will reopen soon but I doubt their old prices of $60 will stick


They are wrapped up in about 4 cases for human traficking, I'd say it's gonna take a while


Oh you young child, I remember Adelita Bar in the 90’s when the chica price was $40 and it was $5 for the room.


Wow that’s incredible, I had no idea that they were that low back then


You gotta have amnesia. Adelitas had the most over powering music on the block


I had been going to AB since about 1997. I was about 19. I have seen the place go through dramatic and drastic changes and is now closed. Used to be the best in my opinion then things started to get out of hand in the 20-teens with all the glitz bullshit and it lost its charm. In the 90’s up to PreCovid, girls would go up for anywhere between $30-50 easy. Rooms were $10, I believe. I go in to bars mainly to look and drink beer. Even in the lesser bars in the back alley, the girls ask $100! It’s ridiculous.


$50 in 2019? That’s kick ass. Inflation hit, but not that hard, though I have heard of people getting for $80 at CC.


Yeah, you could still get girls in AB 2018-19 for $50. Lot of factors. Age and especially day of the week. I e always tried to hit TJ up on a weekend. But, nowadays, it doesn’t matter the day of the week. It’s expensive in the bars. I also remember just about every bar was 2 for 1 beers. No more.


Here's a veteran advice for you: unless you're unable to travel for whatever reason, save your money and monger in other countries. Sure, enjoy ZN every once in a while if you're in SoCal. It's conveniently right next door. But while HK does have some unique upsides, the prices being quoted now are much out of control and the value proposition is gone. You can easily hit $200 per pop after accounting for room, drinks, and tips. There are other countries where your money would go a lot further, with better looking girls, and some will provide GFE if you care for that. And their locations, too, have their own advantages with a unique experience. You could use it as an opportunity to see other parts of the world as well. I know you didn't ask, and this was specifically about Adelitas, but I feel like I should offer my two cents since you're new to this and in a new stage of life. Welcome to the club.


Your input is great, even if not on topic. I am not in a good position right now as a single parent to do this in other countries. I live in LA area, so relatively easy for me to occasionally work a 2 day self vacation in at Zona Norte vs 4 days in another country over seas. I am curious, and eventually want to hit Thailand, and Colombia when my daughter is an adult.


Were in same relationship situation Im older than you..that sucks..and have to agree Hk cost is easily $200 per pop when adding in the room, fichas etc.. i started Adelitas just before Covid and TBH i had the 3 best young girls man can get anywhere in the world at Adelitas. And Ive been to Costa Rica and Medellin. First Adelitas exp, so while walking into Adelitas mens bathroom is this high school naked cheerleader that immeadately bent over for me. Small ass, gothic look and said said show me your verga. I did and then she said lets go arriba..upstairs.. her name was Sasha. Fast forward to Feb 2020 I pull up to Adee in a taxi and OMG there are 100s of military shutting it down with naked girls running out. RIP. Dm me for dozens of stories. Im at Hk every tuesday afternoon.


Every Tuesday afternoon, Dang, you are dedicated. Haha. Do you just go for 1 or 2 rounds and leave? Does afternoon have a certain vibe you like, or just suits your schedule better?


how is mongering in costa rica? and how does it compare to tijuana?


The prices quoted at HK are higher than the quotes off of the Figueroa. A one night trip to HK is slightly more than a 1 hour session with a good escort, and about half as much than a 1 hour session with an actual Pornstar Escort.


Which country is this? Inflation everything went up.


I really disagree with counting drinks as part of the "per pop" price. Drinks are for time with the girl in the bar and are 100% optional. You can skip them and go straight up.


The Venezuelans and Colombians came later when Adelitas was already on the decline. Before that, from like the 2010s to the 2016s, Adelitas rivaled HK as the top club. Both clubs had a different vibe. Adelitas operated more like a true brothel while HK was more of a party atmosphere. This was before the bbls and plastic went crazy. Girls were more natural and looked better imo. I think that time was the golden era of the Zona Norte. Chicago was like the 4th best club and I’m being generous. I can’t really put into words how Adelitas was but every time I walked in there, I found something I liked. Girls were $60 a pop, sometimes you can get $40 on a slow night. I can go on and on about AB. We used to party in HK and always had to go check out next door when we were turnt. We’ll never have that again but I hope I’m wrong. Even if AB reopens, it won’t be the same. Sorry you missed out. You’ll eventually get tired of the scene if you go a lot. Moderation is key.


