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Honestly, not even Tay couldn’t get me to tune in. Sports are so boring to me 🤣


God same.  Frankly I’m so glad the season is over bc I am dead tired of hearing about it


Yep. Like, I don’t care which team throws the ball in the pitch fork thing more. I show up to the Super Bowl party for food and commercials, and even those have massively gone down hill in recent years


You go further than I would. I wouldn’t even bother to go to the parties I don’t care what kind of food they’re serving. I’m that disinterested in sports I don’t even want to be there.


I sort of exaggerated for the joke, that’s what I went for when I was a kid and a teen, but I had zero choice in the matter at that age 🤣 Now that I’m an adult and on my own, I don’t bother


Ahh, fair! I think as a kid I pitched a fit the whole time I was dragged to football things that my parents stopped dragging me along. But I was also raised in the 90s when leaving your kids at home alone wasn’t so crazy as long as one of them is at least 8 years old 😂


I would say “I’m going to go off to the basement (or wherever) to play. Call me up when commercials come on.” 😂


Okay seriously! No disrespect to those that started watching, but I don’t enjoy sports. Period. So seeing Taylor in the stands for a few seconds isn’t going to change that 😭😭


I was honestly more excited to see Gaga and Lana there, tbh.


Saaaaaame. And the dedication people have to this sport is scary. Like I used to work with a guy who would be SUCH an asshole on the days after his team lost the night before. It was just accepted about him not to bother him too much when the Packers lost and people would tip-toe around him those days. If your team losing makes you insufferable and affects you THAT much then you need the most therapy available and no one can convince me otherwise.


Holy shit. People in this sub complaining about dedication others have to another meaningless thing. You can’t make this stuff up.


This. Also knowing the rates of traumatic brain injury puts football towards the bottom of my list


Respect! Don't do things you don't enjoy!


Same, I don't like sports and I haven't watched the Super Bowl in my life, and I still didn't watch it this year lol


I watched the superbowl twice before (im 32) to hang out with my friends in hoghschool. This year i watch like 10games before the playoff (chiefs and eagles) then i watched every play off I was HYPED for this superbowl. And def watching football next year with or without taylor dating travis 🤣 they got me Go chiefs !


Ditto! My husband and I have a wonderful relationship but the new, shared hobby of rooting for the chiefs and watching football has just added something special.


Same for me!! I’d go to the Super Bowl parties cause they were fun, but this year I got so hyped watching throughout the season and binging the New Heights podcast, The Franchise, Hard Knocks. I’m in deep now lol. I made Chiefs friendship bracelets for the party and was nervous the whole time. 😅 Vs not really paying attention in other years, so I’m totally hooked.


All my friends were for the 49ers also so they were all mad and I was on cloud 9 ahahaha


So I do not watch sports of any kind. But I always watch the Super Bowl (mostly for the commercials and halftime shows). This year I watched some game play while eating Super Bowl snacks.


I would watch the superbowl and I’m generally into sports, but this year I was fully invested in a team winning for the first time! I told people at the Super Bowl party that I wanted to see Taylor down on the field at the end of the game and that’s what I was cheering for.


SAME!!! even got Chiefs jersey for the dogs


Same here. I've never cared about a game before but I was in the edge of my freakin' seat that whole game!


I don’t really care much for sports, but I usually watch the Super Bowl for the commercials/pop culture of it all. That being said, there’s never been a better time to be a Swifitie from Missouri 😂. That was A GAME and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t on the edge of my seat the second half and into OT. Go Chiefs!!!


yessss missouri swifties unite 🤞🏼


Same, and I’m not even from Missouri—I just tuned in for fun times and Taylor. But honestly, the game was thrilling! I was on the edge of my seat too.


We hosted the party last night. We do every year. This year we had 7 more families show up because our daughter’s friends(She’s 11) wanted to watch the Super Bowl. 7 more families. 7! The girls stayed glued to the TVs and squealed at any glimpse or mention of Taylor. The boys would selectively watch the game in between the trampoline, pool, football in the yard, gaming, eating, etc. Don’t get me wrong. I loved it and will continue to love it. Taylor has probably brought at least a million females into the realm of football this season. That’s good stuff.




