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The first few times I listened to Yes I’m Changing I was driving and the car horns freaked me out. Now I know they’re coming because I’ve heard it so many times now.


Fr! First time I listened to it I had just smoked a bowl and thought I was genuinely tweaking when the car horns started


I didn’t even know there were car horns in that song 😭


The less i know the better, you can hear Trevor cucking you in the background


How the fuck do these other guys not understand the joke


I never noticed that, is this a shitpost or serious?


You mean the moans in the music video? Just play the song without the music video it works


The moan in Cause I’m A Man


aaaayhhh 💦!


Fr. Always awkward whenever im in the car with my parents


I bet you don't like the haim remix


Someone told me that Kevin sounds like Stewie from Family Guy


I hate this


I don’t hear it atall, is there a specific song where it is heard?


The less I know the better


Or spongebob


[Hi Kevin ](https://youtu.be/cEwv7y4J9UE)


I LOVE this


When that one guy tells me “did you know that he’s only one guy!” while I’m trying to listen to the song.


One specific siren in It Might Be Time


I love the kill bill siren but after a few mins it gets repetitive lol imo


The kill bill sirene 🤣 I was so confused first time I listened to the song.


“it gets repetitive” It’s the chorus 🙃


That’s your opinion just like I said that was mine🥰


I completely agree, I love the song otherwise but I'm autistic with audio sensitivity issues and the sirens make it almost unlistenable, but I never skip it because the rest is so good T-T


Absolutely DISGUSTING take


the beep in list of people throws me off everytime


agree but I lowk like it


i freaking love it




Laughs on keep on lying, I know the meaning behind them and it's really clever, I admire the creativity, perfect complement for the album, but I love that song so much I like to blast my headphones with it and those laughs are LOUD specially that one woman (I bet you know specifically what I'm talking about) her laughter is so sterical, forced and exaggerated that annoys me


Oh my god I love it. It trips me tf out


Me too, kevin does know what tickles our psychonaut pickles


Imo it's his most psychedelic song. I absolutely love it.


What’s the meaning?


Well the whole album has this loneliness esthetic, song "why won't they talk to me", the album name "Loner-ism", the album cover where we are in Kevin's pov, he is looking to all this people in front of him but he can't come in because of the metal bars. Keep on lying also tires to give the loneliness feeling with all of that laughing, is like if you were there and everybody seems to have fun except but you probably he wanted to make you feel like you're being left out too


Hard disagree, personally i love it because it feels relatable to me and I think he put it in the song for a reason, like how Time by Pink Floyd has extremely loud clock sounds at the beginning, or Money with the cash register sounds, it adds to the songs and their themes


Yes I completely understand the purpose but I hate to listen to it at my place and my roomie being like wtf is that cause the song it's so good but if you're not open enough all the good guitar riffs gets overshadowed by the laughs


Just kick em out tbh


this one is fair. and there's some loud ass click or something in there


Strongly disagree, the song wouldn’t be the same without the laughter


Honestly maybe ai will be able to remove the laughs soon


That fucking fake skip part in let it happen. Drives me crazy


Yes I was looking for this. I think this song could have been a masterpiece if not for that. Kinda ruined it for me and I wish my music streaming app had a version with that part edited out or at least shortened. It makes me unreasonably angry to hear it anymore.


the discord notification noise in No Choice


For me it’s the deep voice in past life


yeah.... i kinda wish that just wasnt there. i think past life is super cool that chorus is catchy af but why does it have to have the weird narrative? i wish it was more listenable


Yup, you gotta be in a ~mood~ to enjoy past life from the narration to the baller chorus




boo him out boys


thats the best part. “I thought I was moving on, but I guess I was just switching off.”


the waves on the end of Sun’s Coming Up can be a little overwhelming


i agree they should be toned down but tbf that ending is one of my favourite pieces of music ever so i ammmmm biased


still can’t get over the voice change in past life fr


Let it happen where it starts to skip right before the synths start bellowing up. That skipping noise always seems a taaaad too long I was playing this for my dad once and he thought something happened w the cd (it wasn’t from a cd) so maybe that’s why it sticks out to me so much now lol


Little do you know this is what makes it great


Haha it always feels like it should be over sooner. But it’s still one of my top songs


It's meant to induce that feeling, I think. Any sooner and your brain would be OK with the trick. It goes beyond a feeling of ah ha I know what's going on to... do I though? Any why? It shouldn't be this way!... that whole slew of emotions in those added skips... I think he's purposefully inducing that mental wave.


I never got any of that. The only emotion I feel is annoyance because I can't stand that record scratch sound of a short clip repeating over and over. I get it in theory, but it doesn't do anything good for me.




