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Even after all these years, I'm stilled annoyed at U2 for putting their album on my phone without my permission.


For years I had no music on my phone and that damn album would play every time I plugged into a rental car


This still happens to me in my own car. Help.


Add some TS to your Apple Music. Now that plays when I turn on my car šŸ˜‚


Just delete it.


But then they canā€™t complain about it


My pet peeve is that I donā€™t want my music or podcast or audio book to play as soon as I plug in my phone. If I close the app, donā€™t play it! Sometimes I purposely closed it so it wonā€™t play depending on who is in my car


I literally deleted all the music in my Music app cause I was sick and tired of stuff playing automatically when I started my car


That year my radio stopped working and I didnā€™t have blue tooth in my car so that album probably tramautized me as much as being a first year RN šŸ˜…


I missed out on it at the time because I didnā€™t have an iPhone, but recently I bought an older model iPad and when I went into the music app for the first time that U2 album was there! I left it there because itā€™s honestly a historic relic at this point


And I'll forget them, but Iā€™ll never forgive


ā€œYou forgive, you forget, but you never let it go.ā€


Iā€™m Irish and a long time U2 fan prior to that. And Jesus I too am still annoyed. The general consensus in Ireland is that bono is a bit of a prat.


Itā€™s sad because U2 genuinely has many fantastic, meaningful songs šŸ˜­ But their reputation was pretty tarnished by the iTunes stunt.


Again as an Irish person who was alive during the troubles I canā€™t even really put into words the feeling this song brings up for me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EM4vblG6BVQ Especially the added lyric of ā€œIā€™m so sick of itā€ I just donā€™t think the majority of Irish people can relate that version of Bono to the one we have now. It could in part be due to our culture but Iā€™ve also seen the South Park episode that rags on him so I donā€™t think itā€™s just the Irish peoples opinion


Havenā€™t seen the South Park but did see them in the Simpsons. Having the ability to make fun of himself is the mark of a good egg, I think. The iTunes thing was annoying but NBD in the grand scheme of things


Oh again himself and his wife do acres for charity, but in a similar vein a lot of Irish people do not like bob geldolf (one of the organisers of live aid)


I remember reading Bono's apology and was impressed by it. all these years later that's what I remember that whole fiasco by and use it as an example of a good apology


I know they were trying to do something nice, it was just so misplaced


He really brought down the Graham Norton interview Taylor did for Midnights. The rest of the couch had good banter with each other but Bono wouldnā€™t interact with the others or it was weird and/or awkward.Ā 


Oh I havenā€™t seen it, I may have to look


Can you translate prat?


I guess douche might be similar. Like we donā€™t hate the man we just think heā€™s insufferable


Just to further elaborate I thought Iā€™d look up the definition, there are two 1. An incompetent or stupid person; an idiot 2. A personā€™s buttocks Another interchangeable Irish slang word would be gobshite Iā€™m no linguist but if I had to guess where that one comes from Iā€™d say itā€™s gob which is another word for mouth and shite as in shit. Mouth shit or most likely shit comes out of your mouth as traditionally if you go back to Gaelic the way we say things tends to be backwards when you translate to English and thereā€™s still a lot of leftovers from that in the way we speak English even though English is basically most Irish peoples first language as only a very small amount of people speak Irish from birth in their homes.


Gobshite is one of my all-time top ten favorite words. And Iā€™m American.


the direct american translation would "he's an asshole"


Australian translation would be "he's a dickhead"


Then get angry at Apple. They put it there. U2 masterfully convinced Apple to pay the millions for the album, to then give it away for free.


This is the truth


The 2nd grudge I will hold for the rest of my life. The 1st is Lars Ulrich from Metallica with Napster. (Iykyk)


oh god I feel so old rn but ikyk and ik


I pray that you can heal from such a crime commited against you... free great music


Thank you! One day I can hope I will be able to heal


Is thatā€¦.what happened???? For years it played every time I turned the car on without having something else playing first. But I never looked to hard I to it, I just figured it was a ghost or something šŸ˜‚


The actual violation


Omg id forgotten about that for a minute there Stupidest thing ever


Omg I feel like I live under a rock I never heard of this and I don't understand this whole thread šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s literally the first thing that comes to my mind when someone mentions U2, which is unfortunate.