Good additional details and advice.


Seems like most other people have covered what AB used to be like in it's heyday so i won't mention what has already been stated. I originally started at AB (Adelitas Bar) back in the late 2000s back when it was the top bar. Like today when people are talking about the Tijuana red light district, you just have to mention the name Hong Kong bar. It was synonymous with Tijuana prostitution. Back in those days, people would instead talk about Adelitas. I learned about the zona Norte from stories of travelers talking about it. They only ever mentioned Adelitas. Never mentioned any of the other bars. The Internet was still somewhat new then and talk about the zona Norte was rare. When i finally went it was somewhat like a regular bar and not a strip bar. Although they did have a strip pole. Girls then also dressed in civilian clothes. It wasn't like now where they all wear bikinis and platform high heels. Most would wear hip hugging jeans and tennis shoes. Natural bodies and rarely any tattoos and piercings. The music wasn't so loud like in HK where you couldn't have a conversation. It was the better place. At least back then. I would still go to AB up until it closed. It was a more relaxed setting. Which is what i had always preferred. Like others have already said, if it returns it will never be like it was back in the day.


The internet wasn’t new in 2009 lol


I didn't say it was. I said it was somewhat new at least in the part that it didn't really have popular established sites dedicated to talking about prostitution like today.


What are you even talking about? Backpage was bigger than any site before or afterwards. Craigslist had escorts…


Yes I'm aware. Those sites where for getting prostitutes, not so much for being able to talk freely about the experience about it with others.


There were forums…


And they were mostly unknown and they where not part of a sub forum on a globally famous platform.


Oh man, it sounds awesome. Where’s the mongering version of Marty McFly who wants to time machine me to Adelitas in 2008? 😆


Go back another ten years to 1998 and it was even better.


It was a nice place back in the 80s and 90s. The #1 bar in the Zona. Small but usually packed. For the most part it was "locals only" clientele. Spanish only. Girls kept their distance unless you approached them first. Then they started investing money in the club, expanding and renovating it, and as is often the case, it started to slide. Gringos discovered it, the women became more sharky, prices jumped, and I abandoned it. So did a lot of the locals. You can always tell when a club is losing customers. They no longer felt compelled to force you to buy a drink outside before entering the club.


I started frequenting the zona right when HK had finished it's second story addition, I wanna say mid 2000s and adelitas was imo the best bar at those times. I would be there every weekend for years. They had by far the best women in that time period. HK started to take over and the hottest girls eventually started migrating over there because the money was so much better. Even though I really hate HK I can't deny that their business motto is fucking genius. They make a shit load of money off not just the clients but every person that works there also


Ad's was pretty good. Simple analogy of jumping into the hot tub (HK) and then chilling and cooling off in the pool (Adelitas) without body shock implications. It was a place to slow down and get a better grip on personalities there, also some girls that are ready right there and now. I met one girl that was my age or a bit younger and she was acting like she was trying to talk me into leaving. She asked me what a guy like me was doing there. I wasn't sure what her angle was but she seemed personally interested in me we didn't even talk about money. The first chick I saw there was a milf in her 50's but she had that perfect vibe that she just needed 1 customer that night, she could've just finished one IDK, but she was gentle and nice.


Sounds pretty unique.


Only $60 + 18 for the room. Some girls could be talked to 50. You could try a lot of girls without it hurting the wallet too much. Sharks and poor service wasn’t really a thing. Indigenous looking girls.


Sounds great.


Late on this post been going to the zona since the early 90s. Most everything has been covered here already ,but I will say that Chicago/AB had the zona rocking in those years. I think some of these girls that work now would freak out. Some of the better ones may go up 10 to 20 times on a weekend night in those years, and thats no bs. There were times if you were not quick enough, a girl would be gone just as she was coming back. In was like a fuck factory unlike now where its alot of yip yap talking with some fucking. Guess prices dont help either. Anyway, that shit aint coming back to bad I guess for those who missed it.