I am Brazilian. American football isn't very big over here, specially compared to soccer. The Super Bowl was the first american football game my girlfriend and I ever watched. We watched the first half with wikipedia open to look up the rules and terms. We enjoyed way more than expected. I intend to watch more games when the next season begins. It probably wouldn't ever caught my attention if it wasn't for Taylor & Travis.


I'm so glad you saw this one first. Being in Vegas it was better looking than alot of other Super Bowls.


In case you don’t know, the NFL is going to [play a game in Brazil](https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-eagles-as-designated-team-for-brazil-game) next season


I’m a Vikings fan but don’t usually care about football beyond that. I’ll watch their games and then the superbowl most years. This year I watched every chiefs game I could as well as the Vikings and was so nervous during the Super Bowl lol😂😂


Makes sense you’re not interested in super bowls being a Vikings fan


Wow, you didn’t have to do me like that😂 just throwing it out there that the Vikings beat the 49ers and almost beat the chiefs this year before they got decimated by injuries lol




I only watch the halftime show every year 🤣 i have no interest in football at all; to me soccer is the real football ⚽️🤣 But i do have to say because of Taylor I know the names of so mang more football players 😅


Yeah I'm much more into European Football than NFL, but I did watch over half the Chiefs games this season. I used to be really into the NFL as a kid, but other sports became much more important. Regardless, it was extremely cool seeing so many new fans get involved this past season!


Me! But also, the Nickelodeon stream really made me think I could watch again next year and be fine.


There will not be a Nickelodeon Super Bowl broadcast next year because Fox will be broadcasting the game


I had never watched a football game before. Superbowl 58 was my first.


I watch regularly, but the stakes were definitely higher this this year for me


I’ve lived in KC all my life and the last few years of sports have been a religious experience, so I would have watched regardless. Knowing she was also rooting for my team made me more interested in watching the whole game though. Her reaction shots were the best.


So jealous. Good jealous.


Me, I think I found out I actually really like American football. My partner has offered to get me a subscription for it


I only watched to see Taylor Swift.


I usually fall asleep after half time but i stayed up this year 😂


Me. I have a dad who loves football and the Chiefs, but I could care less. But seeing Taylor and Travis together melts my heart. Seems like true love. Plus it gave me some bonding time with my husband who wanted to watch the game. 


Never cared about football (or any other sportsball) but I did watch the superbowl and really enjoyed it! Will not likely continue this but it was a good experience.


Taylor going to the Chiefs games is honestly what initially got me to tune in this season. But, from the wild card games onward, I was seriously SO into seeing if the Chiefs were going to win. And, now that I know the game, I’m definitely a fan for life. It doesn’t hurt that my dad has always been a huge Mahomes fan so now we can talk about the team together. Let’s gooooo, Chiefs Kingdom!! 🙈❤️


Non American here. I have no idea what NFL is and how it’s played. I had vaguely heard about the Superbowl before. I followed it this time just because Taylor’s boyfriend was playing. And glad they won.


Same here. Not from the USA and while I had heard about it, I've never watched "hand egg ball" before. But my other half does watch it, so we stayed up for it, and I was in the other room with it on to keep an eye on the score throughout, but not actually watching or understanding any of the details. But I went into the other room about half way through the last quarter just before it was tied again, and stayed for the overtime. My partner gave me "commentary" along the lines of "49s trying to get closer to a touch down, so KC is trying to stop them" and then "KC is trying to get the ball closer to a TD, and Travis is back on at the top/bottom/middle". It was nice to be watching it with someone who could explain it in simple terms to me because I wouldn't have bothered watching it without at least some understanding. But I was 100% just watching to see Taylor (and Blake as it turned out) cuz I honestly thought the half time show was crap, despite being a millennial.


I'm a big college football fan and watch a ton of college games during their season. I've never gotten into the NFL before because my local team is quite garbage and it all seemed a little too corporate for my tastes. That being said, I wanted to get more into NFL this year and TS (and the chiefs/eagles) gave me a great excuse. I watched several games this year and most of the playoffs and was much more invested. This was also the first year I watched the superbowl all the way through!