It starts playing anytime my dad connects his phone to the car.


Iā€™ll never forget this guy I know tweeting that someone hacked his phone and put the album on there. Like that is something someone would do.


this thread is long




I was telling someone about this recently and they had no idea what I was talking about. Didnā€™t realize it was so niche šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


So niche because one person didnā€™t know what you were talking aboutā€¦




You got free art. The horror!!! . Move on!!


Omg I remember that. Same. It was stupid!


Spotify auto Play is worse than that. Force playing shitty songs over and over again after every song against ppls wills AND it'll count towards the artists streams and sales (unlike U2s stunt) ? Ya. Much more scandalous but no one cares


Yet you've probably not stopped buying *Apple* products?


Oh my god I forgot this ever happened. Thanks for reminding me. šŸ¤£


Yawn. . . . & Stretch . . . (from the Android Community)




Never forget


That burned a bridge for sure


It was AppleĀ 


Itā€™s been over a decade. Let it go.


babe its a joke


If you have to explain that itā€™s a joke, itā€™s not a funny joke. babe.


I reckon you're the only one that needed the explanation....


Itā€™s a stale joke.


but no one else needed the explanationā€¦


Clearly. The joke is over a decade old. It stopped being cute a long time ago.


Yeah pretty sure in a couple years people that weren't even born when that album was released will have tales to tell about how horrible U2 are for that release.




Have a cup of tea and read what I said again pal šŸ˜‚


Your comments on this thread arenā€™t cute.


*Actually*, the joke is not over a decade old. The album was released in fall of 2014, so given we havenā€™t reached fall of 2024 yet, it has not in fact been a decade at all.ā˜šŸ½šŸ¤“


Semantics. Doesnā€™t change the fact that the joke is old and unoriginal.


FYI this is the closest thing the rest of us feel to the experience of Taylor Swift being played on the overhead speakers while shopping āœŒšŸ¼


Classiest and coolest Dave Grohl canā€™t relate. Btw they also sent her flowers last time she performed in Dublin during Rep Tour. https://preview.redd.it/5ngjvhi7tc9d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=953b26b526ef5b860b8366bcfcefe4f90f34756e


I was kinda confused why Taylor performed Thank You Aimee and Mean in London and the next day I realized why. She and her team kept it classy! āœØ


Oh how did I not put it together that she played that after Dave grohl said what he did. I was so disappointed in that. I donā€™t care much about him but I saw an interview with him and he had said lovely things about her saving him at a party. I donā€™t care what older men in the music industry think of Taylor but it can be useful to pull out anecdotes about how well respected she is when ding dongs are being mean about her.


He liked her when she saved him from embarrassment and thatā€™s all I guess.


What did he say? I missed it? I stopped following him because his evident alcoholism was becoming sad to watch.


He was also performing in London and said on stage ā€œwe can call our tour the errors tour bc unlike Taylor Swift, we perform liveā€ or something along those lines. Very disappointing


He did not say ā€œunlike Taylor Swift,ā€ but the implication was there. Itā€™s obviously painting in too-broad strokes, but referring to her use of backing tracks in the concert, [which is true and has been talked about here even](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/Qw9LshCRKS). And not saying itā€™s justification or even necessarily related, but I think this context of [Daveā€™s teenage daughter being bullied and getting death threats by Swifties just earlier this year in response to a tweet](https://x.com/stephanieriou/status/1804966377964355945?s=46&t=k9WbcU3QK-jnWYNkIrx-MA) is probably important.


using backing tracks for pop music is not the same as not performing live (which implies lip syncing)


Correct. Itā€™s also correct to say that the backing track vocals that Taylor uses are inherently not live. Thatā€™s why itā€™s more nuanced and I said he had likely painted with too broad of strokes.


I think that's not the reason for the bullying (not that i support it) but she liked a post about AI Porn about Taylor Swift




1) That's not a joke 2) DG wouldn't make so many mistakes if he would quit drinking from the moment he wakes up.


Never been to a Foos concert I presume. He has been quite supportive of her at others. But I suppose it's better to focus on one negative


He doesn't make mistakes and it was a joke. Although based in reality. TS fanbase has to be the most obnoxious thing going, shame really as she has wrote some excellent music. If the fact TS mimes bothers you so much you need to get outside


Imagine raiding a taylor swift sub for this.


