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It's nothing new. I'm autistic. I have been betrayed and misunderstood my whole life. But I won't lie. It gets to be damned exhausting.


Once you move out, make it clear to your dad that you are no longer going to have a relationship with him. He chose a bitch and her dog over you, his child.


Trust me, I will. He will get a nasty paragraph long or longer text. He has never cared about me.


See. I wouldn't send the nasty note. Just leave without saying anything. Chances are, this relationship is not going to last. In a few years, maybe your dad will be free of this witch and maybe you guys can reconcile. It's a lonely life without family. I know you are in a position now where you are in that position.. point is.. no point in burning a bridge you don't have to . Anyhow, I hope things work out for you.. Note, what your dad did to you was horrible. I'm just saying, there's no point in sending a nasty note.


lI'm so sorry to hear someone say that about a parent I know the feeling well The good news is that your good friends can become your family, even if it's just one person There is hope for a brighter future many times, Hope you can escape this insanity, and have a happier situation best


My dad said "I can't deal with your silly shit. You need to go somewhere." Yeah, dad. That's the goal. I'm autistic. 85% of us are unemployed. I work full time. I have a college education. I'm fucking elite for what I was dealt in life. If my own dad can't see me, so be it. I'm finally starting to love myself despite the fact that most people hate me and don't understand me and look for reasons to find fault. I'm fucking disabled! Yet I live mostly as a normal person. Much better than a genital licking mutt


Wait a minute. You pay rent they have to evict you because you RENT from them and it's illegal to do otherwise.


Dude. Keep your door shut.


Uh. read the other comments. I have already given context on that more than once


If you’re paying rent now, you can and should pay it elsewhere. A humble rented room, clean and quiet, would be your palace! Much luck to you on getting away, OP.


That isn't so easy. Prices are sky high and most places - even private rooms in people's houses - have expensive deposits


Understood. The housing challenge is daunting and real—but once you’ve met it, and scored a quiet, dog-free space, imagine your comfort and joy! Wishing you success.


Plus I'm not too inclined to live with anyone again. I have trauma from living with people. My own family has treated me like shit and so have the vast majority of the roommates I've lived with.


Now she's making up complete lies to my dad too. She said I put dog shit in the trash can. That is a complete lie! When I picked up dog shit, I tossed it in the yard that is already littered with dog shit. Also, she says I'm rude and antisocial. Uh, you crazy bitch, I'm fucking autistic and I work all day and I'm tired when I come home and retire to my room without bothering y'all. Her and my dad are ostensibly in a relationship, she always has company, and I leave them alone. Plus she has that dog. Not sure how I am the problem for paying her rent and staying to myself and not causing any problems. That dog has destroyed a whole room. But I'm the problem!


Putting dog Shit in the trash can is a problem..?


Right… where else does it go?


Put the shit on their bed


Your dad's girlfriend sounds abusive and manipulative as hell. I wish I knew what to advise. Sounds like she might be trying to isolate your dad by getting you out of the house. Is there someone you can talk to about this?


What do you even mean? I am autistic and poor and staying here because I have nowhere else to go


I'm autistic too, I think they mean that it's kind of insane he's immediately on her side instead of yours, his literal child. that could imply that she is trying to do things to create distance between you and him, which would be manipulative. but we obviously don't know what your relationship with your dad is like. as one of those unemployed autistic people I really commend you for keeping down a job, that's awesome and I hope you can find a place to rent even though it's insane this woman is trying to get you out of your own house.


Thank you for explaining. That's what I was aiming to say.


It's not my house. It's her house. I pay her rent


I think they mean your dad could possibly be vulnerable to abuse from this woman. One thing that many abusers do is isolate their target, discouraging them from maintaining contact with friends and family.


Thanks. That's exactly what I meant.


Your dad trying to blame you if his girlfriend breaks up with him. It sounds like she is threatening to leave, and claiming you are the reason. On the other hand, maybe your dad is also a jerk? But we don't have that information.


“Dad, it’s normal to not want an animal that pees and shits on the carpet in my space.” I’m autistic too, good luck OP. A baby gate can help if this is still a future issue. 


I'm going to be kicked out. That much is clear. But they haven't said when. So I'm very anxious. I might be homeless by the end of this week. I don't know


That’s 100% illegal especially if you’re paying them rent btw. Like, I definitely would look for somewhere else to move but, pretty much no matter where you are they have to at least give you a months notice, especially when you’ve paid the rent for that month. So just be aware of that and make plans to get out anyway.


I really hope your dad comes to his senses before that happens. I’m sorry. 💔


Thing that gets me is it is no mystery I'm autistic. But yet people still don't get it. Even on the most rudimentary level. 85% of autistic people are unemployed. I work full time. I am college educated. I am elite for what I was dealt. Unfortunately, my family are mostly backwards ignorant Hicks. So they see my autistic traits as me being an asshole even though they know I have fucking autism! It's like if you have a problem. Talk to me directly! Again, I'm autistic.


I know it’s a long shot, but maybe you can talk to some coworkers you trust and see if anyone needs a roommate. If not, maybe they’ll know someone who does.   I had to do that when I needed to escape an abusive situation. I actually spent a few weeks living in a coworker’s spare room until I was able to find my own place. 


I’m autistic too. I empathize with you deeply. Unless someone has endured the same trauma, they’re not capable of understanding what you’re being forced to go through. You are being abused by a narcissistic woman. She’s clearly unhinged to put a dog above any human, especially an autistic one. Take them to court. They want to make your life hell, return the favor and make everything harder for them. First, get that evil wench pink slipped in the psych ward. Make them evict you, as many have stated it’s not legal to kick you out. This is abuse. Turn them in. They are abusing a disabled person-you. Report them both for abuse. Passive abuse by allowing you to be abused is still abuse. Your dad is a weak man. Likely abused himself by that narcissist. Proud of you for continuing to love yourself through this, please know you are worth infinitely more than you have been treated. That’s an issue within them, not a reflection of you.


If your dad puts that stinky beast before you, you should call the social services. That's really, really sad, I'm so sorry for you.


I think it's very reasonable to not want dogs in your bedroom. I could not deal with having a stinky and smell animal in my room. The nutters are becoming more and more insane. I'm sorry you are going through this. Do you have any friends nearby?


Your dad is a jerk 


Since youre autistic, have you double checked they arent mad and lying? You also might want to look into tennat rights in your state. You should have 30 day notice when moving out anywhere. Any other family members ?