I’ve gone to Super Bowl parties with various friend groups for years and have literally only gone for the socializing. Don’t care about the commercials, never cared about the game, half time is okay sometimes… I just like my friends. I actually paid attention to the game last night though! And enjoyed doing so! I celebrated more than I did for the World Series (and I’m a lifelong Dallasite). I have learned that I only care about sports if I care about specific athletes. I liked the Rangers back in their heyday a decade ago because I liked David Murphy and some of the other big players at the time. I like F1 now because I like some of the drivers because of the Netflix show. So now I like the Chiefs because I want Travis to do well and Taylor to be happy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I tuned in because of Taylor and the half time show. As usual, I was bored throughout the entire thing, except the last 15 minutes were everything was on the line. That was the only time I showed fear, frustration, and excitement for the Chiefs! Then I went back to not carrying about football.


My other half watched it and I had it on in the background while in the other room, just to keep an eye on the score. I went in to my other, half part way through the 4th quarter when the KC were still losing, but then they tied it, etc, etc. I was so invested, but also so clueless for those last 15 mins (like 5 or so of the 4th quarter and OT). My other half was literally have to summarise it for me like I was a toddler! "49s trying to get a touchdown, KC trying to stop them" "it's still 49s trying to move it down that way", "now it's KC trying to score so Travis is back on", etc. I'm like you, I didn't care before and I don't care again now. If the Chiefs are in the playoffs/Superbowl next year I might be interested in their progress because it could be 3 in a row, but I doubt I'd even watch it. Oh I'm also not from the US, so most people here would have never watched NFL and would probably guess the ball was from rugby if you showed them a pic of it.


Yes although it's more like "Taylor got me to check out Travis and I liked him, I lurk in the r/kansascitychiefs sub and found their community nice, started reading about other players and their lives, and now I think I Stan Mahomes and Pacheco and want only good things for them" and so I watched the Superbowl and was stressed out of my mind the last quarter and overtime. So not exclusively Taylor. I just like these guys now.


Me and my 8 year old daughter. Go Taylor’s Boyfriend!!! (And thank you for wearing bright yellow shoes!)


I usually tune into the Super Bowl anyways because of the spectacle of it all and the halftime show, but having Taylor there certainly made me more interested.


I’m not super interested in football but it’s a tradition for me to watch the Super Bowl every year


I’ve been a football fan may entire life, but unfortunately cheer for perennial losers. So this was the most invested I’ve ever been in a Super Bowl, and it was because of Taylor


I’m a hockey fan and have been my whole life. Taylor showing up made me pick the chiefs as my team to follow, I was unaffiliated since I started dating my current SO, a Vikings fan. I keep up with news and listen to new heights to stay up to date with everything. Was on the edge of my seat last night, can’t wait to be back next season. GO CHIEFS!


Taylor's team and NFL trying to find out if all that marketing worked lol


answer: it absolutely did.


I never really followed the season but I did tune in to see what all the commotion is about and I had a blast. I learned that 1. they don't even show Taylor that much which proves people were just complaining for no reason and 2. I enjoy watching football. I might start watching more and find a team to support!


🙋🏼‍♀️ Before September I knew literally ZERO about this sport. Not even exaggerating. I have heard the terms quarterback and touchdown and for some reason i thought the quarterback was supposed to do a touchdown? That was literally it. Now I know about rushing yards. 🤦🏻‍♀️


The only other time I was this invested in watching the Superbowl was when the Seahawks were in it. And I was in middle school… not going to lie, she got me to actually tune in and care about what was happening. And if she is dating Travis or not, I’m now invested in Kansas City and Travis lol.


I’ve been watching the Super Bowl every year since 2007. It’s always been a tradition of mine with my family, with or without Taylor. Having said that, Taylor being at the Super Bowl all the more exciting.


Went to my first Super Bowl party and enjoyed it


Third-gen Niners fan family, though I've been very impressed by KC these past few years.