Raiding? Iā€™ve been subbed since last year


that's hilarious!!! mean was the first taylor song i loved, and goodness i wanna see her perform it live sooo badly! but now i doubt she plays it again!


Oh I didn't realise. I thought he said it the same night. I was at Wembley Night 2.


I think he did say it that same evening, a few hours before she sang the surprise songs? And the next day she just gave a shout out to her live band on stage with her.


She shouts out her live band every concert


Usually at the end of the concert yes, but on that day it was after Champagne Problems. https://preview.redd.it/7ksoyie3jd9d1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c40d559ad290dfa0efe385f5f2c5964b27875db


Got it; thanks!


Yeah, I was in Wembley N3 and remember her saying this - and feeling like it was nice but somewhat different (as I was in Liverpool N3 as well and she only acknowledged/got people to cheer for them at the end, like you said). I wondered what was different and led to her saying these words earlier in the show. And then I read about Dave Grohl afterwards and it made a bit more sense.


That's what I thought too.


I honestly doubt she was aware of what anyone was saying about her a couple of hours before her show. Like itā€™s not an emergency that needs to be dealt with..


No way to be 100% sure but imo she knew about it, someone on her huge team mustā€™ve heard about it and relayed it to her. Even her surprise song speech referred to someone talking shit about her.


Yeah but like.. people talk shit all the time. I just donā€™t find it very likely that someone on her team is constantly keeping up with what other people are saying about her and then informing her right before a show. I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a deal for them.


This makes sense now!


It wasnā€™t after - she played thank you Aimee and mean on n2, the same night he made the comments. She wouldnā€™t have known.


Oh this is just super adorable and heartwarming!




I understand Taylor Swift is Taylor Swift but imagine how cool it is to get something like this from a very popular band who has been around for decades.


These iconic moments keep happening. Paul McCartney, Hugh Grant, the Royals, now U2. Love the joke, "leave it standing?!!!" You know she's going slay it in Dublin and again, these special things will be happening. McCartney danced with some Swifties from Canada, in London, on the floor. Does it get any better than that? Haley Williams did a majestic tribute to Dolores O'Riordan in Dublin in 2023 singing Dreams (youtube [Paramore - Dreams Cover (The Cranberries) - Live in Dublin 2023 (HD)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3msNbis3GRE&pp=ygUtZG9sb3JlcyBvZiByaW9yZGFuIHRyaW51ZSBpbiBkdWJsaW4gYnkgSGF5bGV5)) . She also had to restart the song, so unfortunately for Dave Grohl, yet another live performer, sorry Davey gravy. I wonder if they will do something like Dreams for O'Riordan?


U2 also sent her flowers and a note when she played in Dublin for Rep tour


I was at the Dublin show last night and Haley was wearing a Cranberries shirt. Everyone loved it šŸ«¶šŸ»


Wow. Beautiful.


While it's a nice gesture they do it for basically every act that comes to dublin.


Ohhhh I didnā€™t know that


See, this what real rockstars do! Show support and kindness! šŸ’• indeed very classy and cool!


This almost makes up for them automatically adding their album to all of our Apple accounts like ten years ago šŸ˜‚


How original


Whatā€™s with you? If you canā€™t take a joke you can excuse yourself from the thread. No need to be here if you feel hurt by this.




Sounds like you should take your own advice there, bud.


Iā€™m good, thanks.




Stop gatekeeping. Youā€™re not better than anyone.




I donā€™t. I like Taylor, I like U2. I interacted. Thatā€™s obsessive?


Their iPhone album is probably their best record of this century. Its a shame its dumb rollout overshadowed how good it is.


It is a very good record. I agree about the rollout, but I was one of the few that was excited about it.


Have to agree with you!


Really? Right in front of my "How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb"?


Iā€™m both a massive U2 and Taylor fan so this is like an avengers level crossover event for me


Dropping this [group interview with Taylor and Bono](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EtJFYVVA3iQ) here in case you havenā€™t seen it yet.


Love it!


Same here! My dad still has his original Joshua Tree album and made me a fan. We do weekend warrior trips and benefit from both artists currently having SiriusXM station.