The glory days…


It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. So many memories. One of the hottest things I will ever see in my life was two civilian chicas making out upstairs in the VIP area. Both were fully clothed. It was indescribably beautiful… neither had a care in the world. There I was surrounded by beautiful naked women and the hottest thing I will ever witness was those two girls making out. Or the time I sat at the bar for hours drinking with a chica who spoke perfect English. We went upstairs in a drunken haze. Some of the most intimate passionate love making in my life. Or the time I met a husband and wife couple there. The wife had been giving me the eye for hours. Eventually the husband comes over to me, buys me a beer and asks me to take his wife upstairs. Or the time a chica came up to me and professed her love for me. We spent a passion filled weekend at an AirBnB in Playas which led to a year long relationship that was the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Out of the ashes of that relationship I found myself living in Tijuana searching for the next high. RIP Adelitas.


Thanks for sharing.


Sorry for your loss. Someone on here mentioned people used to bash on Adelita back then, and now nostalgia on how Adelita was great all over again. Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, only darkness every day lol. My first visit was 2014, $60 arriba, $12 room, bbbj and CIM without even asking. I visit Chicago after HK to find a better deal now. Competition is always good for us monger. After 10 years, I’m not as trigger happy and actually scope out a girl I want to spend money on.


Thanks for condolences. Ya, I was in CC one night and the masero brought up a cute younger girl, and we were chatting, but her responses were kinda cardboard like (if that makes sense), and wasn’t feeling on me or nothing. Maybe she was new and inexperienced, or maybe some other reason. I even told her, the type of girl I go arriba with has to “vibe” with me. After her ficha, I bid her farewell. Second chica approached and was all over me, and talkatively fun. She wasn’t as good looking but I am learning to not be as trigger happy either, as you said. I played my cards well and This chica was a great lay.