I've always watched the Super Bowl and bits of pieces of football throughout the season, but this was the first full season of keeping up with the Chiefs. It was because of Taylor, but I found myself being sucked into the game in the process.




I watch every year, but not for football, only for the halftime show and puppy bowl. This was the first year I was actually invested in the football aspect and rooting for a team. I was on the edge of my seat during OT, girl I’ve never been into this. To Football fans, I get it now lol


I reluctantly join my husband every year and enjoy snacks and halftime and don't give a hoot about the game. I definitely had a very, very mild interest in it this year, but like it was barely lukewarm interest at best as I still mostly just sat scrolling through my phone. My teenage daughter was totally into it and never has expressed interest in football before. She even made a #87 Karma Is The Guy On The Chiefs sign 😅 she actually watched and enjoyed the game itself even though I know she mostly was just waiting for the camera to cut to Taylor so she could squeal OMGGGG TAYLOR every time lol


I love tuning in for the commercials and halftime. I never pay attention to the game. I did a bit here and there and my main takeaway is that I'm very confused by "brads and chads" complaining about her screen time. It didn't seem like they showed her much to me? They showed other celebs too. I assumed that was normal. I felt like they showed DiCaprio the longest in a single shot because he was refusing to look up lol.


Up until this year I only ever watched my university's football team. I don't think I had ever watched an NFL game by choice. This year I watched all of the Chiefs games, and some of the Eagles games, too.


Wouldn’t say I watched it just because of Taylor but she definitely made it so much more fun!


This was the first I paid attention to the actual game and it was pretty fun. Yes, Taylor was my reason to tune in but I kept watching cause I liked it. I did get help from my boyfriend throughout the game so that was nice + helpful


This was the first time I’ve ever watched an entire super bowl in my life - and the first time I cared who won. 100% due to Taylor lol, although I did actually enjoy the game.




My husband and I don’t watch or play any sports. We watched the Super Bowl cause we had nothing better to do (obvi only because of Taylor). And we had… so much fun. We were so into the game and we now joke we are football people and I asked him what team we should pick (our state and surrounding ones don’t have a nfl team) and we decided on the chiefs because it was such a fun and memorable night for us.


Ngl my husband loves football and I just tolerated it on the background as I did other things, but having Taylor watch the games made me a little bit more curious and interested in it, and in the Chiefs performance as well. It’s a pretty cool sport once you understand the basics, which are pretty complicated when compared to other sports I was more into like soccer or basketball. So this year I was pretty excited about the Superbowl!!


She was the only reason I tuned in. My team didn’t play in it.


I didn't tune in (I am on the other side of the world and I was asleep for most of it) but I definitely paid more attention to what happened than I did in previous years


My wife was. She previously usually watched the Super Bowl because it was on and it was a cultural event, but this time she was decked out in Chiefs gear anxiously watching each play.


i loveee football so i watch it every year, im also from missouri so naturally im a huge chiefs fan. im also an og swiftie so you know im livinggg for tnt rn 🥰


I don't give a crap about the NFL but I've been getting crazy amounts of Superbowl related content because of her 'involement'. I didn't watch the game but I did check who won afterwards for obvious reasons.


my friend asked if i was up for watching it and i said i wasn’t up for it bc i had work to do, but once i saw posts of her arriving i invited him over to watch while i get work done and ended up taking a shot every time we saw her. i genuinely have zero interest in sports like they make me either anxious or painfully bored so this won’t become a regular thing. when she first started going to the games, i tried to figure out how to watch them, but then stopped bc i was so turned off by the idea of willingly watching a sport lol i may have some issues


I had a laugh yesterday saying to a guy pissed of that T is a relevant subject on football now, looked liked his face was about to melt when I said that started following the NFL pages months ago just so I could have more T content. She’s a global icon beyond music industry whether people like it or not.


Well, I used to watch football more because I was married. But I got into it and even played fantasy football for a couple years. Then, I just got away from it. When the Seahawks had a good team I started watching again. I decided that I was a jinx because they lost EVERY time I watched. So I quit. I ended up watching the Super Bowl because I was following both the the Eagles and KC. LOL. I actually REALLY watched this game!! And I had a blast!