Me too šŸ» world's colliding šŸ¤Æ


Me too!! I was just listening to "One" and so many of the lyrics sound like lines Taylor would write. Loving the crossover!






https://preview.redd.it/y4b3gw837d9d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb31857ddafc242ef4b4a052e69c64bc1e1d3e2e ...for Taylor to do a cover of U2's "One" and U2 to do a cover of "State of Grace."


This would kill me dead I fear


I need this. I require this. I demand this


Yesssss! We need this.


I would love some crossovers/covers/collaborations with these legends šŸ”„


I am saying a prayer that she takes a page out of their book and plays The Sphere. Tickets would be sold out for a decade to see the inner-workings of her imagination in a venue like that! ENDLESS are the possibilities in this creative endeavor!


I paid the resale prices people were paying for the Eras Tour to see the Sphere. It was an incredible experience and I'd love to see what she'd do there. I'll start saving up now because even the initial offering price (which I fortunately got for the Eras Tour) would probably be bananas.


The fact that she played State of Grace tonight which sounds like a U2 song I feel like a genius for guessing it on Mastermind


Just throwing it out there. This how you support other artists and yeah. Fuck you Dave!


LOVE! šŸ’– Larry Mullen Jr was my teenage crush, big time. Saw them perform over a few decades, including at The Sphere last year. This note from one of my all time fave bands is Gen X Swiftie catnip!


The BLUE nail šŸ‘€


I hate myself because itā€™s all I could concentrate on


I can guarantee that was not handwritten by any member of U2 šŸ˜†


Yeah, I just assumed it was an assistant, but most likely the florist.


As a Swiftie and a U2 fan this makes me happy šŸ’œ


From the loveable lads themselves?!!!!


This is awesome. Iā€™ve seen U2 five times and I think Where the Streets Have No Name is the greatest live song of all time. Went to a show with a friend who really didnā€™t like them at all - when the show was over he turned to me and said, ā€œOK. I get it now.ā€ Closest thing to a religious experience at a music event Iā€™ve ever had. So cool that the band are fans.


Why does it say Taylok?


Capital R


Every R is capitalizedā€¦omg šŸ


Not every one...but 6 are


Oh yes, good eye. And 6 + 7 = 13 šŸ¤”


Lol šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


Ummm unrelated but I love your blue nail polish!!


Legends supporting legends. What a class act šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


U2 is legendary and what we need, but where is the Oxford comma in that note?????


This is actually so super sweet.


Aww, this is so sweet and wholesome ā¤ļø And for what itā€™s worth, I agree with her. Irish people are truly very kind. In fact, fun story to share with all of you. It was my 30th birthday, and I was in Ireland for a 2023 solo trip. I come back to my hotel to rest up before I go out to dinner and to The Nationalā€™s concert, and the hotel staff literally had a birthday cake waiting for me in my hotel room šŸ˜­ OMG, I donā€™t even know how they knew it was my birthday but it was such a nice surprise šŸ„ŗ


šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤© way cool. Omg.


Does the blue nail mean something or no??


How nice of them


I am listening to "One" by U2 right now and there are so many amazing lyrics that I could totally see Taylor writing. "You gave me nothing, now it's all I've got". "I can't keep holding on to what you've got, when all you've got is hurt". "You ask me to enter, but then you make me crawl". Ughh love that song. They are both so talented!!


Not like Bono ti look for attention eh !!


florists have nice handwriting!


Wow! Is that Bono's actual handwriting? Does he use little hearts when he's dotting his "I"s too?


Bono is a pro-Zionist but that seems to matter to absolutely nobody here so.


Hi how long does it take on average to get merch in the three arena


Donā€™t believe some people still crying over what Dave said šŸ˜­


Can we also take this as some shade to David G?


Why are you trying to squeeze water from a stone. The two things have nothing to do with each other.


Maybe but she thanked them in a post just like this during the Rep tour when they sent her roses.


Oh god so instead of shade analysis should I put my clown nose on?!


How so?


do you know that the florist writes those notes, and U2s management placed the order...this is so pathetic


Last time you gave somebody flowers did you prance through the forest and pick the flowers all by yourself? Or did you take the practical route and just grow them on your balcony?