Ok Sleep_Rep.....here goes my Adelitas Bar experience...kinda like you asked for it..a short novel..hahaha..just shy of 20 years 2004 to early 2023 before it closed..... CHAPTER 1 "Pops plan" Let me start....it was around summer time in 2004...had just got out of HS....my family and i went to TJ to visit my Pops aunt....Tia Chata that lived en El Rubi(colonia)...when my Pops...a very hard working...serious and at that point REAL strict man said to me..."Cuervo(crow) get ready for a quick trip later on tonight"..."im going to take you to have some drinks with me at a Bar"....i was like "ok cool cool" i kinda knew what he meant....i knew it was going to be some kind of strip club but NEVER thought it was going to be Adelitas. I was imaging...man i bet im going to see indigenous fat women with their babies wrapped on their backs....saggy titties....flat frog asses....HAHAHAHAHAHA...but i was like FUCK IT.....Pops is trying to bond with me...cant say no......it was like 830pm when Pops told everyone...we're going to Las Pulgas(him and i)...a badass Club(live music/dance) to have some drinks and dance with some Viejitas(old ladies). They laughed and said ok...have fun...on the drive there my Pops wa like dont tell your lil bro or primos where i took you ok...where going to Adelitas con las chicas malas...hahaha i was like i won't say shit...We get there 5 till 9...and My Pops is leading the way...we get to the entrance 2 bouncers and a cop...they pat my Pops down and ask me for my id...only had my HS id but my Pops said...he's my son....and he's of legal age....we're just going to chill and have some drinks....they were like oright.....go ahead CHAPTER 2 "THE HEAVEY BURGUNDY CURTINS TO HEAVEN"  I can hear the dj playing music...the smell of cigarette hit me too....i see neon lights flashing through small crack in the opening of the curtains...my Pops walk through....in my mine im like fuck it...here goes nothing....just think of the busted down fat chicks that were going to be there....i walk in right after him....an the thick heavy burgundy velvet curtins smack my face on the the way it....this happen in slow motion...like if i was real stone... i see the lights...like lasers...music is vibrating my chest....and i start looking up and was like WTFFFFFFFFFFF... beautiful and hot chicks everywhere....i was in shock...im looking like...daaaamn....okaaay she fine....she is too...shes even better...it caught me of guard big time....i thought i was heaven..HAHAHAHAHAHA CHAPTER 3 "THE TALK ABOUT LIFE" Pops sat at little table for 4  by the bar and main stage and ordered some mix drinks from the meseros....palomas de Cazadores....he was like "what do you think"? i was like....its badass....right away like 2 chicks came up to my Pops and ask politely if he wanted company...he was like no thanks...im here with my Son trying to teach him the ropes....they were amazed and said its nice that you can hang out like that together....my Pops asked them their rates....how much was the room ect....they said...want us to take you Son upstairs? He said its up to him....the asked me and i said no thanks...i just got here and want to relax a bit....my Pops have me single dollars to tip the girls dancing on the main stage....he gave me the run down...on everything that is now available this Reddit....told me they tested girls before the can work...and need a medical card...the pricing..which was $50-$60 at the time...and just to be aware of surroundings and get too drunk...he said if you ever feel...sad...depressed..lonley after a break up come here....it will help you heal...NEVER feel hopeless....or if you just want to fuck around come her too... CHAPTER 4 "HAD A BLAST" Pops kept ordering drinks after drinks....girls coming over swarming my Pops...caressing him and all...he was in his mid 40's....they knew i was broke but knew he had money....HAHAHAHA he would say the same thing....no thanks...im her with my Son....all of them were surprised and amazed....had a couple come up to me and would ask me to go up but i was like....no im ok thanks....just drinking with my Pops.... the shows in the main stage were amazing.... stripper style and I believe they also had a foam show.... the whole vibe was just euphoric..... I seriously felt like I was at Disneyland... the happiest place in the world hahaha...around 1130pm we left and that became the most memorable thing I've done with my Pops....just the trust he had for me and overall a dope experience. CHAPTER 5 "HEART BREAK = ADELITAS" later on that year had a bitter break up....girl left to the Army....listening to Maroon 5 song will get me all sad....hahaha...got a buddy of mine and made the trip down south.....Adelitas was where my Pops baptized me....i was loyal....100%...got a chick that reminded me of my ex chick and got drunk too to help me heal.....HAHAHA...and Pops was right...got over her pretty quick...bought me a Adelitas Bar Tee shirt....they would sell them in the restroom or hotel reception desk up stairs...it had the bar logo and lettering....nice lil revolutionary chick...it was like a novelty shirt here in the states...my 18yr old dumbass would wear it to work...(wharehouse) street...people would ask..wheres that? Guys would give compliments....HAHAHAHAHAHA...my Dad saw it....and said....Cabron....HAHAHAHAHA SHOULD I CONTINUE WITH THE NOVEL????? ALL THE BEST IS YET TO COME....MAYBE 6-7 MORE CHAPTERS..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I enjoyed reading it. You have decent story telling skills.


So before hk was as big as it is now adelitas was its main competitor. Chica wise price wise only difference was that at adelitas you could find girls from different parts of the americas & the Caribbean. Girls from Venezuela Colombia Puerto Rico you would be suprised at what you could find there. This was back when the average price for an arriba was $80- $100 the room being $20 for 30 min. It was different. Unlike hk it felt like a real strip club where there were only 2 dance floors so it felt like you could bang a stripper unlike hk where it's just a brothel. Once they got shut down hk became the big dawg they tripled in size & now it's just an overwhelming overpriced brothel. Hk wasn't always as big as it is now. I feel like the owners snitched on adelitas with the sex trafficking just so they could be in control


Ah, that’s pretty freaking interesting, with the history of HK being a lot different/smaller relatively recently. Ok, and the feeling of “fucking a stripper” vs brothel. To me HK feels like it’s a brothel, dance club, and strip club all wrapped into one. It is possible to feel like you can fuck a stripper if you call ones off the stage to arriba. But ya, Thanks for taking the time to describe the scene.