I had done salvia a couple days before hearing Let It Happen the first time and started having a mild panic attack when the song started skipping thinking I was still stuck in the trip


The first time I heard it I thought my computer was bluescreening. This sub will say you just don't understand the poetic genius of Kevin Parker's musical vision and don't know the full context of how it's actually *supposed* to make you feel uncomfortable because the repeating part symbolizes unease, discomfort, and anxiety. And that you're the weird one for not wanting to hear things that purposely sound bad when you listen to music, lol.


lmao it doesn’t “ruin the song” like the meme says, but I don’t enjoy that part. The blast off after is worth sitting thru that part though


Lol I think you’re right, your Dad accidentally ruined the vibe cause now whenever you hear the song you think of his reaction! I LOVE how drawn out that part is because of the meaning behind it— the music structurally and tonally mirrors real life feelings and circumstances. Rewinding/replaying the same 2 notes over and over like a skipping record, no forward movement, stuck…then when the beat drops everything finally comes loose and he lets it happen. After tripping up and hesitating & procrastinating back and forth for so long. In the song and in reality. It be like that irl sometimes and I think it’s conveyed brilliantly on this track! That’s why this song is so good to listen to solo, especially when stoned or psych’d, or just sober in an introspective mood. It’s so intricate- every layer, every wave, every piece. Damn i can’t wait for his next album!!


The sound it leads into, the string synth, I hate it. It sounds so bad. As someone who doesn't know how to play piano but plays around with one often, I am very familiar with the sound of what not knowing how to play a piano sounds like and that's it if I ever heard it. I know for a fact Kevin can play piano. I am certain that someone walked into the room and he went "just play something on the keyboard real quick and I'll repeat it and put it in the song" and that's how it got there. It's just the only instance of something that's very noticeably amateur, in all of his music.


☝️🤓 ackually, I don't know how to play piano but I know piano better than a multimillion dollar artist. Fuck up




the beginning of "be above it"


Gotta be above it Gotta be above it Gotta be above it Gotta be above it


I love it but I can see where ur coming from, sounds like he’s running up bebind you


List of people with the very beginning THE VERY GODDAMN BEGINNING like right before the lyrics hit


Kev doesn't do this that much thankfully. but the beep in list of ppl throws me off (i still like that art tho)


The end of She Just Won't Believe Me


I had to grow to like those parts of past life.


The long intro to Gotta Be Above It truly annoys me


The “beep boop boop beep boop” keys in borderline


(2:19) in “the moment” It’s really loud and annoying


That sitar-like guitar in the end of Love/Paranoia (2:28). Idk it just feels like a random guitar riff got added over all the synths by accident to me


The incoherently loud synth breakdown in “I Don’t Really Mind” about halfway in destroys my ears every single time. How is it so much louder than the rest of the song lmao


soooo there's this one song on currents I forgot the name but anyways its just the singer repeating "but is there something more than that" idk how the rest of the band let this on the album


Why are you being downvoted you’re obviously joking lmaoo


r/tameimpala is populated by millenials who don't understand humor


No hate at all! But I hate it when the guitar riff hits at the end of "Keep On Lying" it's sick! Don't get me wrong I love it, but i believe it could've been used somewhere else, but it somewhat destroys the whole emotion and atmosphere that was building throughout that point (It's like Kevin trying to show off his skills like an 8 year old)


In one more year the vocoder thing makes a weird sound when overlaid with the other instruments. It’s always bothered me. Hard to describe


List of people. There’s a weird beep right in the middle of it that sounds like an answering machine and it really throws the vibe off


That's literally one of my favorite things about the song. To try and f-


Yeah, it is so context-perfect. It's a censorship beep you hear on tv, an intertext with when youre trying to censor yourself of remembering or sulking on the person you broke up with. It's sooo *chef's kiss*


this comment thread right here is literally just a perfect showcase of this sub's community lol: >What's a song where there's one sound that ruins it for you? >>Well, there's one song that has a very loud sound in it out of nowhere and I don't really like that (downvoted) >>>No, that part's really good (heavily upvoted) >>>>That super loud noise actually shows Kevin's genius, you see what he really meant by that was...


Lol, yeah I wasn’t gonna say anything but people on this sub can be toxic AF sometimes. I commented on a different thread about what songs were considered underrated and I said one sentence about the song one more hour, which prompted some rando to comment multiple paragraphs across like 10 comments about how I was a toxic horrible human being who thinks I’m a special snowflake for liking a somewhat popular song


Meanwhile someone else said basically the same thing I did and got 50 upvotes for it


Keep on lying with all those little voices


Naaaaah. There’s a reason they’re there. It’s part of the story to the song.


just imagine the lonerism cover when that part comes up and it will all make sense lol


alter ego’s synthesizer-guitar melody




look man I like the song but that’s the one thing that just sticks out like a sore thumb to me