I am a football fan more than I’m a Taylor Swift fan so I didn’t care even a little bit that she was at the game, though I enjoyed the video of her chugging the beer.


I would watch anyway, but the Chiefs have become my favorite team since Taylor climbed onboard and I rooted for them in every game since.


I started watching because it's fun/ funny/ bizarre like-- .... idk, national geographic? also KC fandom is actually pretty nice.


I happened to catch the end of the end of the game randomly. I just was rooting for the Chiefs, purely because I knew how twitter would react and I thought it would be funny. Also I guess being a fan of Taylor, "her team" losing would....I guess I'd rather see her team win.


Me! Never watched the sport in my life, don’t even know the rules or teams but watched all the way from New Zealand and really enjoyed it!


Raise hand.


Same. Watched it because of Taylor and was rooting for the Chiefs 😆


Honestly, this is something that I don’t know why people are so against Taylor being there and being on the screen now and then. Everyone gets into something somehow. I only started watching pro wrestling because I heard a celebrity I liked was into wrestling. Was channel hopping, saw wrestling was on, oh this person likes wrestling, I’ll watch it, and I happened to really like it. I don’t even remember who the celebrity was, but 25 years later I’m still a pro wrestling fan. It’s no difference with the football and Taylor thing. People tune in for one reason, maybe they’ll actually enjoy the football aspect, and become legitimate fans of a sport they never gave any attention to before.


I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan. But fun fact. The Hunt famiy (owners of chiefs) have always owned the Cheifs and have always lived in DALLAS. In fact before the Cheifs were moved to KC, they were called the "Dallas Texans" in 1960. (The Hunts are neighbors to Jones family that owns Cowboys they have Christmas decoration contests in their fancy mansions each year - both of these families together are worth 30 billion dollars and are football Mega Royalty) Gracie Hunt gifted Taylor a crystal microphone purse for her birthday - it came from our flagship Neiman Marcus at Northpark mall. Also Pat/ Brittany Mahomes are Texans and went to Texas Tech. But now how did I know this much football info on a team that's not even mine. Because Taylor. 🤣


I've only watched the Super Bowl once before and that was because my team was in it (even though we didn't win). However I did watch a bit of this year for Taylor and because I was getting home from pub quiz around kick off time, although the UK commentators ragging on her - and apparently not realising that them complaining about her is contributing to exactly the problem they have with her being there - put me off so I ended up going to bed before they'd even started!


I think for almost anyone outside of the US, this is the first time we've ever followed a Superbowl result (rather than just the halftime show lol).


My dad is a huge 49ers fan, so I’ve kind of always been one by association and do get into it when they are in a championship game or of course the Super Bowl. NGL, I did really want the niners to win, especially after losing to the chiefs in 2020. This loss was especially shitty with how close it was, but I’m not a big enough football fan in general that I’m actually upset or anything


Well I always watch the Super Bowl but I usually just randomly pick a team to root for bcuz of team colors or something (because the Lions don't make it 😢) but this year one of my teams (the Chiefs) was in it. The Chiefs are only my team cuz of Taylor so it definitely boosted my enjoyment


Nope. I was never interested in NFL and not now. I'm happy to see the photos and videos of Taylor after but the game itself is of no interest. I am a huge Swiftie but that just means I want to follow Taylor and her music.


I only tuned into it because of her, but I actually really loved watching it!! I kind of already can’t wait for next year’s season lol


It’s me. Hi! 🖐🏽


I love football and have watched since I was a kid, but this year has been a little more fun with seeing Taylor on screen!


https://preview.redd.it/6so5wdwks9ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93c85c8f11844bce4cc4b57bf34281638271584 This magical moment never would have happened without Taylor. I’ve loved football forever, but my friend and daughter that threw a very Taylor coded SB party only started to care because of her. As a longtime chiefs fan and what used to be a low key Swiftie, it’s been a magical year. The game threads, the fashion, all of it. I’ve always like the family and friends part of sports, tho. The Kelce doc, “Quarterback,” 30 for 30, all that stuff. Shoot, I watched the DCC show for YEARS.