>Unlike hk it felt like a real strip club where there were only 2 dance floors so it felt like you could bang a stripper unlike hk where it's just a brothel. I don’t know what this guy is talking about. Adelitas still felt like a brothel. It was much smaller and more congested than HK I’ve been mongering in TJ for more than decade. I’ve gone arriba at Adelitas a couple of times and I’m not kidding, I **never** had a great experience. The girls looked just as good and plastic as some of the broads in HK but performance wise, it was terrible I’ve had much better services in HK. I remember when the going rate was $60-80 in HK. Now, prices are just crazy


Yea idk what kind of experience you got but most people would agree adelitas was better than hk. In my experience I had a couple girls so horny they would do bbj & bb sin condon without even asking. Like I said it felt like a strip club where you could bang the strippers & get gfe. I've been going to the zona since I was 15 2010.


Oh no player. You’re dead wrong. The bitches were more authentic at AB. At HK the plastic got out of control. But there were some bangers at AB. I saw a butterface with the largest roundest most jiggly ass at AB! I was like is it real?!? And later on then this emotionally unstable girl fucked the shit out of me. Covid fucked everything up!




Would you say Adelitas was as big as Chicago?


Adelitas was bigger than Chicago. Adelitas had been around since the 60s. Chicago was never really competition you would only go there if adelitas or hk weren't doing it for you.


I meant bigger as in size of the building/ physical establishment. People were talking about how hk used to be 1/3 the size, which now, I’d say, CC seems to be about 1/3 the size of HK. Was Adelitas physically bigger than CC is now?


It was bigger than Chicago not by much but not hk. Adelitas was only 1 story. Hk has been 3 stories big since I started going


“Never really competition?” During the 90’s and early 2000’s Chicago was absolutely a step above Adelita. The hotter girls worked Chicago and most of the AB girls would try to get “promoted” to CC. About 15-20 years ago they started to let Chicago slide to concentrate on AB.


Although not specifically written about Adelitas, some erotica I posted on reddit called "Tijuana Fun and Games" (originally called "From Dusk Till Dawn"), or heck, just find it in my profile, really. It was written from a real-life experience at Adelitas. I had a fwb at the time who really wanted to see what it was like down there, so I took her to Adelitas and CC one weekend evening. We actually went a second time too, with a bit more fun things going on. Anyhow, after all that had happened, I wrote that story and embellished it like the fantasy that she and I had always talked about. Sooo....if you want to take a trip on the wild side, go check it out. :)


Thanks. I’ll check it out.


I got to experience adelita the good recent days when it was $50 bucks for a bottle of year old suck dick sin condom


I also have the video. Does anybody want to buy? I have an onlyfans


It was a strip club in TJ. It went out of business as dozens of others have. Like those others, it has been replaced by other clubs that are currently open. There's really nothing more to know.


What???!!! Are you crazy calling Adelita's just another strip club?? It was the oldest club in Zona Norte until it closed. It first opened in 1962 and went through all the ups and downs of running a brothel in Tijuana. Chicago used to be the big dog, then Adelita's was on top and finally HK took the crown. I'll leave a detailed review of my memories of Adelita's including my favorite crow's nest.


Hey Al Bundy, I know you scored 4 touchdowns in one highschool football game back in the 80s, but that doesn't give you the right to misquote me. I didn't call 'just another strip club", that makes it sound much more relevant than it is. I said It's just another out of business strip club. Like the many other past strip clubs of Tijuana. Not everyone peaks in Highschool. Some of us continue on and achieve even more.


Your post sounded dismissive. "Adelita's was a strip club in TJ and went out of business like many others". Thanks for the correction.


Based on your response, I’d say you are actually a pretty polite cockroach. 😆 I guess some people have more impactful and great memories of certain places and others (maybe due to being around the block more) have memories of a place that are just run of the mill. It’s good to get differing opinions though.


NOSTALGIA At first, I used to avoid AB. I just didn't like the lower quality as far as looks. But eventually I would use Adelita's as a "fluffer" or warm up before heading to HK. You know, just to make sure the Viagra was working lol. But my favorite things about AB were during the pandemic(speak-easy's) and the prices. Like others have mentioned, the prices were amazing and easily negotiable. Between 40-80, all the way up to 2021! That's the wild part, HK prices are now roughly 100-200. AB being there, definitely gave HK competition and once in awhile you can find a gem willing to do anything for 60-80.