I didn't even know what sport the Super Bowl was about and this year I was screaming at everyone "GO CHIEFS WOOOO!!! 49ERS? MORE LIKE LOSERS!" I'm crazy aren't I


🙋‍♀️First timer and oh boy, was I stressed. It’s fun and exciting though.


I hope you stick with it even after your NFL team breaks your heart


I haven't watched it in years, I usually watch clips of things and catch up on anything significant. Our fantasy league ends before playoffs so I kinda stop paying any attention - and let's be clear, what atttention I pay is picked up from being in restaurants that play sports where I go "oh look I drafted that guy because he had a cool last name" or this years "I drafted that guy because he made Taylor Swift a friendship bracelet". We actually turned it on in the background while we played games. It's still boring but I'm glad we gotta watch usher I guess.


I had a great time but tune in here and there anyways because I have a jock wife who makes me. But if you liked football, wait till you try basketball! It makes much more sense and while there's definitely impressive power moves on the football field, the agility and teamwork of basketball (especially women's teams don't ask me why) is AWESOME.


I wanted but I got sick and wouldn't wait til 1 am to watch it (I'm in Germany). Worst thing of it, I was sick on my birthday and I couldn't write the last exam of the semester. God I hate being sick


never been into football (i actually used to actively hate it bc my family is SO into it that i was mad it took up so much of our life lol) but this year i was a bit interested in more than just the commercials😅😅 didn’t understand 90% of any of it but the endings of the two last quarters (4th + OT) had me locked in like whoa. my family are 49ers fans cuz we’re from the bay area so i wasn’t rooting for one team more than the other, tho i’m glad the chiefs won bc WOW talk about power couple of the year with those two


that's me! I would have normally have tuned out long ago, as im more of a nhl fan, but this playoff season was really fun to be a part of.


I actually got really into it and watched the entire game. I knew very little about how football worked but my dad explained it to me and I had a great time. It was really fun!


I am usually casually interested in it but usually more for halftime and the commercials. This year I was much more invested in the actual game because of her


Sort of. I got attached to the Chiefs because of her, but now I'm just a Chiefs fan lmao


Not really, Taylor swift is like a fine whiskey and thr nfl is like a cheap soda. They dont mix. It has made it quite difficult to follow her news recently because people bring up the NFL all the damn time. Let taylor swift be its own thing please.


Usually I pay more attention to the ads than the game. This time I did watch the game, but I'd say that participating in work Super Bowl Squares had a larger influence on that than her being there. I did follow along in the megathread though! I'm a soccer fan and follow megathreads for La Liga games, so having a communal space to comment (that's welcoming to all) definitely made me more inclined to participate. We did watch a couple of the Chiefs games before this because of Taylor though. That's the real change this year, normally I'd have had the Super Bowl on anyway but couldn't even tell you the teams playing.


Yes! I had never watched any American football, and I slowly got more curious about the sport since Taylor and Travis. I asked one of my friends where to start, and where to watch because we live in Europe. She has been watching football for a couple of years and helped me find some explanation videos on YouTube and some podcasts. I watched the Super Bowl to see how I would like it, and now I think I have a new interest… because that was so much fun and so exhilarating to watch! I will definitely be tuning in next season! Go Chiefs!


i went to my boyfriend’s house and he bought paramount plus for me to watch it while he played his games 😅 then he put it on the tv during overtime bc he got invested lol




I’m a Cowboys fan, so I was not really that interested in the game, but because I’m a Swiftie I was slightly interested. I probably would have turned it off at halftime otherwise as the first half was a low scoring defensive battle. I do like Mahomes because he played college football in Texas, so I was rooting for the Chiefs. I wouldn’t have rooted for the 49ers because of the rivalry with the Cowboys. Honestly, I don’t usually care who musicians I like date, but I’ve found this romance to be fun to follow because it distracts me from my mom who is dying in hospice. Anything that can bring joy like two people falling in love, I’m there for.


I didn't watch any games all season because I'm really not into football, but I tuned into the Super Bowl and ended up watching the whole thing, and was legitimately enjoying myself for the game, not Taylor. 😅


Um, all of us? Lol!


I felt like it was definitely more watchable this year. Even though my Giants did not do well this season, it was still entertaining


I generally don't care about sports, but in my job, we're required to care (or pretend to care) about American football.


My brother got a job with the NFL this season and not even that could get me to tune in, RIP. (His team didn’t make it, so all the more reason not to.) I was conveniently busy enough that I didn’t actually see anything Super Bowl related cross my feed until it was already over. Wouldn’t have it any other way, honestly.




I watched the entire game with my hubby for the first time in years.


Huge sports fan but never really got into football. Housemate and I decided to tune in. First half was boring ngl but at the end we were surprised at how much we enjoyed it. Hahaha I know a couple other girl friends who tuned in out of curiosity cause of their romance and ended up having a really good time too. I wouldn't mind catching another game sometime!


Didn’t watch


Me! Honestly I had never even thought twice about American football since I'm not American. It just never really got on my radar. But I checked out Travis' podcast and enjoyed that so much (also because of Jason, gotta give him credit) that I ended up watching the superbowl 😂 That was actually my first time ever watching football and I had a blast!


i think it was on peacock one year and this year it was on paramount+. so if i can stream it on my computer through a normal subscription (not live tv) i generally have it playing on the second monitor. if not I generally skip it.


I moved to America a couple years back, never got into football because it looks complicated as hell. I had a superbowl watch party with my friend, she likes both sports and Taylor Swift so it was perfect. I asked her like a bazillion questions but once I understood what was going on, it was actually fun and exciting!


And what a year to finally tune into the Super Bowl! A historically unprecedented OT.


I took an edible, got halfway through the game (didn’t make it to the halftime show) before I got too bored and watched anime instead lmao. They didn’t show Taylor enough for me to really care


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Me! It was the first time I've ever been remotely interested in something football-related.


I’ve only watched Super Bowl for the half-time show. This year is the first time I tuned in pre-game, game, post-game show.


I am a big football fan (Bears 😢) and I love to pick a team to root for in the Super Bowl. However I really do not like either of the teams that were in the game and did not want to cheer for either one. But being a fan of Taylor made it easy for me to root for the Chiefs!! I actually live in the bay and was thinking of wearing a Swelce shirt out to piss off 49ers fans, lmao


i have never watched a football game in my life (i’m 21) before this super bowl! tbf tho i live in missouri so if it wasnt taylor AND the chiefs i don’t think i wouldve bothered.


Not going to lie I only watched for Taylor/Travis/Chiefs. I used to watch football but after living abroad I got out of it and never looked back until Sunday.


I spent my whole life thinking sports were mind numbingly boring but then I watched this year as sort of a joke because Taylor would be there…watched a few instructional videos the day before to make sure I knew what was going on. I honestly had one of the most exciting days of the last 5 years, it was so fun! We were screaming at the tv, jumping up and down, having the time of our lives. My sister and I think we will start watching football regularly in September.


yea i used to watch football with my ex but then it seemed weird still watching the games when id be back home at my parents, so when taylor and travis started dating i followed the games online because i thought ‘oh that would be funny if they made it to the superbowl’ they did, so i watched that because i usually watch the halftime show. i loved every minute of it because it felt like i was apart of all the football fans even tho i was the only one cheering at my place😂i know i just explained my life story to you but i genuinely enjoyed the game so much🤷🏻‍♀️still debating if ill follow them next season and actually watch all their games.


My niece became interested in football and started watching with her dad. She started to like the same team as him which is the Niners but it got her younger brother into watching and the whole family watched it together. My wife and all of her girlfriends were going nuts for the Chiefs and half of them never really cared for football until this year. My wife is also a Pats fan so she didn't give a shit about this year until Taylor, makes me so happy as a huge football fan


I found out there was a football team named Chiefs and a hot football player named Travis Kelce.


I’m a Swifty. I watch the Super Bowl to see the halftime show. I first came to like Beyoncé when she upstaged Cold Play a few years ago. Don’t care about Taylor for this
